2GOO5EFNSEI by WILLIAM J. MARTIN Aco FnanCal Servces Recent economie conditions have made home buying, if flot more difficuit, at least more subject to careful examination. Today 'd like to begin a dis- cussion of the subject. How much of a bouse can youù afford? As housing costs soar, it is difficuit to follow someof the traditional guide- lines. If you've been shopping, for a new house, you know how prîces have jumped. It costs about twice as much for a house now as it did some 20 years ago, for ex ample. standing rl of thumb is $ that be f able to afford a house costing about two to two and a haif limes your an- nual gross-income. If you earn $ 10,000 before taxes, let's say. you should be able to buy a house costing between $20,000 to $25,000. Another guideline is based on monthly payments. Your month- ly cost for mortgage payment and real estate taxes shou]d not exceed one week's gross in- corne. One big change is down pay- ment. It is taking more and more of a down -payment to move into a house that fits the formula. Next, some tips on home buying. Readers' questions are wel- corne and shîould he sent ta Box 5875, London, Ontario. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Rod Simpson, accomrpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson, Trenton, were guests at a silver wedding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cun- ningham, Leek, England; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, Trent River; Miss Evelyn Cunning- ha, Brantford, were visitors at the Pascoe home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bow- man visited Mr. and Mrs. Morley Gilroy, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton, Timmins, visited their daugh- ter, Mrs. Andy Beth, Mr. Beth and sons. There was a gathering in the church basement Saturday night for a presentation and a shower. NMr. and Mrs. Peter Schoon- .derbeek were pricsented with a ~.bed spread. Mrs. Herb Owen read the presentation address. Following was a miscellan- eous shower for Miss Corinne Schoonderbeek with Miss Lii- lian Lavender ýas hostess, asisted by Misses Bonnie and Nancy Wright. There was an abundant lunch and social time. We extend our good wishes to these young folk. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman took a carload of members of hier Sunday School to Lindsay, Sunday, to see the film, "Time to Run" which was presented in Cambridge United Church. There was a rather unusual occurrance here last week when Mr. Glenn Willson had his farmn house moved several rods to a new site. Bu r keton New Mr. C. Cooper, Orono, spent Frîday with Mrs. W. Bryan. A get well wish is «extended to Mrs. G. Bailey who is a patfient in Poirt Perry Hospnital tery, Blackstock. Mrs. Frank Holroyd Jr., Caesarea, called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and famîly. THE GRANADAA i (By Ford) 's COuMING.!- 5zptil wu 1 - ,tllulti bi,,n io wmnvii, epeMer11 17 You Just Can't SCHNEIDERS, "RED HOTS" Beat A&P Meut! "GREAT ON A GRILLV" WIENERS îLB 7 WIENERS VAC PAC 9 3c LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! HNEIDERS, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES 6-0Z COOKED MEATSAzPAC41< Chicken Winc Sausages "lPR Italian Sausai CottageRoIlS Lamb Chops, Side Ba-con Frozen Chicken Wings Chicken CUtidets Frozen Smelts GIBLETS OR LIVERS LB4 & 21ec lb LOWER THAN A YEAR AGOI1 OB K SX BRAND, STORE PACK, LB7 &y 27c lb LOWER TI4AN A YEAR AGO! I e XBRAND, HOT & SWEET LB7 8 ý ~~ e ~ (STORE PACK) E W TOWN CLUB, SETPICKLED, LB $1 ,08 "GREAT ON A GRILL!" IMPORTED, NEW ZEALAND LB TOWN CLUB -BVCP e 9 SLICED 1-L VA PA Meut s & Seafood GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN LB 89< LB 8W 2-LB PKG 89< Freezer Queen Sficed Beef & Gravy, -BPK i9 Freezer Queen Veal Parmaiiian $9 Bee Pttes TOWN CLUB, FROZEN 2- . 68K Be f atie REAT ON A GRILL!" 2-L 8K k ALI PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEEO EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 141h, 1974. FRESH PRODUCE FEATURES! ONTARIO, NEW-b CROP, NO. 1 GRADE CA R RO0TS! BAL 49 ONTARIO, WASHED, MINI GRADE POTATOES 10-lb bag ONTARIO GROWN PEPPER SQUASH 2 foi ONTARIO GROWN IEANS GREEN OR WAX I Dg59< 6b29< EXPLOSIVI SVINGS LIKE THESE £ I IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBisTy'S SPAGHâîliETTI SHIRRIFF - 7 FLAVOURS JELLY POWDERS CEREAL 1 NABISCO SHREDDII LILAC, PINK, WHITE, YELLOW ROYALE FACIAL tissu LIBBY'S, FANCY QUAIT" TOMATO JUICE DEEP BROWN IN TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH P( LIBBY'S BEANS VALLEY FARM, FROZEN, CHOICE1 F REN['mCH F R11ES FARMHOUSE, FROZEN, 5 VARIETIES Cream Pies 2 12-oz pies $1.000 Il VARIETIES9 Peek Frean Cookies 271/2-ozpks89< Action Priced IN TOMATO SAUCE (SAVE 1.ýc) HEINZ SPAGHnaETTI1 28-fil-oz tin3 ACTION PRICEDI 3 14-FL-OZ TINS$1 0 ACTION PRICEDI 5 3-OZ PKGS$ . 0 ACTION PRICEDI ES 2.M 18-OZ PKGS $1,00 ACTION PRICEDI UE333 SHES lES33 BOXES $00 ACTION PRICEDI 2. 48-FL-OZ TINS $1.00 ORK ACTION PRICEDI 2m 19-FL-OZ TINS $1 00 MARTINS Pure Apple Cider MOUTHWASH Colgate 100 POWDER ABC Detergent WHITE, YELLOW, PUMPKIN ACTION PRICED! 48-fI oz tn59< ACTION PRrCEDI 12-fi-oz bottie 89 ACTION PRICEDI 2-lb box 83 ACTION PRICEDI Towels FACELLE ROYALE pkg of 2 rlils 85 ORANGE PEKOE ACTION PRICEDI Red Rose Tea Bags pkg of 2$1.89 Action Priced! AYLMER CHOICE CUT oR DEANC WAXDL J 14-f1-oz in JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Pumpkin Pie Full 8-inch pie 79< JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR WHEAT (SAVE 10c) Twin Rolis Bro-n 'N Serve pkg of 11239W JANE PARKER SAVE 10c) Raisin1 Pie Full 8-incli pie 75< JANE PARKER, VANILLA (SAVE 4c) Macarooni Cup Cakes _ pkg of 6 5 5< JANE PARKER (SAVE 4c) English Fruit Cake 1-1b, g oz pkg 7W< JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Date Crunch 12-oz fOil tray 5 9< JANE PARKER, ORANGE OR CHOCOLATE (SAVE 10e) Chiffon- Cake 13-oz cake 75< JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Sweet Rolis JELLY TOPPED pkgof 869< JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Babka Coffee ae 16-oz cake 89< Action Pricedl 26-f1-oz botties PLUS BOTULE DEPOSIT 1~ GENERAL FOOD'S - 4 VARIETIES - HAMBURGER ACTION PRICEDI MEALMAERS37OZ PKGS$10 SKIPPY ACTION PRICEDI DOG (A FO D 8141/2-OZ TINS $1 .0 BEEF & LIVER OR FIS ACTION PRICEDI DR. ALL RD' CA FOD 425Và«OZ TINS $1,0 ELBOW MACARONI, SPAGHETIINI ACTION PRICEDI LIDO S'PAGHETTI 2L Ks $1.0 DETERGENT ACTION PRICEDI SAIt LIQUID NEILSON - FAMILY SIZE -1'5 VARIETIES CANDY BARS B RIGH T 'S DrinlkS 5 Flavours 6-7 Oz. Pouch 6 cP kg. FIRESIDE Marshmallows 2 16-oz cello pkgs $100 FILTER CIGARETTES - 20's OR 25's Export A Cigarettes «Oa"i $ 5.1 9 MA LING, WHOLE OR SLICED ACTION PRICED! Mushrooms 2 lo-fi-oz tins $1.00 BREAD & BUTTER ACTION PRICEDI York Pickles 2 24-f -oziars $1.00 Action Pricedf INSTANT COFFEE (SAVE 2-4c) A 24-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTLS $1 0 ACTION PRICEDI 313/2-OZ BARS $100 Chocolate, Buttersceîch,, Tapioca ACTION PRICEDI Puddings Dannon 8 4-oz cartons $1.00 CHOICE, PITTED A&P cherries MACARONI & CHEESE Kraft Dinner ACTION PRICEDI 2 14-fI-oz tins $1.00 4 7¼/-oz pkgs $1.00 CHERRY HILL, DANISH-6 VARIETIES ACTION PRICUDI Cheese Spreads 4-oz tub 39< Action Priced! WHITE, CHOCOLATE, DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE MIX 19-oz pkcg !5 9 4 7 I A&P, FANCY- 14-fl-or tins ACTION PRICEDI SUN SUEEFrenCnenrtdSe.orUnswetend 12V-FL-OZ TINS PARKEAR 6ý0% OR 100% WI4OLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT SLICED - BUY 3 LOAVES-SAVE lic SectionTwo The Canadian Stàtesman- B(iwmqnvilip .9anfami-li lû7A mi