12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 18, 1974 Best Year For Service Club The greatest year in Kiwanis' history. . . . As Inter national President William M. Eagles, M.D. lef t center) and Mrs. Eagles arrived at Chicagd's O'Hare Airport recently following a visit to Kiwanis clubs in the South Pacific and the Orient, they received a first copy of the 1974 Kiwanis directory from Kiwanis officials based in Chicago. The directory showed Kiwanis' membership and number, of clubs to' be at an ahl time high; the average age of the members at an ahl time how. Eagles character- szed this as indicative of the growing dçsire of people to serve, employing established service clubs for the purpose wherever possible. Presenting the booklet were Kiwanî-s Intern ational Secretary R. P. Merridew Clef t) anid Asso- ciate Secretary L. A. Hapgood. On Tuesday evening, Sept- ember 10, at the regular meeting of Fidelity Lodge A.F.A.M., Ancient Free and Accepted Missions of Canada and the Province of Ontario, Mr. Clarke Williams of Nestle- ton was presTcnted with bis regalia as a Grand Steward wbicb appointment be receiv- ed at the Annual communca- tion of Grand Lodge la July. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Williams on receiviag this well deserved higb Mas- onic honor as be bas been an active member of Masons for thepast fifty-four years.. On Wednesday evening, September 11, a birthday celebration was beld for David Elliot by is parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Carl Elliot, Leaskdale. Present were sister Kimberly, and gràndparents Mr. and Mrs . Harold Elliot, Leaskdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison, Nestleton. Congratu- lations David! Congratula- tions are also extended to Mr'. Donald Thompson, Nestieton wbose birthday was on the same day (September 11). Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers spent Wednesday to Sun- day with their daughter Mrs. Dorothy Chapman and family at North Bay. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier attended the Fall Fair at Lakefield wbere Mr. Sadler, was, once again, given the bonor of ýudging Light Hors Classes' . Litt le MissJennife-r Scott, of CoirbY- vil, rndaughter of "b-1 Sadlers, retu.raed home with them. Mr-. and Mrs. A. W. Brown, Osbawa, visîted on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mrs. Grant Thompsn)f Nestîcton and ber daughter Mrs. Neil Bailey, Blackstock, attended a family surprise party to honor ber cousin Dr. C.R.K. Jobnston of Beaverton, on bis -seventietb birthday. This was hosted by bis brother James in Toront on Saturday afternoon and evening. Friends will be înterested to know that Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Carnegie of Port Perry, spent Wednesday to Sunday in Ottawa attending a Scottish Rites Convention. On Sunday they were lunebeon guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Orval Hancock. Both Mrs. Carnegie (nee Laura MeGill) and Mrs. Hancock (nee Lorna McGiil) were former Manvers girls from Yelverton and Janetville and your correspondent is also a Manvers old-timer from Janetville. Sunday afternoon and even- ing dînner guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Lorne McKee were Mrs. Vera Fowler, Bowmanville, Mr-. and Mss. John McMillen, Tammy and Brent of Caesar- ea. Mrs. Gordon Cooledge of Caesarea, spent Monday, of last week, to Friday with ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Mor- ris and family at Seeley's Bay. Don Frew and sons, are heaving a sigh of relief as they isb their tobacco harvest ~.mg(Monday). Last year the early frost destroyed approximately ten kilns. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGill had a splendid crowd at their very successful farm acution at R.R. Janetville on Satur- day. The Ladies' Aid of Nestieton Presbyterian Chur- ch, wbo supplied coffee, bot dsae, t etc. report record saesastey were comphetely "lsold ouf" early lan the afternoon. Ms-. and Mrs. Norman Irvine, Bowmanville, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mi'. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. On Sunday afternoon Nestle- ton vs Janetville played at Janetville resulted la a win for Janetville. This is one game each in the tbree game playoff series. The next game will be at Nestieton, Sunday, Sept- ember 22. 'The dance sponsored by the iocai '".ll team on Saturday ETON brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Donaldson and baby and ber sister and husband Mr. and Mrs . Ricek Campbell in Lindsay. Sunday afternoonand even- ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fallis and boys, Bowmanville. Ladies from Nestieton Wo- men's Instutute attended the Workshop in Hampton on Monday 9 arn. - 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas, Lindsay vsltedi on Sunday with ber mother, Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Miss Ruth Proutt, Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and Mrs. Milton Fisher attended the Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary meeting on Monday. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and family in Lindsay. Preshyterian Ladies Aid Mrs. George Heaslip was the September hostess on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. for the regular meeting of the Ladies Aid. The President, Mrs. H. Visser, thanked the hostess, and welcomed the members pre- sent. The Hymn "O God our help in ages past," opened the meeting with Mrs. H. Lee as pianistfollowed by the Lord's Prayer.-1 Te devo tional was in charge of Mrs. H. Lee taken from the Daily Devotional Guide "The, Upper Room", reading Psalm 118 - verses 14-24, with the expia nation and prayer. The tbought for the day - "Today is an important moment in eternity for me." Minutes of July meeting were read by the Secretary- treasurer Miss Ruth Proutt, and adopted. Finances for the summer were reported, with an excellent return from the booth at the July auction sale. The recent purchase of a new lawn-mower had been paid for. The correspondence was read, including a thank-you note from Mrs. C. Briggs with a donation enclosed. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stan McNeely who have recently had bot water and a new sink and counter installed in the Sunday School Hall. Plans were discussed for the serving of food at the auction sale on Sept. l4th at Mr. and Mrs . Walter Magilîs, and also the special service, il arn., for Anniversary Sunday Ser- vice on September 22nd with special speaker and music. Lunch is to be served follow- ing the service, and letters of invitation have been mailed inviting ail interested in this special event marking the 129th Anniversary. Sonya con- gregation will meet with us. A deliclous lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Geo. Heaslip with Mrs. H. Lee assisting, and the appreciation was expressed hy Mrs. N. Johnstone. Sunday Services Presbyterian On Sunday morning Mr. Briany Fraser, the minister chose "The Biblical Plot" as the theme for bis message reading Acts 3:11-26. The Bible is used in many dif ferent ways. Often we lose sight of the fact that the Bible contains the witness of many genera- tions of God's loving activity in their lives. Originally many of the Biblical accounts were handed down from father to son. There was a living quality to them that we often lose sight of in the printed page. On Rally Sunday we shal try to recapture that in story and song for the children. Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Visser and Mr'. McNeely sang "Close to Thee. WHAT'S PO0N TY POO L Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright spent the, past week at their cottage on Chandos Lake. With themn for the week was Margaret's mother Mrs. Masters. The Junior Men's teama and friends were treated to a corn and weiner roast at the home of their coach, Jim McKee, on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradleýj were guests at the Driscolis, Peterborough, on Saturday afternoon following the marr- iage of their daugter ,Jill. p. Mrs. Loshaw, of Frankford, is presently visiting with ber daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zubowski. Mi'. and Mrs. Wayne Coch- rane entertained several of their friends Saturday night. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs on the arrival on Saturday of another granddaughter. Mr .. and Mrs. Jim McMullen were at their cottage on Chandos Lake for the past week. Weekend guests with them were Mr. and Mrs. Keith 53~ Mitchell (celebrating their, second honeymoon) and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilbank. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Turpin of Vancouver, B.C., have been visiting witb ber parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Chas. Best. Thev are flying home on Sunday and Mr. Best is returning with them. Mrs. Best is going to follow at a later date to spend the wmter in B.C. Two former Pontypool and area residents passed awa~ this week. Mrs. Zetta Poilai' 88 y r., who had been lnaa nursing home in -Newcastle for many years, passed away on Wednesday with burial from Bowmanville to Pontypool Cemetery on Friday. Mrs. PINK, WHITE, YELLOW - SAVE 22c E LEYBATHROOM PKG 0Fx &t 4 ROML HEINZ SPAGHETTI' 28 Oz. A & P v JA14E PARMER SLICED VIENNA BREAD JANE PARKER Golden Loalf CAKE JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWI ST Coffee Cake JANE PARKER, FROSTED Bail Donuts (SAVE 6c) JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) l0oz cake49<y JeIIy Donuts pkg of 6 5 9< (SAVE 6c) JANE PARKER (8UY 2 LOAVES - SAVE 19)c 14 oz cake 69< Raisin Bread 2 î6-oz loaves 99< (SAVE 6c) JANE PARKER, 2 Whiite or 1 White & 1 Wheat (SAVE 10c) pkg of 6 5 9< Brea SERVE ' pkg of t wo 8-oz boaves y5 DETERGENT POWDER BOLD Harold Thompson, -84 yr., formerly of R.R. 1, Pontypool, was, buried la Fallis' Ceme- tery on Monday., Mr. and Mrs. Sinopolis'son-in-law -passed away suddenly in Toronto this Sas t week. He was the usband of Maria Sinopoli and father of a small baby. Miss Marily Youngmaa is employed in the Toronto- Dominion Bank, Toronto St., Toronto. Mi'. and Mrs. Brian Fraser, Cobourg, were weekend guests witb the Fred Young- mans'. "Terry Stephenson is attend- ing Sur Sandford Fleming College, Peterborough. A double header between 1ACTION PRICEDI CHIVERS - 4 FLAVOURS 5-lb $109 PR boxsl,99JAMS Omemee and Pontypool was played in Pontypool on Sunday afternoon. Theý games were scheduled for 1 p.m. but because of the late arrivai of the umpires, it was 1: 45 before the first game got underway. Ponitypool took tPi game with score 4--3. Stinson pitched for Pontypool and Elliott for Omemee. Brown was Ponty- pool's leading batter with four out of five; Maughan had a homer for Omemee. The second game was won by Omemee with score 2-1. Hy- land pitched for* the home team, Reynolds for the visit- ors. Fisk did some outstanding fielding for Pontypool in this game. Morasse replaced Rich- CAKE MIXES, 8 Var., 9½-oz. ICING MIXES, 3 Var., 71/-z ( Â EE mL, 0 Ip..C aKE&Z re in Quultty! ACT 24-f 1-ozj tin i 9-f -oz jar JANE PARKER (BUY 2 PKGS - SAVE 11c) Snowf lake RoUis 2 pkgs of 1279< JANE PARKER - FULL 8-INCH PIE (SAVE iOc) Rhubarb-Apple Pie each 79< JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Lemon Pie Full 8- nch pie69< A ACTIO10N P RIC ED! WIHPORK IN TOMATO SAUCE OR MOLASSES 2TINSz179o ION PRICEDI ACTION PRICEDI 63< ardson at first because of a foot injury received in the first game. Next Sunday, another double-header is scbeduled to commence at 1 p.m. in Omemee's south bail field. Pontypool now leads this four out of seven series With two games to Omemee's one. Our local Pee-Wees were defeated in four straight games b y the Ops Pee-Wees. The final game ln the series was played on the George St. diamond, Lindsay, on Satur- day evening with gcore 9-7. The, Midgets are now wait- ing for Bethany and Cavan to finish the semi-finals before they meet the winners in the finals for the season. The local tobacco grower have been very fortunate th,, ear to have their cr ob' Sarvested before frost.Tý" acco harvesting on the Szczy- giel farm was completed last Wednesday, and the Fajt and J. Van Dams' crops will be in shortly. Mr, and Mrs. Andy Sutch,, Jr., purchased a village lot from John Allan and are now busy erecting a new home on the site. We understand that congra- tulations are to be extended to Miss Cathy Leslie and Don Tully,, for ILE. Weldon and London University class- mates, who became engaged over the past weekend. POUCH PACKS WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES 20c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! FRESH PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO ORKCHOPS N 9 to 1l Chops in a pkg No Centre Sfices Remoyed """-SH "c5PEC BOX-O-CH ICKEN 3 LEG QUARTERS 3, BREAST QUARTERS 3 WINGS 3 NECKS 3 GIBLET PACKAGES lb62~ SX BRAND, STORE PACK< Beef & Pork SUusage lb 78 SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES Cooked Meats 6-oz vac pac 42< TOWN CLUB, SLICED Side Bacon RINDLESS lb $.39 MIXES B059 KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER l1lb jar 79< ORANGE PEKOE SALADA TEA pkg.ofl20 b.gs$1.89 BOKARE OzJr19 CHICKEN CRISP-ReguIar, B.B.Q., Roasting ACTION PRICED! MONARCHCoa-ting Mixes ,6-oz pkg 39< PANTRY SHELF - PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS 2 10-loz tins 19e INSTANT CHOCOLATE MIX (Bon us Pack,30Oz. Free!)1 NESTLE'S QUIK 19 Oz. Carton Bdîç AIR FRESHENER - 5 FRAGRANCES AIR CARE 7-oz container 49< A &P SNACK i z CRACKERS Oz 5 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE TIIROUGH ) ACTION PRICED' k DETERGENT-B.uy one et Req. Price-Get one for12 price IVORY LIQUID 232-FL-01 PLSIC Pork and Bea ïns 28 Ozý Air--COOKED SMOKED HAMS SHANKBUll L PORTIoN 7 <PORTION 7< CENTRE CUTS OJR STEAKS lb $1.09 COUJNTRY STYLE Pork Spaure Ribs lb $118 SCHNEIDERS, Sausage OKTOBERFEST lb $1.19 SX BRAND Bologncs BY THE PIECE lb 44< "RED HOTS" SCHNEIDERS lb WIENERS 7 1 CUT INTO CHOPS & ROASTS PORK LOIN lb 99ý FREEZER CUT PRIDE 0F CANADA, SLICED CookCed Haâm 1 6-oz vac paCS 9-< GOLDEN SKILLET, HEAM AND SERVE Chicken Cutiets FROZEN lb 8 9< BULIC Beef Steakettes FROZEN lb 79< J Low Prkces with Absolutely No Compromisî ASSORTED COLOURS OR DECORATOR ACTION PRICEDI ARMOUR BRAND WHITE SWAN S7 9IRISH R BEEF pkg oTEW REGULAR OR POLISH DILLS ACTION PRICEDI 100% PURE, FROM CONCENTRATE ACTION PRICED! CO0R(O0%NA TIONà( %0 A&P FRESH 64-fi-oz btl PICKLES '32 -f-oz jar 5 7 ý ORANGE JUICE OJ< Jane Parker Baked Goods have that wenderful Home Baked Taste (BUY 2 LOAVES - SAVE 1 5c) JANE PARKER, SPICY, RAISIN RICH (SAVE 10c) I 24OZ MW79< SPANISH 1-ZCK LOVE J 'ýBAR CAKE 1-zCK 9 ACTION PRICEDI k PLUS BOTTIE DEPOSIT 326-FL-01 J ItS 79US Y ACTION PRICED! k HEINZ, FANCY TOATO JICE 3 1 -FL-S TINS7 9% ÀO l AW 1 y v Pl ,