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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1974, Section 2, p. 3

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 18, 1974, 3 Crown Miss Cable TV 1974 Divina Molinaro, 17, of Oshawa was recently crowned Miss Cable TV 1974. Presenting her with hier crown is AI Spencer, Marketing Manager of Cable. Miss Molinaro is currently attending Eastdale Collegiate 'n Oshawa and plans to travel through Europe next summer. As Ms able TV, she assisted at the County Town Carnival Trade Fair in Whitby and will be appearing throughout the next year on Cablecast 6 programs. She will also attend various, public functions on behaîf of Cable TV. Families E-scap"e Big City "Rat Rc"to Go-yEast Although real estate sales in Metropolitan Toronto dropped substantially, the volume of property transactions in the major cities and towns east of Metra reached a record la the first biaif of this year, accord- ing, ta Walter Frank of W. Frank Real Estate Limited, local Realtor. Mr. Frank reported that 3,647 properties were sold for $244,984,033 la the first haif of this year in the local munici- palities compared ta 3,968 sales for $165,500,325 la the first 6 months of last year. Mr. Frank, said that total' real estate transactions in Metropalitan Torônto would decline from the $1 .9 billion in volume recorded ini 1973 to Sabout $1.6 billion in 1974. He suggested that recor)!d ahigb isirtgage interest rates an a scarcity of land had caused the drastic decline in new residential construction and real estate sales. "The regian east of Metro between Pickering and Ca- bourg- will capture an additional $100 million in real estate business as more and more familles, priced out of the 'loronto market, move eastward." "The vacancy rate in Metro apartments is vîrtually nil and the average price of a new bouse is $75,000 with resales going for around $55,000," Mr. Frank said, "whereas com- parable homes in aur market ar-e availale at Up) ta $20,6000 IesS. 'We are experýienicing a land rush with small farmns andý country estates being snapped up as they came on the I uur sianding goal is to make pay- *'n¶ full withifi 5 working days Sm ycur cliwrit VL u'ually succeed. yure ît I-~ nsurarl. e on yw suim vR (j Safeco. OSBORNE éY kSHANK r iNSUIAN('E AG;ENCY LD PHON E 623-2527 108 Liberty St. N., Box 277, Bowinaaiville, Ont. LI C:ILI market." "Agricuitural property out here is seiling f or $ 1,000 ta, $3,000 per acre while raw land surrounding Metro is unavail- able at less than $10,000 per acre," Mr. Frank advised. The decentralization pro- cess is underway as more and more big city dwellers escape the "rat race" ta discover the amenities and country living. Mr. Frank said: "There is also more interest than ever before on the part of industrialists wishing ta locate, in this area of South Central Ontario, which is destined ta become the most dynamic region in the Province." To) con.plemnent this pattern of deceftràlization, I would anticipate miajor ameadments ta band Transfer and band Speculation Tax legisiation, introduced by the Ontario Government on April 9, which has brought new devlopment ta a standstill" Mr. Frank said. '"Otherwise, the Counties of Ontario, Durham, North- umberland, and possibly Vic- toria, wouid only serve as dormitory communities for the Toronto Economic Re- gion. " Mr. Frank recommended exemption from the laws for certain regions in the Pro- vince. H1e also recommended that the GO Transit service should beý extended eastward ta Cobourg, to provide the logical link-up for the towns and cities along the railway. ]KENDIAL The Kendal United Church Women held a special meeting in the Sunday School on Wednesday evening when there were ladies present fromn Orono, Kirby and New- tonville as guests. The speak- er for the evening was Mrs. Marilyn Martin, Second Vice- prsdn of the Oshawa Prs tral U.C.W. The pre- sident, Mrs. Downes, opened the meeting with a short pray- or. Mrs. Keith Wood, the or- g anist, led the singing. Miss Stwart introduced the speak- er, Mrs. Martin, who spoke on Stewardship Ail guests were welcamed. Following the meeting a social hour of feliowship was enjoy ed over lunch. The October meeting is ta be held at the home of Mrs. A. Low. Many from this area attend- ed Orono Fair on Friday and Saturday. The weather was perfect and a wonderful fair. Miss Catharine Stewart and Mrs. R. Elliott helped at the Inter-church Booth fromn 4-6 p.m. on Friday afternoon. Sorry ta report Mr. Roy Sleep is a patient in Bowman- ville Hospital alsu, Mr. Fred Winn who is recovering after surgery. Mr. and Mrs.,Elgar and son George of Windsor, have been staying at their summer home here this past few weeks. Her mother, Mrs. Norman Ther- tell, Toronto was with themn aver the weekend. Tuesday morninig of last week was back ta school for teachers and,,pupils. The changes in Kendal staff la- clude, Mr. D. Staples of Orono, taking the Grade 7 and 8's who will be moving into the new Senior Elementary school when it opens also, Miss V. Jabnston who is the new remedial teacher. Mr. Gardon Ferguson, the principal, has the room formerly taught by Mr. Ken McNeil. Mr. John McMullen spent the weekend with bis nephew, Mr. David Thrower. At cburcb Sunday morning, the choir sung, ."God Will Take Care of You" with Mrs. A. Foster at the organ. The Rev. G. Montgomery chose as his sermon, The Reality of Prayer. He stressed the value of prayer and its rewards. The Sunday sehool resumed Sun- day morning with a very good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Gosson and family recently attended the wedding of their neice, Miss Elise Hachey and Mr. William Sacks in St. John's Luthern Church in Hanover. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott were Mrs. Irene Richardson of Peter- borough, Mrs. J. Thompson of Millbrook on Saturday also, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Elliott and family of London on Sunday. There was a big turnout at the balîgame la Kendal Park on Sunday afternoan. The Kendal Royals are in the play off. They played Langton team il innings ta break the tie when Kendal finally won, They have yet another game ta play. Picket Charged A picket at the Goodyear Rubber and Tire pla nt at Bowmanvîlle will b6e sum- moned for wilful damage, Durham Regional Police re- ported. The surmmans arase out of an incident Wednesday after- noon when John A. Logel,'of Graf ton, tried ta drive his truck into the plant. Three pickets barred his way, palice said, and while the truck was stopped, a head light was broken. Police have not released the name of the man to be summoned. (Intended for Last Week Mr. and Mrs. David Morrow and Alexandra, Mr. Frank Castîe, Mrs. David Malcolm, Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Port Perry; Mrs. Clarence Avery, bindsay; Mr. Verdon Avery, Little Britain, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter boveridge, Joy and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Dan -McDo- nald, Mrs. Gwen Woodcock and, Robyn, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bartlett, Matthew Adam and Graham Paudash Lake are spending a few days with relatives and are staying with Mr. and Mrs. John Virtue and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman and Betty were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Youngman, Oshawa. 1Brenda Smith, Hampton, bas been visiting with the M. Yeo's for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. M. Yeo and Michelle, Brenda Smith visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. H. Bracken- bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon barmer, South Minna- gban. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colla- cutt and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodley and Mr. C. Woodly. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thies- burger, Gaît, were Saturday dinner ust f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thiebrger. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson visited his brother and family at Omemee on Sunday. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Harald Tri- vett,' West Hill spent the weekend with Mrs. Edna Wood and Jahn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron and Ruthann were Sunday supper guests. Master Darryl Vaneyk en- joyed showing his pony at Orana Fair., Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClure, Bushnell, Florida, have been visiting with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and other frîends. Miss Grace Smith was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardy, Oshawa, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott ane evening last week. Mrs. Murray Jacklin and family, Trentan, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stainton. Miss Mary Jewel and Mrs. Marion Marjerrison, Bow- manville, were Saturday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. borne Phare. Miss Flarence Gardener, Bowmanville, was a Sunday su Ner guest of Mrs. A. SMr. and Mrs. b. Hauber, Philadelphia, U.S.A., spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Edna Philp and Miss Jean Philp and they ail spent one day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Phasey Castleton at their cottage. Mrs. Pearl Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cavert, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Armstrong, Toronto, were recent visitors with Mrs. E. Philp and Miss Jean Philp. Mrs. Abrams has returned home following a three week holiday with her family a- round Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell and family, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan and boys, enjoyed visiting around the village of Lang Suniday afternoon. Mrs. Nena Smith, Buffalo, Mrs. Vera Hodgson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Virtue and Mr. Archie Virtue, Osha- wa, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer and Mrs. Grace Coch- rane, Orono, Mr. Miltons Vir-- tue, were Sunday supper guests following the Decora- tion Service at Bethesda Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Park and Bradlqy, Pontypool, were saturday sUpper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. The 4H unit got off ta a gaod start last Wednesday night with 16 members. The follow- ing officers were chosen, Pres - bois Yeo; Vice Pres - Wendy, Cornish; Treas - Betty Young- man and Press Reporters - Pat and Diane Woodley. As this year's unit is called World's Food in Canada "they tried out two pioneer recipes, namely, "Succotash" and "Rasberry Buckle." They plan ta pick their own name at their next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. David Craig and family attended the trous- seau tea for Miss Ann Hilîs at the home of her parents, Mr.a and Mrs. Wesley His,' Solina, Saturclay atternoon. son entertained a number of their neighbours, friends and family at a corn roast, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Perfect, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClure, Busheil, Florida, were Wed- nesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton. Misses Marjorie and Elleen Couch and Mrs. George White, Bowmanville and Mrs. A. J. Hoar attended a get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Down Sunderland for Mr. and Mrs. B. Randie, nee Edith White, England. Mr. and Mrs.- Tom Hoar, Pontypool; Mrs. Kathy Harm~- er and Miss Louise Hoar, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar. The Taylor family held a get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor, Sunday afternoon after Deco- ration Services at Bethesda Cemetery. The Brent and Gable fami- lies, with their horses and G. Cornish with his Hereford Cattle, had very successful .howings at Orono and Ux- bridge faîl fairs. The G. Brent family attend- ed the Annis family picnic at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, Sun- day afterrioon. W and Mrs. David Brent, bondon spent the weekend with hîs parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent and accompanied them to Orono Fair. OPP Report Tip - "ýDangerous Pedestrian Ages"' Drivers!1 Remember.. Young chfldren - five and un- der, school children, and older people - our senior citizeps; are in the age groups Most likely to be invol ved 'in pedestrian traffic accidents. You can offset these dangers by extra care and caution, whenever you drive, keeD dur young children and older peo- pie in mid, and you'1l be do- rng your part ta help keep them out of accidents. ISANKER 15 A FELLOW WHO LENDS YOU MIS UMIRÉILA WHEN-THE SUN 15 SHINING AND WVANTS Il IACK WHEN IlT AINS BYAM PLUMUDING & HEATIL«q and AIR CONDITIONI1NG TYRONE, ONTAR 0OAtm Phone 263-2650 Guarntee Sati actio ffle& SAVINGS >15%«IGuarantee 0f Satisfaction ln the event the Merchondise you purchose fromn Cherney's is flot in good condition when received, or as represented, Chemney's hereby guarontee to repoir if, replace i t, or ac cep t i ts re tum fora full refund. Guarantee 0f Savings S We Guarantee that our prices are the LOWEST onywhere in this aica . If you con Spurchase the identical article with identicol services for a lesser price anytime with- in 10 days after your purchase, Cherney's will refund f0 y0u any difference in the M N à purchase price, plus 10% of thct di fference . Cherney's wilI nof knowingly be undersold. *Subjecttf0 manufacfurers warranty where applicable. President We guîarantee yomuthIu owest prices onbrand n ame home frnshng anid w e put it in writing Have you noticed how prices in most home furnishings stores go up and With that kind of written price protection and aur Everyday Law Prices, yau down like a yo-yo? The ads scream "One-Day SaIe"..."7 Hour Sale"... don't have ta worry about what day of the week yau shap here ta get the Week-End Sale " best value., Our prices stay the same Manday thraugh Saturday, week in, week out. At Cherney's we have one sale. It runs ail year long. Ali our prices are Every- day Low Prices. We believe you ought ta be able ta buy brand name home Another thin g that's part of aur guarantee-in-wériting lis yeur satisfaction. furnishings at the lowest possible prices when they're convenient ta you, flot Which means that in the event the merchandise yau purchase from Cherney's ta us. And that's why we give you a written/guarantee on price with every is not in good condition, or as represented, Cherney's quarantee ta repair it, piece of brand name merchandise we selI., replace it, or accept its return for a full refund. <Sublect ta manufacturer's warranty where applicable.) The guarantee we give you says, -We guarantee that auïr prices are the lowest anywhere in this area. If you can purchase the identicai article with identical When you buy home furnishings, it really is possible tau"have your cake and services for a lesser price anytime within 10 days of youi purchase, Cherney's eat it too " That's what Cherney's is ail about. will refund ta you any difference on the purchase price, plus 10% of that difference." CÀOherney. zî Salacentre Highway 20Pposite Whitby Mal-579-2660-Shop Monday to Friday l0amto 9-30pm, Saturday 9tii6

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