The Canadian Statesmalýn, Bowmanville, October 9,1974 Section I'wo Zion (Hope Township ville, were vis iting relatives a u eUtn w u I sw n.Octobe Roseberry Hill, last Sunday. ,,uz ea erVlu s n w inor to stock Mr. red abywho is stil! eonfined to the Port Hope and District Hospital. Mrs. Viola Germond, Oýýh- awa, and Mrs. Zoe Laton- dresse, Waubaushene, spenit a day- recently with Mr. an-d Mrs. Chas Meneilley. Mr. John Meneilley, Belle- ville, with bis parents, ino- tored to Orillia Tuesday of last week and spent the day with John Meneilley Sr. and Uami- 'y. The construction work on the new. homes being built on the East side of the Zion Road is going ahead rapidly after eRsoe niesnra betîg heing at a standstill for several days. *Gives better eninelç iiiiiat- performance . . O t of the PRILLSIGOL M ouths of HVOE& NTAFrn Babe by EP ,Chant'16 A16CI&8.\V Although I don't have aniy tbîng agaînst Egypt, GreéceR ducd or Rome, I find, the most FORD CUJSTOM, GALAXIE, LTD .5Fo interestîng ancient civiliza 5 G0h/ tion, and, even at present the 16 4AlVB32 5.t most mnterestîng nation i4, the 390 ana 400 engines 34 -% world, to be China.u idSC A E Wbîle most of the world was AMR-OOS7 4, 6 -Cyl. 2.49 2.24 stîll vegetation with the occa- SAVE 10% ON MANY OTHER POPLJLAR MAKES AND MODELS sional caveman here innd there, tbe Chinese were in........ bouses, wbich together for- ed walled citlies. The sheer fact that it was the Chinese wbo built the first domicile,To- one of today's most taken-for- u e/sts granted necessities, is, in p. itself, a tribute to the-Iirone ingenuity. ns Meanwbile, tbrough mnany ,t years of either researcli ore simply a discovery, tbe Orient gave us a few things thiat we dont recognîze as being Chinese. Such commoditi fýs asA coal, gun powder, and paperU/ (and subsequently, a form of z printing). Just tink, withoutV paper you wouldn'til be reading bow the Chineinv.;E mentd it0 o ffj and my typewriter wou!d be totally uLseless~ As' the Chinesýe soceit developed, tbey soon tigot afe ethics to belp guide thein. Perhaps tbe greatest piloso- pher (ever) was C1hinese 0f. B course, 1 speak of Copcis Tbe philosophies of Confuý,cius f are among tbe most relev ant, flot only to bis _own ancientk time period, but to our ow10 present period. In a niutshell, 'Il j,/ Confucius taught - "Do not do kw to others what you do not wý,ishM donc toyou." This train of tbougbt, of peace, plus thie methods of meditatinto seekSP internal pene is wharChnes pblspyis a.Ilabout. Basic- X e ayif wýeare nîfl t pea1e wiith f(!ie(o Ul A. KY. 1'VMîVE c E. RG Top Oý it dValveliuue was born (551 B.C.) a ioch REG. 35e--Desîgned to make new nîe bti pee n moe nlunia mncae REG. L,. REG. 6 9 REG. run srnoother Reduces knock__ upon the Cinese scee 563m B.J isamwaGata? , and $2.34 19985e $ ~69ai-d pîngin older engines. Fice (Sakyamruni) Buddha (" the v1lvs9an4l6fers. ave ow1 Enlibteed".11etauht -A dan ilte stli- Tests shorts in 6 and 12-volt "P nful life is caused by Replace clogged valve for peet desýýire. End desîre to end painbcteergeprfma e ing, allows better engine wiring and bulbs. Finds in life. " From bis name cQmes pefomace Foemoi lie'wiesforacesenta-orEn inaC ndtine the name of the religion that For most popular cars. peropu ac. Fo st iewrsfracsntl HEtieC nd in bas blossomed from bis teach- ouacrs lation.mlte ofe vle n ings, Buddhism. This is the RG 9 omltd1 revle n fflargest religion in the FE uvrU iiI~L~l rings; rernove carbons ai-d sludge world, closely fllowing the B.ARC E N Ru IML-~while you drive. Just one L religion wbicb was spawned does ibD.FUELtrickF..T20NGoz.H by Confucius' teacbings (304, catiTUED thDtric.IIATflD06 595,000 to 301, 436,000 - thanks BRE fl EGL ATLIuâ'RREG. to the 1972 World Almanac). Perbapsthe most recognize- 1 9 *752 .9 J thiII " IthVave Lifter 'Ol Aid strange eastern nation is the $ 1.49$16 f 49Lights wt powerful flash. REG. 99e--Contaîns addi tives to boîster famous Great Wall. This ' For 6 12, 24, 32-volt' l ep rvn tcy (from Guinness' Book of nneo World Records) wall is the A clogged breather reduces Can be spliced into gas line. systems. With adapter. clattering hydraulie lifiers. world's longest: il is 1,G84 NcsserefcicvChoefiih11-2-ot resikyale.4o..7 miles long, 15 to,39 feet bigh, IV yti fiinv hoe ns.10 2-ot re tcyvle.1-z 7 and up to 32 feet tbick. It \vasSP CA !1-O T LE RI completed during the reign 0of rE P".12V L E E Sbib Iluang-ti (246-21013.C.) for the purpose of keepin J barbarian invaders from thle . north from entering China.-tj. RO T S I L also bappened to be tbe most1 - I ' industrial power as compared fa~. or garage.I she would be far and away the front or rear. Reg. .33 Apply foro ta ntdSae rRsi, patc* ~ iiii:i i; ~DIEAMRE domninant power on eartb. $3.95 Pair. Canadian Tire RV W YM KE _____________STAINLESS S.EELUMINI.GAD'RE T 36" Marker has metal post wîth bî11 George c arsR lI0Pitf r. ARn 5S1 IPT E31/4"R 3 reflector in your'choice 'Ai e. .0 ai.of red or amber.O Bylev eni R.- W.JOHNSON ENTERPRISES'LIMITED General Insurance vive and Automobile 160 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623--2518__________________ Insurance Contact:STR MONDAY 8:030 ai.m. f0 6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY 8:030 a.m. t f0 600p.m. FRIDAY 8:030 ai. m. to 900 pm 623-3958 or62-500HOC)URS TUESDAY 8:030 aI.m. f0 6:00 p.m. THURSDAY 8:0-am- to 6:00 P-.M- SATURDAY 8:030 a.m f0600pm