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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1974, p. 9

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The Canadian Statesman, JI 111K? Bowmanville, October 16, 1974 DEADLINE FOR~ Tues., 4:30 p.m. DAWSON - Brian and Neida (nee Gouid) are pieased to announce the birth of a daughter, Vanessa Catherine, born September l7th, 1974. 42-1 FINNEY -Glan and-Jackie. Angela Merrier, 4 lbs. 12 ozs. Born Sept. 9, 1974. Grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Knight. Great grandiparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knight. 42-1 JACKSON - Sherry-Lynn wishes to announce the safe arrivaI of her sister, Sandra Ann. Born at Bowmanviiie, Oct. 4, 1974, weighing 9 lbs. Proud parents are Art and Linda. Proud grandparents, Keith and Hilda Jackson. Special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie and Dr. John Rundie, and maternity staff. Thanks ta dad and mom, but where is my baby brother. 42-lx SUTHERLAND - Ken and Lindla <nea Whitney) are happy to announce the arrivai of a littie sister for Vance, Marcy Lynn, arrived October 7th, 1974 weighing 8 lbs. 6 ozs. First granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whitney, R.R. 1, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. William McCaskie, R.R. 5, Bancroft. Many thanks ta Drs. Westgarth, J. Rundie and maternity staff, Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 42-1 WATSON - Rager and Linda (nee Muttan) are very pleased ta announce the arrivai of their 8 lbs. 14 oz. son, David William, on Oct. 3, 1974. A brother for Wendy, Kimberly and Jennîfer, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Mutton, Bowimanvilie and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Watson, Peterborough. 42-1 Mýr. and Mrs. William Demeter, of Maple Grave, announce the engagement with pleasure of their second daughter, Debra Joanne, to Rick Edward Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Morrison of Oshawa. Wedding plans announced at a later date. 42-1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Maple Grave, are pieased ta announce the engagement of their younigest' daughter, Therese Elaine, to Williamr Norman, youngest sonj of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howell, of Biackstock. 42-ix Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hannan of Bowmanviiie are happy ta announce the forth- caming marriage of their daughter, Kim LeeAnne, ta Fraser Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of Oshawa. The wedding will take place at 7:00 p.m. on the lSth of Nov., 1974 at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Bowmanville. ______42-1 The family of Lila and Tom Graham would like ta wel- came friends, relatives and neighbors ta visit them on the occasion of their 4th wedding anniversary, 2-4 and 7-9 on Sunday, Oct. 27, 1974, at the Nightingale Centennial Hall, Bowmanville. 42-ix Mr. and Mrs. Sid Luxton and famnily will be' pleased ta receive friends, relatives and neighbors on October 26th tram 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Memorial Park Club House, Bowmanviile on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Annilver- sary. Best Wishes Only. 42-2 Jack and Dorothy Bridger will be at home ta relatives, friends and neighbors on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, 2- 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 20, 1974 at the Nightingale Centennial Hall, Bowmanville. 41-2 TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. A. Grace, cordially invites friands, relatives and neighbors ta attend a trous- seau tea in honor of her daughtem Linda, on Saturday, October 19, 2-4 p.m. at their home, 19 Fiett St. 42 lx SAMIS, Hazel L.- At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- villa, on Tues., Oct. 15,_1974, Hazel Emmerson of 45 Car- lisle Ave., in her 77th year. Baloved wife of Clifford Samis, dear mother of Jack, of Bancroft. Rasting at the Northcutt Eliott Funeral Home tram Wednasday after- noan. Funeral service 2 o'clock, Thursday atternoon. Interment Orono Cemtery. 42-1 F Iowers ('('jsay i ~\I~Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery ta ... Oshawja - Bowmanviîle Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf PEIHL, Esther - Suddenly as a resuit of an accident on Monday, Oct. 14, 1974, Esther Peihi of Fort Erie, Ont. aged 18 years. Rested at the Northcutt Eiliott Funerai Home until Tues. noon, then to Davison Funerai Home, Fort Erie, for service and inter- ment. 42-1 SLEEP-At Memorial Hospi- tai, Bowmanvilie, on Satur- day, October 12th, 1974, Roy Sleep, Kendal, aged 77 years, dear brother of Isabel la (Mrs. Norman Therteil), Toronto and Helen (Mrs. Glen Kerby), London. Service was held in ffhe Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday 3t 1:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 42-1 SOUTHEY, Mary Campbelli At Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, Oct. 13, 1974, Mary Campbell Strange, widow of Edmund Charles Clay Southey beloved mother of James Southey of Toronto, Mary (Mrs. J. P. McCarter) of Oakville and the late Sara Ogden Southey. Rested at the Mcl1 ntosh -Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King St. E. Service was held in St. John's Angli- cçan Church, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Ce- metery. 42-1 WILCOX, Mary Gertrude At Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, on Thursday, Oct. 10, 1974, Gertrude Goodman of 55 Liberty Street S., in her 75th year. Beloved wife of Thomas Milton Wilcox. Dear mother of Gordon. Rested at the North- cutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service was Saturday afternoon. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 42-I BATES - i.n ioving memory of our friend, Millie, who passed away Oct. 15, 1969.' You are not forgotten, Millie Nor wili you ever be, As long as life and memory ast, We will remember thee. -Ab and Anne. 42-1 BATES, Millie - In loving mnemory of Millie, a dear friend. 11 "Neyer to be forgotten." - Nellie. 42-1 FREEMAN - n loving me- mory of a dear husband and fafther who passed away Oct. l8th, 1973. - Sadly missed by wife, Lola and family, aiso sister and brother-in-law. 42-1 JONES, Nellie - In Ioving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Neilie, who pas- sed away Oct. 20, 1970. - Ever remembered by Christine, Harvey and family. 42-1 MOORE, Mamie L. - n ioving memory of our dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, who pas- sed away'Oct. 18, 1973. Oh happy hours we once en joyed, How sweet their memories sti l, But death has attf a Ione iness, The world can neyerfi. - Sadiy missed by daughter Kathryn,, Bill and family. 42-1 SEVERN- In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Elsie, who passed away Oct. lSth, 1969. Though your smile has gone forever, And your hand we cannot touch, We have so many memories, 0f you Mother, we loved sa much. - Ever remembered by the famîly. 42-ix Wa wish to thank our relatives, friands and neigh- bours for their gifts, cards, flowers and donations on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary. A speciai thanks to our family. It was a I would like ta thank my relatives'and friands for their cards, flowers ancd gaod wish- as. Thanks ta my goad neighbars for their kind daeds, dri ng my stay in haspital. Ta Dm. H. B. Rundie, and nurses on floor 1 and 3 of Memarial Hospital, Bawmanville. Hamvey A. Hardy 42-lx The family of the lata Mm. Ban Fowler, wouid like ta thank relatives, neighbours for the cards and help during aur sad loss. Special thanks ta Memorial Hospital, Oshawa Generai Hospital intensive came unit, Dr. Cumnmings, Rav. Giichrist, Morris Fune- mal Chapel, alsa Legian La- dies' Aux. who prepared and catered the lunch, also L.O.B.A. 1291 and contribu- tions ta Ontario Heart Foun- dation and sincere thanks ta the two officars wha directad trafflc for the funeaa proces- sion oin Wednesday atternoon Oct. 9th. Your thoughtfulness wasgreatly appraciated. MVIrs. Fowlar and famuly 42-1 x A sIncere thank yau ta all those who made aur 25th weddlng anniversary such a happy occasion. Harold and Ellean McLaughlin 42-1 our famiiy for the lovely surprise party; to ail our friends and former neighbors of Yeiverton for the beautiful present, fiowers and lovely cards ail of which made our 40th anniversary s0 succass- fu.Frank and Elizabeth Giasbergen, Orono 42-1 My sincere thanks f0 Me- morial Hospital third floor staff and. Dr. Mosienko and Dr. Anfossi for their heiptul care. Aiso to friends and relatives for their visits with beautiful flowers :and cards during my stay in the hospital and since returnîng- home, very speciai thanks to the Heather Rebecca Lodge. Carol Farrow 42-1 Jessie and John Slemon wish f0 thank ail their friends for their many kindnassas and good 'wishes during John's iliness. 42-1 i wish to thank friends, relatives and neighbours for the many cards, visits and gifts raceived during my recent stay in hospital and since raturning home. Special thanks to members of Bethany U.C.W., Rev. G. Ficko, attend- ing physicians and staff of 3rd floor, St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough. Gladis McMahon The Durham N.D.P. Riding Association wishas to thank all those who assisted with and attended the Mini-caucus meetings and the Auction Sale hald during the weekend of September 27, 1974. 42-1 Alice, Jack and children greatly appreciate the thoughtfuiness and kindness shown during my stay in Mamorial Hospital, our com- munity of, Salem Sunday School, U.C.W., Rev. Scha- merhorn, neighbors, Mrs. B. Cochrane for her help, friands and relatives for visits, flo- wers, gifts and fruits, Dr. Siemon and the wonderful nurses on floor 1. God Biess Them AIl. Alice Burgess 42-1 The family of the late George H. Sparrow, wish to thank their relatives, friands and neighbours for their many acts of kindne-ss. A very special fliank.>you to Dr. H. Ferguson, Dr. H. B. Rund'e and the Northcutt ElHoitt Funeral Home. 42-lx Djance, Sat., ffOctober 19, Legian Hall, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music by Silhouettes. Admis. sion $400 par couple. Sponsor- ed by Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion, Bowman- ville. 41-2 Euchre Party, Newtoniville Hall, Friday, Oct. 18, 8:15. Ladies bring lunch, everybody welcome. 42-1 Two piano recitals by Lau- rence and Anne Morton, assisted by Barbara Louise Morton, violinist, Newcastle Community Hall, Thurs., Nov. 7, 8 p.m. Sponsored by Newcastle United Church. Tickets - Aduits $3 - Students $2. Phone David Rickard 987-4290. 42-1 Newcastle United Church Turkey Supper, Satujrday, Nov. 9. Admission $3.00 for adults, $2.00 for children under 12. Sittings at 5, 6 and 7 o'clock. For tickets cail Mrs. A. Pearce 987-4593. 42-1 Turkey supper, Pontypool United Church, Friday, Oct. 25th commencing at 5 p.m. Aduits $2.75, 12 and under $1 .50. Preschoolers free. Films following. 42-2 St. Jaseph's Catholic Wo- men's League Beef Faîl Sup- par. Sun., Oct. 27. Serving 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. St. Joseph's Auditorium. Aduits $3.25. Children 12 and undar $1.25. Advance tickets only. 42-2 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY - 7:45 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 30-tf Disc-A-Tone - Excellent variety of recorded dance music foijaII occasions. Frank Trul 723-8248 38-4 Salvation Army Home Lea- Sue Fail Tea and Baka Sale. riday, October 25th, 2 ta 4 p.m., at the Citadel. 42-2x Baka sale spansored by the Mothers' Group, 3rd Brownies and lst Guide companies. Hald at Clittcrest Cleaners, Oct. 18, 1974, 10Oa.m. - 12 noan. 42-1 Tyrona LOCB.A. 1244 Eu- chre Party and Penny Sala, Tyrone Hall, Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. Admission 50 cents. Lunch wili be served, and Penny Sale tickets can be baught tram ail members. 42-1 Courtice United Church Ba- zaar, Saturday, October 19, tram 10:30 a.m. ta 2:30 p.m. A good variety of items for sale. Came and begin your Christ- mas shopping early. 42-1 Rummage sale on Oct. 25th, 1974 ftram 7: 30 ta 9: 30 at Knox Christian School, Scugog Rd. Came and sea aur wares. 42-2 Osaca Barn Dance (couples aniy) every Saturday night, Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 37-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. REDBARN - WAYNEST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Bawmanville Public Lib- mary Childmen's Story Hour, wiil commence Sat., Oct. 19 at 10:30 with films. Pre-school and aider children welcome. 41-2 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY- 7:45 P.M. Sponsomed by Oshawa Minor SoftIball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 30 tf Wanted! New members for business girls' curling, Bow- manville Country Club, every Wednesday evening, 7- 9 p.m. Cali C. Ormiston 623-5047 or Bowmanville Country Club 623-2670. 41-2 Escorted Tours October 20,. 1974 Brantford, Bell Telephone Display and Dundurin Castle., October 27, 1974 Royal Ontario Museum, Chinese Display. -October 30, 1974 Hadassah Bazzar Novernbr 213, 1974 Jack Miner's anld Ford Museum Nov. 9-15-17, 1974 [ce Capades Sunshine Party Tours Box 214, Port Hope 885-2200 or 372-9961 41-2 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE BOB, GWEN ANDTHE COUNTRY GEMS Fni.-Sat., Oct. 18-19 Dancing 9-1 42-1 BINGO' NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, Oct. 22nd. Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 IN PRIZES PLUS $500 JACK POT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS, Attention al1 Vetera ns Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legiar is having a dinner on Saturday, Nov.9 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $3.00 and can be picked up at Legion Hall or contact: Ennie Perfect 623-2287 ROTARY BOOK, SALE Hardback and Paperback Books Frn., Octo ber 25 9 a.m. - 9p.m. Sat., October 26 ~a.m. pm. 33 KING5E AST Anyone wishing ta danate books, please contact Don Morris, George Vice or any Rotarian. 42-3 ONE Only Rambler trailer, '74 new, 13 foot, megular $2,355, ta clear $1,895. laeps 4, has efrigeator, toilet and stove.' Weighs oniy 1350. Newcastle Trailar Park and Sales 987- 5131. 102 MASS EY-Harris Tractor, power lift snow plow blade, with cab. Phone 263-2627. 42-1 30 GALLON hot water heater, good condition, $15. Phone 983-5154 Orono. 42-ix APPROX. 600 bales of hay, 1 mile north of Hwy. 2 on Solina Rd. Phone 723-3270. 42-1 MacINTOSH apples by the bushel, hand picked, 37 Pros- pect St. after 4, bring contain- er. 42-1 FARM machinery- Massey tractor, modal 81; PTO mow- er; three point cultivator; disc; drag plow; patato diggar and hog pen. Phone 263-8016. ANTIQUE vanîty-dask, par- celain casters, ail brass fit- tings. Phone 623-3198. 42-1 LINED drapes, 100" by 95", orange and gold, $60. Pair of Datsun or Toyota snow tires and rims 600 by 13 w-w, $55. Two pair skies and poles, 40" length,$8a pair, likenew. Caîl atter 5 Tel. 623-4864. 42-1 x GARAGE sale, 26th,0f Octo- ber, saiiboat, furniture, cloth- ing, nick nacks, children's swing set, etc. Apply 156 Church St. (next to Canadian Tire). 42-1 ONE antique bras bed, dou- ble, phone 98.7-4434, 42- lx 300 BALES 0f baled barley straw, at Kendal, cheap. Phone 1-797-2333. 42-2 DRESSERS, bed chesterfield, and chair, 3 piece apartment sized chrome suite, dressing table and bench, 2 10-spead bicycles, odd chairs and tables. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 42-1 MIXED oats for sale. Phone 263-2159. 42-1 100 LEGHORN hens, $1.00 each. 8 x 12 truck platform, $125. Approx. 40 tons grain corn. 986-5088. 42-1 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -RF PAIRED- Parts available for most anti. que dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watches and dlocks. Our repairs are dane with modemn up-to-date equipment and qualitied Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf NEED A nPRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 9 Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 MacINTOSH Appies- Sec- onds. $250 a bushel. Bring own container. Cail aftem 5 p.m. No Sunday sales. Wm. 42-4 Feddema 623-4835. 40-4 SKI FAR1- BAN FF343.00 Per Person March 2 -9, 1975 Your Ski Week Includes: -Retumn airfara to Calgary. -Motor coach transportation from Calgary airport ta hotel and retumn. -Ski lift tickets for 6 days. -7 nights superior accommodation at Banff Springs Hotel. -Motorcoach transfers ta and from hotel and ski area. BOOK EARLY- LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE!! Pick up your free copy of our skiing guide in aur office and get a head start on your exercises. Durham Liberal Association NOVEMBER DANCE Newcastle Community Hall FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH Music by Ted Koss and His Cavaliers advance tickets only, may be purchased from any Liberal Party Municipal Chairman. $3.00 per person. 42-2 WHITE'S jTV ANTE NNAS STowes,U HF, VH F S Aarials, Rot ors & *Repairs SApartments & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantea SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV Y1 Antennas « &TowersIM ROTORS INSTALLE[ UHF - VHF - Colorad Aer Apts. and Homes Pre-Wii REPAIRS Workmanship Guarante Ail priced f0 SAVE you M( Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANA( INSTALL AN Q ~F UR NACI HUMIDIFII U or HOT WA1 H EATE F No Payments for Six Moi CALL HARVEY PARINER Your ESSO Service Dea FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith,14620 24 Hour ServicE oeblejr oebleir YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT BI Pine Ridge Cable TV Lin 1353 King Street, Easý Oshawa, Ont. (416) 579-2 D ialis med ed ýoney - s * STRAW for sale. Cali 723-1308 42-1 SEAFOAM two piece chas- tertield in qood condition. Phone 623-3913. 42-1lx SCRAP paper bargains. We have a reai bargain in scrap papar for you. Alil, sizes, shapes and calors in bundies 0f 50 cents and $1.00. Great for drawings, ieaving messages, Sroup cratt work, etc. The tatesman office. 42-tf THRIFT -SHOP- 32 King West, at rear. We sali on consigniment, furniture, appli- ances, bikes, skates, rugs, etc. For information cali 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereo's. and also used furniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf GER GARAGE SALE 38-tf Rea r of 94 Liberty St. North Sat., October l9th Many items includling aid trailar, phonograph, antique E chastemfiald. 10:00 a.m. Io 6:00Op.m. ER 421x TER iths New Furniture Bargain Smaath Top Mattress $29.90 2 Piece Chesterfieids der $158.80 39" Continental Beds $64.80 Bunk Beds $139 .90 End and Coffea Tables $9.90 Each eOPEN 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. 41 -tt DAILY - Blake's Northend Furniture 1670 Simcoe N. aboya Taunton RdI. Phone 576-4477 42-lx MIXED dry hardwood for furnace or tireplace. Cut 18 inches long. Twenty dollars a IUY single cord. Seventy dollars a bush cord. Deiivered. Ivan Mauntjoy 986-4737. 41 -tf nited 4-tf MIXED firewood for sale, delivered. Phone 728-2410. 41-2 USED Fumniture, and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf RED -Claver. Now buying good- claver. Order -your 1975 seed corn now as it appears that 1975 eariy seed will be sold out by November. Will now take orders for 1975 seed grain, grass and hay. Lawn seed stili in good suppiy. Cali Swain, Seed Dealers 986-4331. 4 1-4 %OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY Washed Sand - GraveI and Stone Limestone Products AIl Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 1725-0232 81 RICHMOND ST. W., OSHAWA AP1i APPLE PICKERS AND GEMI WANTI Canaida Farm 1 53 Albart St., Cobc 416-372- 14A Young St., Bric 613-475- 123 King St. E., Bownr 416-623- Nursing Home Opening RNA's and Nursing Aide's raquired ail shifts, Good prospect for future advancement for qualified personnel. Phone 987-4252 42-1 Building Maintenance Foremnan R. M. Hollingshead needs a respnnsible person to supervise operation of plant maintenance and building maintenance prevantion pro- g ram. Knowledge of steam pres- sure boilers, compressors, sprinkler systems and good background in overai plant maintenance. Are you that person? If s0 you will be rasponsible for the maintenance of equip. ment in Canada's leading chemnical plant., R. M. Hollingshed pays salary, insurance, sick leave, holidays with pay and other benefits, but most important is being a part of Hollingshaad -a growing national com- pany, progressive, people oni ented, aiming at No. 1. Are you honest and ambi- tiaus? Yes? Then cal 623-3353 An equa 1opportun ity employer. 42-1 WELDERS wantad. Willing to train. Good working candi- tions. Apply, Nesting Furni- ture, Orono, Ont. 41-2 EXPERIENCED Mechanic. Apply Roy Nichols Motors, Bowmanville, BilI Waller. 41-2 SERVICE station attendant required. Good opportunity for energetic raIlable Persan. Apply Imperial Ou Sýervice Centre, Highway 401 and Waverley Rd., Bowmanvilla. 41 -tf A TTE N Head Cook with Baking Expenience Able ta take Charge. EXPERIENCED, MATURE' Wa iters or Wa itnesses Invalves shmft work, good pay and company benefits. Apply in persan with references: Waverly Road and Hwy. 401 Bowmanvil le 623-3604. 42- Tig Welders, Fitters, Assem biens, Paper and Sheet Metal Layout Required by stainless steel sheet matai manufacturers, - Excellent opportunity and permanent employment for rig h t nclviduaIs. FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE PHONE OR WRITE: Modular, ArchitecturalI Components Ltd. P.O. Box 446, Cobourg, Ontario ATTENTION: J. NATCO 416-372-3317 Evenings and Weekends Call 416-885-4289 576-5522 OCTOBER WAREHOUSE SALI EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As '/'2 Price And Less On Remnanants and End's of RoiIs 81 RiCHMOND ST.W. Next door to Ruddy Electric) open from 9 10 8 p.nm Mon, to Fri sot 9 to à (IOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY Buy direct tram Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and small1 to fit any need. Came by aur display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telaphone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf ENGLISH pleasure horse, mare, six years, well trained, 15-3 hanids, asking $500. Cali 263-2969, 42-1 For Removal 0f FRESH, DEADand DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 FOR BEST C LASS IFI ED RESU LTS PHONE 623-3303 THE DOGGY PLACE -Dog Trimmîng and gmooming. Pao- dles and spanielsour speciaity but any typa of dog expertly Ebathed and trimmed. Board- ing with lots of love and fun. Dogs $2. daily, cats $1. The Immigrant Kennel, Register- ed Breaders of high quality English Springer and Cocker Spanials. Pick up and deli- very. Aiso rabbits for sale. 786-2234. 21 -tf RABBITS for sale, medium size. 2 cats for good home. Phone 987-4948. 42-2 DOBERMAN Pinscher pup- pies, registered, black and tan, wormed and needled. Phonea623-2805. 41-4 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Train with the experts Tuitian tee tax deductibla -Job assistance guaranteed -Waekend training alsa availabla NOW, Special Summer Tuition Fees For application and interview write: f NATIONAL TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING SCHOOL, Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ont. 7318-3618 Toronto - Phone 493-6068 31 -tf NeMO Goad homes for kittan-s, some iong-haired, seven weeks old, quiet, playful, weaned, house trained. Phone 623-5923. 42-1 Leaving for New Bruns- wick, Oct. 18, 3 passengers. Phone 987-4327 atter 6. 42-1 A ride ta Oshawa praferably Durham Collage, tram, 9-4 weekdays. Phone 987-4528. 42-1 Cleaning lady for Fridays, tfrom 9 - 3. Must provide own transportation. Phone 263- 8052. 42-2 Clean fi wanted, approx. 1 mile north east of Bowman- ville. Phone 623-3944 after 6 P.M. I 411_3 For November i, or sooner, for 1 year or more, one or two bedroom apartment or suite, wvith stove and friiae Please leave details at tre V oyagaur Restaurant, Newcastle, atten tion Mr. Peter Battrick. 41-2 RESULTS COU NT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & Districtý Real Estate Board I FiE R I,11 ï s ............. ........... FACTORY heip wanted. App- ly J. Anderson Smith Co., Newcastle. 42-3 RESPONSIBLE babysitter re- quired ta care for small baby in my home. Phone 623-3591. 42-1 NIGHT gas attendant and watchman or watchwamhan, 12 a.m.- 8 p.m. Phone 728-6206. 42-1 CLASS A Mechanic. Apply in person to Ray Walker of Western Tire 623-3134. 42-1 QUALIFIED construction elactrician for Port Hope and Cobourg area. Good wages and frin2ge banafits. Please apply f0 C. H. Joice Ltd., Box 180, Port Hope or caîl 416-342- 5560. 42-1 QUALIFIED maintenance electrician for the, Cobourg area. Good wages and fring'e benefits. Shift work, 5-day week. Please apply to C. H. Jaice Ltd., Box 180, Port Hope or Cali 416-342-5560. 42-1 Need Money for Christmas?, I nterestingePart Ti me Work Canada's oidest Market Re: saarch Company (est. 1932) has openings for people to conduct personal interviews in pre-selected areas of town. Evenings and Saturdays only. Positively nothin g f0 promota or demonstrate. Use of a car essentiai. Good houriy rate PLUS expenses PLUS mile- age. For further details apply f0: Canadian Facts Co. Limited 160 Bloor Street, East Toronto, Ontario M4W 1 C2 42-2 MALE or Female Service Station Attendants. We re- quire severai service station attendants for fuilltime posi- tions. We offer salaries, bonus, paid an'nual vacation, unifarms and staff discounts. Apply in persan ta the Esso Centre, Hwy. 401 at New- castle. 41-2 1TIO 0N ERAL FARM WORKERS 7ED Labour Pool )urg, Ontario 8737 ihton, Ontario- 0344 manville, Ontarlo .4794 42-1

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