12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 16, 1974 BLACKSTOCK, On Sunday three mn'en from the C.B.C. Television crew made a visit to film a short feature entitled, "Thanksgiv- ing on the Farma" showing a day in the life on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin. The crew came to the United Church to film the McLaughlin's coming to church on Thanksgiving Sun- day and continued to show many features at the farm - including Edith lifting the turkey fromn the oven, grand- son Jason saying Grace, Roy feeding some cattie, taking a walk in the woods and of course throwing a few horse shoes. The film was shown on the C.B.C. T.V. Monday even- ing. At both churches special Thanksgiving services were held with fine congregations. At the United a near capacity congregation was present when the Sacrament of Bap- tismr was conducted by Rev. V.M. Parsons when Jaqueline Nadine Strong daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Strong, zand Andrew Stuart Wilson son of Mr' and Mrs. George Wilson were baptised. The Junior Church under the direction of Linda Kyte and Judi Mountjoy made its debut with a fine anthem. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Larmer and family of Barrie were Thanksgiving Sunday guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Thanksgiving visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamnp and also of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow were Mr. R.H. Hea- slip of Milton, Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto and Mrs. M. Miller of Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Heaslip of Lindsay, spent Sunday with the family gathering. On Monday even- ing Mr.' and Mrs. Harry VanCamp and their company enjoyed supper at Yelverton United Church supper. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holi- day of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. George Bray of, Raglan were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holiday and girls. Mrs. Maggie Argue along with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde of Rochester spent a week with bier cousin Mrs. L. Hemn at Thessalon. Mr. Eldon Hubbert of Bow- rnanville vîsited Mr. and Mrs, Tom Hodge and other Burke- ton friends one day last week. Congratulations to Mr. Tom Horton who went on a suc-. cessful moose hunt last week and returned with a bull moose on Monday. While it was hanging on a tree beside main street, Tom had many visitors admiring his "kili". The Fair Board is still receiving pictures for the contest in, the two classes - black and iwite, and coloured o scenes of Blackstock Fair, 1974. If you have not already entered do so yet, if you have a siale pictu1re. On1 October 1, meeting No. 3 of the Blackstock Cantering Cooks was held at the Reçrea- t'ion Centre at Blackstock. We were split into three groups - the first group made apple dumfplings, the. second group made Finn and Hadie and the unlucky third group cleaned up. Mrs. Adamis demonstrated the making of Irish Sodla Bread and brought along some she had made. Afterwards we ahl sat down to a deliclous snack of Finn and Hadie, Irish Sodd Bread and topped off with apple dumplings. Woufld ail parents and those interested in our education systemri, here keep Tuesday, Oct. 22 open for ani Open Meeting at Cartwright Central Public School at 7:30. More details> will be no doubt available later. Mrs. Aima Fowler spent Thanksgiving Monday with bier daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford at Sea- grave. OnWenda evening a reception in hfonour of Rev. and Mrs. Merr-ill Ferguson' was held in K,ýingsview United, Church,,Oshiawa on the occa- sion of their 4th wedding annîver-s -ary. tening frm LONG SAULT Miss Judy Kovacs eter- tained a few of her girl friends, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy were Saturday -ev- ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Grahiam, Andra and Aruth- er, Nrth Bay, were Friday nfternoon visitors of Miss Grace 'Smith. Mrs. George Armour and Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp-. ton; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cornish, Shannon and Ken-, neth, Tyrone, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Cornish, Mary and Wendy.' Tepe know areal sale when they see oue. ur bi dlveriesprove it:' "We've had a terrifie year. We've been making more grocery ship- ments for Dominion than ever before. Which means'the number of customers thatshop at Dominion is growing ail the time. That's why Dominion is having another Super Warehouse Sale. With specials that are carefully selected to prove to you just how much Dominion really discounts its prices. One reason Dominion can do so is because we've got the largest single grocery retail distribution centre in Canada. Our Ontario warehouse, for example, is bigger than 36 football fields. And in one day, we cari ship more groceries than any other chain. So corne in and check our Super Warehouse Sale prices right away. You'Illbe convinced. REGULAR or RAISIN & DATE Ô20Z. P KG;. QUAKER CEREALk Harvest Crunch SEIL1.59 CANADA NO. 1GRADE LIQUIO BILLY BEE HONEY BLUE BONNET, COLOURED 2X SOFT MARGARINE BORDEN's: INSTANT SEh HOT CHOCOLATE ST. WILLIAMS, WITH PECTIN RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM READY CUT MACARONI OR PRIMO SPAGHETTI RICHMELLO SPEC'IA RAISIN BREAD PORK SPARE RIBS Loin Pork Chops C L .B. MEATY John Lonsdale Samuel Patterson Dominion Distribution Centre, 170 The West Mail. mu m mu 16FL. OZ. JAR X 8OZ. CONTS. !16OZ. CONT.C 24 FL . OZ JARL B 1.21LB 2 LBPKG. CHIQUITA - DOLE 79;c BON ITA or DEL MONTE L16OZ. LOAF 9c CAN. NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN SEIL CARRDT9 O Funk & Wagnalls 3 B aGt Wildlife Encyclopedia Ilt*s here! A world of tacts on the %vord ôof Hunts SflaCk living creatures. 22 volumes. More than 2,500 côlor illustrations. Pack Pucddings Ae% -&.flfO BOSTON CORNED BEEF LOAF C LO VE RLEAF SOCKEYE SALMON, DR. BALLARDS BEEF STEW. 14 5 OZ, TIN MEAT BALLS OR BEEF CHUNKS 0 DOGFOOD 37c BEEF FLAVOURED DOG F000 72 OZ. PKG. GAINES BURGERS 22 FREEZER QUEEN 32OZ. PKG. GRAVY & SLICED BEEF 1.99 REGULAR STRAINED 75 FL. OZ. JAR EXCEPT MEAT'08 GERBER BABY FOODSZ ASSTD. VARIETIES 18OZ. PKG. DUNCAN HINESac CAKE MIXES 71 ASST' OFLAVOURS COTT FRUIT DRINKS 10 FL. OZ.TIN 120 WTIN SRagu Spaghetti 7.5ýTIN Sauce 1 .09 PLAIN 30 FL. OZ. JAR Dec LOUNSBURY, PURE 6 FL OZ. JAR HORSERADISH J- DOMINION. rANC Y FROZEN 32 GL PKG. SLICED CARROTSc ROYALOCHINET 8/4 IN. SIZE PKG,0F20 LUNCH PLATES83 BEEHIVE GOLDEN 2LB.CONT. -17c CORN SYRUP STORE HOURS Its SQ much more helpf l when you give the United W 65c r 12 T0 14 LB. AVG. ROAST AND CHOPS IN A PACKAGE WHOLE PORK LOINS GolI Crown Apple Juice Maxwell'House n0 coupof S required AL -PURPO0S E GROUND 1 LB. BAG $6 Red Rose, Tea Bags ORANGE PEKOE 16 OZ. PKG. 0F 120 Sof t Margarine ORIOLE 1 LB. CONT. 5 Kellogg 's Corn Flakes 78 Kleenex Towels CHEESE or PEPPERONI uve 7 INCH SIZE PKG.OF 2 ae NO COUIPONS BleachL p 1 zz REQSIR I ONE SIZE ASST'D. SHADES TOCHOOS CFl RflM PAIR MeLARENS LOOSE PACK 20 FL. OZ. JAR STLJFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES 1.19 PLUMROSE DANISH16OZ, TIN PICNIC SHOULDÊRS 1.69 ROBERTSON'S WHOLE CHODICE BABY CARROTS 0F Z tiîc JIFOAM PRE-PRICED $1,09 140Z. AEROSOL OIVEN CLEANER CONT. 1.0 %7 F000 WRAP. 200 FT, ROLL GLAD WRAP m Bc DEBBIE, PINK OR LEMON 32 FL, OZ, CONT. LIQUID DETERGENT 57 BONUS PACK - 2 FREE PKG.0F20 JETS SOAP PADS z CURITYTAPE-TAB DAYTIME SPI-L i.! PKG,0F30 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 18 48 CENTRE CUT LB, TENDE RLOIN END A DRIB END ' 3- CPORK LOIN -LE J ROAST AVi SPECIAL G4 TASTY KI NG, FROZE N 2 LB. BOX HAMBURG PAllIES 158_ FROZEN, WHOLE, CUT UP LB. BOILING FOWLà%n MEAT'Y LB. BLADE STEAKS98 FRESH GROUND LB. CHUCK STEAK94 FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND SPRING LB. WHOLE LAMB LEGS18 FROZEN NEW ZEALAND B SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS FROZEN NEVV ZEALAND LB. LOIN L AMB CHOPS 158a FROZEN, LB. SOLD IN 10O1B3>BOXESc CHICKEN WINGS 4 SWIFT S PREMIU M, LAZY MAPLE 1 LB. PKG. OR, SUGAR PLUM RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 13 SWIFT'S PREMIUM OR LAZY MAPLE LB. FULLY COOKED, BONELESS, DINNERHAMS 15 SWIFT S PREMIUM, MAC & CHEESE, 60'OZ PKG. CHIC.KEN, P & P OR HEADCHEESE LOAF COOKED MEATS 3 SWIFT'S PREMIUM OR, 1 LB. PKG. DOMINIONWIENERS 7 8 SWIFT'S 1 LBPKG. LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE qc SWIFT'S, OVEN ROASTINGLB CORNED BEEF 15 SHOPSY'S SLICED 2 X 3 OZ, PKGS. SMOKED BEEF, 9 9 McOUAIDES, CHICKEN PKG 0F 2 TOURTIERE OR c BEEF PIES 4 BITTNER'S TRAY PACK L BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 11 BITTNER'S GERMAN STYLE 4 OZ. PKG. MORTADELLA59 BITTNER'S SKINLESS 1ILS. PKG. WIENERS 88c INGERSOLL PROCESSED SPECL' 1 6,oz. JAR CHEESE SPREAD GAINSBOROUGH SPECLýL! 64OZ. PKG OF 4 FROZEN 8 c WHITE BREAD DOUGH W HOWARD JOHNSON'S, SPECIL' 12 OZ. PKG. FROZEN 59c MACARONI & CHEESE 5 ceisult e ameot.egaine. M. 6Pl M. A . VALUES 'EFFECTIVE UNTIL CL OSING TIME TUESDAY, OCT. o i ia m il 22ND, 1974 IN BOWMANVILLE. WE Jay. RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT LY RËQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. o0minion.