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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1974, p. 7

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Men'"s Softball League Holds Closing Banquet The Bowrnanville Men's Softball League capped a successful season on Septem- ber 28th with a banquet and dance at the Acres Restaur- ant. A good turnout was served a delicious meal by the Acres staff . Coach Bob Williarns of Stephen's Fuels, accepted the Charnpionship trophy angl each member of the wnning tearn received a trophy. Steve Parker received the batting trophy for leading the league in that department. Don Lorusso was the top- pitcher with six wins and Harvey Webster led the pitchers with a .714 percentage. Steve Burns was selected as the Most Valuable Player after having a fine season both at the bat and in the field for Frank's Variety. John Dragstra led the league in RBI's and was presutîted with a trophy. Jim Coyle vas selected as the Most Valuabie Player in the play-. off s. Jimý McKnight was elected as next years7 President and will no doubt do a fine job next season. The league expressed appreciation to this year's sponsors, Stephen's Fuels, Kramp's Furnîture, Ellis' Shoes, and Frank's Variety and the coaches who did a fine job this season, Don Bishop, Bob Williams, Siebe Luchies and Bruce Colwell. Also a special word of gratitude to the u=pre who doanted their tirne adntience this season, Ron Rountree, Clint Fergu- son, Ron McLean, Jim Mur- phy and Jirn Green. Bill Penny of Oshawa was this years winner of the 50-50 draw with ticket number 320. Minor Atoms Tie Markham In Opening Gome of Seoson On Saturday October '12, scored later on to complete tf Bob Beers' Minor Atoms scoriflg. hosted Markham in the first Scott Bate and Todd Step] regular league game of the ens shared the goal tendir season. Both teams played duties. Shots on net were evE very well and the evenly for each team and both squa( played contest ended in a 3-3 received one penalty. draw. Bowmanville looked sharp offensively with for- wadduty being shared by: MIXED MAJOR Tim itte, oddTrernblay, Jeff Vyfshaf t, Kevin Norton, Top 10 Averages Tim Preston, Robbie Green, Albert Saman 250, Doris Jc Todd Beers; and three new; 236, Joan Suteliffe 234, Ern players, Mike Glass, Stephen Perfect 231, Peggy HaynE Taylor and Trevor Martyn 2282 Larry Piper 225, Job Luîfrnan 223, Don Bagneli 22 Bowmanville scored the Jim Bruton 219, Virgini only goal of the first period as Fairey 219. Jeff Vyfshaf t whiged the puck into the Mar arn net Teami Standings after receiving a pass from Haynes 10, Sheehan 10, Cri Tim Preston. Markharn seor- sey 9, Buday 9, Joîl 8'2,, Dur ed two unanswered goals in 8 ary8 ol ,Pti the second period to make the 512, Sutcliffe 512, Draper 5/ score 2-1. In the third, Bagnell 5. Bowmanville quickly tied it up High Triples - D oris Jol74 then took the lead on goals by Albert Saman 903. Trevor Martyn from Preston and Dan Coombes, and Pres- High Singles - 0111e Patfie ton from Vyfshaft. Markharn 323, Albert Saman 346. the ng ven ads oll nes :hn Z22, nia nn ýld 748, ield Trhe Canadian Statesman- Bowmanvîlle, October 16, 1974 7 Hooper's 6, Krampes 2 Countfy 9, Locke's T'V'6 In Town League Gomes Iro quois Arena Packed for Whitby Sr. 'A' Opening Game Last Thursday night was the home opening game for Whitby McDonald's Senior A hockey club, held in their new Iroquois arena that was pac ked with more than 1500 fans for the event. The opponents were Barrie Flyers, last year's Allen Cup champions. Local dignitaries plus several members of the former world champions Whitby Dunlops, were on land for the launching ceremonies. Whitby won the game 2-1 in overtime with Wayne Weller scoring the winner. Whitby played in Orillia on Friday night and dropped a 7-5 decision, On Sunday at home, Whitby downed Brantford 5-3-, Wayne WeIler scored twice, Do UR TVate, BobMýNunro and Peter Vîponci countect one eacth tor Whitby. The -photo above shows a near miss in the otDeninÉ Rame Major Mîdgets Wîn Opener AgaMinîst Li Bowmanville Sports' Major Midgets won teir season opener in Lindsay on Sunday Oct. l3th by a score of 3-1. Bowmanville led 1-0 at the end of the first period on a hard drive by Kirk Kemp. Bret McNamee and Nick Van Seggelen earned assists on the goal. They increased the score by one in the second period on a goal by Jim Rutton with Kemp assisting. Iu the third period Sports 0 vindsay Squad 3-1 weut ahead by three goals game in Bowmanvillea with Hutton scoring his second Oshawa Kiwanis Miuo of the game unassisted. Lenny gets with the score Chappelî's bid for a shutout Oshawa's favor. Teri3 felI short by a minute and a ginson scored the only g haîf when Lindsay scored Bowmanville which wz their only marker. assisted. The Bowmanville team put This year, the Majo forth a strong effort but gets are sponsored1 players from both teams spent Wihlidal, the owner of considerable time in the manville Sports and penalty box due to rougb play. Next home game is Sa On Wed., Oct. 9th, the Major l9th at 8:30 p.m. Oshav Midgefs played an exhibition be the visitors against >r Mid- 5-1 in ry Sar- goal for was un- >r Mid- by AI of Bow- SCycle. it. Oct. wa will New.,castle'ïs Intermedîate Tea M Holds Fîrst Scrîmmage on Sunday by "Pic" ger, sponsor and executive of 'Intermediate Club. The Spencer Intermediates the Newcastle Intermediate Watch your local papers for, held their first tryout and Hockey Club would like to future Intermediate news. scrimmage of the season at weicome ail you good hockey Here are a few of the Bowmauville Arena on Sun- fans, in and around the Town players wbo were ouf Sunday day with a decent turnput of of Newcastle, and invite you f0 morning, with more f0 corne: players on suh short notice, attend the up and comi n Rick Mr ,ra ndr Coach Sid Arnold put the Intermediate hockey sched- soGe Mupy Rad players through a light work- ule, and support what we think Tenant, Dani Norton, Donny out, followed by a serimmage will be an excellent fast and Allun, Frank Sawyer, Don under the watchful eye Of exciting hockey season. Todd, Tim Walton, Greg Gray Manager Irv. "Mac" McCul- These players. sponsor and Bill McCullough, Carl Archih- lough and Roily Spencer of R. executive are true dyed-in- bald, Mike MacGregor, Eari Spencer Real Estate Ldt., who the-wool local hockey people, Cobbledick, Rocky Willough- is sponsoring the Intermediate and look for your welcomed by, Geo. Van Dam, John Club, support, as a lot of the players Mathers, Doug Crough, Bern- The players, coach. mana- and management are from the ie Alldred. Newcastle District Men's Auy players inferested I Hockey Assoc. (Town Please contact Irv. McCul-' ting and fully support the 786-2948. Youth Bowling TYKES, Stacey 5, Woolley 0; Luxton 3, Nash 2; Kuapp 3, Diiiing 2; King 5, Nagel 0; Smith 5, Terry 0. Team Standings King 18, Nash 17, Stacey 16, Kuapp 15, Smith 15, Diiling 14, Luxton 10, Terry 5, Nash 4. Hligh Single G. Stacey 143, E. Rozema 133. High Double G. Stacey 251, E. Rozema 218. BANTAM BOYS Hammond 5, Wilson 0; Sut- cliffe 5, Rozema 0,- Aide 5, Sheehan 0. Team Standing Aide 18, Stcliffe 17, Ham- moud 13, Sheehan 12, Rozema 10, Wilson 5. High Single R. Suteliffe .211-166, P. Coom- bes 180. High Double R. Sutcliffe 377, B. Hammond 303, P. Coombes 293. BANTAM GIRLS Iugram 5, Van Goo r 0; Hooper 5, Fairey 0;. Lunu 3, Brunt 2. TttaînStandings Iugram 25, Hooper 13, Brunt 12, Van Goor 10, Fairey 10, Lunu 5. High Single, C. Crossey 168, T. Rowe 153-151, M. Van Goor 150. High Double C. Crossey 306, T. Rowe 304, M. Van Goor 282. JUNIOR BOYS Woolley 5, Hopcroft 2; Bons 5, Dadsou 2; Visser 7, Murphy 0. Team Standings Visser 27, Woolley 24, Bous 21, Dadsou 13, Murphy 12, Hop- crof t 8. High Single A. Bous 235, M. Visser 222, D. Hopcroft 204-216, F. Smith 215, D. Murphy 214. High Triple D. Hopcroft 546, R. Hayward 504. JUNIOR GIRLS Michelson 5, Fairey 2; Chow 5, Luxton 2; Richards 7, Lavigne 0., Team Standings La vigne 26, Richards 24, Chow 17, Fairey 16, Luxton 13, Michelson 9. Hîgh Single S. Michelson 243, B. Fairey 212, G. Bishop 202. High Triple S. Michelson 523, J. Haynes 517. ' SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Coombes 5, Davey 2; Eves 5, Thompson 2; Brooks 5, Rob- erts 2; Pearson 7, Lane 0. Tearn Standing Brooks 27, Pearson 23, Coom- bes 19, Roberts 19, Thompson 16, Lane 15, Davey Ù, Eves 9. High Single J. Whyte 262, L. Sfacey 252. High Triple M. Roberts 675, C. Cowle 655. EMPrLOYMENTo CONDITIONS The number of clients regis- tered for empioyment at the Canada Maupower Centres in OJshawa and Ajax for the mouth of September totailed 3-80 which iucluded 1,592 mnaie and 2,212 female clients. Tl)- decrease in registrations wýas mnainly due to a drop in thie number of students regîs- tered for employmen 't.There was also a decrease in registrations in the construc- tion trades. A few occupations such as sales, clerical, mate- rial handling and truck dri- vers showed a slight increase, in registrations. Harvesting of the tobacco crop was completed by the end of September, at which time the apple harvest began. Employers have experienced some recruitiug apple pickers this year. A total of 566 persous were placed iu employment duriug the mionth. The majority of' placemntns were made lu the manufactLuriug, construction, retail trade, services aud transportation occupations. Shortages of qualified cli- ents were noted in the following occupations: nurse aides, registered nurses, accounitants, commission salespe-sons, licenced hair- dressers, domestics, tandum dump truck drivers, T.V. repairmen, welders, machin- ists, bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, auto mechanics and auto body repairmen. Liptay Building Permit A stop work order bas been issued on the proposed struc- ture of John Liptay in the former township of Darling- ton. The 'legal opinion of Marks and McNeely was submitted which suggested that a, building could not legally -b e. coustructed be- cause the-,frontage is on an unimproved public road. The finance committee therefore decided that 1% action would be taken to lift this stop work order. Holingshead Off ering Free Cliniclr for Cars R.M. Hollîngshead is offer- iug a free clinic on mainte- nance of your automobile. We feel that this time of the year is an ideal time to give free classes on the importance of using the proper chemnical for the maintenance of the exterior, interior and chemi- cal additives protection' for your automobile. A SPECIAL ATTRACTION WILL BE ON 'HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON ANTI-FREEZE". We are offering two-separ- ate sessions, (One) for women and (One) for men, teenagers included. If interested, please phone 623-3353 and ask for the. Chemical Maintenance De- pqrtmpnt far ct',nnA fHm. Greg Adams and Bruce Mea- by L. Burns The Men 's Town League Hockey began last Thursday night with the opener going f0 Hooper's Jewellery over Kramp's Furniture 6-2. Rook- ie Gary Sorichette opened the league at 1:17 with Brian Bradley assisting, his first of three assists. Kramp's tied it up when Bruce Welsh blazed one by Ken Veîtch with Barry Virtue assisting. Steve Burns scored to make it 2-1 for Hoopers. Sorichette then'got hisosecond and Lanny Burns finished the first period. In the third period Irv Gill connected with Brian Milîs scoring just 35 seconds later. Kramp's Ron Hooper finished the scoring off with Mike Donoghue assis ting. Hooper's had one minor pen- alty while Kramp's had four. In the second game County Chrysler def eated Lockes T.V. 9-6. County's Ray Piekel started the year off with two goals in a row and later pîcked up two assists. John Hughes scored the third goal at 17:53 for C.C. Randy Donoghue got the oul y goal for Locke's in the firsf. County went aheadin the second with goals by Hughes and Jerry Drouin. Lockes came back with goals from GARY'S SPORTS 26 FROM l OCTOBER 260 aci.m. - 16 P FANTASTIC S IG ONE DAY ONLY DISCOUNTSALE CKLB MOBIE WILL 134 King St. E. BE THERE ALSO. FROM Phone 623-4203 (Formerly J-Ma! Bld.) 10 a. m. - 6 p. m. Bowmanvil le Model 4786 -magmict, Medif rrnean rc-tronrtylmg *No other manufacturer offers 30 Color Por- table, 34 Console Color T.V., 10 Color Stereo Theatre. a No other manufacturer has Videomatio ® like an eiectric-eye camera, automatically adjusts its own color, tint, brightness and contrast to changing room lIght. You receive a great pic- ture in any light. N EWCASTLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT Pre Schoolers Leurn t-o Skate Program: A Pre Schooler's Learn to skate program will bie held on Monday afternoon from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. This class will start on Monday, October 2lst. The fee is 75 cents per lesson. No pre registration necessary just take the children to the Bowmanville Memorial Arena. Tots Skating: Tots skating on Tuesday a fternoons from 3:00 to 5:50 p.m. Admission is 25 cents and will start on Tuesday, October 22nd. 01il Painting Classes: An 011 Painting class for boys and girls 10 yrs. of age and up. Beginners and advanced, Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Rose Room of the Lions Centre. Registration Fee is $8.00 for 20 lessons. The classes will start on Thursday, October 17th. Teens Do t Yourself Sports Programn: " Do it yourself sports programme"I every Wednes- day evening from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. and Saturday mornings from 9:00 *to 11:00 a.mi. Play Voleybali, Basketball, tumbling and other activities. A free and easy sports programme. Started on Wednesday, September 25th and Saturday, September 28th, 1974, at the Bowmanville High School Gyms. A TTENTION!!. Bo wman.ville Residen ts Mis ter Do.n ut is your new neighbour in the King-Bond Plaza' (Next to Miracle Mart) Ge't-Acquainteâd 0!fer GAMES or BOOK COVERS WITH EACH PURCHASE 0F RE!ONE DOZEN OUS aFbm.Ia RENmua GOOD FOR 30C- OffJ EACH DOZEN This 0f fer Good Wed. -Thurs. -Fi, miSter .October 16-17-18 Two More Stores Located At: D0ftu4 1100 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 438 KING ST. WEST dows, In the third Rick Woolner scored three in a row f0 finish Lockes scoring. For: County it was John Hlughes, his third, Woody Lee scox ixg twîce and John Oyler gett0ug one., county had one ix r penalty while Lockes i d three. Merry Makers Team Standings Huisman, 10102, Moore 9802, Rutty 9801, Blunt 9'760, McFeeters 9427, Smith 9420, Sheehan 9267, Burgess 9231. High Single - Dorothy Moor e 234. High Double - Dorothv Moore 464, Legion Ladier, Team Standings. Gray 12'2ý, Whitney 11? Sutcliffe 10, Sheehan 2. High Single - JoanSufelilte 320. 'High Triple - Joan Sutclitte 721. Top 10 Averages Joan Suteliffe 218, lIene Whitney 197, Nyhl Sheehan 196, Bernice Partner 193, Mary Bates 192, Mary Gray 188, Jean Burton 181, Aun Plazek 180, Grace Downey 177. > «w4

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