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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, p. 9

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Knapp's BantamsWin Three Gomes in Row Knapp Towing Major Ban- tams took three big wins from the opposition in league play, knocking off Whitby twice and Markham once. In the first game played in Bowmanville last Wed. the locals bombed Whitby by a 10-4 count. Knapps opened the scoring early in tbefirst period as Gerard Morrison blasted a shot from the point after being Plus: $p200.0 Expenses set up by Don Farrow and Scott Stevens. Whitbv came right back with Nick Fischer tylng tunngs up. Morrison counted his second marker on a similar play, while having the man advantage. Godfrey and Stevens earning assists. From this point Bowman- ville blasted six unanswered goals by the bewildered Whit- by goalie to take a 8-1 iead at the end of two periods. Singles went to Godfrey, Bain, Ed, Visser, Dusseldorp, Brunt and Morrison complet- ed a hat trick. Whitby struck early in the third with two goals. Nick Nosowenko and Dale Sawyer being the marksmen. Brad Godfrey completed his hatrick scoring two successive goals at the midway point of the period and Perry Johnston rounded out the scoring to end the game. The next game played in Markham the following night, Bowmanville skated to a 3 1 vic tory. Coth teams played a close cbecking first priod witb neither team scoring. Pete Nemisz opened the scoring early in the second period, set up by Brent Badour. Rick Bain drifted a hard shot from 30 feet out to put Bowmanville ahead 2-0, Scott Stevens, and Brad God- frey setting up the play., In the third period, Bain scored off a hard sinking shot to the right lower corner after taking a pass from Gary Dusseldorp. Markham ruined Britt Murphey's shutout with a couple of minutes remaining in the game, Bill Blainey the goal getter. On Mondaysnight,nthe Bowmanvile squad moved into the new Iroquois rink in Whitby and eked out a 6-5 win, breaking a 5-5 tie with 1:43 remaining in the game, Brad Godfrey getting the winner, set up by Ed Visser and Gary Dusseldorp. Scoring for Bowmanville were Godfrey with the hat trick, singles to Scott Stevens, Pete Nemisz and Gary Dussel- dorp. Next game tonight at 7 p.m., Lindsay the visitors. Win A Sunflight Trp for Two to Barbados Sutton Goalie Foils Rory Gibbs on Breakaway OWA S CO VOLKSWAGEN LTD. Porsche + Audi Presents 'The Player of the Week' RANDY THIELE -Goalie Randy is presently employed at General Motors in Oshawa and bas piayed ail his hockey in Bowmanville. He came to the Eagles team last year from the Midget Club and has been an asset to the team at all times. Randy is 19 years old and will have another year of Junior Hockey after this season. 668-9383 1425 Dundas St. E. Whitby Junior 'C' Red Eagles Trounce Sutton South Shore Rangers 8-1 In the game played in Bowmanville Arena on Sun- day, October 20th, the Red Eagles held the Sutton South Shore Ran2ers off the score- board until the 14 minute mark of the third period. 'Randy Thiele in net, played a fine game and the defence was ably assisted by a promising young man up from the Major Midget Club, Brian Simpson. Ted Puk opened the scoring at 2:05 of the lst. period assisted by Glenn Rice and Rory Gibbs. This was followed quickly by two goals from Rory Gibbs, assists going to Doug Wood and Steve Davey and Brian Simpson and Ted Puk. In the second period Doug Wood scored at 7:45 from Gibbs and Davey to make the score 4-0 at the end of that period., Thirty seconds after the puck was dropped in the final period, AI Emard from Doug Wood gave the Eagles a 5-0 lead. At 3:52, Steve Davey from Keith Powell and John Wood added another goal and at 13:55 Glenn.Rice from John Wood added the 7th goal of the night. At 14:03, with the Red Eagles shorthanded, the Ran- gers managed to pull Thiele out of the net and Paul Armstrong scored their only goal of the night. With less than four minutes remaining in the game, Doug Tamblyn picked up a pass from Gary Cox to make the final score 8-1. Bethany Hills Hunter Trials Provide Many Exciting Events With 171 En tries Participating Perfect weather last week- end' a record number of entries, and keen competition ail combined to make the first annual hunter trials. held at' Maple Haven Farm the home of Janet and Ted Spenceley, a real success. This was the first money making venture put on by the Bethany Hills Hunt. Horses came from Toronto, Aurora, Markham, Cobourg, Port Hope, Oshawa, etc. and in ail there were 171 entries. It was really an exciting show as the hunters completed the hunt courses in fine style. Possibly the most exciting was the "Masters Race". In this event a field of 10 riders had to follow the Master over fences for a distance of one TYRONE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble and Bruce were last Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble, Blackstock, cele- brating Brian's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker, Orono, were Wednesday after- noon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd All- dread were Sunday supper guests of Miss Arvilla Beckett, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare spent the long Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs. Percy Phillips, Essex and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark, Leaside. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Allman in their new home, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. JRoss Pooley and Miss Beth Miller, Osh- awa, were Sunday dinner St. Joseph High Singles - Brenda Kil- mer 268, Tonly Hrstman 267. High Triples - Hector Bal- lantine 758, Marion Vanstone 651. Ladies Major Averages N. Evans 235 D. Bradley 226, J. Patfield 224, H. jRogers 218, T. Forrester 216, S. DeHart 213, S. Davis 210, O. Patfield 210, F. Land 209, E. Moore 208. Team Standings Depew 12, Forester il, Davis 11, O. Patfield 11, Brown 10, Ftcher 10, J. Patfield 9, Bradley 8, Evans 7, Rogers 7, Bowers 6, Dehart 6, High Triple - D. Bradley 783. ligh Single - G. Taylor 332. MIXED MAJOR Averages Albert Saman 241, John Luffman 234, Joan Sutcliffe 233, Doris Joll 233, Peggy Haynes 233, Ernie Perfect 233, Don Bàgnell 228, Bernice Buday 221, Larry Piper 220, Jim Bruton 219. Team Standings Haynes 12, Buday 12, Sheehan 12, Joll 1012, Crossey 10, Fairey 9, Dunn 8, Coole 8, Bagnell 7, Patfield 612, Sut- cliffe 612, Draper 612 High Singles - Bernice Buday 337, John Luffman 327. High Triples - Peggy Hay- nes 773, John Luffman 863. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rundle, R.R. Bowmanville. Mr. Mark Smiley and Mr. Brian Dorcy, Burlington spent the weekend with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mrs. W. Rahm attended the trousseau tea in honor of Miss Linda Grace at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Grace, Bowmanville, Satur- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Williams, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Park, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Park, Bradley and Kevin, Pontypool and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and fam- ily were Sunday supper guests ot Ivir. and Mrs. Walter Park. Euchre party in the Hall Friday night was well attend- ed with 151/2 tables - Prizes Dave Hall, Hampton; Fred Partner, Orono; Laverne Cle- mens, Hampton; Stanley Manns, Raglan; John Laver- ty, Oshawa; Molly Hortsman, Bowmanviile. The 50-50 draw going to Evelyn Laverty Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs attended a small farewell party for Mrs. Gebbie, Darvel, Ayrshire, Scotland, at the home of her sister Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect, Bowmanville prior to leaving for her home on Thursday. Mrs. Jack Gibbs attended the trousseau tea in honor of Miss Linda Grace at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Grace, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs; M. Shortt, Lakefield, Mrs. Jean Manley, Peterborough, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan. Mrs. Edna Philp spent a few days with her sister Mr. and Mrs. L. Hauber, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Mrs. Henry Stainton is spending a week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gay, and family, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- ley and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hodgkinson, Aur- ora Sunday. Mesdames A. Haines and J. Woodley attended the U.C.W. Presbyterial meeting held in Orono, Monday Oct. 21. Rev. and Mrs. J. Gibson and Debbie, Uxbridge, were, Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and mile. At the last fence the laster withdrew and the field then hiàd a quarter mile gallop to the finish. The exciting event waswon by John Lennox of ýZephyr The Hunt was very fortun- ate in having Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pearson of the Toronto and. North York Hunt and Mr. Ernie Stittler of Oshawa J.o judge the day's events. Mrs. E. A. Youngman. Tyrone U.C.W. met on Wed. Oct. 9th, with Mrs. Don Davey presiding. Mrs. Edna Wood read scripture from the beau- titudes, the parable of the mustard seed and from the Gospel of St. Luke on humility, "he whoever humbles himself shall be made great". Edna read a story "The Great Man" with the theme "the charity that binds man to man". Mrs. Davey lead in prayer. Two thanksgiving hymns of priase were sung, accompanied by Mrs. Davey at the piano. Mrs. John Vaneyk conducted a quizz based on important social issues of interest and concern of the Social Action Committee of the United Church of Canada. Concerns ranged from the unborn child to the ageing hospitalizeo patient. Whether a yes or no answer could be determined each question certainly evok- ed discussion. Announcements of interest included an Elder's Work- suop, a Sunday School Work- shop Oct. 30, Nov. 6 and Nov. 13, 1974 and the U.C.W. Presbyterial at Orono, Oct. 21st. and at Claremont Oct. 29th. Of course pumpkin pie and whpped cream was enjoyed for lunch. Rev. J. Gibson of Uxbridge was the guest speaker at our Thankoffering service on Sun- day. Mr. Gibson discussed different aspects of the life of Peter and related them to life today. His final question was 'Are we still in the fishing business or have we graduat- ed f0 apostie of Christ?' The' church was beautifully decor- ated for the occasion and we thank the ladies very much. There will be no church service in Tyrone this Sunda (Oct. 27) as we join wit Enniskillen at their Thank- offering service at 11 a.m. BURKETON Callers at the home of Mrs. W. Bryan this week were Mrs. Wm, Macdonald, accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. Orval Greer, Oshawa. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ron Succee and family of Oshawa to our community. Mr. and Mrs. H. Macdonald, Bowmanville were tea guests of Mrs. T. Bailey. We are please to have Mrs. T. Bailey able to be home again after spending some time in Port Perry Hospital and with Mrs. F. Harding in Oshawa. Men's Major Averages Ernie Perfect 262, Roger Davies 245, Larry Piper 244, Bob'Burley 242, Gord Wilcox 242, Russ Hallman 239, AI Osborne 237, Maurice Rich- ards 236, Wayne Coombes 235, Jack Bond 235. Team Standings Pepsi Cola 18, Jury & Lovell 1212, IG.A. 11, Kens Mens Wear 10, Rice Bowl 10, Percy 's Fina 10, Osborne & Shank 10, Frank's Variety 10, Dykstras Food 9½1, Beaver Lumber 9, Cowan Pontiac Buick 9, Lander Hdwe. 7. High Single - Russ Hallman 358. High Triple - Russ Hallman 848, Gary Carter 802. Liberty Belles Team Standings Spear 16'2, Roberts -15½, Bragg 13'2, Partner 1212, Alldread 12, MacDonald 11, Gibson 11, Chant 10½î, Coom- bes 7, Burton 61½, Robinson 512ý, Bons 5. 5igh Single - Eleanor Dad- son 291 Hlgh Double - Eleanor Dadson 539 (291,248) Averages J. Bragg 234, M. Pearce 222, C. Roberts 216, B. Partner 210, B. Stephens 208, J. Spear 207, M. MacDonald 202, M. Alldread 201, W. Coombes 196, E. Dadson 193. Newtonville Starkville Team Standings Spark Plugs 13, Mufflers 12, Hub Caps 10, Nuts & Bolts 7. High Single - Gail Millson 276. High Triple - Gail Millson 731. Averages Gail Millson 207, Marlene Stacey 206, Jean Arnold 201, Joyce Stacey 187, Dale Foran 186, Dorothy Stark 185, Karen Carter 184, Bernice Henderson 179, Marie Trim 178, Peggy Milson 175, Olive Henderson 175. OSHAWA'.S 617 KING ST. E. 47 King St. W. Bowmanvi lie The Canadian Statesman, Bowi Mary Brown's Toros Lose One, Tie One On Saturday, Oct. 12, Mary Brown's Toros lost their first league game to Bay Ridges by the score of 7-1. The Toros opened the scoring early in the first period when Ray Cum- min2s set ut Scott Masters for their only goal. Shortly after, Bay Ridges tied the score and never let up. The Toros were completely out classed in this game. Bàck in the dressing room the Toros hbung their heads very iow, but they aiso promised each other from ere on in they will be a threat for the league champs. On Saturday, Oct. 19th, Mary Browns skated to a 3-3 tie with Newcastle. The first goal came from Chuck Nash who was set up by a great pass from Chris Michelson. New- castle tied the score 1-1 only to sec a three way passing combination by Scott Masters Who fed the puck over to Dave Rupa, Dave suid the puck up the boards to Ray Cummings who,cut in from the corner to score. In the third period New- castle went ahead 3-2. Then. the Bulls began to take charge, hitting the goal post twice and missing on some excellent chances. The Toros' tying goal came when New- castie shot the puck into our end but goal tender George NIGHT HAWKS Team Standings J. Rowe 23, B. Wilbur 17, B. Smith 16, J. Burton 13, A. Burgess 9, M. Trimple 6. Higb Single- M. Trimble 246. High Triple - M. Trimble 587. Averages M. Trimble 192, A. Lorusso 190, J. Burton 188, B.WSmith 187, 1. Wright 184, P. Whaien 184, A. Burgess 174, J. Dixon 173, 1. Hughes 173, K. Ralston 171. BATHE AND McLELLAN BUILDING MATERIALS LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1926 - Swimming Pool Covers - Fiberglass and Loose Atic Insulation - Fireplaces and Accessories - Custom-Made Fireplace Screens - Natural Stone - Roofing Products 81 KING w. 725-4761 OSHAWA CHUC RADIO Is Pleased to Carry the Bowmanville Red Eagles Hockey Broadcasts THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 8:25 P.M. Bowmanville Red Eagles Vs. Port Hope PLAY-BY-PLAY COLOR COMMENTARY GRANT WADE SANFORD HASKILL CHUC RADIO 1450 On Your Dial 725-1118 manville, October 23, 1974 9 Kennett cieared the puck into the corner to Gregory Smith and Greg shot it up the boards to Darin Knight who outskated the entire Newcastle team to tie the game up. Next game Oct. 26 against Whitby at 12 noon. Legion Ladies Team Standings Gray 132, Whitney 132, Sutcliffe 11, Sheehan 4. High Single - Grace Downey 261. High Triple - Joan Sutcliffe 684. Averages Joan Sutcliffe 219, Nyhl Shee- han 197, Irene Whitney 195, Bernice Partner 193, Mary Bates 190, Mary Gray 188, Ann Plazek 188, Jean Burton 184, Grace Downey 182, Dorothy Oke 173. Av MONEY DOESN'T ALWAYS BRING HAPPINESS, A MANWITH TEN MILLION IS NO HAPPIER THAN A tMAN WITH NINE. BYAM PLUMPING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO, Phone 263-2650 New for '75. Seven Meros. Seven screamers you can be mean to. Seven wide track performers that have Mercury engineering. Strength And warranty. Seven sleds that fire cold or hot. Ready to fly you into the horizon or past the checkered flag. Merc. You ride it to win. Whether you're racing or not. LARGEST SNOWMOBILE DEALERSHIP OSHAWA The crowd was tense and expectant as this play developed on Sunday night when the Red Eagle Juniors defeated Sutton South Shore. Rory Gibbs, who has been most successful this year on breakaways, was in the clear with only the Sutton goalie to beat. Unfortunately, for the local team and their supporters, the goalie managed to stop the shot. Photo by Rick James SUPPORT YOUR NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB BY BUYING A TICKET FOR THIS FANTASTIC TRIP DRAW WILL BE MADE NOVENMBER 27h, 1974 At The Newcastle Community Hall Your Sunflight Trip Includes: - Seven nights accommodation in Barbados - Return airfare from Toronto - Transfers between the Airport and Hotel - Services of a Sunflight Representative Trip Will Be Arranged by Bowmanville Travel Centre "Your Guide to Travelr Proceeds from this draw are for the Community Swimming Pool Tickets are available at $1.00 each from any Newcastle Lions Club member and these five merchants in your area: Stedmans - 20 King St. E.-- Newcastle Gord Allin Drug Store - Newcastle All Gas Stations in Newcastle Shell Service Centre - Waverly Rd. and 401 - Bowmanville BVowmanvie Travel Ce ntre %T!ýLuwIL ~RD9!Uf VIRGINIA FRIED CHICKEN Treat % our Famiiily Like Company 949 TRADEMARK THE MARY BROWN CORP, RICHMOND, VIR;INIA Fri.-Salt.-SunOct. 25-26-27 Buy A Party Pak (18 Pieces) At Regular Price Get: Box of Chips-Med. Cole Slaw KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE AMPLE FREE PARKING DAVIS MARINE

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