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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, Section 2, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 23, 1974 NetMv&i Our congratulations to Sil- via Rueggcr, of this area, who won the trophy at the Ganar- aska, Oct. lth, where some 200 elemcntary pupils, irom local schools, competed in the Western area Harrison races. All the local pupils placed well, the distance being two miles, but Silvia out-distanc- cd the nearcst, by 200 yards. On Wed. Oct. 16, the Town of Newcastle First Intermediate Girls were competing at Yores Lauding, and, again, Silvia was successful, winning by 75 ydSupper guests. with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family last Monday evening, wcre Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale, clebrating the former's birtbday, (bis 39th of course!) Approximately 100 wcre in attendance Tuesday evening in the Sunday School hall Section Two wherc the U.C.W. sponsored "Luncheon is Served." I-av- ing it at this time of the day seemed to be a good idea, as many of the husbands were able to attend, and were among the "lucky winners," of the vaious draws. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignal and Melissa, of Newcastle were dinner guests on Thank- sgiving Day, with Mrs. Iva Farrow, and Mr. Reg Falls. "Hurrican Hazel" of 20 years ago brought back mem- ories to many of us, espccially Mr. and Mrs. CM. Joncs and Mrs. W. Boughen with whom your correspondent drove to Toronto, wherc her husband was a patient in Sunnybrook Hospital. Fortunately we sur- vived the floods and storm of which wc were unaware, until we rcached that district, a ncw to-be-forgotten evening! service but Sunday School will be held as usual on Nestîcton Church anniversary Service. The following Sunday Churcli anniversary in Blackstock will have service at 11:00 a.mý with no Sunday School. Spec ial speaker will be Mr Stephen Saywell, Oshawa. Thursday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family was Miss Nancy Harness, Oshawa. Mrs. Wilbert Archer spent Thanksgiving Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, Thanksgiving Monday noon dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer of Whitby and e\rening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer also of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs.Harold Wright, Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Laughlin and Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelson of Toronto spent Suffday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Meryyn Anderson and family. Callers over the past week- end of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family were Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Rausch, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Al Tomehishîn, Danny and Karen of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thompson, Chris and Brent of Mapfle Grove, A rehabilitation teacher trains the blind housewife in household skills. With, special techniques the housewife learns to handie t h e hot stove, te boiling kettie and the electrie iron. Your donation to the financial appeal of The Canadian National Institute for the Blind provides such training in this community. Some 26 members and friends attended the Womcn's Institute meeting last Wed- nesday afternoon, at the house of Mrs. Gladys Brown, New- castle. District President Mrs. Fraser was the guest speaker, and ber intercsting talk cer- tainly lef t us with much food for thought. Mrs. Ken Fletcher with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletcher, Toronto, attcnded by Lena Horne- Toniy Bennett musical production in the O'Keefe Center last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Imlacb have returned home from their visit to Scotland, a most enjoyable one of some 45 days, wc understand. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Brown of Newcastle were Friday even- ing visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Doug Henderson is working in the Bowmanvillc Goodyear Plant as of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Joncs and Mrs. Bea Joncs werc Saturday nigbt dinner guests in Oshawa witb Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savcry. The first card party of the faîl season was beld in Community Hall, Friday evcning with about five tables in play, and thèse winners: High lady - Bea Jones, Low lady _ Pearl Clark, Higb man - J. Boughen, Low man - Robin Alldread, 50-50 Draw - Robin Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer werc visitors in Oshawa Saturday evcning with Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrott. Gucsts the past week-end at the Mansewere Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bowie of Gaît, also Mrs. Mnntgomery's sister, Mrs. B. Driscoîl and ber husband from Gananoque. On Saturday afternoon, daugbter Mrs. Sylvia Fallabay, of Peterborough also dropped'in to sec the folks. Messrs. Don Vinkle, Truc- man Henderson, and Pat McDonald returned home the end of the week from moose-- hunting in the Timmins area. Our minister's Sunday morning topic was "God is witb us" and the choir sang "The Lord of the Dance".' Please remember ttiat next Sunday, Oct 27, will be our yearly Anniversary and Thank ofiering at 9:45 a.m. Also Nov. 3rd will be Baptism Sunday in our church. Anynne wishing 10 have children baptized, please get in touch with the minister hefore next wcek. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Soules of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, Sunday. David Henderson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams in Toronto. Our felicitations to Mrs. Dora D eSmit, whosc birthday was observed on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Frost and family were visitors with the DeSmits on Saturday evening. and Mrs. Ingrid Fowler, and children of Oshawa, on Sun- day. Also conigratulatory phone cails wcrc received froma relatives in lIolland, Port Dover, and Hamilton, as wcll as several local ones. Mrs. Bea Joncs, Mrs. Mary Vinkie and Mrs. Mary Joncs were among tbose attending the Anniversary Service at Kendal church, Sunday after- noon. Sunday was quite a busy day for our minister as he was in charge of the service bere at 9:45 a.m. then 'vent on to Garden Hill to be gucst speaker at their Anniversary service at 11:00 a.m. In the aiternoon, hc and Mrs. Mont- gomnery attcnded Kendal ser- vice, wbere Rev. Bartlctt of Wlcome was guest speaker. Later in the day thcv drove out to -Peterborough, wherc they were supper guésis with their daughter, and her busband, Mr. and Mrs. Fallabay, cdce- brating grandson Timothys l6th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer werc Sun. supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and iamily, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Hender- son of Bowmanvillc wcre Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson. Several of our U.C.W. ladies attended the Preshyterial Monday, in Orono United Church. Mrs. Robert Duff, of New Westminster is visiting ber cousin Mrs. C.R. Farrow this week. Mrs. Qucenie Fletcher and Mrs. Olive Henderson are attending the Leaders' Train- ing School in Bowmanvillc sponsored by the Departmcnt of Agriculture, for two days this wcek. Blaickstock A car accident in iar-away Turkey brought bereavement 10 two Blackstock familles and their relatives. Last weekend, Mrs. Grace Cagil ni West Germany was holidaying with ber husband, ber sister Mari- lyn and is sister whcn they wcre involved in, a fatal accident. Mrs. Cagîl is the daughter ni Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baumcbcn of West Hill and sister ni Johnand K4ren (Mrs. Cole) both ni Biackstock and Marilyn ni West 1H11l. Interment was in Cadmus Ccmctcry on Satur- day. Sympathy ni our com- munity is extended 10 ber family along with wishes for a spccdy recovcry for Marilyn who is still in Turkey. On Saturday evening Mrs. J.A. McArthur enjoyed a buffet dinner at the home ni Mrs. Jcan McKee ni Toronto in honor ni a schoolmatc Dr. Violet Henry whn bas practis- cd medicine in Toronto for the past fnrty years. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor ni Enniskillen wcre Friday luncheon guesîs ni Mrs.Court- ney Graham. Thanksgiving dinncr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryant and iamily were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bryans, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryans, Fenelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. George Bryans and boys, Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Benbam, Whitby, Mr. and _Mrs. Ray Mr. Scott Essery and girls of Courtice. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim MeLeod (nec Glenna Clement) who were married on Saturday. The ONO. held a most successful dance in the Recre- ation Centre. A capacity crowd danced to the fine music of Joey Van Quartet. Another up-coming dance will be sponsored by the Agricult- ural Society on November 23 with George Beare and his Merrymakers providing the music.A Resuits of the Grain Corn Field Cipop Competition spon- sored by the Blackstock Agricultural Society are as follows: D'on Frew, Glen Larmer, John Bonsma, Har- old Swain, Jim Byers, John- Carnaghan, John Baumrchen, jim Gray, Ray Suggitt, Don Swain, Lawrence McLaugh- lin, Bob Holliday, John Wol- ters, Ivan Mountjoy, Ralph Larmer, Ken Lee, Roy Mc- Laughlin, Harvey Graham, George Wolfe, Lloyd Wright, Frank Henke, Brian Lee, Bob DeJong, Ted Krockens- toel, Vernon Asselstine, Rich- ard VanCamp. Walter Wright, Merrili VanCamp and Harold Medd. Mrs. Reg Palmer of Peter- borough and Mrs. Ina Palmer of Bethany toured the Quebec and Montreal City region from Trentway Tours over Thanks- giving weekend. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank White were:Rev. R.R. and Mrs. Bonstiel of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold White, Douglas and Dawn ail of Bethany; Mr. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell and Terry of Peterborough; Miss Joan Bothwell of Kitchener; and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams of Nestîcton. Mixed Bowling Heather Horslin won the ladies high single with a score of 238 as well as winning the ladies high triple with a score of 645. Mens high single was won by Earl McQuaid with a score of 308 and the mens high triple was also won by Earl McQuaid with a score of 716. Games over 200: Peter Engelsman 248-224, Vivian Ambrose 227, Marion McCamus 215, Diane Noden 207, Dave McRellis 206, Ruby Lyman 203, Beulah Robinson 201. AN Y Senior Citizens With Pete Rowctt presiding the Golden Star Senior Citi- zensof Bctbany-Cavan met in the Parish Hall. Minutes were rcad by Mrs. Rutb Rutb, then Pete Rowett gave a report f rom the health inspector on the renovations made la tbe hall. Two trips were discuss- cd, the first October 24 the Golden Stars will bc gucsts ni the Omemee Seniors group. The bus will leave Bethany at 7:30 p.m. The second trip to the O'Keefe Center in Toronto 10 sec Anne ni Green Gables bas been cancelled because ni the tickets being sold out. Bingo was enjoyed as a change from the usual euchre, which is popular with many members. A social aiternoon is planned for November 13, whcn the Senior Citizens hope 10 have some political figures meet with them. PlanningBoard A special Planning Advisory committce meeting will bc held Nov. l8th to consider the Bowmanville central area study, and establish a sbop- ping centre application policy. Newcastle Planning Advi- sory committee a week ago Tuesday scheduled these items for the meeting as well as giving time to applications for proposed retail commer- cial dcvelopment in the town. ËmntFINE CALLS HIMSELFAN AT//ELETE,-A4lL AY zLONGNHIA NGS ON A BAR AND CH/NS" BOB'S TOWIW4G 24-HOUR SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS PHOèNE 723-66ý.4 R. R.3 3 -owma-ivîlle wal A o il.....A. Corne In And Take Advantage 0f These Special Buys Kenwood BIanI<ets SOnIy MISSES' PANT SUITS 100=rcn PoletrPant Suits. Colo owhte cekddesigns. Buttoned jacket with two pockets. Blue, tangerine or lilac. Sizes 10 to 1 Reg. $17.0i39 NEW FALL FAIÀBRxuICS Celara-Fortrel in plains, checks or plaids. Wide selection of colors. 66"-68" wide and Reg. Value $5.98 a yd. Also 100 per cent Polyester Printed Double Knit. Machine washable and 60" wide. Reg. Value $4.98 a yd. $3y.9. $3 9YD. GIRULS DRESSES 100 per cent Polyester adorable dresses for Fail. Polka dots and plains. Sizes 4 ta 6x and 7 ta 14. Rec- M t ÀM 0 $ 10.98 STU DE NT'S DENIM HANDBAGS Our regular new Fali stock of smartly sled denim bags. You'll want one of these when you see them! Reg.$5$6 I I9 LADI ES' LEATER GLOVES Fine quality lined leather gloves. Made in Itay with warm acryl Iining. Black or Bwn. Sies 612 to 8. Special1 Purchase I I MISSES' BL'OSES AND SWEA TERS Aspecia selected group of discontinued syes of blouses and sweaters. Reduced for quick selling. See them today.' Off 5 KING ST. E. L Colourful, satin bound Kenwood blan- kets in green, gold, rose or blue. 60% WooI/35% Nylon/5% other fibres. 72 x 84". GIRULS DR"ýanhESS COATS Two styles - Leather-Look, in regular length, fur trimmed or the popular tweed wit 2 pockets and fastener front. Sizes 7 to 14. Reg. $39. 98 $24 te9 MEN'S SPORT AND DRESS SHIRTS> Permnanent Press Polyester-Cotton shirts in checks, plains, tone-on-tones or stripes. Sizes S.M.L.XL and 1412-17. Specia I Purchase MISSES' PLAIDSKIRTS' 55 per cent Polyester and 47 per cent Wool. New longer length skirts, flaired in sfnart designed plaids. Sizes 10 to 16. Reg. 0 $25.00o4 BOWMANVILLE CHARGEX You dont have ta pamper a George White snowblower. It rips through the heaviest drift. It cleans right down ta the surface of yard or driveway. Fast. Even heavy, wet or windýpacked snowis hurled clear. Fast. Don't fight the snow next winter. Blast it out of the way. ....with the tough snowblower. TaIk ta your George White dealer before the winter cornes. THERES EXTRA ENGINEERING BUILT-IN TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT Blackstock 986-4283 SINCE 1857 GEORGE WHITE & SONS CO. LTD. P O BOX 129 LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA PHONE 519432 3426 TELEX 024-7259 925 RUE ST LOUISý ST JOSEPH CTÉ SIE HYACINTHE, P QCANADA TEL 54773W425 ~4Qp) c7oD c:~bQ9~ P 'o, E' MARGARINE. BONUS OFFER 20 % Etror2 Specially Formulufed for Cholesterol-Reduced Diets From Your Glen Rae Home Delivery Salesman If t's eIt's Good ............................................ L CeR $8099 099 ý 14a dip

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