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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, Section 2, p. 5

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Fitnes the oal i1*H.S PhysiïcalEdcto by Jean Ahlvik sion for the senior basketba The first priority of the team. At B.H.S. over physical education program percent of the student boi at Bowmanville High School is takes "hys. ed.". Although fitness. Head of Department, is not o fered at the fifth yeý Bill Brunt, stresses that the level, some grade 13 studer concept of fitness should be are enrolled as non-cred understood as physical, social, participants. intellectual and emotional The physical education pr, healtb., 1 gram is developed from With this objective in mind, perception of student needs.1 courses assume no expertise the senior grades, the currici in particular sports. Mr. Brunt lum stresses leisure tirn empbasizes the distinction activities. Community facil between physical education ties and professionals are USE courses and the sports courses to teacb curling, cross count. wbich appear in somne bigh skiing, golf and- tennis. school curricula. The latter In grades nine and 1 courses are designed for physical education is a con students wbo have already curriculum is more tra -ditia developed their basic compe- cirriculûm is mýore traditioi tencv in so)orts. ai. Perbaps the approacb When a golf unit is taught at different thougb as footbal B.H.S., it is taught for for example,is taugt as atoi learners. Mr. Brunt readily to, develop band-eye co-ordiný admits that students who golf tion rather than as the kill( well may be disadvantaged by I sport" we associate wit tbis approacb, but because of Sunday afternoon television the stress on healtb and Three of five classes eac fitness, bie feels it is important week begîn with a runnii to offer courses that will program tailored to the ind attract students whose fitness vidual. No distance demand level may not be acceptable at made but the studenti the present time. At other required to rua for 12 minuteý schools, sports courses appeal How far hie ruas will dependû to the already coaverted and bis general fitness level. fourtb year physical education Students Not Robots becomes another practice ses- The concept of recognizin 7ogram iall 90 idy .it ýar nts dit ýr0- a In li- try 10, is 11l, ool a- ler itb ih is is es. individual differeace is one which Mr. Brunt cberishes. Every attempt is made to concentrate on students as maturiag bumans rather tban robots. A good example of this attitude is in the football coacbing technique. The tbeory is to coacb the students to take responsibility, for the team, themselves. No threats are made about turning up to practice. On the big day the coach gives the quarterback total responsibility for calling the game. If this costs points, it is not as important as the personal development of the boys on the field. The rule is not rigid, however, as Mr. Brunt does not believe in humiliation. If tbings are going very badly, be will step in and try to help. 0f course, as Mr. Brunt admits, sometimes there is a lapse from the ideal because, "It is easier to train animals than individuals." Worked Very Well The phîlosophy has un- doubtedly cost B.H.S. some games, according to Principal Eairl Wolff, but on -the wbole it bas worked very well in terms of tangible rewards. In the 15 years Mr. Brunt bas been associated witb B.H.S., the Section Two football team has won COSSA five or six times, a very respectable record by any- one's standards. However, a winning record is not of primary importance to the physical e ducat ion people at B.H.S. They urge everyone to do his or her best. By trying very hard, they will be successful whether they win or lose. At present B.H.S. bas school teams in the following sports: badminton, soccer, girl's bas- ketball, volleyball, tennis, football, orienteering, cross country, cheerleading and bowling. Some of these teamns are largely self -supporting. In football, the gate receipts very nearly cover expenses and the hasketball team runs its own fund raising activities. The budget for, the physical education program is spent primarily on core course materials wbich benefit ahl of the students. RentaI of com- munity facilities and pro fees represent a large chunk of the $6,900 budget. Individual Attention Mr. Brunt, who teaches more classes of matbematics than physical education, stresses that the individual' must bc given just as much special attention' in physical education as in any other subject, Resonable objectives must be set for each student and some attempt must be made to encourage hima to realize these goals. Thjis philosophy is commen- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Octaber 23, 1974 MARY GERTRUDE WILCOX A well known and respected citizen of the area, Mary Gertrude Wilcox, aged 74, passed away on' Thursday, October lth, 1974, in Memor- il Hospital, Bowmanville, after a two month's illness. The daughter of the late (Matilda) and Charles Good- man, she was born and educated ln Bowmanville. On duneý 24th, 1920, she was married to Thomas Milton Wilcox, residîng at 25 Liberty Street, North for 49 years, and at 55 Liberty Street South, for fîve. A member of Trinity UJnited Church, she was a member of Unit 3, of the Church. A devoted wife and mother Mrs. Wilcox, or Gertie as she was affectionately known, loved to sew knit and crochet for ber grandchildren. Lef t to mourn ber passing are ber husbanci, a son Gordon, two grandcbildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral service was conducted by Reverend Weley Oake, from the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, on Saturday. Palibearers were Messrs. Arnold Lobb, Walter Pascoe, dable and very refreshing in a world where professional ath- letics is a multi-million dollar business and winning often seems to be "the onily thing". Alvin Boyd, Mac Moore, Stan McMurter anci Everett Wina- cott. Floral tokens received at- testing to the esteem ini which the deceased was held, were from K40 Club, General Mo- tors South Plant Maintenance, Jerusalem Lodge, Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, and others. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetery. W!e CA N SAVE Yod) A LOT CF LEGAL k. T*ENIDIEPO IF VOIIUSE T/f E fi VCE T/AT SPARTNER ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Catherine, Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poste, Bowmanville, became the bride of William Gary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo. Eeuwes, R.R. 6 Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, September 28, 1974 in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville. A friend of the bride and groom, Father Robert Carr C.S.P., Toronto, performed the mar- raige ceremony, while tbe organist was Mrs. Prout and the guitarist, Mr. Donald MacIntosh. Given in marriage bv ber father the bride was lovely in a formal gown of white poi de soie,,desîgned with an Empire waîst, cathedral sleeves, and a cathedral length train. Her headpiece was a Mantilla veil, "SOMEON E WRECKED MY SNOWMOBII JF" Cathedral length, trimmed Han and Theo Eeuwes, broL with crocheted silk and she ther's of tbe groom and Mr. carried an arrangeament of Gordon Poste, brother of the yellow Sweetheart roses on a bride. Miss Kerri Poste, niece prayer book, whicb was car- of the bride was the flower ried by ber mother on ber girl. wedding day. The attendants were Matron Following a reception beld of honar Mrs. Judy Mann, in St. Joseph's Churcb Hall, bridesmaids Mrs. Pat Mac: Mr. and Mrs. Eeuwes left for a Intosh, Miss Sandy Scott, Miss boneymoon in New York Vicki Murphy, best man, Mr. State, and are now residing in David Lee, ushers, Messrs. Toronto. Lawn Bow,âlling Club Awarded $6,113 Grant For Work wlith Seniors The an. .H.Faulner cards or other assorted games The on. .H.Faulner as well as lawn bowling. Mv.P-., aecretary uof LtLC 1of Canada, is pleased to an- nounce, on behaîf of the Hon. Marc Lalonde, M.P., Minister of National Health and Wel- fare, two grants under the New Horizons Program. A grant la the amount of $6113 will go ta the-Bowmnan- ville Lawn Bowling Club, 155 High Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, and will involve 200 persons. This Club bas re-: quested a grant ta operate a drapin centre for retired people . The centre, in the group' s clubbouse, will be canveniently located in Bow- manville's downtawn shop- ping district. Seniors will be able ta rest, socialize, play For furtber information, please contact: Mrs. Annie Darcb, 31 King St. East, Bowmanville. Ont. Another grant in the amount of $6925 will go ta tbe Cobourg Lawn Bowling Association, 171 ý Chureh ~Street,' ;Cobourg,'t Ontario, and will involve 89 people. This Association bas requested a grant to help restare its facilities and allow more seniors to participate. As an enticement, free la- struction will be offered ta beginners. For furtber information, W ease contact: Mr. Grant mne ,227 Sydenham St., Co- bourg, Ontario. Approve $250,,000 Loaon Theft or physical damage toaa snowmobile, and persanal lia- bility for its operation are NOT covered by a Homeowner or Tenant Policy. However, the James Insurance Agency can provide snowmobile insu- rance by special coverage. Janwms Insurance Agencg Limmited 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623-4406 Residenice 623-5023 For Newcastle In a news report from 91ueen's Park, Alex Carru- cers, M.P.P., Durham re- parts that an Ontario Devel- opmnent cprporatîon- taurist terni ban in the amaunt of $250,000 bearing an interest rate of 6 per. cent, bas been appiroved for Windsweep Farmi (1965) Limited, New- castle. Company President and General Manager is T. Scott Fennell. The funds will be used ta, construct a marina with full range services for 400 boats, summer and winter boat AUTO &ol USED CARS #~ LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. Marina storage, marina hardware and repair and food supplies. Business Directory Accountanc'y WM. . H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowinaiville Phone. 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Cornn. Chartered Accountant 36% King St. B., OÉhawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractîc 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Office: Chiropractor 15 Elgn Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental DL 'ANGUS M. DLAIR DD.8. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvifle (near Dominion Store) Office Houri: 9:30 a.m. ta 9 p.m. inc1luding Saturday TeIephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE 1Dental Surgeon' 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Houri: Weekdays - 9 -5 Teltphone 623-7412 If b sy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENTi D.D.S, 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Profeséional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 ti1 5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9 tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Plione 623-5790 IGA FIA VRED ran geP crystals POLY BAG OF 5 x 314-Z. PKGS. j0Y n~ Liquid 7 Detergent 32-FL, DZ. KING SIZE PLASTIC BTL. e M olrlleSeeStyai KITCHEN CliP Dixie Refils S<IZE BAGGIES ALLIGATOR PLASTIC KRFT Whiz . $1.89 Utiliy Bgs SCHNEIOER'S MILO, MEDIUM OR OLO COLORED Cheddair Cheese W2E FIM SAICO r-Z F R SolidÊ W'--hite Tuna TIN791 RDC PAM NO-STICK Spray Coating AERO TIN *1.29 UNCLE BEN'S Converted Rice BA 2.99 BREAKFAST CEREAI.1 z5 Weetabix ,PK5 MAPLE CREME1-z 9 Manning Biscuits PKG.Z69 HOSTESS <REGULAR OR DIPI, Potato Chips PKG:59' SAVARIN CHICKEN, TURKEY OR SALISBURY STEAK Frozen Dinners il-oz. 9 PKG. 5 MRS. LUKES RASPBERRY OR 7 ~ Strawberry uaouuWITH 24-FL. Ja ,PECTIN OZ. JAR S ~ Purina Cat Chow 20-DZ.* 19 PKQ.- LED DWOR FROZEN (REGULAR OR MINT FLAVOR> 0PFS 6 OZ. T100nof "'G90 Oio insBOx 350 Crest TotpateML TUBE 89 BXRUPERT FROZEN GOLDEN 1-z 9 PR ICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT. 0F 20 49 D aLereu ICod PKG. ~ OCT. 23,24,25,26 RED SIICERS,, 0E F U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE atoes CANADA FANCYGRADE CANADA NO. lGRADE B. C. Anjou Pears 3-;S 991 Cooking Onions 2 Ls 49e FARM FRESH BRAND Cello Carrots HALLOWE'EN TREAT PROIIUCE OF U.S.A, 2BAGS-491 Peanuts in the Sheli lB $' ~ 77 KING ST. E. EMBOWMANVILLE SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:00Oan. to5:OO p..#n. r YORKFANCY Green or Wax Deans (FRENCH STYLE> 14-FL. oz. - ' TIN 2 "YOU GRIND IT FRESH AT TIME 0F PURCýHASE" BAG ' MONEY ON QUALITY DX PR EMIUM UELOIFUEL OIL and'STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALI COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL US DX FUEL OIL TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE FFIURJULOL 1 'IcIr v 1

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