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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, p. 2

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2 Tht Canadian Statesnian, Bowsianville, Ociober 23, 1974 Day LCare Centre h '15 At present the Town of Newcastle bas two community run nursery schools but no day care centres. A grant propos- al, approved in principle by the Ontario Legislature last week, wiil soon change alI, that. A target date for 1975 bas been set by Durham region Day Care Services Co- ordinator Mrs. M. Brown, for a 45-place day care centre in Buwmanville. The Bowmanville location was given top priority on tbe Durham region grant re- quests. The province approv- ed 17 grants for a total of $2,400,000. As $15 million is the announced total expenditure planned for this program, Durham hopes to get at least two more centres in the next round of approvals. The intention of this provin- cial program is to "minimize regional disparities" in day care facilities across the province. Needs were assess- ed through public meetings and held throughout Durham region. Employers also approached regarding their perception of the need. Anotb- er consideration, of course, was the projected growth figure for the various tom-, munities- On, these criteria,' Bowmanville was selected as the region's number one priority. 'the exact location bas not yet been isclosed as negotia- tiotis are still in progress. The gra nt wilI be spent on either construction or renovation costs. Mlayor Garnet fickard and Couni. lIan Hobbs sbowed Mrs. Brown several locations but n) indication has been given on whlcb one bas been choseii. The centre will accommno- date 45 childrün betw\een the ages of two and five for five days awè,,c. l'le staffofeight will likely~ incltide a supervis- or, an assistant~ supervisor, four qualified day care s pëe cialists, a nursry Tid aa bousekeeper-cook. This ser- vice wiIlI aIse be available on a hait' day basis for children enrolled in Kindergarten. ,Costs to parents for similar service this year are five dollars per day per child. Transporta tion, except in cases of speclal beed, is the responsibility of the parent. The other. centres xhere grânts have been requested are -Scugog, Brock, Nitby andû0shawai nthat order. Itis e-xrected thiat two4lmore grants will be fort conng. There are rumiors, however, that the province miay be miore inter- ested in the Oshawa location 'han the C'ariingtefl-Brock site. Oïshawa andi Whitby will get day care centres whether the province awards grants or not. Estimnates for their con- struction will be includèd in the 19 î75 soc i ai services capital budget if necessary according to Regional Social Services Corn ii siofie rDoug Johns. Gradua te Rebecca Lee Recently graduated as a Medical Laboratory Techno- logist in ceremonies beld at tht Toronto Institute of Medil cal Technology. Becky is tht daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Let of Leskard. She bas accepted a position at Sunny- brook Hospital, Toronto. Jack rost (F rom Page One) Paul with 20 bins of good appies. Frost gives tht eating apples sucb as tht Delicious a bad coloring and makesthern s0 they won't keep. Paul bas 13 rows of Delicious witb approx- imately 35 trees, to tht row. Last year. Mn. Allin got only 20 per cent of whaf would bave been considered a normal crop. This year, lie reports, that it is not a bumper trop, but a normal ont. With 80 per cent of tht trop now picked, Paul estimates there are qbout 10 days of picking lett. Pickers are mostly wumen from tht area. Theres no problern getting pickers, says Mn. Aluin. Ail tht trees are semi-dwarf and tan be picked from tht ground with tht use of eight foot fipoti ladders. To pitk tht very tops of some trees there is a hoist su that ont picker tan do aIl tht trees.' Paul says there migbt be an excess of processing apples because tht canners are leery about getfing enough sugar at a guoti price. Buying expen- sive sugar might boost tht price of the product too much. Swim Pool (Fromn Page Ont) would act as agents for tht municipality.' Mn. Brown stat- ed that this was necessary in that tht town owned tht land and tht clubs couldn't take out a building permit on land they didn't own.' Ht also stateti that, according to tht Town's solicitor, it would be compli- catiedifnot impossible fortht clubs to take responsibility'for tht pool, there being su many different bodies involved. Mn. Brownî said that hle was going te take tht proposeti agreement befween tht town and tht service clubs to solicitor AI Strike for its final tirafting. Ht would then get tht necessary signatures from tht service clubs involved and present it to tht mayor and clerk for tht final signing today. Council in order to protect tht town, passed an amendment to tht bylaw, that tht signing of tht agreement would be on tht approval of tht mayor and clerk of tht final agreemnent. A sod turning ceremony at Memonlal park is pianned for today between 6 B m. anti 7 p.m., providing tht uilding permit tan be obtain- ed. In order to conform to tht town's bylaws, tht agreernent bas to be signed before a building permit tan be issued, andi to begin tht excavation is to begin to build. Mn. Brown toid touncil that it would be written in tht agreement that $25,000 would be deposited in an account by tht clubs, before tht agret- ment was sîgned, and that other funds, letters ut credit, etc. would be furnished to tht town to cuver all expenses inturred by tht tonstruction ut tht pool, not covered by tht Fascinating Ont, Art Gallery Liptay Charges Mayor Will Reopen On Sat. at Ili Rickard with Buildïig With 5 Hours of Festivities, On an Unimproved Road At 10 arn. on Saturday, 9ctober 26th, to the skirl oft tht pipes of the 48tb Highlanders, .the Art Gallery of Ontario wili 3wing wide the doors of its niew building on Dunidas Street West to the Public. Beginning at Il, Pre- mier William Davýis, collector and patron Mrs. Saiel J. Zacks and famied sculptor Henry Moore w'ill officiate at opening ceremonies in tht Walker Court. As belis ring f romn nearby St. Patrick's Ciur-cb for tht first time in over 25 years, format cerennies .wiif have finisbed and five houirs ef festivities will begin. There will be lots to do and ste. Magicians, clowns andi pup- pets will entertain yôuing people in the lower !lbby; ahove, in the main lobby, tht Climax Jazz Band will play festive music alI afternoon., Élsewbere, printmaker Dor- een Foster and papermaker Andrew J. Smith will demion- strate bow pnints and~ paper are made. In tbe Lecture Hall, a continuous audio-visuai provinrcial grants. The cost ofthte pool itsell is $17,000 and that is the reason, for the $25,000 deposit, MIr. Brown tolti council. Hle went on to state that the consu 1t a its bad placed tbe total cost of the pool, change bouses, fencing, etc. at $74,000. Mr. Brown said tbe service clubs would inake good tbeir sbare of$ ,~0by November l6th, and that the town could put up $15.,000, this being the amount recoverable tbrougb provincial grants. The propsed pool wîll be Olmiclngth, 25 mneters, bowever, will fali short of an Olympic widtb, NMr. Brown tolti the councillors. ÇOn the question of the proposeti vinyl liner, Mr. Brown stated that it was guaranteed for il) years of normal wear, that maintenj- ance costs wouild be tcut, in that it took $L,400 to paint and dlean the Orono tentent pool, and this one would only have to be vacuatji, the water staying in îit al year' lk>ng IHt also explaied tbat this pro- posai was foi, $74,oK0 with a cernent pool it wouild be $120,000. He addedi that this pool could easily be converted to cernent., Volunteer labor froni thie service clubs is expected to be out this weekend helping with the excavation, and the pool is expected to be in operation by tht end of June '75, Mr. B rowni told tht councîllorsý (Fromn Page One) agreed that f armi people should be given more îrîîorina- tion about the alternatives ais theynow exist. The meeting did express considerable re- gret that no alternative route passes tbrougb the area in Darlington and Clarke that many bati suggested ithe Spring. A motion wacs imadet lut the Federation sugge(st to the meeting on Octob1er 2Stb that tht first priority wul le fra route furthier north of the one recommended by Sparling and the second clic ul be the soutbern alterïiative between Wesleyvil-le andi Dar- lington with some mincir adjustrnents to tht S'parýling' report. No decision was reaceh- ed on the route that shoulti be taken from Rlossmiount to Wesîeyville.- - Tht Federation urged al farrn peoiple in the area to attend to discuss the aiternate routes. With everyoiivs parti- cipation it is hoïed 4iat the best possible route m'il, lbe selected. Lot Levii* (From Page Onle) The rates decidEd( on Te day, Oct. l5th are about laliof those initially set ont bý NMr. Howden. Tht levies w-ere adopteti as interim levies for Necastle, and wiil be studied, anti possibly cbanged when a full econornîc study is doen i the future. petition opposing bad about 400 names. Howtvtr, if wýas not as simple as ruling for tht majority. Tht smnailer petition usually hat iinly ont natne per houseboiri wbile tht larget ont often containied tht najiies of every h lousehlold nnber of voting age. It looked conIsp'Iuously like a draw. Tht existing contract for garbage colection etirson Nov. I., necessitating inmred- late action by council. presentation will be sbown andi throughout the building, guides will be onibandt t help visitors enjey the opening exhibitionis, Aniong opening higblights awaitiflg visitors to tht Art Gallery are the ne-w Henry, Moore Scaîptte Centre bous- ing the magnificent gift to Ontario ofNi works by Henry Meore; the spacious twin gÊlleries of thé Sam tnd Ayala Zacks Wing where historie Canadian and contemporary Ontarie art 4vîIl l e seen; the handsome, refurbished orig- inal galleriens offering a coin- préhensive view oif the Art Gallery' sO()I Master collec- tion; tht anprecedented op- portimitv te discover the scope of the Gallery's graphie col- lection in tht niew Prints and Drawings Gallery. A one-man show of paintings and drawings by' Toronto artist .Iob*i Meredlih will open, the new Education Gallery m-here. tfor the first- time, Torontoîtians wili sep exhibi- tionis createti by Extension Services for circulation to galleries and centres tbrough- out Ontario. Window wells, lobbies and information desks will be ablaze with faîl flowers and foliage provided by the Gar- den Clu b of Toronto in honour of the opening. Visitors will be encouraged to stay until closing time, 5 p.m., to enjoy the fun and see as much of the new building and its 15 galleries as possible. To help them- do this are many spaces designed for relaxation including a cafeteria and the licenced Grange Court Rest- aurant and members' lounge. Director William Withrow has promised that the Art Gallery of Ontario, as a greatly expanded arts centre, will be a "vital component of contemporary society". It seems to be off to a lively start., Visitors from- this area may meet a former acquaintance, Hugh Pryce-Jones, formerly with General Motors Public Relations Dept. in Oshawa. H1e is the Director of Develop- ment at the Gallery. Plans Announced For Massive Se wer And 'Water'System Provincial Minister of tht Environuinent, Williami New- man, MIontiay, announced plans fon devtl.oping a mas- sive water andI sewage systeni te serve Drhani andi York Region s. Th rojct will1take over 12 ,years te complete and will cost $200 million. Metro Tor- offto signeti an. agreentent Oct. 11 to previde water in tht area J ut rapiti growth east and nortb of Toeronto. Direct connections will te matie to Toronto Trunk mains andi î systein ef pumnping wtations andt reservoins is planneti according to a ov- Educdotion ernment report. A trunk sewer systemn will be built in the two regions and the entire sewage flow will be treated and discharged into Lake Ontario from a water pollution control plant to be Iocated near Duffin's Creek in Durham Region. The plans essentially follow growth and development guidelines contained In the So vernment's Toronto- entred Region report of 1970. Housing Minister Donald Irvine said demands for serviced land in the area for new home cons truc tion'sbould be alleviated. Ce Iig Ruised 13 Per Cent October Speciol Finches Reg. $10 ........... N $8-00en.. Reg. $ 8........... NOW$6.00 eu. DOG COATS GftO4MING AIDS BASKETS TRAINING EQUIPMIENT The, Bowmonville Pet Shop $160 per secondary pupil will bie allowed in 1975. Thaf brings tht ceilings to $876 per year, elementary, and $1391 per seotaystudent. Tl'tiepfovince ,,approved the increases aller a study ut school huard budgets and needs over tht past few months. Briets trom various groups and organizations had been considered. Tht big decision tu be made now by tht huard is where tht money will be spent. SHELVE SITE STUDY Durhamn Regional Council, last Wednesday, voted 15 to 13 not to conduct tht study on a Bermanent site for regional eadquarttrs. A motion fo conduct tht study was voteti on tbree tmes. Tht f irst vote was 13 in favor anti 15 opposed, tht second was a standing vote wbich resulteti in a tit anti tht Chairman Walter Beath cast- ing tht deciding vote in favor ut tht study. A third vote took f lace when several ouncil- ors clamoreti for a recordeti vote anti'1 tht study was defeateti. FORMER TEACHER ON T.V. Many former pupils must have bten quite tielighted as we were, f0 set their former tacher, Miss Muriel Sissons ,)f Whitby featureti on televi- sion over tht weekenti. She is now retired and bas a home filleti with stray cats that she welcomes, feetis and restores te good health, white wait ing for somieone to atiopt (hem through tht Humant Socitty. CARD FROM DOWN UNDER Mrs. _Etna Tbickson, who for a number ut years, bas been sentiing Tht Statesman news from Elizabethville, will have plenty to talk about when she returus home at tht endi of tht month. This week, the Editor receiveti a tard froin hier, posteti from Perth, Aus- tralia, wherc she is having a gond time at a convention. She writes that there isn't much news about Canada in tht papers there; they didn't even mention tht Russia-Canada hockey stries. WINS LEGION DRAW According to an ativertise- nient in last night's Oshawa Times,, Lintia Bell of 14 Liberty Street South, was tnt winner ut $10,000 in tht Oshawa Ltgion draw for September. Won't that lie a belpi for Christmas shopping! MEET IN NEWCASTLE On Saturtiay morning about 200 horticultunists will lie gatbening in Newcastle Coin- munity Hall for tht annual District Four convention. They chose Newcastle lie- cause tht local Horticultural Society iscelebratîng its 60th anniversary. Tht day-long meeting g ets untierway at 10 with several excellent speak- ers on the program. building inspector Charles Warren agree witb Mr. Rick- ard. Mr. Liptay also charges that: 1. Altbougb Mr. Rick- ard's home is flanked by an unimproved road for 150, feet, bis bouse fronts on 830 feet of an unimproved road.- 2. Mr. Rickard bas allowed bis actual driveway to be located at tbe unimproved road. 3. Before Mr. Riekard was mayor, a severance was denied bim. Now be bas receîved tbe severance. Mayor Rickard states that it does not matter that bis bouse fronts an unimproved road, as long as the property bas frontage on an improved road. H1e also added that tbe entrance could be from wbere ever be liked, and that the severance bad been denied because be bad applied too late in tbe year, and tbat is wby be decide 'd to bold off until this year. Sbeila Parker, secretary of tbe land division. committee, states tbat Mayor Rickard's property is a "legal lot". It is on unproductive farmland and fronts on an open road. Newcastle's chief building inspecetor Warren says thî the blaw states a ho_,_ cannot be buiît fronting an unmrvd road, but does flot sywibway the house bas to face. Mayor Rickard expressed the view that Mr. Liptay's allegations came about be- cause the town has refused bim a building permit. "I've spent hours and hours telling bim what he might do to get it, and he's refused. He completely bypassed the local municipality when he started his bouse", he said. H1e added that he bad a letter from Mr. Liptay in whicb he asked the mayor to ' order " the building inspector to give hlm (Mr. Liptay) a building permit. 'But 1 can't do anything that's against the bylaws," he said, "and I can't get this through to him." George Blyle venRa General Insurance Fire and Automobile Insurance Contact: JOYCE GROOT 623-3958 or 623-5300 The~4 MOTOR INN presents Miss Doreen Bren nan SONG STYLIST AT THE HAMMOND ORGAN Now Appearing Nightly in the Captain's Lounge Suppr Dncin - aturdayOct. 26th f0 The Quartet with Bob Hill, Vocalist featuring Miss Doreen Brennan ut the Hammond Organ SPECIAL DINNER PACKAGE FOR TWO Full Course Plus 112.95 Dinner for 2 35 oz. Carafe Wine-Includes Tax and Gratuity - RESERVATIONS REQUESTED - Di ning Room Dai l yfrom 5.00 p.m. Ente rtain ment Nightl y fro m 8:30 p.m. Supper Dancing Saturday fromn 8: 30 p.m. For Reservations Cali 623-3373 Interchange 75 Bownmanviiie, Ontario SOMEBODY GOOFEDI These suites were mnade in the riglit fabric, wrong style. Due to warehouse space, Kroehler's had to unload. You benefit by saving $130.00 on a 2 pc. Kroehler suite, full coul sprlng seat construction with spring edge. Waterfall type seat cushions, button tufted. Will net shift. Semi-attached pillowback. 100 per cent Nylon fabric with arm caps. Regular $629.00 Thurs.-Fri,-Sat. OinIy $499.OO There are many more chesterfield designs in traditional, Colonial and modern on display and new suites are arriving every week. You will also find many fine bedroom and dining room suites. Members of our staff will be glad to assist you and make suggestions in your home if you wish. We also seil and instali broadloom. F. A.KR AM P FURNITUVRE LTD- Business, Admninistfrator for tht Northumberlandi Newv casile BIoard of Education, AI Maceoti, infornied the board of nlotification rom tht pro- vince of an appoixmlate 13 Pei, cent iucreas nthe -ceilings placeti on school spending this year. "But the figures we have rteeved dont tell us what the grants v% l! be, or what it will do te l ocal fax raîtes," said Mi. MatýL4od- An increase of up te $80 per elemnentfary upil anti up f0 Permitted to Froni Paqe Ont) building without a building perrmit. CourictUor Entwisle tolti Mn. Tho4npson that lie shoulti nov. apply for a change in zoning, and thaf the proctss takes approxirmately six montbs. Mr. Thompson was asked how lie would protect bis ftundation, to which he ne- l'ed that he would like f0 i thie hiatisé.'-. aorG4arnet Rlckartd exp)laineti to Mn. Thioïpsoi t at itht bylaws belonged iote thtpeeple anti C oueillor Enttvisle then miovel that Mr. Warren be givett the power te acf on givingerniission foi, a mnini- nwn âm~rount et work, se that ilht feTndations don'( heave, and that no fraing sboutld be dotne above tht tountiation. Ht aisù atideti that this was to be done ilfltht applicant su desireti anti wihout prejudice f0 thet fown's legal position. After a discussion as f0 tht towft taking liability if tht foundation dRi heave, Coun- cilhwfl e amndnred bis a to uinclutit taftht applicant mualit give docu- mnents relitving tht tow-n ut any ibiiy Tht motion was passeti. MIayor Rickard questioneti council's decision and asked what they would do about Johin Lipta's cenistruction site near HIayton. Thet mayer stated that Mnr. Liptay vas in tht saine position as Mr~. Thomnp- son a#tI woufd ask Ntht sainte o council. Couneillor Ivan Hoblis replieti that they were nef tht saine, MnI. Liptay hiaving no building miatenials uset ilnv a boItanhd "I du not wish to relieve Ibu utofbis rtsponsibilityý in looking atter Councîl $eeks (F reomPage Qne) area made up of many nmuniiipalites. However, rather thian calling if "Tht Area Municipalityout . " if coulti le a town-iship, or sorne crisp namne sucb as District, or Bor1ough et ... C'ouincillor Enfwistle tomn- tuenteti that lie theught if was good te give tht public a strong proposal te work with, that being "The Arta Munici- palily of N#w\castItt. He also comimeited that he was honni- tieti by the itita ot changing tht namne to 'oesl" Counillor Entwistle's Mo- tion was piasd, emnphasising that iea of getting public input. 623-7071 BOWMANVILLE 37 KING ST. E. Oshawa school princi pal John Liptay wbo bas been refused a building permit for bis home near Haydon, bas accused the Mayor of New- castle with not baving to observe tbe samne bylaw. Mr. Liptay stated that wbile bie cant build bis home fronting on an unimproved road, May- or Gai-net Rickard is goîng abead witb bis new home wbich fronts on an unimprov- ed road. .... the Baseline Road. Mayor Rickard denies these allegations and others brought forward by Mr. Liptay late last week. Durham Region's land division committce sec- retary and Newcastle's chief Council Wants (From Page One) Thbe discussion on the shop- ping plaza w4s prompted by a letter from Western Auto Parts Ltd. (Oshawa) wbo expressed tht view tbat tbe shopping plaza at King and Simpson did not bave as mucb menit as their own proposai in being approved in another area. The letter bad been referred to the committee by the previous council meeting. Monday, council also approved the recommenda- tion of the Finance committet to concur witb the proposai for street lighting on tbe Baseline in the Industrial area at an estimated expenditure of $5,866.40 as set out in the Bowmanville P.U.C. Mana- ger's letter. of Oct. il, 1974. If the expenditure cannot be accommodated in tbe 1974 budget, it will be provided for in the 1975 budget.' Special Fu CleanmUp IN WARD TWO (Bowmanvilie) South Side of King St. MON DAY, OCTOBER 28, 1974 Norfth Side of Kîng St. THURSDAYI OCTOBER 31, 1974 Vour extra trash-tririminigs should be placed. conveniently on the bouevard fo- this special pick-up. Leaves should be placed in bags or cardboard boxes. J. DUUNANI, Director, Publie oks. Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Preliminary List The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, section 23 (1) and (2) Preliminary List, 1974 of Town off Newcast le, Regional Municipality of Durham.- Notice is herebW, ief that 1 have complied wifh Section 23 of The Municipal E lecfions Act, 1972, and thaf I have posted up, at My office at 40 Temperance Sf., Bowmanville,on the23rd day of October, 1974 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipalify at municipal elections, and that such istremains fhere for inspection. And 1 hereby cati upori ail etectors fo take immediafe proceedings fa have ariy rrors or, omissions correcfed according fa Iaw. November~, 1974. - The place at which the revision will commence is 40Temperance St, 0owmanville. - The fime af which the revision will commence 9 a.m., 24fh ofOctoberr, 1974. Dfdthis Twenfy-third dlay cf October, 1974. J. M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Clerk of The Town of Newcastle 32 King St. W. 623-2921 DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountaints OFF ICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Eeon.),C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A.t Phone 728-7.527 - 8319-7764

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