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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, Supplement, p. 8

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AGE EIGHT Supplement of The Caniadian Stal 'Human eng-ineering' leads to a 'goof-proof' Engineer Lee Pastor's lth tape recorder -the Wollensak 1500 - has just regist.ered its 1,500,OOth sale. That's quite an achieve- ment for a tape recorder series that is stiil being produced after 17 years, with few basic changes from the original model. The reason for its unique success is attributable to the l'human engineering" concept off Lee Pastor and bhis talented staff at 3M/ Wollensak. This concept, Pastor explains, "is to make it goof-proof. Make it easy to use- hard to abuse." , Designed for Used -Humnan engineering," he says, "is designing a product so that the user does what cornes natural- ly." And that has -been Pastor's objective since he designed bis first tape re- corder for the Revere Camera Company in the early '50s. Today, bis dedicated en- gineering staff in St. Paul, Minn. is obliged to follow their new tape recorders aIl the way through 'frorn the drawing boards to complete acceptance by the customer. "In the end," be advises, "it ail bouls down to the custorner's needs." Pastor designed the original Wolensak 1500 to protect the electronic in- sides so that if the ma- chine were dropped acci- dentally, it would still work. Operating keys were clearly mnarked to provîde easy operation. Instruc- tional mnanuals wvere sim- ple. Fe-aturc,' for studenits Af ter mnany improve- ments over the years, the Model 1520 AV emerged. It is essentially identical to the original 1500, with soipe bit-in "hurnan en- gineering" features aimed prim-iarily at stuclents. The 1500 series can be feund in almnost every school in Amierica,. Wollensajk is actually a part of the MUincorn cdivi- sýion within the larger 3M Cornpany, When 3M want- ed to manufacture bard- wýre, tbey iooked to Re- recorder LONG CAREEJI of the Wollensak 1500 tape recorder, which bas registered 15 million sales, is attributed to the '"easy to use-bard to abuse" engineering concepts of en- gineer Lee Pastor and his staff at 3M1/Wollensak. The tape recorder series has seen few basic changes from the original inodel, produced 17 years ago. vere/Wolensak as a natu- rai, especially since ahl Revere recorders contain- ed a rol of "Scotch" mag- netic tape. Pastor is flercely, loyal to bis engineering team, rnany of whorn have work- ed together for ther past 25 years. He is proud of the fact that many off bis associates have several re- cordings patents; he him- self, holds over 50 patents. He credits the Mincom division for creating the climate necessary for pro- ductive researcbi. "Our re- searchi," be cdaimrs, "bas given us the best profes- sional recording equip- mnent in the radlio, TV and recording indlustries." , When the frst cassette recorders wevre introduced by 3-M Wýollenisak. one problem was "to dsg andi prodluce areally rug- ged c assettfedrv, Pastor notedi. "Size is important, because the larger the fiy- ,whet.d, the greater the in- ertia - which belps con- trol true sound. But to get the bigger fiywheel into a' small package without los- ing reliabillty, we had to corne up with a unique drive system. "We did. Now we bave cassette recorders that can extract the last býit of sound on a tape.", The latest recorder- playback unit, Model 8080, uses an 8-track cartridge for true hfi-fi sound repro- duction. The new unit con- tains ail the "lhuman en- gineering" features that Pastor and hîis staff bave developed with the belp off 3M research. This new "goof-proof" two channel record, four playback cartridge unit has, in effect, taken the 8-track out off the auto and put it in the audio- phile area. The self-evident opera- tional features off Wollen- sak tape recorders are again obvious in the Model 8080. "If you can operate one Wollensak recorder," says Pastor, "you can op- erate tbeip ail."1 Tuning conto adjustsT picture to room bri.ghtness Ever becomne bothered and bewildered when. the late afternoon sunshine streams through the win- dow and washes out mucb off the color TCV picture, just, when 'the score is tied or when a favorite TV soap opera bas you on the edge off the chair? What to doý? 0f course, one could continue, as in the past, to walk to the window and draw the drapery or shade. And one could then walk to the set and crank up the brigbtness control off the TV picture. R-owever, the TV engineers iIay have a better solution., A 1975 design approach by the makers off Quasar color TV positions, on the front of the set, a boney- cornb lens, similar to that used in a light meter. The lens is properly placed to measure general room brightnes Behind the lens is a light sensor which responds to changes in roorn lîght, activating electronic circuitry which quickly translates the need for increased or de- creased picture tube brightness, contrast 4nd color intensity, keeping al in balance, Balances 14D liglit When a strong after- nouon sun floods the room and TV screen, this cir- cuitry "telegr-aphs", the need for încreased bright- niess on the picture tube to offset intense roorn ligbt. When darkniess dimis the room, the electronic systern reduces the brigbt- ness on the picture tube. This particular system is identified as Super Inista- Matic color tuni3g, Re- ceivers with this com- pany's, 1975 ail solid state chassis also have a single manual slide action con- trol which can make sirnilar balanced picture adj ustrnents when the au- tornatic system is "Ioff"' or not engaged. Another development by this color TV rnaker is a "SlurnberSeritry" feature on designated remote con- trol consolemodels which will automatically shut down the TV set shortly after the broadcast sta- tion concludes ts sched- uled prograrn transmis- sion period: no neeci to waste power while the viewer dozes. Adais'to vltage Also in connection witb powyer, thîs set miaker's 100 per cent solid. state color TV receivers are equipped witb line voltage regulation, designed to maintain picture quality level to help prevent a fading picture in low volt- age periods or too 'bright a picture during bigh volt- age surges. The, 1975 ail solid state clor TV line by Quasar Electronics Corporation, bas a number of console cabinet designs wbich off- fer a bold and massive appearance, with fine detail in ornarnentation, solid furniture style corner post treatrnents onmany models, as well as greater use of smartly styled side panels. Certain models also highlight simulated slate cabinet tops. 1The design direction off this maker's latest line points to the possible m~ul- tiple funiction use of two 19-înch diagonal portable color- TV furniture en- semrnbles. tesman, October 23rd, 19741 SiIHT & SOUND Introducn four channel: a new, sound for home listening Developing ".total," real- istie sound bas been an objective of engineers since the advent off audio reproduction. The move from monophonic to ste- reophonic sound was the, first step. Finding a new and bet- ter method off reproducing sound which approaches that off the live perform- ance remained a probîem until recently, when four- cbannel sound was de'vel- oped.. Radio Corpora- tion offers six four-chan- nel systems-four console and two modular-featur- ing the Allegro speaker system, with a combina- tion of ' style and sound performance for'the lis- tener looking for today's most exciting listening ex- perience. Ail the four-channel consoles allow the listener to play matrix four-chan- nel records and Q-8 tapes, and monitor matrix four- channel FM broadcasts. The consoles also enhance all forms of stereo f rom radio, records or tapes. The Alleg ro speaker sys- tem, developed by Zenith, bas a "tuned port." Where rnany other speaker sys- tems trap some of -the 10w frequency sound inside their speaker enclosures, Allegro , tuned port givesý it a way out so that listen- ers are hearing more of the deep, rich bass.. The consoles come in two different design f orms. Credenza style cabinets, with ahl four speakers con- tained in one unit, are FOUR-CHANNEL SOUND IN ELEGANT CONSOLES will be increasingly popular in audio this year. Zenth ofTers this, four-channel console in a high-fashion Mediterranean de- sign. The Lwo "front" speaker enclosures are bujît into the main cabinet; two furniture-styled cabinets contain, the "&rear" speakers. The set plays four-ehannel matrix records, four-channel discrete tapes, and monitors four-ch_4nnel matrix FMbroadcasts. It plays and also enhances stereo records and tapes. featured in two models, the Early American styled Portsmnouth and the Medi- terranean styled Cabrillo. In the credenza units, sound frorn two off the channels ernanates out the front of the set; sound frorn the other two chan- nels ernanates fromn side angle flring speakers. Two of the four-chan- nel consoles each, feature two rernote-type furni- turestyled Allegro speak- er enclosures. These sep- arate enclosures, Country French styled-in the Alle- mande and Mediterranean styled in the Torreblanca, perfectly comnplement aý complete room "look.", For those who prefer a modular systern, two flve- piece units are availablè, Which include four Allegro speaker, enclosures. For complete capability, the Quadrille includes a rec- ord changer, 2/4-channel 8-track tape player and AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner- amplifier. For those viho may wish to step Up to a four-channel record changer later, the Quartet includes the 2/4-channel tape player and an AM/ FM/Stereo FM tuner-am- plifier only. LL9LLL~CTI~OiHHOr~tiuLi 7//S"'! r o=:i-,i 011 eR oeIli-ý :1: cÊ w i The ail new Electrohome 75%5 are here ... at Cherney's Iow everyday sale prices! Sharply Styted, Light-Weight 16"" Electrohome Colo r Portable, Electrohome goes small screený in a,-big way! Features a new, specially developed solid state chassis and precision "in line" picture tube for a sharper, brighter picture. Features automatic fine tuning, automatic- col 'or, and tint, direct shielded connection for cable, earphone jack, spacious 125 sq. inch vîewing area and 12 months service. Completely portable, weighs only 38 lbs. -Gente le -Store' Terms Available -Cherney's G uarantee of Satisfaction and Swvings -ini writing! Cherney's Furniture World Hwy. 2 Opp. Whîtby Mail 579-2660 Shop Mon. ta Fri. lOam- 9:3Opm, Sat. 9 'tii 6 PP. 1

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