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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, Supplement, p. 9

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SIGHT & SOUND Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, October 23rd, 1974PAEN E Assembling a sôund sys-tem?, It's a snap HOý,(W TO PUT YOUR MUSIC SYSTEM TOGETHERO HERE ARE THE BASIC IN(;REDIENTS of a home entertainunent music system - the program sourves, the ampli fier-control center, and the sound reproducers or Ioadspeakers. Yont can buyti each ,part separately, or two or more coanbined <a tuner and amplifier togetliur forrin a stereo recever), or ail of them in one console or stereo compact. Putting together ýa home music, system is flot only easy, but fun. Basically, every music system consists of' three in- gredients: a music or program source, an amplifier and a speaker' or speakers. Ail three ingredients may corne in a single package (as in the case of' a transistor radio orportable phonograph) or in sepýàrate parts or comn- ponients. Total ,ystem or. tailored You may buy thern together as a total system pre- selected by-the manuf'acturer or dealer, or pick out in- dividual components tailored to your own musical needs, Programi sources include AM and FM radio, phono- graph records and magnetic tape. You rnay want a system capable of reproducing ahl three types. Or if you're* operating on a tight budget, you may prefer to buy the an os te uti radio receiver now and add and bo stson temog uti a turntable for records te'esrn nuht later. deiedrive one or more loud- The deieused to bring speakers. radio signais into your Amplvifier power sound system is the tuner. Amplifiers are rated in It may corne as part of' a terms of' the powýer they transistor radio costing produce-the more power- under $10, or be purchased f'ul the amplifier, the more as a separate componient it's likely to cost and the priced from $80 to $1,500. better its ability to handie For records, you'll need loud musical passages and a turntable and phono car- procluce rich, deep bass. tridge. They're found in The end the music cornes stereo compacts and con- out of' is the ioudspeaker- soles, but corne as separate or more properly the loud- components as well. .speaker systern. You can buy a separate Tonal spectrumj automatîc unit f'or less The better stereo sys- than $50 or pay over $500 tems use not one speaker for a manual turntable for each channel, but two equipped with a precision or more - usually of dif- magnetic pickup. ferent sizes and design- AIIows ereativity to specialize in, different Tape systems *generally parts of the tonal spec- have the advantage of ai- trurn. lowing you to create as You can find ail these well as to enjoy recorded parts in a basic sound sys- sound. tern like a portable phono Like the other programi or buy them as separate sources, they generate componients. electrical signais for the Before you go shopping, amplifier. decide not only how mruch The amplifier is the you want to spend, but heart of any home music what you expect inreturn system. It receives wÀeak for it, in ternis of' program electrical signais fromn the sources, sound quality and various prograrn sources looks. What youj shouild knoqw about.. ýWhaV ii watt One of' the first things you're iikely to discover when you set out to buy a home music system - whether it's a single- brand moctular system, a stereo compact or console, or fuli-fiedged hi-fi corn- ponent system - is that manufacturers rate the power of their products in watts. And the numiber of watts you get is related directly to the price-you pay. The wattage power of the amplifier circuit is as much an index to the per- formance ability of the systern as is the horsepow- er rating of a car. The trouble is, until re- cently there were nearly as rnany systerns for rat- ing amplifier power as there were manufacturers producîng phonos and hi- fi components. So the Fed- eral Trade Commission has corne up with a sys- temi for measuring power wýhich puts ah manufac- turers and ail typesof' home ent ertainrnent prod- ucts on an equal footing - the "RMS" rating systern. The FTC system mrakes sure ail wattage cornpari- sons use the samne stand- ards. So when you see two hi-fi componients with dif- f erent RMS ratings, you canl be sure they were test- ecl under equal conditions. 4 channel new sound sensation. Picture yourseif hiterally surrounded by your favo- rite rock group, or right up on stage at a Broadway musical. That's what hap-, pens, soundwise, with the latest hi-fi sensation - quad, or four-channel- sound. Instead of reiying on two speakers and two channeis of sound, as in stereo, quad uses four .speakers and four chan- neis of sound, giving mu- sic the illusion ofdepth as well as length -and breadth. Quad systems Ail quad-is not created equal. Yeu can buy a four- channel system for under $200, or pay more than $2,000 for a full-fiedged comportent system.. The basic quad system uses a technique known as speaker matrixing. It w'rorks on the principle that a great deal of four- channel information is lurking in the grooves of the stereo records you now own - and that a four- chiannel effect cani be de- rived fromn stereo FM broadcasts and tapes. A typical speaker ma- trix systern includes a two- channel stereo amplifier with speaker matrix cir- cuit as weli as four loud- speakers. Better equipnaent Better four-channel sys- terns include four separate channels of' amplification plus a built-in matrix de- codinig circuit. Matrix de- coders recreate the four channels of' sound squeezed into a stereo record groove or two-channel FM stereo broadcast, for a close ap- proximation of' the origi- nal fodur channiEls of' souniid. IThe best-known matrix systerns are SQ and QS ( or Regular Matrix). Themost realistic four- channel sound cones frorn CD-4, a system for obtain- ing, four "discrete" (or separate and independent) channels of sourtdlfrom a record. CD-4 dernodulators are bufit into better-qual- ity quad receivers, consoles and compacts. WAKE UP '[O MUSIC with Zenith's modern AM/FM digital dlock radio, the Noc- turnie. Radio's Touch 'n Snooze control is perfect for those who ma) wish to catch a few extra miinutes ofsleep in the mo1ring. THIS WEEK'S model T206.72 60" Medterraneanf Style Sterea Console with Wal nul Wood Veneers and SllRding-Door Comparnent for Bar or Record Storage., ,9 " Built in8-track tape player - AM, FM, FM-Multipex radio - FM Stereo indicâfor lIght__ o " Rocker switches for Power On/Off and Speaker Mat rie o 5 Roary Confroin for Func - lion, Loudness, Balanibe, Tone and Tuning - Stereo Headphone Jlack e Deluxe aSR$2 Record Changer with Cueing Control and Damond Stylus à High-compliance 6-speaker "Duocone' Audio Systen a Cquipped with Speaker Niafrix Switch for 4-Channel Sound with addition of-.two speakers, OTHER MODELS TOCHOOSE FROM

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