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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, p. 3

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brother, Mvr. Phiiip George Peckham, the bride chose a formai gown of white bridai satin, designed with Vctorian sieeves, trimmed with white daisies, high neckline, and a round detachable train. A short, scalloped veil fell from the headpiece, and she carried a bouquet of white gladiolus, and yeilow Sweetheart roses. The bridai attendants gown- ed alike in formai gowns of yeilow, wearing white floppy hats and carrying yellow daisies and white snowflake carnations, were matron of honor Lynda Stewart, brides- maids, Brenda Rowe, Carol Souch, Emiiy Barret, Irene Edwards, and the fiower girl Margaret Cole, niece of the bride. Best man was George Van Dam, the ushers Ronald Sutch, Jake- Van Dam, La- verne Brown, John Mather, and the ring bearer David Peckham, nephew of the bride. Following a reception heid at the Credit Union Hall, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Van Dam lef t on a two weeks vacation in the Barbados, and are now residing in Scarbo- rough. FOUNDRY, Team Standings Soreheads 12, Aces 12, Aliey- cats 11, Screwballs 11, Head- pins 9, Gutterbalîs 8. High'Single - G. Simpson 384, B. Gilkes 250. High Triple - G. Simpson Van Dam - Peckham Weddingy West End Revival Temple, Mr. and Mrs. George Van Weston, Ontario, was the Dam, Pontypool. Reverend settin g for the marriage Paul Melnich uk, officiated. recentiy of Miidred Darlene, Mr. Edward Rideout was the daughter of Mrs. Margaret organist, and Mr. Lloyd Wise- Peckham, Downsview, Ont- man, soloist. ario, and Garry Robert, son of Given in marriage by her Openng ondy, ct.28th APPEARING NIGHTLY MN OUR CAPTAIN'S LOUNGE KLASS VANGRAFT GUITARIST -VOCALIST, Sturrock - Collyer Wedding Recentiy wed at the Old Mili Chapel, Toronto. Deborah Jili Coilyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Collyer, Toronto and John Paul Sturrock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sturrock, BowmanvilÎe. Couple presentiy residing in Kitchener. Happy One-Yeaor-OId On Saturday September 21, 1974, Cynthia Louise, eidest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, and Terry Wayne, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, G. Cedric, Russell, ail of Bow- manville. were united in marriage at a choral candle- light service in St. Paui's Uni- ted Church, Bowmanvile. Yellow and orange flowers, combined with fenns and ivy set off the ivory candies which adorned the front of the church and marked the pews. Rev. NE. Schamerhorn officiated at the double ring Ieeremony. Music was provid- ed by Mn. Douglas Dewell, organîst, Mr. Don MacArthur, trumpeter, and Mr. Ross .Metcalf, vocalist. St. Paul's choir sang during the signing of the reeister. The bride wore a f ull length traditional gown of cham- pagne siik organza trimmed with alencon lace down the front and along the fitted sleeves. The full length chapel train which feul fromn the waist was trimmed in the same lace. She wore a diamond and peani sunburst broach belonging to her great-grandmother and a pair of opai earrings, the gift of the groom. Her three-tiered siik illusion veil was held by a camelot headdress trimmed with alencon lace and seed pearis. She carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill creamn roses and ivy. Dried orange bios- soms from her great-grand- Telephone 623-7737 Eva's Fashlins R EADY-TO-WEAR AND \CUSTOM TAILORING 119 King St. E. L .~ . Bowmanvi le C'/îeaners qChu c/de A man who had been married for ten years consulted a 'marri- age counsellor. "When I first married," he said, "I was very ha ppy. I'd corne home from a hard day down at the shop. My littie dog would race around barking and my wife would bring me my slippers. Now after ail these years, everything's changed. When 1 corne home, my dog brings me my slippers and my wife barks at me! " "I don't know what you're complaining abot," said the marriage counsellor. "You're stili getting the same service." CLOTHES CARE HU4T: A WELL DRESSED PERSUiN is one whose garmenits are cleaned regularly. Chamber of Commerce DANCE Flying Dutchman Motor Inn November 9tb YOUR ]EXCLUSIVE SANITONE DEALER BOWMA NVILLE 84KING ST. W. 623-5520> ~LENEI "We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" mother's wedding bouquet nestled among the fresh flowers. Matron of honour, 'Mrs. Donna Miiosh of Oshawa, and bridesmaids, Miss Wendy Ayre, sister of the bride, and Misses Trudy and Tanya Russell, sisters of the groom, wone similar formai haiter sty~le gowns of orange printed siorganza with matching long sleeve' jackets. Junior bridesmaid, Miss Diana Fouids, Owen Sound, and flower girl, Angela Busmin- ski. Oshawa, wone dresses with puff sieeves of the saine orange print organza. Large orange mohair hats compieted their ensembles. They al carried baskets with yeiiow and orange daisies and orange sweetheart roses compli- mented by greenery. Mr. Randy Rogers, Whitby, was the best man, while the ushers were Messrs. Kimn and Gene Freeborn, Lindsay, cou- sins of the groom, Boyd Jeweli, Tyrone, Stuart Ayre, Hampton, cousin of the bride, and John Ayre, brother of the bride., The groom and his attendants wore grey worsted Edwardian tuxedos with black velvet collars and braided lapels. The boutonnieres were two orange rose buds with baby's bneath. The reception and dance were held at the Lion's Community Centre, Bowman- ville, where the bride's mo- ther received the guests in a formai gown of wedgewood blue siik jersey. The groom's mothen assisted, wearing a formai gown of pink sheer over organza. Both ladies wore white gardenia corsages. Mr. Donald Foulds of Owen Sound was the master of ceremonies. The bride ieft for her honeymnoon trip through northern Ontario in an oyster polyester piazza ensemble with black accessories. The groom wore a camel jacket and siacks of camel and blue plaid. When they return, the new- iyweds wiii reside at 587 Digby Ave. Apt. 5, Oshawa., Prior to ber marriage, Cindy was hononed by a misceilaneous shower, co- hosted b y Mrs. Arnold Gard- ener and Mrs. Boyd Ayre, a linen showen by Mrs. Donna Milosh, Oshawa, a Jack and Jili shower by Mrs. Bert Douglas, Oshawa, a miscel- laneous shower by Mr. A. Northcutt and Miss Wendy Ayre, General Motors staff, a presentation, Shaws and Providence communities a dance and presentation and a social evening by Mrs. Cedric Russell and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Russell enter- tained the wedding party at a buffet supper, at their home following t he rehearsai. C-oats - Sportswear Haif Sizes In Dresses and Gowns Open Thursdaiyand Friday Evenings Until 9:00 p.m.O ~Speci*al Shop for Special Women4 Cartr~oft gonb âtreet JLtb, Bond Towers Shopping Mail I ,~i44 Bond St. W. 576-71.r9 Elgin Richard Bromeli, one-year-oid, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bromeio f Simpson Ave. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Bromeli and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roche, ai i of Bowmanviile. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Manley of Birkenhead, Cheshire, Engiand, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bebee, Port Hope. EN F (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grif- fin, Mr. Ivan Griffin, Oshawa; Mrs. R. McLaughlin, Caes- area; Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin and Creg, were Thanksgiving visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin and Const. Allan Griffin iVMr. Len Volium, Croyden, England, was a recent visitor of the Griffin's. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Smith and sons, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. lHerman Waiker, Brookiin Miss Beverley S mith, Tor- onto, visisted at her home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee had the folfowing guests for Thanksgiving Sunday and Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Whyte and Lorraine, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee and sons, Little Bnitain; Mn. and Mns. Chester Lee, Whitby; Mn. and Mns. Don Lee, Keith and Kim and Mn. and Mrs. Don Griffin and Gneg. Mr. and Mrs. George Lav- ender and Miss Lilian Laven- der were Thanksgiving guests with Mn. and Mrs. Clancy Lavenden. Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Cavan- agh, Ottawa, stayed a few days at the Lavender home, Thanksgiving guests with Mn. and Mns, Gordon Taylor were: Mr. and Mrs. Walten Bridgett and Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Bridgett,,Bowmanville,' Mn. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, Oshawa. Dianne, Greta, Ricky and Timmy Dykstra were weekend visitons at the Taylor iom e. Mr. and Mns. Fred Gniffin ,ecently flew to Giendale, California, and stayed, over a wveek with Mn. and Mrs. John WValker. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford was a holiday visitor aýt the Pascoe home and accompanied the Pascoes and )aneys to Ida for a Thanks- giving dinner with the- Sar- gent's. Mn. and Mrs. Tenry Smitb, rean and Ryan, Leamington; Mrn. and Mns. Albert Samis, Oshawa, wene Thanksgiving ;uests with Mn. and Mrs. Fred r vJ v a IEL D Samis. * Mn. and Mrs. Fred Samis, Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin and *Julie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fengus Abernethy, Manilia. Weekend and Thanksgiving visitors at.the Simpson home were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mintern, Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Kossatz, Petawaura, Mr. and Ross Kossatz and Shildren, Windsor, Mark and Malcolm Simpson and D)an Hanewich, U. of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tamblyn, Onono, Mr. and Mrs. Gary McDougai, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Avery and Kevin, Orono, Miss Jennifer Best, Solina. Mr. Roland Bowman, Welcome, were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wîilfrid Bowman and Eric. S ALEM On Friday, October the 18th, about 75 people of Salem Community gathered at the church to enjoy a potluck supper and to honon three newly married couples in the area. Af ter a bountiful meal, Mr. F. Blackburn called the gat- thering to order and invited Alan and Cindy Murdoch, Shirley and Jim Cowling, and lona and David Darch to the platforn where they were presented with a floor lamp, a table lamp, and four T.V. tables, respectively. They also each received other smal gifts and were wished long and happy marriages by ail. They each expresed their thanks and the balance of the evening was spent in visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- leton were honored on the occasion of tbeir twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with a family dinner in Haydon hall on Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacob and family visited bier parents in Quebec over the weekend. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH S TAT ES M AN C L A S S 1F1E,0 8 LTD LANDAU FOR 1975 The Nearest Thing ta a Limousine Yet MacDonald Ford's Basic List Price $58 INCLUDES: 351 V-8, automatic, power steering, power front disc brakes, vinyl top, hide-away headIamps and much more. Freight, Pre-service, options, tax, Lic. extra. You Have fa Drive One, of These Luxurious, Automobiles fa Appreciate Them See The "*Friendly People" Today! 623m44811 Beginning Sunday, Nov. i 7thu WeAreFeaturingAà FAMILY SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:OA.M. -2:00 PM A BUFFET To SUIT ALL TASTES A BREAKFAST-LUNCHEON COMBINAIION Economica - In Line forthe, WHOLE FAMILY! HAVE THE KIDS BRING THEIR SWIMSUITS. OUR INDOOR HEATED POOL AVAILABLE FREE 0F CHARGE $4.00 for Aduits ï(No Tax). $2.00 for Children Under 12 (Reservations Requested) Book Now for Our Festive New Year's Eve Supper Dance Reservations - Coul 623-3373 Telephone 623-33731 Downtown Oshawa W~ * ~ E I ~ manville, October 23,1974 3 ory AAMPII

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