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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, p. 6

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6The CanadiaiStateS;mal,B3owmaflville. October 23, 1974 E N NISKILLE There was a slight error in our reporting last week about the time of the S.S. session wbich should bave been 9:45 a.m. instead of 10. Now next Sunday's S.S. session is again at 9:45 a.m. as church service is at il a.m. Hope there was no inconvenience. Please for- give. Last Sunday the S.S, session was led in the opening worship by girls from Mrs. H. Ashton's class. Several of our congregation joined with Tyrone in their Annual Tbank-Offering ser- vice to hear the inspiring message from the guest min- ister Rev. Gibson of Uxbridge. The Annual Thank-Offering service in our churcb, witb Tyrone congregation joining ours, is at il a.m. with our former minister from 1955-58 as the 2uest in our oulnit. Rev. R. B. Green. Special choir music is planned. We extend a cordial welcome to ail wbo can come.* S.S. Worsbip will be Wed. Oct. 30 and Wed. Nov. 6th in Harmony United Church, Osh- awa at 7 p.m. A wonderful opportunity for S.S. staff. Four of our ladies attended the Oshawa Presbyterial Re- gional U.C.W. meeting at Orono on Monday and tbey tell of a most inspiring day. Some additional members plan to attend the second meeting at Claremont next Monday Oct. 28th. We extend our deepest DAILY C:Ko Ami IKEI'1 sympathy to the families of the late Mr. Arthur Wearn, whose death claimed a belov- ed husband, father and grand- father early Sunday a.m. at Hillsdale Manor , Oshawa. For manyyears the Sr. Wearns resi e in Enniskillen. Most of our ill folks are recovering comfortably in their homes. Mr. and Mrs. H. Worden, Mr. and Mrs. K. Worden and Richard, Mr. Norman Down joined with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton to celebrate the 6th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. K., Worden. Best wisbes, Lois and Keith. Several ladies attended ýan afternoon tea and colorful decorative Candie display at Mrs. Chas. Aston's, Oshawa. Miss Patti Werry and ber mother were co-bostesses for a miscellaneous shower for a former Enniskillen girl Miss Linda Reid, Bowmanville, some 42 guests attended. A surprise birtbday party was held at tbe home of Mr, and Mrs. Ted Werry, Sat. evening, in bonor of Mrs. Werry's birtbday. Congratula- tions Joy. Mr. David Cecchetto, Sud- bury, was a weekend guest at Mr. and Mrs. T. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pollard, Randy and Tracy were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lanos, Witby. Miss Wilma Werry, Witby, Mr. and Mrs. Harold We rry, Mrs. W. Mountjoy, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs., E. A. Werry, were Sunday dnner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGîll. Mrs. David B. Kay, the Reverend and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGIll, Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sander- son, Florida, Mrs. D. Higgins, Hampton, at Mr . and Mrs. Adam Sharp's. Miss Laverne Orchard, Bowmanville, was a Sunday tea guest wîth Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, and James enjoyed a week's bolidays witb Mr. and Mrs. M . Marshall, Andrea and Carla, Barton,. N.S. While there they'attended the Mar- shall-Zwicker wedding.' Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor, Solina, in honor of Mr. Taylor's 80tb birtbday. Con- gratulations, we wish you many more. Last Monday, Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and their family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Axford, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yeo, Port Loring, Miss Alice Stev- enson, Wilowdale, were Sat- urday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. See Coming Events for a meeting concerning our Com- munity Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone, were recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Gjiffin's. EASING 1 ALb' 166 KING ST. EAST AVAILABLE 1 975 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 DR.SEDAN BODY SIDE MOULDINGS ELECTRIC CLOCK DEFOGGERRAI , DELXERTERIG HEEL CONVENIENCE LIGHTING GROUP DELUE STERIG WIEEL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WHEEL DISCS POWER STEERING STEEL BELT RADIAL PWRBAE WHITE WALL TIRES PWRBAE DUAL I-ORNS REGULAR LIST PRICE $5,694. SPECIAL DISCOUNT $ 711. TOTAL AMOUNT $4,983. STOCK NO. 509 SERIAL 7K69251301237 OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 28 HOW'D YOU LIKE TO -Get better overail operating economy than ýwe've offered in years? -Have cleaner air for everyone? -Go up 20 per cent longer between oil changes? -Get up to 22.500 miles on spark plugs? -Save money on tuneups because there are no points or condensers to replace? -Get faster starts, especially in cold and wet weather? ASK ABOUT G.M./S MAXIMUM MILEAGE SYSTEM -- G.M.A.C. FINANCING - See: STEW PRESTON KEN SHERBAN 8h WELDON BROWN CEDRIC RUSSELL PHONE - 623-3396 How many, energy Ieaks are there in your home? At one drop per second. a dripping hot wvater tap can waste about 175 gallons of hot water each month. The electricity required to heat that wvater would keep a 60-watt bulb burning continuously. Poor insulation ...a taulty heating system... inefficient use of appliances ... ail cause energy leaks in the home, This can increase the cost of running a home-and waste Canadas precious energy resources. t makes good sense to use electricity and ail forms of energy wisely. And that includes stopping those energy leaks. yourtiydroQ c- Mr. and Mrs. Alister Lamb, Fenelon Falls, were Sunday, visitors at Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb's. Rev. and Mrs. Robt. Sher- win and family, Picton, were overnight guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyons -nél familv. Uxbridee. were Saturday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were recent visitors with Mrs. Cortenay Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Forder, Black- stock. Meeting 2 OnSeptember 16. the Ennis- killen Foreign Skiîlets met at Mrs. Chambers. The roll caîî was "A food used by early settlers". Donna Werry read the minutes of the last meeting. We discussed where the French settled in Canada and Canada's Food Guide. Mrs. Chambers made a dem- onstratign of how to make a pie crust, whîle Debbie Pol- lrd made the fîîling for Tourtties.- Janet Sharp made Grande Pienes. Everyone sampled the food and the meetingwas adjourned. .Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yeo, Port Loring, were callers Saturday with Mrs. May Slemon. Meeting 3 On' September 23, the Ennis- killen Foreign Skillets met at Mrs. Chambers. The roll cal was a food of the United Kingdom. Nancy Wright read the minutes, Kelly Powell demonstrated how to make Irish Soda Bread. Mrs. Cham- bers made Finnon Haddie and Tianne Mellor made English Trifle. Mrs. Powell, our guest, then talked about Irish tradi- tion, holidays and food. We also talked about cheeses from different countries. Meeting 4 On Oct. 1, Enniskillen Ill met at the Church basement with Enniskillen Il. Roll cal was a food purchased today which was originally made at home. Janet Sharp read the minutes. We discussed the countries, Holland, Belgium, and Germany.« Our guests Mrs. Hiemstra and Mrs. Koepp talked about there countries, Holland and Ger- many. Mrs. Koepp then made a German meal and Mrs. Hiemstra made a desert called Waterguiver. Meeting 5 On Oct. 7, the Enniksillen Foreign Skillets met at Mrs. Chambers. Roll caîl was your ancesters nationality. Nancy Wright read the minutes. We discussed Italy and Eastern Europe. Janet Sharp made a pizza and Donna Werry made ingorone from Italy. Marion Naum also made Perozhki and a poppy cake. U.C.W. meeting was Wed. Oct. l6th beginning in the S.S. room at the church. Pres. Ruth McGill welcomed the 23 ladies attending and read a conscience stirring poem "Somietbing to Think About". Mrs. Hazel Bigby gave the Worship) which was' a Miost inform-ative lesson on the Bible. She stated "The Bible vanisbed and as a resuit all charitable, educational, ser- vice agencies, etc. closed and life became cheap. "Hymn - "O Word of God Incarnate" was sung with Mrs. Velma Stainton at piano, and was followed by a prayer whîch embraced many aspects of life and living. Her Bible rea ding was some well chosen verses from Isaiah and she continued to say some books of the Bible are over 2000 years old and this book has been and is a "Best Seller". Attempts to destroy the Bible have been made at différent times, but it has survived through many destructive times, and will, we are told, continue. As a meditation Mrs. Bigby gave a reading which said the Bible is food for mmnd and heart, meat, bread, medicine and music. Two books a certain man has said are for him viz: - Bible and Shakespeare, The Bible is only part of God's word and its Book of Life, an idealistic and realistic book an appreciation for our U.C. W. 's interest and provision of sandwiches. Offering $705. A delicious dessert and tea and coffee was served by the West Unit. Ahl embarked in autos and wended south to Bowmanville Historical Mus- eum to view and enjoy an interesting display of early life in our own area. This visit had been prearranged by Mrs. Diane Werry, and the tour was guid ed b y two cbarming Bowmanvile ladies. Phone 69q-3303 Special Meeting Planned To.'Hear Bowman ville West Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk Cruick- shank, Ajax, were Thurs. evening visitors with ber sister and husband Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Swallow. Mr. Elmo Ashton, Utica, Mich., who has been visiting with bis Roll Caîl was answered by eleven members. Several thank you cards were read on bebaîf of the Flower and Gift- Committee. Names wer' drawn for the Christmas gný7(< exchange. The door prize was Mrs. Swallow returned home Mrs. R. Fowler and Miss Ann Pr ie t n he Ne r ut rewith the Cruickshanks. Ibid won prizes during the Mrs. Percy Dewell, Mr. refreshment time when Mrs. The Newcastle Planning Hwy. 401 and Martin's Rd. on complex that would be devel- Douglas Dewell, Hampton, Molloy served a delightful Advisory Commîttee will hold> Lake Ontario. oped as far north as the second Miss Phyllis Coates, Wbitby, variety of goodies and every- a special meeting in the near - Finance the construction of concession, as far south as were recent visitors with Mr. one enjoyed the pleasant future to discuss the first the disposal plant and truck Hwy. 401, as far west as lot 18 and Mrs. Arthur Martin. afternoon. proposai of the Bowmanville sewers. and as far east as the l3tb lot. The Base Line Good Neigb- Sincere sympatby of Maple West project Contribute its "fair share" to The proposed plan would bor Club met at the home of Grove friends and neighbors is The developer, Milani anid a community centre conlstruc- bave a f inal popula tion of just Ms .MloOhwo xrse oMs William Milani Holding Ltd's plans for tion. a little more than 15,000 Wed. the l6tb of Oct. Pres. Lymer in thepassing of Mr. the initial 200 acres of the - Help maintain controlled people, effectively doubling Mrs. Clifford Wilson presided Lymer on Monday, October project are to be discussed at prices on serviced industrial the present population of for the business period. The 21st. that meeting. land to encourage industry to Bowmanville. In a brief presented to the come to Bowmanville. It will offer cburcb and Now you can harves t in Planning Advisory Lommittee - Provide furtiier engineering sebool sites, a neighborhood a week ago Tuesday, the or planning studies if deemed shopping centre and a propos-go ete r company said it will: necessary. ed community college when go ete r -Construct a 27-acre pollution This 200-acre project is just finally completed. yu rp control plant iust south of part of the projected 700 acre yu rp with a Bancroft and ber mother Mrs. Moridge Dryer.. . and IV 4 P G R )\(E aesBacof. ,seli when the market is ~Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wicks, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- their tather Mr. Alber James. Bobcaygeon, recently visitedhget den, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk witb Mr. and Mrs. Gary -hget Bennett were Tuesday dinner and Barbara visited the form- Bentley and Mark. guests witb Mrs. Roy Van er's daugbter Miss Kathy Mrs. Roy Van Camp was a Camp. McGuirk at Kitchener over dinner guest with ber brther- Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur the weekend. Barbara stayed in-law Mr. Noble Metcalf, Barnes and Miss Grace Barn- for this week to attend "~Skate Oshawa, on Sunday. es were Saturday guests of Canada". Mr. and Mrs. David Bickell, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Colla- Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. Don- Peterborough. cutt and Mrs. L. C. Snowden ald Martin and family, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tam- were Saturday dinner guests Connie Martin, Oshawa, werem blyn, Miss Marlene Tamblyn with Mr. and1 Mrs. Cecil Sunday callers with Mr. and and the formers father, Mr. Pascoe,, Oshawa. Mrs. Arthur Martin. Howard Tamblyn attended the Mrs. J. Arthur Barnes and Mrs. H. G. Freeman accom- Hammond-Tamblyn wedding Miss Grace Barnes spent a panied ber daughter Mrs. E. E I A M E U P N in Lindsay on Saturday. few days visiting in eastern L. Gilbank, Orono, also Mrs. TRE I RM N P E T Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ontario last week. Wbile in Merty Allin and Mrs. Berniece James and bis brother Mr. Ottawa they visited witb Mrs. Trigg, Scugog St. Bowman- Andy James, Waterloo, were Clifton Shaver and Mr. John ville, to Toronto, on Sunday Allis -C halm ers Sales & Service Modycallers on their aunt Mitchell and at Luneniburg afternoon wbere they enjoyed m m Mr.Clffoird Wilson while on they were guests of Mrs. a visit with Mrs. Gilbank's B 8ckstock - 9 64 8 way' home from Bishopton, Barnes' brother and sister-in- daughter and husband Mr. Quebec, wbere they visited law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Paul Webb. Oshawa [OSHAWÀWoodi BUIL~LLProduets ASSOCIATE STORE Save Energy and Heating Costs with Extra lnsulation - Pouring Insulation - Verm-ficulite- Chips that flow Freely, Spreud Evenly 11 and Fi in ail Corners 31 cubic ft. 'bug~ 4 ?luy4iBck Ping PongI Fibreglass Insulati*on Batts to Fit 16",1 Tabes oIdAwa Stle12"1 and 24" Stud Spacing in Thickness from 2 1/2 - 6ý" With heavy 34" top. Officiai sizec» 51 x 9'. Easy to store. 4 Player As Low Assq f $88988 Fa. 3-Hour Fireplace Logs _________________________________________- brightly colored flame. Ready-toFinish Ping Pong Table Top O YEc 1/2" 'Thick Particle Board O L 8 C Ec Off icia I Size (2 pcs. 41/2' x 5' makes 5' x 9' top) - $9e93 ~8' x 7' à $ 9.93STORAGE BUILDINGS By Spacemaker ~UAE UNWhite and Green Color. NOW INSTOCKEasy to assemble your- Nhite Closet'Set, "Vî*treous China Siz is approximate. Reverse Trap $ 9,q95 19.6 a. LessSeat(Not exactly as shown) See our wide- range of Por abl Hu idiierFlooring in the lower level at Warehouse Lumberland Ai-Kng2-ped1 -INDOOR- VAN ITI ES 201/2" DE EP UPPER CUPBOARDS Width 24" - 40.79 back plus top 12"" wîde x 32" high - $17.29 each Wudth 36"1 - 58.13 back plus top 18" wide x 32" high - $25.91 each Width 42"" - 64.25 back plus top 24" wide x 32" high - $34.53 each Width 48"" - 71.39 back plus top Shop Either Convenient Location BASE CUPBOARDS OSHAWA: 100 Bond St. W., Phone 728-1617 4" long - $ 69.11 plus top Open Mon. thru Wed. 8-6, Thurs. & Fri. 8-9, Sat. 8-5 5 long - $103.68 plus top COURTICE: Bloor St. E., Phone 728-1611 6' long - $126.43 plus top Open Mon. thru Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-5 -sN NTAC S "K L[I ah.. à

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