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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, p. 7

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Mr. allu Mrs. Frank McGill, Stavner. Ont. and Mrs, Annie Willoughby, Oshawa, visited lier sister-ih-[aw lVrs. WBerf Thompson and niece Mary at West Lake, Ohio. The 25 Year Service Pin Dinner for Goodyear Employ- ees, will be held on November lst, in the Howard Johnson Airport Hotel. Volunteers are urgently needed for Glenholme Devel- opmental, Care Centre which teaches: O'children of the dust! Tell the rich of- the heedlessness deprived them of the True Tree of Wealth. For Further information: _ 6-7744 or 623-4830 ia 10 Radi Chria eflormed is run by the Oshawa and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, weekday mornings, at Kingsview Unit- ed Cburch, corner of Wilson Rd . and Adelaide, Oshawa. If you can spare two bours per week ta work with multi-hani- capped children please phone 579-0345. The editor neceived a card from Mrs. Edna Thickson, on Tuesday, sent from Australia where she is attending the 14tb A.C.W.W. conference. Guests at, a recent family g athering with Mr. and Mns. Forest A. Dilling included - Mn. and Mrs. James M. Burns, Peterborough, Mn. and Mrs. Alan Brash, Taunton, Mn. and Mrs. Robt. K. Burns, Fionna Anne and Steven, Norwood, Mn. and Mrs. H. Gary Dilling, Dwigbt and Diane, Brampton, Mns. Zetta Dilling, Mn. and Mns. J. Wallace Dilling, Bill, Jo Anne, John and Doug, and Mn.- and Mns. John M. Ford, Heathen, Bannie and Launie Jane, town. Minister of Manpawer and Immigration Robent Andras said today that the Opportuni- ties for Youth pnogram had enjayed its most successfuh summen to date. This year, 27,514 young people worked on 3,851 projects. Ail projects tenminated on August 31, and project participants wene ne- quined ta submit a final report and evaluation of their pro- ject. On Satunday, September l4th, Mns. Lloyd Ayre held a Tnouseau Tea wben ber dau- ghten received ber many friends and married ladies.. Receiving with Mns. Ayre and Cindy was Mrs. C. Russel, mothen of the groom. Mrs. Charles Brockman and Mrs. St. PauIý's United Church Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A.,B.D. e Sunday, O0ctober 27, 1974 il A.M. SACRAMENT 0F HOLY BAPTISM SERMON: "*NOW WHAT.." SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 - Senior Classes (9 yearsand up) -Primary - children wiIl attend first part of church service with their parents. Nursery care for pre-sehool children every Sunday. ~TRINIT0Y IJNITED CHURCII' Rev. Wesley Oake ....... ...... Minister Rev. Arthur Amacher .. Assistant Minister John Crookshank ......... Music Director Anniversary Services S unday , October 27 il A.M. AND7:00 P.M. MR. JOHN BLACK of Kingston, lawyer, past president Bay of Quinte Conference and twice runner-up for Moderator of the United Church ofCanada, will be the guest speaker at both services. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present and hear inspiring messages. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Nusery and Kindergarten Classes 1AIl Sunday School Classes PÉ'EASE RESERVE THESE DATES Tues., Nov. 5, 7:30, Officiai Board Meeting Sat., Nov. 2, Trinity Beef Dinner, 5 and 7 p.m. Dec. 15, 8 p.m., senior Choir Concert. Items oflInterest Phone 623-3303 Arnold Gardener, aunts of theà bride, acted as hostesses and escorted the guests ta the dining-roam wbere the tea table was adorned witb silver candlebra centered witb a table centre of white daisies, g ink rose buds and baby's reatb arranged in a silver bowl. Mrs. J. Banton attended the tea table, Miss Diana Faulds and Angela Buzminîski wene in charge of the guest book. Mns. Boyd Ayre, Hamp- ton, aunt of the bride, Mrs. EricFreeborn, Lindsay, Mrs. Bert Douglas, Camenon, aunts of the groom, Mrs. Viola McKinnon, Cambray, great aunt of the groom, Mrs. A. Northcutt, grandmother af the bride, Mrs. Danald Foulds, Owen Sound, Mrs. George Box, Mns. C. A. Eby, Port Hope, pouned tea. Serving the many guesits were Mrs. Fat McAtbur, Miss Shiela Good- murphy, Miss Canal Wight, Bowmanville, Mns. Marlyn Buzminski, Mrs. Lois Flem- ing, Oshawa, Miss Lori Doug- las, Cameron and Mns. Allana Cales, Newcastle. Showing Cindy's gifts and trousseau were Misses Wendy Ayre, Trudy and Tanya Russell, Mrs. Donna Milosb, Mrs. Donna Rogers, and Mrs. Bannie Metcalf. The Oshawa Curling Club will celebrate its 5th anniven- sany this month. Mn. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Arnnold spent Tbanksgiv- ing witb Mn. and Mns. Will Miller, Onano. Mns. Frank E. Walden, West Vancouven, bas been visiting ber mothen, Mns. C. H. Mason. Last week'spicture of the 1921 Central Public Scbool pupils, brougbt many calîs to the office, wbîcb wene appre- ciated. It proved ta one of aur most poJular features. If you have ald photos , pîease bring tbem in, of other classes. We'Il be glad ta use tbem. Names given ta filI in the blanks in the 1921 pîcture, inceluded Kath- leen Thunston, Edie Cart- wright, Marion Battie, Ruth Hayman, Bernice Rundle, Bruce and Deibent Yeo. Sara Passengen, sbould have read Bassinger. A successful Centennial Tea was beld by the ladies of St. Andrew's Preshytenian Cbunch, on Sept. 25. Tea and a vaniety of mufins and jams wene served. An interesting display of antiques of ahl kinds was attractively anranged and the cburcb schaol room was decorated with autuma flaw- ens. The Tbankoffening meeting of St. Andnew's Cbuncb ladies was beld at the cbunch on Oct. 9. Mrs. Win. Ponter, pnesident of the Flona Galbraith Gnoup welcomed the guests and conducted the meeting. After a short worship service, includin g Tb.anksgiving, hymns and scripture verses, the special speaker, Mrs. Fitzsimons of Peterborough showed interesting colon slides of the Holy Land. M-rs, Vivian WeatheraJ1 sang two ldeyand approidate solos 1"The Stranger of Galilea" and "The Holy City", accompan- led by Miss Leta Bragg. An bour of fellowsbip and lunch bnougbt the evening ta a close. Mns. H. Sbink and Mrs. M.. Santune, Bowmanville, Mrs. R. Ambrose, Osbawa,,attend- ed St. Paul's Anniversary on Sundav eveniniz. Mn. and Mrs. Zack Adams in campany witb bier sister and bnotber-in-law Mn. and Mrs. George Bowens, Nestleton, enjoyed a lavely five day motor trip east ta Perth and the sunnouding districts., Sik Keung Chow, 50 King Street, E. Bowmanville, and Mrs. Astnid Storgnard, 16 Little Avenue, Bowmanville, neceived thein Canadian citi- zen centificates at Citizen Court in Witby, recently. The Robent McLaugblin GAllery, Oshawa, will present 'Art Mant 74', for tbree days, on Novem ber 8tb, 9th and ltb. The Volunteen Cammittèe brings together a very special collection of gif t and Christ- mas decoration items. Then tbey add nefresbments, a game for the children, some- tbing for husbhands,- a touch of HoId Auction on Saturday 77" Readers""of The' Canàdian Statesman in Brooklin and elsewhere will be interested to learn that a 'Re-shingle The Roof Auction' is planned for the 26thý of October at 5 p.m. The parish of St. Thomas Anglican Church in Brooklin was informed last June that the old ceclar shingle roof had to be replaced. Many friends and members of the parish have made items available for the auction. The ACW will have a Home Bake Table prior té the sale and'coffee and lunch will be available. LONG SATJLT Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rowley, Paigrave, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stonehouse, Schomberg, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson, Black- stock, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van- eyk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vandyk, Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leavens, Ha ydon and Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker attended the Fiddlers contest held at Fenella, Fni- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clifford, Burketon were Sunday supper gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys. Mr. and Mrs. George Van- dam, Pontypool were Sunday evening guests of the Kayacs. Mn. and Mrs. Beno, Oshawa, were Thursday suppen guests of- Mrs. Sophie Kayacs. (Intended for last week) Mn. Walter Vaneyk was a Sunday dinner quest of Mr. and Mrs. C: Penwarden and then visited bis wife wbo is stili a patient in Memorial Hospiagaulyipoig Clu'b 50 ladies met at the home of Miss G. Smith with an attendance of six. Pres. Helen Kovacs conducted the busi- ness which dealt mostly with final plans for catering to a family party in the Hall, Sat. Oct. 19 at 12 and the Penny and Bake Sale ta be beld in Tyrone' Hall in November. Scripture was read by Doris Baker and reports that the Gallery Shop 1 1 also be staffed during the event and bas been restocked with prints, books, jewellery and many objet d' arts in a variety of prices. For thase unable ta attend tbe Mart, the shop*i open from Tuesday to Saturday 1:30 - 4:30 and, Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5-p .m. On Oct. l4th Norm Wood- cock was dealt a perfect hand playing cribbage at the Le- gion. He was playing with Stan Dunn! and Bih1 Laskaris. This is the third perfect band foi Mn. Woodcock. Devotional dealing on the Ten Commandments and closing with a prayer which is un every Sunday by the People's church in Toronto. Meeting closed -in the usual manner and lunch fallowed., The, Nov. meeting will be convened by Mary Penwarden and Ethel Gable at the home of G. Smith. Mr., and Mns. Sidney Cornish, Misses Mary and Wendywere Sunday suppen guests of Mn. and Mrs. Gerry Connisb and family. Mn. and Mrs. Joe Leavens and Linda, Haydon were Friday evening quests of Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mn. Chnis James, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker, Ruth and Gary, were Sunday sup- per guests of Mn. and Mrs.- Keith Gable and Manday supper quests of Mn. and Mns. Te d Hall Brooklin. Mn. and Mrs. H. Murphy and Trevar were Fn day supper quests of Mn. and Mrs. Don Stephenson, Newcastle and Mn. and Mrs. D. Stephen- son and James wene Thanks- giving day guests of the Murphys. M.. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mn. and Mns. D. Hall, Hampton at their cottage Caesarea. It's the concept It was not the'intent of the Finance Committee ta accept the proposal of Rice Construc- tion for a mobile home park in pninciple, only the concept of a mobile home park. The confusion was cleared up an Monday, when the word "Proposal" was changed ta, "ýconcept" in the recammen- dation fnom the Finance Committee. The concept is now approved in pinciple. .The Rice propasal of 950 modular homes on 273.5, acres, just south of Highway 401 and the C.N.R.* trac ks, ta the west of the Village of Newcastle bas been nef erred back ta the Planning Advisory committee for tunther study, as recom- mended by the Finance Com- mittee and passed by New- Altbougb still in bospital, amre glad ta bear t bat Mi Gardon Kirk's condition impnoving. On Sat. Oct. l9tb, Mr. a Ms. Percy Beggs, Mn.a Mns. Roy Hamilton and MV Barbara Hamilton attend the 50tb wedding anniversa of Mn. and Mrs. Jýee Polgra (the former Emily Hamilto in Toronto. Tbey were th overnigbt guests of Mrs. Joy Ford. We are sonry ta repart th Herman McGill of Betba -and well known in tbe Pari pool area, is in paon bealth.1 is at home after spending shorttimfe in bospital. Visitons witb Mn. and Mi Joe McCullough on Sund were Mn. and Mrs. I Jobnston of Toronto and N. and Mrs. John Van Beek Cavan. .Mn. and Mrs. Dun<i McFanland of ManchestE England, bave been bolida ing witb their cousins, Mn. a Mrs. Gerald Fisk. Sympathy is extended ta relatives of the late Lawren Olan of Millbrook. Mn. Ola brother of Alvin Olan, pass away Monday morning. Tops Club membens - Gw and Linda Gillespie, K; Youngman, Margaret Mt phy, Pam Mal loy, Dav Foster and Marjorie O'Ne attended a Tops Convention the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, Sunday. Approximately4 wene in attendance . A ba quet was field at 1 p.m. ai during the day tbe ladies we tneated ta a tour of Parkwoc Surprise visitons with Fr and Kay Youngman on Frid: evening were Mn. and Mi Bnian Fraser and Moni Jackson of Cobourg and Ma lyn Yoïungman, Toronto. 'T occasion, Kay's bintbday. LONG SAULT On Saturday evening M~ and Mrs. Robt. Camer( called on Mrs. E. Wood Tyrone. On Satunday aftennoon M and Mns. Rye Gîbson wi thein niece Mrs. Ray Thom son of Baltimore attended t Bazaan held at "Pugs]g Manon" Coîborne. KÇen Wright and a couple fniends caled in for a vi with bis grandpanents, IM and Mrs. R. Gibson, on th( way home. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. October 23. 1974 7 we A capacity crawci attendeci regularly with their leaders, [rs. the dance in Pontypool Com- Mrs. Betty Lou Preston and is munity Hall on Satunday Mrs. Vivian Stoldt. All Ponty- nigbt. This was sponsoned b y pool lacks now are activities and the Yelverton Girls' Ballfor aur many boys. and tearn. Local winners of lucky Ins. dnaws wene Kim Neals and ied Clarence Pleadwell. Music for ADULI ýary the occasion was supplied by ýain Gary Bristow and Tbe Coun- COUNSELLING on) try Fever.SEVC hen We are sorry ta report thatSEVC ýyce Wes. Gray af Lotus is in hospital in Lindsay with a* If you want ta do bfat broken bip. We understand somnething about youn ay that Mn. Gray will be 90 years education . .. you ty young on bis next birtbday. probably can, He Tbe Bazinet twins, Beverley ga and Barbara, are bath borne See Y9)ur from sebool, sick with tbe [ns. measies, brother Danny bas Aduit Counsellan daý just recovered from the same. B 1 Tbe beavy frosts arnived a Mrn. little too early for some af aur EVERY of local patato growers. Among TUESDAY those losing several acres of an patatoes are Cliff Curtis, EVENING ter, Lloyd Brown, Ken and Leon- an- Atndance at Sunday7t9te md School is increasing. Approxi- NEW BOWIMANVILLE the mately 30 girls and boys wene HIGH SCHOIOL nce 'present on Sunday morning GUIDANCE OFFICE [an, with teachens, Mns. Gloria oed Dunford, Mrs. Dianne Medd The service is free -- and Joan Richardsan. A, confidential-and yen C.G.J.T. >group bas been or- no appointment ay ganized with Mrs. Marie is necessany. lu- Finney as leader, and two in gnoups of Exploners meet1 ieill nin on 400 an- and ,ere )od. Ired lay Ens. .ris ari- The Mr. 'on )ds, Mr. itb rip- the ley cof 'isit Mr. ieir "PREMIER" C RICS 180's White orAsstd UNTILs7 Vre1r ~ ~9)ozPlastic "Party Time" TUMBLERS 5ý> Package of Four 9 CRESI TOOTHPASTE 100 mi. CONTAC-C ~ YVNA Hankscraft ANTI-PERSPIRANT CAPSULES FLASHCUBES VAPORIZER 9 z.$10693%'ode, RUB A535SYANIA ESPARDEC sB-Andv E.4 lic125ET 24',SBL tANIET C MtH C2BALLS oSENC MHI4 k - " MTLA E S a TABLETS (Pei)0 s , SATIPEO rSPR BUCKLEY'S O NDIJERCW OW YOUR CHOICC13>,ECAIOI 4oz.OIL ILLERSMI 1OZ EXKING ST WEST ALEX M~RLOORDrugs5623579 Mrs. Dorothy Frei, Travel Counsellor at Bowmanville Travel Centre, cordially invites past customers and newcomers in Bowmanville to drop in to the travel centre 'soon. 'Dorothy, who.worked with the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland for several years, is a native of England. Whether it's a flight ticket to the United States'or an inclusive tour charter, to the Caribbean, Dorothy can take care of your needs. Bowmanville Travel Centre represents the major tour operators such as, Suntours, Wardair, Skylark, Fiesta, Trentway and Elkin.,As a fully Appointed Travel Agency we also represent ail major airlines, cruise lines and rail companies. Our oifice hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mon.,, Thurs. and Fni., 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Wed. and Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. Cali Dorothy, Marilyn or Brian at 623-3182 or 623-5933 anytime. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH 150TH1 ANNIVERSARY, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 "LOOKING BACK" 9:30 A.M. Short Service Walbridge Home, the site of the-first service in 1824, now the home of Harry Jose, 483 King St. E., 10: 30 a.m. - 7:30 Services of worship with former ministers taking part. Thurs,, Nov. 7th, 8: 00 p. m., Piano Becital by LAURENCE AND ANNE MORTON in the New Com'munity Hall. TICKETS PHONE 987-4290. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH TURKEY SUPPER Sittings at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 o'clock. TICKETS PHONE - 987-4593 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 "LOOKING AHEAD" 10: 30 a.m., Rev. Frazer Lacey, Division of Mission United Church of Canada. 7:30 p.m. Youth Service Gerry Brown and the Clarke High School Band. By Popular Demand the Dutch-Canadian Drama Group of Bowmanville PRESEnTS AGAIN "H'fere Cornes LCharlie" A FARCE COMEDY IN 3 ACTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th Time: 7:30 p.mi. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ADMISSION Adu its - $1.50 Students -$1 .00 Proceeds go to CAPO K (Christian Adoption Program of Korea)

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