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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1974, p. 8

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8 The CanadianiStatesman, Bowmanville. October 23, 1974 unî mm M mu mm M mmUMMMMo pl Pt * 623-3303 * FLASHBACK - 25 Years- Ago - Individual averages i the Men's Major Bowling League are as olows. ~. Osborne 223, B. Milne 221, J. Gay 220, T. Hoar 2îf9, Dr. Slemon 216, C. Rundie 215, R. Hearle 214,,.G. Elliott 213, B. Bates 212. FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - Rural League Bowling averages are: D. Taylor 227, Cecil Milis 226, Dave Reynolds 224, R. Twist 215, J. Siemnon 209, B. McDonald 205, J. MacLean 204, T. McLaughlin 204, B. Taylor 204, D. Woods 202, B. Begley 202. MINOR HOCKEY'S - top award, the O.M.H.A. Honour Award, for outstanding service to minor hockey, was presented to Mr. Hugh Hall of Plattsville, Ontario, on Saturday, Oct. l9th. The announicement and presentation of the award to Mr. Hall was made at the luncheon following the 4lst Annual Meeting of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. Mr. Hall, long associa ted with minor hockey in Whitby becomes the twenty-seventh winner of the award. NEËW SPONSOR - The Major Midget Hockey teamn have a new sponsor this year. New uni- formns have been ordered, and in watching the teamn, in the early stages of the season, it ap- pears they have the players to make it ail the way. We congratullate Art Wihlidal, of Bow- manville Sports, Cycles and Toys, for his inte- rest in sponsoring a teamn, and wish him, the teami, managemnent, parents and fans a good season. HOW MANY - for you? We read in Sunday's issue of the Sun, that Rolîs Royce is planning to b ring out w-hat its managîng director says will be the most beautiful car in the world. t should be - the price tag will read $72,00. t will be a completely new car and will go into production next year, managing director David Plaistow said. Think we'll order two .. but on second thought . .. - WINS TROPHY - at the annual dinner in Osh- awa on Saturday, Ted Puk, Bowmanville, was awarded the Oshawa Green Gaels Junior La- crosse most valuable player trophy. Ted is also a valued player on the Ried Eagles Jr. "C" Hoc- key teamn this year. MILK MEET '74 - on November 5th, in Maple LeafGardens 20 gymnastic champ ions, from 10 countries will compete in the largest world invitational gymnastic competition ever held in North Amerîca. Entries are from Japan, Russia, France, Poland, U.S.A., East and West Germany Great Britain, Yugoslavia and Canada. Spons oreci by the Ontario Mîlk Marketing Board and the Ontario Gymnastic Federation, it is truly an event worth taking in. OSHAWA LEGIONAIRES - Jr. "B" Hockey Club defeated Peterboroughi Lions 6-4 at the Civic, on Friday evenlng. The line of Bill Lea- man, Tom Oîsen and Paul Kiberd accounted for 4 of die$ goais for Oshawa. Ini the Thursday gamie against Kingstoni Voyageurs, which Osh- awa lost 9-4, Bill, in his first start with the Le- gionaires, collected two assists. THE RIDEAU LAKES RALLY --was won by an Italian team, of Sandro Munari and Mario Mannucci. Third place went to 'a Canadian, Walter Boyce, Canadian champion,, and his navigator, Stewart Gray, of England. Less than four h ours af ter the start of the Rideau Lakes rally, fifth in the 1974 world chamnpionship series, seven cars had retired fromn competition - two in spectacular crashes. OSHAWA SKI CLUB - officers for '74-'75 are President Lynida Morrison, Vice. Pres. Erv. Hunter, Treasurer - Vern Walker, Memnbership and Tow Ticket Manager, Hap Grose. House Committee George Lean, Secretary Marie Curtis, Social Gwenî Swarbrîck. Pros ton The M over A toms WaIIop Bay Ridges 7 to O in Season's Openfing Game On Saturday, Oct. l9th, in the Memiorial -Arena, 'the Bowmanville Preston the Mlover Major AMons opened their 1974-75 season, with a game against Bay Ridges. The locais regisfered a convincing 7-0 victory. Brian Ruddy scored the first goal of the gamne and the, seasoni, just 12 seconds affer the gaine starfed. His winger Barry Cullen picked uip the assist. -~'.-.~Rick Erwin scored trie second Movers goal in the second perîod, assisted by newcomer Darcy Cummings, his right winger. Barry Cullen increaýsed thile lead to 3-0 with a goal, assisted by Captain Bill Hogarth. Cummings scored bis first, goal as a Toro, assisted by John Klompmak- er'. In the third period, Bow- man,11ville scored fhree more goals. Rîcky Erwin scored his second of thie game, with Cuminiiigs picking up is third point of the game with the assist. Barry Cullen pick- WOL@FAW±~ ~ w 'I. - I 1~e * s *.s 16KING E. 623-3396 GYOOD BUY UNCERTIFIED CARS 1970 PEUGOT SEDAN - Automatic, sun roof radio, radial tires. Lic. FR0340 ...............$ 9 , 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - Automatic, radio, $ 9 350 V-8. Lic. FEH817............................ 4 5 1967 FORD STATION WAGON - Automatic, $4 6 cyl., radio. Lic. DZW631 ....................... 3 3 1966 PONTIAC 2-DR. - Stick, 6 cyl., radio,. .. Lic. EBJ293 ......... ....................... Salesmien: WELDON BROWN KEN SHERBAN CEDRIC RUSSELL* Presidenit TOM COWAN Sales Manager: STEW PRESTON Local Midgets Do Well in Gume Against Oshawa Bowmanville's Ma jor Midget team has had a most encouraging season so far, with another big win on Saturday over Oshawa. ilere, Robert Ormiston scores with Kirk Kemp at left, while the Oshawa goalie and a couple of their players look on in disgust. Two More Victoriîes for Sports Majlor M*idgets a They Remain Undefeati Bowmnanville Sports Major Hutton, John Hogarthr and of the gai Midgets are off to-a good start Mark LaVigne. Gerald Brunt Van Segge this season as they added two earned three assists, Robert boy scori more victories in their early Ormiston two and John Ho- Assists wei season. garth, one. Cryderma On Wed., Oct. wlt, the on Sa, Oct. iglt te esports Brian Sim] Midgets defeatedÀ Bay Ridges won thecir third consecut ive Ted Tr at the Don Beer Arena by, the gamie, wvhich was piayed at the istanIce score of 5-3. Bowmaniville Bowmanville Arenia, by de- Bwai opened up a four to nothing featinig Oshawa 5-2, This was a strong gai lead midway through the fast skating gamie with both gamfe at B second period. teams having many chances. tending w. Tbey elected to take it easy Bowmanvilie took the lead deau and1 and found themselves leading and stayed ahead throughout Next ho, only by one goal towards the the game. Goal scorers for Sat., Oct. end of the game. However, Bowmanville were Rob Orm- with Ajax tbey were able. to g et an~ iston with two, his second Cobourg-v insurance goal and winthe being scored into an empty net following game. Ralph Cryderman led while Bowmanville were play- 3th) with the way with two goals, ing a man short near the end p.m. singles were scored by Jim F Up his second .goal ot the Hamnton GardensP game the assist going to defenceman Eddy Osborne 'r BihllHogarth scoredi the sev- enth and final goal of the mro p Opener f0 Bal game, the assist going to Hampton Gardens Minor Bay Rid Culen, his fourth point of the Pee Wees opened this regular unanswerel game. season sc hedule here on period for Rod Plain, although not Saturday with a six f0 two loss Many ho picking up any scoring points, f0 a very smooth skating Bay in this ganr play ed a- brilliant game, Ridges club. Grant Brai kiiling penalties and driving The Gardens crew oened eiected Caj the "'Bay" defence crazy. fast against Bay Ridges0and at Jon Janael Ken Woodard piayed the 1:52 of the first period Jon Kevin Tin] first two stanzas and Steve Janack scored a pretty goal skaters. Skene piayed the final period' when he pulled the goaltender The Gari both lads being very steady. with a good deke and deposit- four gamE Team members this year are: ed the puck in the open net, dule winni defencemen Steve Cary, Mike . Brent Thompson drawing the and tying stocKer, iik Osborne and assist. At 6:47 of the period, for 8, agai Chris Dyck. Forwards are Bay Ridges tied the score only- were Ste' Billy Hogarth, Br ian Ruddy, f0 have Janack score just as goals, Ti, Barry Cullen, Joe NihilI, Rod pretty a goal as you will see at, Lemy Dycl Plain, Bill ambuy John 7:45with assists going f0 Doug two goals. Klopmke, RckErin anid Dillinig who piayed a strong Lake with Darcy Cummings. Ken Wood- game and Brent Crossey. Bay two,, Dillin ward and Steve Skene com- Ridges scored again at 12:18, one, Wilco> bine f0 give the Movers a solid The first period ended 2-2. Kevin Wel, goaitending tandem. Team The visitors scored the only Next hon Mana2er is Cal Potter and the goal of the second period for a at Bowmar Coach Brian Purdy. Team 3-2 lead. 4:30 p.m. Tramner is Allan Potter. Preston the Movers play,-h B w i Cobourg next Saturday at 2:00 Y u p.m. in Memorial Arena. Y uh B w i TYKES King 5, Terry 0; Nash 5, Knapp 0; Dilling 5, Nagel 0; Luxton 5, Woolley 0; Stacey 3 Smith 2. Team Standing King 23, Nash 22, Stacey 19, Dilling 19, Smith 16, Luxton'15, Knap 15, Woolley 11, Terry 5, Nagel 4. High Single S. Woolley 136-128, J. King 121. High Double S. Woolley 264, D. Hancock 225. JUNIOR BOYS Woolley 7, Murphy 0; Bons 5, Visser 2; Hopcroft 7, Dadson 0. Team Standing Woolley 31, Visser 29, Bons 26, Hopcrof t 15, Dadson 13, Mur- phy 12. High Snl R. Hayward 235, F. Smith 232, L. McKay 224, B. Terry 218, M. Visser 215, D. Hopcroft 209, J. Bothwell 200. High Triple D. Hopcroft 594, L. McKay 544. junior girls Richards 5, Chow 2; Lavigne 7, Fairey 0;_Michelson 5, Luxton 2. Team Standing Lavigne 33, Richards 29, Chow 19, Fairey 16, Luxton 15, Mchelson 14. High Single L. Inram 259-226,' A. Luxton 251-202, S. Michelson 235-208, W, Van Goor 225. .1J %7pý s nme. Dan Cox, Nick ,lan and John Con- ed a goal each. re credited to Ralph an, Jimi Hutton, pson and Dan Cox. rudeau went the. in the niels for ville, playing a ne. In the previous Bay Ridges the goal vas shared by Tru- Danny Wilcox. ome game will be .26th at 8:30 p.m., cas the opposition. will be visiting the SWednesday (Oct. hgame times 7:00 >ee Wees iy Ridge1ts Iges scored three ed goals in, the third a 6-2 victorv. oys played very well mie, Tobin Rowe and dley in goal, newly aptain Doug Dilling, ýk, MarkAbbott and k, the pick of the rdens Crew played a i, Exhibition Sche- ng one, losing two one. Total scoring: iinst 9. The scorers ve Lavigne, four m Almend, one, k, one, Jon Janack, ;Assists to Randy four, Mark Abbott Ig, one, Thompson, x, one, Janack, one, sh, one. ne game Markham iville Oct. 26 (Sat.) 226, C. Lane 220, L. Richards 215. High Triple L. Ingramn 658, A. Luxton 610 BANTAM BOYS Hammond 3, Aide 2-, Sutcliffe 3, Sheehan 2; Rozema 3, Wilson 2. Team Standing Aide 20, Sutchiffe 20; Ham- mond 16, Sheehan 14, Rozema 13, Wilson 7. High Single R. Sutcliffe 228, C. Wilson 198, M. Roberts 180. High Double C. Wilson 340, R. Sutciffe 327, M. Roberts 312, K, Aide 285. BANTAM GIRLS Hooper 5, Van Goor 0; Ingramn 5, Brunt 0; Fairey 5, Lunn 0. Team Standing Ingram 30, Hooper 18, Fairey- 15, Brunt 12, Van Goor 10, Lunn 5. High Single S. Ingram 171, D. Tustin 166, W. Brown 149. Higlh Double W. Brunt 274, S. Ingram 273, M. Van Goor 268, S. Campbel 267 W. Brown 266. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Davey 7, Pearson 0; Thomp- son 5, Brooks 2; Eves 5, Roberts 2; Coombes 7, Lane 0. Team Standing Brooks 29, Coombes 26, Pear- son 23, Roberts 21, Thompson 21, Davey 19, Lane 15, Eves 14., High Single H. Gray 288, W. Mosher 282, K. i±ves 279, R. Thompson 274, J. Whyte 266, G., Coombes 259- 266, B. Taylor 255, S. Davey 250. High Triple G. Coombes 716, G. Lane 716, W. Mosher 707, S. Davey 700, R. Thompson 697, K. Eves 690, Jo-Anne Holroyd 695, B. Tay- lor 683, H. Gray 688,M. Roberts 651, J. Pearson 667. C.O.F. Bowling Team Standings Brian Martyn 35, Arnold Van Goor 33, Glenn Prout 33, John Gould 29, Bob Smyith 28, Jim robinson 28, Gloria Smith 25, Howard Poilard 24, John Luffmazn 21, Rob Vandenberg 17, Phil Ward 14, George Heath 7. High Single - John Luffman 341, Brenda Jones 304. High Triple - John Luffman 838, Nel Vanabbema 690. IGARY'S SPORTSi GrandOpenung - OCTOBER 26 OENSun.- 10am'- 5p.j m. ni- FANTASTIC SA VINGS ONE DAY ONLY, DISCOUNT SALE CKLB MOBILE, WILL BE THERE ALSO FROM 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 134 King St. E. Phone 623-4203 (formerly J-Mar Building) Bowmanvi lie PETERBOROUGH Branch * ANNOUN CES * THE OPENING 0F A TEMPORARY' i DEMONSTR ATION I CENTREi * ~, at 258 Division St., Cobourg 1 FROM OCTOBER 21 to OCTOBER, 31 f from 8:30a.m.to5:30p.m. Daily I F YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SEEING * ePHOTO COPY SYSTEMS * eADDRESSING-IMPRINTING SYSTEMSI I e FOLDING-IJNSERTING SYSTEMSI * e CURRENCY AND ENDORSING -SYSTEMSi * e MAILING. SYSTEMSI * PLEASE CALL,1-705-743-3100 COLLECT, ANDI * MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A DATE AND TIMEI I CONVENIENT TO YOU.I PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE M 0 M 0 PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE -1, ouil. - lu a.lii. -.ý F.111-

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