The Canadian Statesman, CL13SSIFIE D 11il11Wý Bowmanvifle, October 30, 1974 DEADLNE FOR CLASSI-FIED Tues-., 4:30 pom. CAI..MlLL -IMicl an1~l d Sandra (nee Lee) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Tammy Lee, on October 22, weighing 5 ibs. Il 075. at Brantford General Hospital. First grandchiid for Mr. and Mrs. Francis' Lee, Bowmanviile and Mrs. Aima Cahili, Brantford. First great grandchild for Mrs. Margaret Lee, Bowmanville. 44-1 x ELLIOTT- Bill and Ann (nee Grago) wish to announce the birth of a 6 ibs. 1512 ozs. baby boy on Oct. 25, 1974 at Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pitai. 44-1 HAICK- Brian and Cathe- rifle (nee Spry) wlsh ta announce the arrivai of Amanda Catherinean Oct. 25, 1974. Grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Spry and Mr. and Mrs. F. Harris. 44-1 HARTWIG- Hi my name is Scott Anthony. I arrived Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 1974 at 1: 24 p.m. I weighed in at 7 ibs. 12 ozs. My parents, Mel and Rosemary are very proud of mne. My sister, Michelle and brother Kevin are overjoyed. Speciai thanks to Dr. Spear, Glazier, Casseils, nurses and staff of 4th floor, Ushawa General Hospital. 44-lx THOMPSON- Allan and Anne (nee Werry) are happy to announce the safe arrivai1 of their daughter, weighing 7 ibs 1 1112 ozs. on Oct. 27, at the Beleville Generai Hospital. Deiighted grandparents are, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomp- son, Rslin and Mrs. John Werry, Bowmanviile. Great g randparents are, Mrs. Frank Hammon d, Cannitton, Mrs. Gilbert Thompson, Roslin and Mr. Fred Philp, Bowmanviile. 44-1 TR 1MP - Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Trim (nee Mary Jane Love) are happy to announce the birth of Jessica Mary Elizabeth, on Oct. l2th, 1974 at York County Hospital, New- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stur- rock are happy to announce the forthcoming emarriage of their daughter, Sharon Marie f0 William Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore. The, wiedding will take pace at 4:00 p.m. on the 23rd of November 1974 at St. Andrews Presby- terian Church in Bowman- Soon% to take place- the mnarriage of Sheila May Lloyd, daýuqhter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Llovd, Powell River, B.C., fo Lawrence Cyril Quin- ney, son of Mr. arýd Mrs. Cyril Quinney, Bowmanviiie. Wed- dg November 9, 1974 at 3 pmn., Kingdom Hall of Jeho- vah's Wifnesses. 44-1 HAZLEWOOD, Dr. Brenton F. - At Sudbury General Hospi- tal, Monday, October 21, 1974, Dr. Brenton F. Hazlewood, beioved husband of Mildred Weismilier, 25 Park Street, Copper Clift, dear father of Brent 'on A. of Sarnia, Barbara of Hamilton, uncle of Mrs. H. Bain and Mrs. C. Anderson, Toronto . Resting at Jackson and barnard Funeral Home, 233 Larch Street. Funeral service in the church of St. John the Divine, Copper Ciff, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'cock. Cremation wiii follow. 44 if NICHOLS - At Bobcaygeon on Friday, October 25th, 1974, H-ilda Hamm, aged 88 years, vi fe, of the late Wesley Nichls, dear mother of Mar- garita (Mrs. David Brown), Peferborough. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, on Sat- urday at 3 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 44-1 PROUT -At BellevilleC rai Hospital on Thurý Octaber 24t, Jessie Wels Second St., Bawmaný a g ed 80 years, wife of thE T hamas E verson Prout, mother of Maurice, Bowy ville, Audrey (Mrs. Hilson), Sarnia, Allan, awa, Aura (Mrs. Cliff win), Bowmanviile, anc vian (Mirs. Neil Brut Belleville. Servicwas hE the Morris Funerai Cl Bowjmanviile, on Satur& 1: 30 p.m. Interment Bowy ville Cemetery. ~ "Flow( sa y m  Best' VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanvi1le i Phone 623-4441 c * SMITH - In lovi ng memory of ~ydear husband, Arnold who 1 Jassed away Oct. 29, 1971. 'n'As ime unfaids another year, Memorie 's keep you ever nea r, Silent thoughts' of time ta- gether, Hold memaries that will last forever. -- Sadiy missed and always remembered, wife Dorothy. 44-i Gene- sday, sh, 16 ville, e late ,dear vman - Gpo. bmi TH -In ioving memoryaof a dear father,' Arnold, who passed away Oct. 29, 1971. Forever remembered, forever mi ssed. - Sadiy missed by daughter Elsie and George. 44-1 BROMELL - n loving mem- ory of a dear mother, Emma Luxton, who passed away Nov. 2, 1968. If i had ail the world ta give, i'd give it up and more, 1a hear her voice, See her smile, And greet her at the door. But all I can do dear mather, s go and tend your grave, And leave behind fokiens of love, To the besf mother God ever made. l'd like ta think when life is done, Wherever heaven may be, She will stand at the door, Up there ta welcame me. 1Lovingl y remembered by dauohter Joanne and son-in- iaw Fred. 44-i BROMELL - n laving me- mary of a dear daughter, Emma Winona Luxton, who passed away Nov. 2, 1968. There is a home, not made by hands, Beyond ifs golden door, Awaits the anc who's now away, Not aost, just gone before, And in that home, not made by hands, The Master wiii prepare, A place for us, and when He calls, We'll meet aur iaved one there. -Sadly missed by mther and dad. 44-1 x RUNDLE, George - n ioving memory ot dear dad, who passed away Nov. 2nd, 1951. Tagether in the samne aid way, Would be aur dearest wish fada y. -Sadly missed- Mel and Jack. 44-i RUNDLE, George-A tribute of love fa a dear dad and granddad who passed away Nov. 2nd, 1951. Thoughts taday, memories farever. -Lola (Fiorida), Heather (Illinois). 44-1 SMITH- A tribute 0f love toaa very dear grandfather who passed away Oct. 29, 1971. If seems so strange that those we need, And those we lave the best, Are jusf the ones God cailed .awa y, And tookthem Home ta rest. But ever-y ime I think of Grandpa, i seem ta hear God say, Have faith and trust my promise, You'Ii meef again same day. - Sadiy misscd, farever remembered by granddaugh- ter Karen (Bobby). 44-i TIERNEY In loving me- mary of a dear husband and father, Dennis- John, who passed away Nov. 4, 1964. You stilI live ôn in the hearts and minds, 0f the iaving family yau left behind. - Sadiy missed by the tamiiy. 44-1 MOORE -In oving memary of a dear father and grand- father who passed away Nov. 4, 1961 and a dear mother and grandmother who passed away Feb. 20, 1966. The depths of sorrow we cannat tell, 0f the anes we oved s0 well, And whiie they sieep a peace- fui sleep, Their memory we shal always keep. - Lovingiy remembered by their famiiy, Muriel and Reg, Elsie and Floyd and grand- children. 44-1lx NICHOLSON - In Ioving mcmary of a dear grand- daughter Dianne, who passed away Nov. 2, 1969. Wonderfui mcmarics woven in gaid, This is a picture we tenderly hold, Deep in aur hearts, a memary kepf, To lave, ta cherish, ta neyer forget. - adiy missed by Grandma and Grandpa Masters. 44 ix Os-NICHOLSON - In loving fTre- memaryaof Dianncwhopassed id Vi- away Navember 2nd, 1969. ton), Wc are sad within aur eld in. mernary, hapel, Laneîy are aur hcarts today; ay ai For the anc wc lavcd 50 dear- vman- y, 44-i Has forever been cailed away; Wc think of her in silence, No cye cao sec us weep, ers But many siuent tears are shed it' When others are asleep. - Mom, Dad, Sister and, Bro- ther-in-iaw. 44-1 SEVERN - In oving memory of a dear father and grand father, Robert Gardon, wha passcd away Nov. 4, 1966. We who lave yau, sadly miss yau, ýrea As if dawns another year, In aur ioncly hours of thinking, Thoughts of yau are ever near. 43f -- Ever rcmembercd by the family. 44-i My sincere thanks ta friends and neighbours for their cards, flowers and gifts sent ta Me during my stay in Bow- manville Memorial Hospital. A special fhank you ta Dr. SylIvester and Dr. Grant, the emiergency staff and nursing staff af the 3rd floor for their kindness shawn ta me. Jessica Rekker 44-1 A - - The family 0f thie late Arthur M. Wearn wouid like to say a speciai thanks to Dr. Stocks, staff of Hiiisdale Manor, famiiy, friends, neigh- bours and Enniskilien U.C.W. for their sympathy and kind- ness during their recent be- reavement. 44-1 x Russell Savery wishes to thank his friends and neigh- bors for their many acts of kindness. A speciai thanks to Dr. Mikios and nurses of Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. 44-1 x 1 wish to extend my sincere thanksto one and ail who have heiped us in any way over the past year and during my recent bereavement. Olive M. Lymer 44 lx The family of the late Marlon VanCamp would like to express their sincere appre- ciation and hearttelt thanks to relatives and friends for many acts of kindness, cards, floral tributes and donations, the staff of Bowmanviiie Memo- rial Hospital and 6G of Oshawa 'Generai and North- cutt Eiiiott Funeral Home- A speciai thank you to the staff and patients of Sunset Lodge and Strathaven Nursing Home and Rev. N. E. Schamer horn for his thoughtfui and consol- ing words. We thank you and will be eternally grateful. Doreen and Don Metcaif Una and Ken Hagerman 44- lx My sincere thanks to friends and neighbours, Dr. H. An- fossi, nurses ahd staff, third floor, Memorial for kindness shown to me while in hospital. Raymond Bruce 44-1 x Iwould like to thank the many friends and relatives tor their cards, flowers and good wishes during *my stay in hospital, also the nurses and Dr. Mosienko. Hannah Aibin 44 lx We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our friends, neighbors and relatives for the very memorable and beautiful surprise party for our 25th wedding anniversary. A spe- cial thanks to Daisy and Lorne. Emma and Ross Bragg 44-lx The, famiiy of the late Evelyn Foster wish to express their sincere appreciation andi thanks to reaitves, Iriends and neighbours for floral tributes, contributions to Cdn. Arthritic Assoc., donations of food, cards, visits and other expressions of kindness shown in the loss of a beloved wife, mother and sister.' A special thankstothe l.C.U. of Oshaw~a General Hospital for their care and concern. Drs. Monroe and Kestle, Chapiain R. Maggs, Rev. John Smith for his consoling words and the W. C. Town Funerai Chapel. Carman Foster and famiiy. 44-lt Solina Library invites you ta open hause in honor of Sam Dewell, Nov. i6th at 8 p.m. Cards will be played, Ladies bring lunch. Silver collection. 44-i Bake Sale and Bazaar, Saturday, November 9, 1974, 2-4 p.m. at the Saivation Army Hall, Division St., Bowman- ville, spansared by Fourth Bowmanville Brawnie Pack. 44-2x Shaw's 5Oth Anniversary Committee Hallowe'en Mas- querade Party. Sat., Nov. 2 af 8 p.m. at the schooi. Former students and friends invited. Lunch served. 441 Appearing this Sat., Nov. 2 at the Osaca Barn Dance, Fay Adams and The Country Hits. Couples aniy. 44-1 x Long Sault Club 50 Penny and Bake Sale in Tyrone Hall, Nov. 6 af 2 p.m. Draw an Afghan and cushion with other doar prizes. Admission 50 cents. Aternoan Tea. 44-i Euchre party, Newtanville Hall, Friday Navember i. 8:15 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. Everyane welcame. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Osaca Barn Dance (couples onl'Y' evcry Saturday night, Country and Western music. Phone 786-263q. 37-tf WEDDING ring and Diamand ring faund i0narth end of town, awner may contact 623-3702 or Marrs Jewellcry. 44-3 STRAYED onta my property, Lot 7, Concession 8, anc cattîe beef, owner cao have by identifying and paying expen- ses. Phone 263-8435. 44-1 Attention ail Vetera ns Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion is having a dinner on Saturday, Nov. 9 af 6:30 p.m. Tickets $3.Q0 and can be picked up at Legion Hall or contact: Ernie Perfect 623-2287 42-4 Costume Dance, St. Jo- seph's Hall, 127 Liberty St. $4.00 per couple. Music by the Rising Suns, Nov. >2. Dress, optional. 43-2 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, Nov. 5th, Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8:00 $400 IN PRIZES, PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 44-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE THE MIDNIGHT PLAYBOYS Friday - Saturday Novem ber 1-2, 8-9 Dancing 9-1 44- 12 Sca rbaraugh Centre and Dawntown Shopping NOV. 4th and DEC. 4th Yorkdale Plaza and Dawntawn Shopping NOVEMBER i9th Royal Winter Fair and Toronto Shopping NOVEMBER 23rd lice Capades, Toronto N OV EM B ER 9th, iSth, ilth Mystery Tour NOVEMBER iOth Florida Christmas Holidays DEC. 26th -JAN. 5th 8 nights - 7 days at Dayfana Beach Winter Away in Florida 30odays, Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 - Feb. 13 - Mar. l4th, Mar. 9th -Apr.l7th. For information phonecor write: Sunshine Tours 36 King St., Cobeu.rq Phone 372-9961 - 885-2200 44-4 Duc to the large Brawnie Packs in Bowmanville, there wiii be anather pack opening at the end of November 1974. If will be at the Bowmanville Library, Manday evenings from 6:,30 ta 8 p.m. Any parents inferesfed in transfer- ring their girl or anyone intercstcd in joining, please phone 623-2266. 44-1 MONSTER BINGO, THURSDAY -7:45 P.M. Spansored by Oshawa Minor Saftball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 30-tf 10-Day Farmer's Holiday Tour ta GREECE with Clare Burt Travel Nov. 2lst to 30th, 1974 Tour Cost: $779.00 Includes most meals and everything else. Grecce has a lot ta offer - History - friendly people -ý pleasant climate this tîme of year - chance fa relax on our little cruise among the Greek Islands. Tour Leaders: MILLIE &CLARE BURT For information and bookings phone: MRS. MARY JUNE SMITH Our Reg ion of Durham Clare Burt Travel Rep. at (416) 655-3372. 44-i FOR BEST C LASS IFI ED RESULTS PHONE 623-3303 DANCE AT THE I.a.O.F. HALL QUEEN STREET Novem ber 9, 1974 REFRESHMENTS $3.00 PER COUPLE 44-2x Ail the fish and chips you can caf, $1.49. Saturday only. Book Christmas Parties early. Acres Restaurant, Taunton~ Road. 43-4 STRAY ED, one cow ta Lot 214Concession 2, Clarke. Phone 987-4669. 43-3 ONE ladies wrist watch. Cal 623-5592 atter 6:30 p.m. 44-1 STRAYED On ta pr operty, one Hereford caw, phone 983-5585. 44-3 QUARTS ONLY ANTI-FREEZE POLAR BRAND $1.59 Quart PERMA-FILL $1.79 Quart Wlii le Suppiy Lasfs! CANADIAN TIRE R. W. Johnson Enterprises Limited 16,0 Church St. Bowmanville 44-1 RED Ciover. Now buying good clover. Order your 1975 seecJ corn now as il appears that 1975 early seed wiII1 be sold out by November. WilI now take Orders for 1975 seed grain, grass and hay. Lawn seed stil11 in good supply. Call Swain Seed Dealers 986-4331. 41-4 SCRAP'paper bargains. We have a real bargain in scrap paper for you. Ail sizes, shapes and colors in bundles of $0 cents and $1.00. Great for drawings, leaving messages, group craft work, etc. The Statesman oftice. 42-tf 23 ACRES of grain, corn, standing. Phone 725-6787. 44-1 TMO pair boy's skates, size 5 and 9, one pair girl's tigure skates, size 5. Phone 623-4104. 44-1 LARGE size black, Persian Lamb coat, good condition. Phone 987-4611. 44-1 DOUBLE glass sealed unit wldw 48" x 60", $35. Aluminum sliding double glass patio door, 3 panels 36" x 79" eacti, hardware inclLlded, $150. Phone 623-5577 before six. 44-1 100 BALESof hay, no ramn. Phone 987-4378, anytime. 44-1 COMPLETE set of drums, includes cymbas, $250. Phone 623-4573. 44-lx COB, shelled or hiah moisture corn also baled hay ancl straw. Contact. Peter Moore at 885- 8535 Port Hope. 1 44-2 1969 SNOW CRUISER 18 horse, e xc ellent condition, $275 or best offer. Phone 263-2304. 44-1if TWO G70 x 14" snowtires, used one season. Mounted on Dodge wheels. Phone 623-4840. 44 lx COLD storage apples by the bushel, different varieties, no ~Sunday sales, 263-8473, Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskiilen. 44-tf 1969 SNOW CRUISER 18 horse, excellent condition, $275 or best offer. Phone 263-2304. 44-1 TWO Hundred Sq. Ff., 21/2" x 23" x 48" fibreglass insulation. 150 sq. ft. 6" x 23" x 48"' rockwool insulafion, $20. 623- 2658. 44 lx RABBITS for sale. Phone 263-8412. 44-1 SIDES oil beef, 150-200 lbs. 95 cents a pound, cut and wrapped, will deliver within 10 mile. Phone 786-2917. 43-2 THRIFT SHOP - 32 King West, at rear. We seli, on consignment,' furniture, appli- ances, bikes, skates, rugs, etc. For information caîl 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS, REPAIRS TO ALL MAKE Harvey Partner Orana 983-5206 - Zenith 141 . 4 PADDY'S Market now new furnifure, appiianc T.V.'s and stcrea's anda used furniture and applianc WiII accept trade-i. Padd Market, Hampton, phone2 2241. 3 TWO year aid Gehi grind mixer with sheiler, ci i-705-944-5532. 4 Bathe and McLellî Building Materials Limite Esfablished 1926 -Swimminq Pool Covers -Fiberglass and Loose AI Insu latian -Fireplaces and Accessori -Custam-Made Fireplace Screens -Natural Stone Roofing Praducts 81 King W. Osha 725-4761 TWO V.W. snowtires. 600- on rims, $20-00. Pho 623-7032.4 ALLIS Chaimers Tract model B, excellent conditi $600. Phone 263-8103. USED Furniture and App ances. Paddy's Mark( Hampton 263-2241. 26 CHEST of drawers, nig table and 40' x 40' rall of he. black plastic, suitabie, covering pool. Phone 2638 SMALL cement mixer whecis with motor, srr thre point hitch cuitivafc traîler suitable for snowry bile; large trailer with brak suitabie for smali tractc 10-20 McCormick Tractor rubber-, running. 986-4257. 43 ANTIQUE CLOCI -RF PAIR ED Parts avaiFable for most ar que dlocks, pocket watcl and modemn watchesa dlocks. Our repairs are donc w modemn up-ta date equipmE and qiuaiified Swiss fra=in HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34 YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT BUY cable tv Pine Ridge Cable TV Limite 1353 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ont. (416) 579-2232 4- iawa 44-1- OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY Wastied Sand Gravel and Stone Limestone Products AIl Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TrRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 81 RICHMOND ST. W. OSHAWA 576-5522 OCT ' mmOBER WARK"EHOUUSE SALE EVERY BALE IN STOCK OISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As t.ow As V ' Price And Less On Remoanants and End's of Roils 81 RICHMOND ST.W. (Nexf door to Ruddy Electric) opùm froirn9 Io 8P.!i) Mon-to Fri Sot 9to 4 t CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY BEDROOM suite, seven picce; diningroom, 9 piece, coffce tables, ail Burma- Danish tcakwood. New furni- ture, very reasonabie. Phone i-247-4377. -44-tf VIKING Deep Freeze, 23 cubic feet, like new. $280. Phone i-786-2908. 44-1 WHITE birch tire place, wood, 16 inches in lcngth. Phone 1-983-5080. 44-i <W H 1T E'S g TVANTENNAS STawers,LHF, VHF Aeruals, Rotors & R epairs Apartments & Homnes Pre-Wired -- Ask About Our Guaranfee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa 7TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF-VHF-ColoredAerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Warkmanship Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAVE you Money P hone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN D FURNACE HUMIDIFIER SOor HOT WATER H EATE R N6 Payments for Six Months CAL L HARVEY PARINER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf TABLE turnips by the busher. 263-2544. 43-2 Buy direct, from Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Co., Ltd.. has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and small ta fit any need. Come by aur display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf - g c EXTRA earnings for Christ- mas for the housewife wîth a few hours,.a wcek ta spend profitably. Bea Vanda Beauty Councilior. Doreen Gcrman. Phone i-983-9554. 44-1ix WAITRESS wanted for snack bar. Phone i-983-5094. 44-i DENTAL receptionist and dental assistant required. Some experience preferrable. Scnd references and descrip- tion . Writc advertiser 519 c-o Canadian Statesman, P.. Box 190 Bowmanviiie, Ont. 44-i CLASS A Mechanic. Apply in persan ta Ray Waiker of Western Tire, 623-3134. 44-i CAFETERIA cashier, five d ay week, 3 p.m.-i ip.m. Bright, aiert, personabie, tidy. Also mature part-timný, week- end cashier. For appointment phone 623-3373, 9 a.m.-3, p.m., Fiying Dutchman Motor Inn, Bowmanvile. 44-1 EAST CENTRAL Canada Farmn Labour Pool HeIp Wanted We require full or part time agricuitural workers ta do seasonai, relief or permanent Mixed farming duties. Register with Canada Farm Labour Pool, 170 Qucen Street, Port Perry or phone 416-985- 3831. 44-i MALE or Female Service Station Attendants. We re- quire severai service station attendants for fuli time posi- tions. We offer salaries, bo- nus, paid annuaI vacation, unifarms and staff discounts. Apply in person f0 the Esso Centre, H-1wy. 401 at New- castle. 43-2 EXPERIENCED Nurses' Aides AND Housekeepers For New Facilities P HON E ST RATHA VEN Nursing Homne 623-2553 44-2 Steel Service Centre in Bowmanville Requires, Inside Salés Person EXPERIENCE AN ASSET GOOD SALARY Phone 623-3317 44-1 Mechanic's Helper 5 Day Week, 5 Bay Shop Salary geared ta experience Apply in persan ta: R. W. Johnson or Mr. L. Hancock Canadian Tire 160 Church St., Bowmanville 44-1 Roy Nichols Motors REQU IRES Mec hani c EX PE RlENCE DOR APPRENTICE 5 DAY WEEK APPLY IN PERSON TO: Bill Waller 44-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NE WCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Office Personnel Applications will be recei- Ved by the undersigned until Wednesdlay, November, 6, 1974, 4 p.m.,for the foliowing positions, at the Board Office: Budget Contrai Clerk Commercial or business education a necessity, includ- ing typing and general office procedure. Coding experience preferable, but must have mathematical aptitude plus the ability f0 get aiong with people and be able to work from verbal and writfen instructions. File Clerk Must have fyping, generai knowiedge of office procedure and business machines. Abili- ty to get aiong with people. Apply in writing stating qualifications, experience and telephone number to: M. A. Mac Lead, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A4L2. 44-1 MINISTRY OF HEALTH WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Nurse 2 - General $10,300 to$12,240 Week $10,980 to $13,380 Week (Jan. 1, 1975) $11,340 to $13,740 Week ,(Apr. 1, 1975) Whîtby Psychiatric Hospital has vacancies for nurses registered in Ontario to parti- cipate in active Psychiatric and Geriatric Nursing pro- grammes. Generous tringe benefif package. Please apply to: PERSONNEL OFFICIER Whitby Psychiatric Hospital1 Box 613, Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S9 These posit ions are open ta both men and women. 44-1 FACTORY help wanted. App- y J. Anderson Smith Co., Newcastle. 42-3 SERVICE station attendant required. Good opportunity for energetic, reliable persan. Appiy Imperial 011 Service Centre, Hiâghway 401 and Waveriey Rd., Bowmanviiie. 41 -tf BE Positive- Beat Inflation Homemakers, Senior Citizens, Groups, make extra income. 1-705-944-5575. 43-2 EXPERIENCED nurses aides and housekeepers for new facilities. Phone 623-2553. 43-2 A T TE NTIO N Farmers and Farm Workers Farmers Do You Need Farm Workers Seasonal Workers We are here ta help yau FulI-Time Workers find emplayment. Regîster with us naw. CANADA FARM LABOUR POOL 53 Albert St., 14A Young St., 123 King St. E. Cobourg, Ont. Brightan, Ont. Bawmianvi 1lie, Ont. 416-372-8737 613-475-0344 416-623-4794 44-1 MEN AND WOMEN REQUIRED for factary work. Positions open in sanding and malding departments, incentive system wth gaad benef ifs, Apply in persan ta South Plant Office Curvply, Orono MAN with plan ta dig smal garden 22' x 40' in Sauina. Cali 263-8050. 43-1 Security Off icers Required far location in 1Bawma nvi île. Must be bandabie, read and write English flucntiy, 21 years or aver, neat appear- ance essentiai, uniform sup- plied. APPLY TO Barnes Security Services Ltd. 542 Maunt Pleasant Raad Toranto, Ontaria. Phone 1-487-4191 44-i INVITATION TO LEASE FARM LAND SEALED TENDERS wilI be rcceived until 3:00 p.m. la- CAL TIME on Thursday, November 14, 1974 For cease of ninety-two (92) acres of land, no buildings, for tarming purposes aniy bcbng the South hait at lot 6, concession 2, Dariington Township, Town of Bowman- ville, Ontario and forming part of Pine Ridge Training School, Bowmanville. Leasing wiiI bc for a pcriod of three years and. sublect ta candi- fions outiined in the Tendering Documents. Tender Documents may be obtained tram the Ministry of Governmcnt Services Public Tenders Office, Room Ml 43a, Macdonald Block, Quccn's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Tele- phone No. <416) 965-1152. For further information re- garding this Tender, picase caîl Mrs. D. P. Johnson, Minisfry of Govcrnment Ser- vices, Realty Services Bran- ch, Quccn's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone Na. (416) 965-4777. ,The highesf or any Tender not necessarily accepted. J. C. Thatcher Deputy Minister 44-i Po-pul-rPin Lessons BERT PAYNE Phone 623-2697 44-2 LEARN TO DR'IVE TRACTOR TRAILERS -Train with the experts Tuitian tee fax deductibie -Job assistance guaranteed Weekend training also available NOW, Special Summer Tuition Fees For application and interview write: NATIONAL TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING SCHOOL, Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ont. 738-3618 Toronto - Phone 493-6068 31 -tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent hair removai 90 Si m ce St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 URGENTLY REQUIREDI! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanvillc area. Perhaps yaur home wauld bring top dollar? We'Il be pleascd ta appraise it for yau and help you locafe the "home of your drcams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtar, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 5766120. ' l7tf R "ilî s àmm9mmný-