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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1974, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 30, 1974 Il OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, Novem ber 3, 1974 1 - 5 p.m. 86 Concession St. W. Bowmanville, Ontario Former MÉLaughlin Estate Listed at $86,900 Directions: Take No. 2 Highway f0 Liberty St. N. follow open house signs to first stop sign turn Ieft onto Concession St. W. go to next stop street which is Elgin St. .House on corner of Concession St. W. and Elgin St. Your Hostess - KAY HOSKIN - Resident No. 623-7276 A.B.S. REALTY LTD. Realtor -728-7344. R44- 623-2571S The Lander brothers, Jack and Glenn, are gradually recovering from the celebration of their silver anniversary in business here at the Lander Hardware &Electric store on King St. East. They are shown above during that hectic weekend when their store was crowded with customers who had corne to offer congratulations and take advantage of the many bargains offered. There are stili several prize winners who have not picked up their prizes. Thie list is posted on the front window and patrons would do well to check to see if they were among the lucky ones. Hammond Studio Opens in Downtown Oshawa This Could Be Your Home! Three bedroom brick bungalow, with rec roomn, carport, large lot. West of Newcastle Village. Give us an offer! After Hours: Samuel Annis................ 7................... 623-7664 James Robinson ................................ 623-3795 44-1 Peter Kowal, Jr. Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-2453 REALTOR 5 BE DROOM home on 90 x 210 ft. lot in town. Very quiet, reasonably priced, private mortg.age. ROOMI home Iust newly -ecorated, including 4 room apt. newly decorated. lnvest- ment home. BEAUTIFUL 6 room home, 3 years old, 4 bedrooms, recre- ation room, handy to schools and stores. A NICE starter home for some one, o pen for offers, quiet section of town. LARGE LOT on King St. W. with building, unlimited pos- sibilîties. 47 ACRES at Pontypool, on good road, one mile from Highways,35 and 115. $40,000. with $20,000. down. Vertente Limited Real Estate, phone Ed Vanhaverbeke 1-797-2333. 44-2 Îleat Cob6ourg Bowmanville's Minor Mid- gets came up with their second victory Saturday Oct. 26th by edging Cobourg 3-1. Bowmanville opened the scor- ing at the 7:42 mark of the first Cerodbon a goaàl-by Jerry' Lddy assisted by Ron Jukic. At tL 12:47 mark, Frank Leach assisted b y Jerry Johnston beat the Cobourg n et minder to put Bowmanville ahead by a score of 2-0. The next scoring play came from, Cobourg on a goal by Glen Dowlle beating Bowmanville's net minder Tim Dyck. There was no further scor- in until the 52 second mark of he 3rd period when Ron Jukic scored on a pass from Jerrv Johnson & Jerry Leddy. 1 have three special chairs in may home, one is for solitude, two for friendship, and three for company. Recently, a most attractive Hammond Organ Studio opened in downtown Oshawa at 16 Simcoe Street North at King St. The premises have been completely renovated and present an unusual and fascinating setting for the dozens of fine electrie organs on display. This photo was taken on opening day when large crowds visited the studios to see and hear these magnificent instruments. The opening specials are stili being featured, including free lessons two hours a week for a year for anyone buying a Hammond organ. IW*inter Bot ,f or AIl thne îFamilIy. I WOMEN'S VINYL Sizes 5-11I *à~ So ot $12 -5 to $39.. *WOMEN'S LEATHER Sizes 5 -10I i Snow Boots $99t 3.5 GIRL'S'VINYLI Snow Boots $5*95gsto $12'95: BOY'S VINYL *Snow Boots I$7 95sto dl' Also Complete Une * of 1RUBBERS - LEATHER INSULATED BOOTS. L an, lId INSULATED SAFETY BOOTS at LLOYD ELLIS SHOES YOUR FAMILY FOOTWEAR HEADQUARTERS-" 1 9King 51. W. 6354 E N NIS KIL L ENi "Oh what a beautiful morn- ing, Oh what a beautiful day," are the lyrics of a popular song as also it applies to Sunday a.m. in Our church. Aithough a really busy time for everyone, everywhere, yet a capacity filled church paused to reflect, give thanks and join in public worship and fcllowship. Like a powerful magnet was the pull from three sources with the guest speaker, Dr. R. B. Green, leader and soloist, Mrs. F. Stenger topped with a glorious autumn day. Our Minister expressed ap- preciation and extended a hearty welcome to Dr. and Mrs. Green who n0W enjoy their own home in semi- retirement at Norwood R. R. No. 4. Dr. Green graciously accepted and added brief reminisces of his time of service as our pastor twenty years ago. The sanctuary was enhanced in heautiful autumn flowers, fruits and vegetables. The order of service was controlled hy our Rev. Bigby with Dr. Green taking the special parts viz: Sermonette, sermon, Bible lesson and Benediction. For the child- dren's story Dr. Green led his audiencè in retrospect to an intriguing story from his very own Gr. 3 reader entitled "The Wonderfui Pudding" which had taken 1000 people ta prepare and was explained and eaten at Uncle Rohert's. As two-importani events are before us in (1) celebration of 50th Anniversary of the United Church and (2) Decision, of a second Church Union in the near future Dr. Green's excel- lent sermon was s0 timely in its 4 faceted subject, "We Believe in One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church". He stated creeds are arcbaic, needing re-translation but do serve as a reminder withý a brief explanation of the early 4th century Nicene creed, and a touch of humour added about the newlywed bride and groom decision. He contînued in bis organized, as usual, niateî jal to tell the meaning of Holy and then that Catholic is universal and open to ahl races and positions in life which was accented by reference 'to experiences by the Hindu. Ghandi and the famed Duke of Wellington. His clarification of Apost- olic was that apostles wvere guardians and transmitters and the belief of fellow Anglicans that ministers to- day must he directly descend- ed from the Apostles chosen by Jesus. Ris counsel was to he well înf ormed on the plan of Church Union and vote with understanding and no preju- dice in 1976 and the best tffering is ourselves and concluded wîtb the Bible referejice that the Living Christ says to us "As the Father has sent me, so send I you." Additional messages in music were provided by our leader and enthusiastic Jr. Choir in their lively singing of their anthem, "I Will Praise Thee" also a beautiful render- TALK IS CHEAP, IBECAUSE THE SUPPLY ALWAYS EXCEEDS THE DEMAND. BYAM PLUMVING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO ul Phone 263-2650 ing of "Saviour, Take My Hand" by the 'Sr. Choir. A treat to both e ye and ear was given by our charming soloist Mrs. Frank Stenger in her deligbtful number "H1e Smiled on Me." Special prayer was offered for seriously il1 patients on our charge Mrs. Nancy Lambert, Mr. Lloyd Ashton,, and Mr. John Slemon. Our Minister welcomed otur visiting friends fromn Tyrone and others in- cluding a few from as, far away as Oshawa. Mrs. Glady Ashton and Deana had char ge of the Jr. Congregation who viewed the monthly film. The S. S. session at the early hour 9:45 was helped by the faîl back to Standard Tîme, 50 the usual higb attendance was kept up. Next Sunday regualr service hours will be resumed. Wedcfing beils rang last Saturdlay for a bride in our sister congregation at Tyrone. We extend by wishes. We do add our thoughtful wishes for better health to our patients in hospital and at home and are happy to learn that Mrs. T. Bailey is home from hospital and feeling fine. Celebratine g Mary Lee Howe's birthday with her on Tuesday were Marcie Tordiff, Newcastle, Nancy Haines, Tyrone, Caroline Craig, Sher- yl Bigby, Kathleen Holmes, Caroline Werry, and Laurie Virtue. Visitors during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton were Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Wells, Greg and Roby, Peterboro, Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Green, Norwood, R. R. No. 4,, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Worden and Richard, Bowmanville R. R. No. 2, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ashton, Oshawa. 1Our U.C.W. ladies scored again as they catered to Durham 4H Agricultural club at a roast beef dinner in Clarke Righ School. Some of our ladies attended the Claremont Regional U. C. W. Presbyterial on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Witmer, Orillia, Mr. Oswald Pethick, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce e * I e - was well represented at this convention and were activce particimants in the Resolution and question periods. Durham Region opposed quite vocally the Resolution of Town of Durham using "Their" name Durham County was set up in 1792 by John Graves Simcoe by proclamation as the l3th of the 17th counties then esta- blished and predates the origin of Durham town by almost haif a century. Congra - tulation to our Uncle Elmer Wright of Kingston, who will observe his 85th birthday on Tuesday, while visiting with Mr. an= Mrs. Victor Malcolm of Nestieton. Elmer is the eldest of the Wright family all of whomn are octogenarians, but the youngest - a juvenile of 79. Lander Hardware Celebrates SiIver Anniversary Anniïversary Sale Specials FREE STAND with every Purchase of a Color Portable TV Zenith Transistor Pocket Radio given away FREE wit'h every purchase of TV or Stereo Supplies Are Limited- THE RENOIR-F4759X Elegance with a regal ar! Graceful cabriole, g legs. Brass-finished in- sert over draped fabric ithe speCakera Decorative paneling on the ends. Antique Oak e eneers and select hard- wood solids on top cntrast with Antique White color accented e CC th soft yellow strip- ng. Front, ends and C » legs of sirnulateci wood *291/2" H, 411/4" Wide, 21 vAffffMa Norman's Entertainment Centre 121,8 Simcoe St. N. 579-2411 Oshawa YELVERTON Mr. Clare Robinson had the misfortune thîs week to have bis car stolen'from near the Junction of 115 and 35 High- ways, where he left it to catch bis ride to G.M. The car was found by the O.P.P. near Warsaw, Ont. having sus- tained some damage to the body. Un bat., Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm of Janetville held a successful furniture and house-hold sale. One of the higblights of the sale was the sale of a sixty year old eight day mantel dlock for $80. The Malcolms have sold their bouse, in Janetville to their grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm, and are expecting to spend the winter in Toronto. Hi-lites of the recent Associ- ation of Counties and Regions Convention in Windsor includ- ed guest appearances of Hon. Darey McKeough, Hon.. John White, Stephen Lewis, Leader of the N.D.P. and the Hon. Eugene Whelan as well as many useful sessions! It was our pleasure as Chairman of A.C.R.O. Restructuring Local Gov't committee to mediate an afternoon panel on the same topic with many exper- ienced panelists conversant on the topic present for the occasion. Victorian County Leuty Port Hope, were recent visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, called on Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGill and family, Elmira Mr.and Mrs. Brian Borrowdale, and Christopher, Mr. and Mrs. John Borrowdale, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and family visited Mrs. T. Steph- enson, Omemee'on Sunday. Miss Lynda Avery, London, spent the weekend with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr.and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, Toronto, spent week- end witb their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb. and family Bailieboro, Mrs. Allan Wray and Jason, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb, Baysville were guests at L. Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Brown, Bowmanvîlle, were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. Staintôn's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dilla- baugh, Osgoode, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin's also Mr. and Mrs. Dillabaugh were callers at W. Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dîck- ey, Miss Velma Dickey, Miss Laverne Orchard, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton, Beverley,. Brenda,_ and Brian, were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton and Miss Elva Orchard, to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey's 2tb wedding Anniversary. con- gratulations D oro thy and Elwyn. Scott and Lisa Rekker, Newcastle spent a few days with their grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Taylor, Orono. Mrs. Marie Tobin, Cobourg spent weekend with ber par- ents Mr. and Mrs. F. Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Short,' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Short, Seagrave, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Staînton. QUALITY SPECIALS Dykstra's Food Market WELL TRIMMED, TENDER $'3 PORK CUTLETSLb FRESH LEG O' PORK ROAST 99C Lb. CANADA Packers "DEVON" BACON Lb,9. TASTY AND JUICY MEXICAN ORANGES Size 1256 Doz. TOASTMASTER Save 30c 2 Pkg. of 6 "FROZO" BRAND WHOLE UNS WEETENEDý STRAWBERRIES Box HERSHE-Y'S INSTANT Save 20c CHOCOLATE 2 Lb. Tin MOTIIER PARKER'S Ail Purpose Grind COFFEE Save 20e $q'2 Lb. WILSON'S Bguy Two Qt. Botties at Reg. Price 2 for 39c Dp GINGER ALE 2 39+Dp AND GET 1FREE + DP. ALLTIME LOWPRICES SUMMIT TOASTMASTER ICE CREAM WHTSIE240Oz. $. 09 1/2 al. BREAD Loaves ASST. FLAVOURS 27fo -1 HOME D«Y KSTRI -'iA'S O Food Market 77 King W. Enter Store from Parking Lot FREE PARKING OFF Queen St. After Hours: JoeBarton G, Beech G. Brown. P. Kowal1 623-3095 623-5265 623-3702 623-5868

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