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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1974, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 30, 1974 ,Umm mm MMM M m MmmMM"M 0 it Xi.h I 623-3303 I FL-ASHBAK - 10'Years Ago - -Champions and runners-up at the BMH.S. ield Day last Wednesday, were Jr. Champion - Lorraine White, Intermediate - Virginia Slemon, Sr. - Lana Morrison. Runners-Up, Jr. - Bea Ormis- ton, Susan Elliot, and Jennie Stout. Intermed- iate - Billie Wiseman, Laura Talsma, Sr. - Betty Welsh. FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago - Courtice teams really went to town this year. Five winning teams received trophies at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols Annual Dance at Newcastle Community Hall, the Boy's Senior Hockey Team, Bob Johnson, captain, Senior Boy's Softbail Team, Lorne Penound, captain, Sr. Girl's Softball Team,' Betty Antil, captain, Jr. Football Team, Harry Rogers, captain, Sr. Football Team, Howard Rogers, captain. SORRY -to report that genial and popular Peter Morris, is on the sick list, at home with bronchial pneumonia. Pete, a goalie with Red Eagles Junior C hockey club, and ass~t pro at Bowmanville Golf Club, is wished a speedy recovery. BIG FISH - Bill Porter, along with friend Danny Bowers, landed a 15 lb. Coho salmon at Soper Creek, near Bowmanville, on Friday. Porter hooked it on an 8 lb. test Une after a 45 minute struggle.______ NEW RULES- At the recent meeting of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association, several new stiffer rules were ado pted in the hope that they will prevent injuries and also prove a deterrent to fighting and other forms of violence. Rule 45 (d) states that any player who is assessed a 5 minute penalty for fightîng, shaîl be assessed in addition, a game misconduct. Coaches will have to bear some of the responsibility also, under the new rules. The coach of any O.M.H.A. team whose team accumulated a total of stop time penalty minutes greater than the allowable amount in any O.M.H.A. will be- automatically suspended from the next u.M'.F.A. game, excludinà exhibition games, playedby his team. The allowable amount f or Pee Wee and below is 26 minutes, and for Minor Bantam and above is 36 minutes. Sticks - The ca rryi1g of any part of the hockey stick above the nrmal eight of the shoulder . within a stick length of an opponent is prohibited, and a minor penalty sflal be assessed anu player violating this rule. Should contact take place between an y part of the stick and any part or the face, head or neck of an opposing player while being carried in the above manner a major penalty shaîl be assessed. Should any injury result becase of this action, a major penalty plus a game miscônduct shaîl be assessed. Helmets - Effective the start of the 1975-76 season all referees officiating in the O.M.H.A. games shalh wear helmets. Such helmets shaîl be black in color. w Port Hope Pont hers Find Eagles T ough Competition On Sunday night here, Bowmanville',S Red Ea'gles gave the Port Hope Panthers consîclerabie trouble af ter beating them in Port Ho pe on Thursday. Ted Puk was the big, gun for the locals, coming Up with three goals. He is shown here letting one go at the net while Rory Gibbs standsby -waîting to deflect it or snar therebond.Photo by Rick James ville for an exhibition game. Ted Puk Scoes at ric f They tried hard but Belleville Te u c r s H -- rc O came from behind to score a hr~1~n e r4dictov.hael goaltndingd Lead Red Eagles f0 6-1 Win Over Port, Hope'1s Panthers Sunday, October 27, ont home ice the, Bowmanville Red Eagles got off te a1 promising start wben Ted Puk.j scored the first goal against the Port Hope Panthers at 1: 59 witb Dave Tabb assisting. At 8:22 Puk scored bis second goal from Jeff Leger and Rory Gibbs. A fantastic niýht for Ted Puk as he netted bis third goal at 16:51, giving him a bat-trick. Final score was 6-1 for Bowmanville Keith Powell's unassisted goal gave Bowmanville a 4-0 lead at the 5:17 mark of the second period. Halfway through the period there was lots of excitement around the Port Hope net with three consecutive near misses on goal, keepîng the Port Hope GARY'S SPORTS 153 King St. 623-4203 Bowmanville THE ABOVE PHOTO SHOWS MR. GARY GIBSON, 0F GARY'S SPORTS SITTING ON THE NEWLY SOLD CENTAUR. BESIDE HIM, IS MR. GREG COX, NORTH AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE CHAMPION ON HIS WINNING MACHINE. THE CENTAUR WAS SOLD TO ROBERT HIBBEN 0F R.R. 6 BOWMANVILLE. THuuA N K iYOakUI GARY AND MARILYN GIBSON AL ONG WITH PETER NIKLAUS WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR MAKING THEIR OPENING A FINE SUCCESS I Starting off the final period, the fiftb goal was scored by Bowmanville's Bruce Osborne at 2:35. Assisting him was Ted Puk and Jeff Leger. The Port Hope Panthers were deter- mined not te end the game in a shut-out as proven when Mike David scored at 4:14 from bis assisting team mate Dean Port Hope put out a good effort throughout the game but the Bowmanville Eagles were flot to be stopped. Two Lucky Winners The winner of the $30.00 draw was Mrs. Carl Devitt, and the two Toro games tickets were won by Mel Burgess. Eag les Outscore Pi In Their Home Bol (Por Hop Guie) t was not brawling game The Port Hope Kînsmen particularly athu, ter Panthers gave a great eff ort were some fisticuffs. It was tr Thurdaynigt, ut ustmore of a cbîppy gamne as the couldn't corne home with the referee bandeota otale ofn-43 marbies as the visiting Bow- peaiisAo bu 0 I manill Eale tok a ealy utes. There were only 7 tt ledan e ld t for an 4-2 y majors. A lot of sin indeed. victory. d t ora - But the Port Hope power f Picort ope emd ehv play was, not effective. They 11 first blood, wben Neil Pem- managed one at 14: 10 with Cox d berton took a 'change up' shot off for cross cbecking but that a tbat was a slow boomer, and was it. The fact of the number Thiele f eh back into the net. of penalities upset Port Hope's Many tbought that be had game somewbat. Althougb taken the puck with him but it many of the penalties came at was very close, however it rougbly the same time, leav- wn.The referee did not feel inboheashrtadd th kwent i n b a and therefore eciual in num- 8 do othe pla tan anyne a ber, Bowmanville had a f ew eclerto thel. ta ayn players such as Knox and cPt hd Talorhdtob.b Wood who could carry the outstanding Port Hope player pc ihu o fhl n ad he blocked shots, flattened work in close to set up plays, forwards and played an ag- around the Port Hope net. gressive, heads up game. The Port Hope defence offensively emberton, Rowe played well when it came to Moga ad eagurdDun standing up at the blue line, made many good plays which but they may have been a.bit resulted in the two Port Hope more aggressive at moving binee. hefirst came from men away from the front of Dunn to Rowe and was put Tydaip ntesor.Hp away by Pep, and the second pipe.igta mgthv was a Rowe goal from Ontigthtmgtav Pemberton and Morgan. been te the Panthers' advan- tage would have been more But the Port Ho pe attack use of the point men in the just lacked a littie punch Bowmanville end. Many times around the net, that the the defence were wide open of constant skating of the Eagles shots but the puck didn't corne seemed te give the Bowman- back. ville squad. Tyndall played a good game Locke's Edge Kramp 1s 5-4 County Defeats Hooper 1s 6 -14 In First Town League Action League hockey last Tbursday, Locke's TV. defeated Kramp's Furniture in a close game 5-4. Brian Evans scored the only goal of the first period at 5:41, for Locke's. In the second tbe score remained the same until 16:40, when Rick Woolner scored te' make it 2-0. One minute later Randy Donoghue counted then Brian Evans scored bis second te make it 4-0. In the third, Kramp's came back with goals from Rick Morrow and Bruce Welsh. Bruce Meadows scored the last and winning goal for Locke's at 17:49. Kramp's still fought back with two goals from Barry Virtue and Mike Donoghue. Lecke's received three miner penalties with 1JI the second match, County Chrysier go 2-and O defeatîng Hooper's Jewellry 6-4. After a scoreless first period Irv Gi opened the second at 28 seconds for Hooper's. County came back witb goals by Wayne Pearce and Ray Pi- ckell. Gi scored again te make it 2-2 at the end of the second. In the third,' Hooper's came eut with two goals by Brian Bradley but John Oyler scored foûr times for Ceunty te give themn the win. There were only two miner penalties given. one te each team. This week, it's Hooper's facing Locke's at 8, and Kramp's meeting County in the second game. Major Midgets Lose Close Contest to Ajax on Saturday A fast skating, close check- ing team from Ajax dsorgan- ized Bowmanville Sports Ma- jor Midgets and edged tbem 6-5 in a league game played at Bowmanville on Saturday, Oct. 26th. Foolish penalties resulted in Bowmanville play- ing much of the game short- handed. Rallying late in the game, tbey came close te tying- tbe game. Ajax had a 6-2 leac i wth about seven minutes remain- ing in the game. Bowmanville scored tbree but time ran eut. John Conboy played bis best lecals with 2 goals and 2 assists, bis linemates Dan Cox getting a goal and 2 assists and Ralph Cryderman earn- îng 3 assists. Gary Nemnisz playing a good game on defence aise scored a goal and Rob Ormiston scered the fiftb geai late in tbe game from a scramble around the Ajax net. Jim Hutton and Kirk Kemp earned an assist each. Lenny Chappeli made many excel lent saves. on Sunday, Oct. 27th, the midgets journeyed te Belle- duties in this game. The goal scorers for Bowmanville were Dan Cox, Jim H-utton, Bret McNarnee and Kirk Kemp. Assists were credited to Nick VanSeggelen, Ralph Cryder- man, Kemp and l{îck bcett. After the game in Bowman- ville tonight (Oct. 3th) at 7: 00 p.m. against Cobourg,' the next home game will be Wed., Nov. 6th also at 7:00 p.m. Whitbywill be the visitors. You can't push yourself ahead by patting yourself on the back. acnthers wick 4-2 For Port Hope but the shifty Bowmanville squad gave him trouble. Bowmanville managed only mne power play goal with NIontieth o)ff for charging, in the second. Someone was'heard to say bat Port Hope will seon have afine penalty killing unit. So do the Philadeiphia FIyers and look where tbey woundup. MIXED MAJOR Top 10 Averages John Luffman 241, Albert Saman 240, Doris Joli 239, Ernie Perfect 236, Joan Sut- lite 233, Peggy Haynes 230, Don Bagnel 229, Larry Piper 221, Bernice Buday 220, Jim Bruton 220. Team Standings Haynes 13 points, 21806 pins, Sheehan 13, 21 405, Crossey 13, 21265, Buday 13, 21160, Joli 12' 2, ^22209, Dunn 9, 21570, Bagneil 9, 21291, Coole 9, 20681, Fnirey 9, 2041, Patfield 8', 20903, Sutliffe 81/, 20645, Draper 812, 20184. High Triples Ladies - Doris Joli 833, Mens - John Luffman 837. High Singles Ladies- Doris Joli 340, Men - John Luffman 310. St. Joseph Bowling High Singles - G. McWaide 281, M. Vanstone 269. High Triple - B. Holroyd 713, M. -Vanstone 685. -BOAT SHOW" - the 1975 Toronto Inter- national Boat Show, January 9-19, is almost completely booked, and will have about 450,000 square feet of power boats, yachts, sajiboats, - accessorieS, specialty displays, clothing and an arena show bigger and better than ever seen in Canada. Up to 200 exhibitors are expected to show bigger and beâter than ever seen in Can- ada. Up to 200 exhibitors are expected to show over 500 boats at the show ranging from rubber dinghies to large house cruisers. WOULD YOU LIKE - TO TRY YOUR HAND AT CURLING? Bowmanville Country Club is hostiniz Open House this weekend and invites curlers, non curlers, golf ers and non golf ers to corne out and try curling and golfing, no charge. Curling on Friday evening, golfing and curling Saturday and Sunday 1-5 p.m. _____ SENIORS SPLIT PAIR - Whitby McDonaIds Senior 'A' team suffered their first« loss 'on home ice on Thursday when they were edged 4-3 by Orillia Terriers. They came back on the weekend to defeat Cambridge Seniors 6-4. Next game at home for the Big Macs is Thursday, Oct. 3lst against Napanee Cornets at 8:30 p.m. <OL4'Â!E±~ ~ W 111111* * e 4 e **e 623-3396 166 KING E GOWOD BUY UNCERTIFIED CARS 1970 PEUGOT SEDAN - Automatic, sun roof,, $49 radio, radial tires. Lic. FR0340 .................. 4 5 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - Automatic, radio, $ 9 350OV-8. Lie.FEH817 ............................ 4 5 1967 FORD STATION WAGON - Automatic, $ 6 cyl., radio. Lic. DZ W631 .......$ .......343, 1966 PONTIAC 2-DR. - Stick, 6 cyl., radio . ...... Lic. EBJ293.................................. Salemen:President: Salemen:TOM COWAN KEN SHERBAN CEDRIC RUSSELL STEW PRESTON i ~ h PITNEY BOWES PETERBOROUGH ANNOUNCESI * THE CONTINUANCE 0F A SEMI-PERMANENTI D EMONSTR AIONi I CENîTRE i 1 at 258 Division St., Cobourg FROM OCTOBER 30 TO NOVEMBER 15I f from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. DaiIy IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SEEING * ePHOTO COPY SYSTEMS * ,ADDRESSING-INIPRINTING SYSTEMS * e FOLDING-INSERTLNG SYSTEMSI * eCURRENCY AND ENDORSING SYSTEMSi l e*MAILING SYSTEMSI * ,COLLATING-FOLDING - STAPLING SYSTEMS PLEASE CALL 1-705-743-3100 COLLECT, AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A DATE AND TIME CONVENIENT TO YOU. ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 0 w For Information, Phone Coibo rne 355-3837 PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE HOOPER'S TROPHY CENTRE TROPHIES-AWARD RIBBONS-GIFT AWARDS CLUB BADGES - PLASTIC SIGNS DESK SETS PEWTER MUGS - LAPEL PINS PLAQUES - METAL SIGNS - NAME TAGS SPECIAL CLUB and SCHOOL DISCOUNT i*-- on Trophies and Engraving. ~ fl.VISIT OUR SHOWROOM MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED RON and DAN HOOPER 19 King St. E. Phone 416-623-5747 Bowmanville 1 1- 623-3396 C.

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