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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1974, p. 9

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w ellesley GoId Medolist At tne graduating exercises of thie Radio1ogcal Technologists from t he Toronto Institute of Medical Technology held at Convocation Hall, U. of T., Nancy Macklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Macklin, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, was awarded a gold medal having the highest standing of the 1974 graduates, also winning the Arch Reid Trophy in Biological Sciences. Nancy has accepted a position at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Tops Club eHolds Graduation Ne Bowmanville T.O.P.s Club No. 870 held their graduation exercises Thurs. evening, Oct. tb at the Lions Centre. Our special guests for the evening were our husbands and families. Special guests also included Mrs. Pauline Shaw, asst. area supervisor, Carole Hughes, chairman of OJshawa Rally and Esther Anthony, pianist. The- one year alumni K.O.P.s were introduced: Shirley Car penter, Jean Dani- Iko and Ruthb Gibson (Chapter Queen). Two year alumni, K.O.P. Rita Tillcock. 1Ladies who had lost over 40 lbs. were introduced, Shirley Carpenter, Marion Malley, Yvonne Martin, Dawn Dennîs, Evelyn Mayhew, Betty Jensen 1and Marg Clemenger. K.I.W. were introduced on stage, ]Eve Lowe, Betty jen- sen and Elenor Terrîll. Amid a background of apple blossoms and butterfiies, eight lovely ladies came to Life with T.O.P.s and gradua- ted to K.O.P.s. Carol Hughes of Oshawa serenaded themn with a song. Mrs. Pauline Shaw presented Marion Mal- loy, Christine Jones, Susan' N ien, Evelyn Card, Gwen Hughes,' Evelyn Mayhew, Dorothy Johnson and Marg Pearce with their diplomnas and K.O.P.s graduation charms. The evening closed with Carol Hughes singing Whis- pering Hope. Hard% work is frequently an accumulation of easy things Sou didn't do when you should ave. Hamptoni Gardensf Minor Pee Wees Lose Close Qnes On Monday Oct. 21- the Hampton Gardens Club tra- velled to Ajax and lost by a score of 3 to 1. Bowmanville opened the scoring in the first period, captain Doug Dilling scoring, assisted by Mark Abbott. Ajax tied it near the end of the first period. Ajax scored an unanswered goa in each of the last two periods& The Garderis crew played spatty hockey, but should have been no worse than a tie in this gamne.' Mike Nolan and Tobin Rowe shared the, goaltending and played well. The best of the skaters were Mark Abbott, Doug Dilling, Kevin Tink, Tim Almond and Kent Wilcox. Playing at home on Sat., Oct. 26; Markham were the visitors and skated away with a 1-0 victory. Markbam scored late in the first period and that was ahl the scoring. Bowmanville could have been winners by 2 or 3 goals in this gm but were robbed by the =akam goaltender. ,The Gardens crew played their best game to date as a team, it would be easier to name the boys that did not play Well than to name all the bosthat did. YELVfRTON Welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown who have spent tbe past 7 weeks more or less in Toronto: Don in an enforced stay in the Toronto General Hospital and Audrie with the Paul-Pickett family to be near her busband. All join in wishing Don continued improvement in health. Sorry to learn that Paul is dropping out of politics in Toronto; he was an efficient and conscient-, ious municipal servant if not as flamboyant as some of bis clleagues. Mr. Fred Stacey bas had the misfortune to have had 5 of bis ovines (sheep that is) destroy- ed by dogs in the past few weeks . Fred has also picked off a wolf a few weeks ago. .Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gray were pleased to get their diminutive, daughter Deanna uarol home from the bospital wbere she had been retained in an incubator for several weeks since bier birth. Congratulations to Mr. Day- id Staples who graduated from « Trent UnversitV with a B.A. .We're lookiflg torwardY., Christnas agaifli o',' - . wojdnq't ecogflhZ ell HscaSaduales thîs ya Hiwon1tbe -Êeit onl'il see his namne or, the oraduafiOflst Look frIf in t e paper N&ee renewed for you I YER - 8.0 FORIGN- $1.00 6 MONTHS - $4.50 PLEASE.MAIL THIS TODA'Y TO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Enclosed Find $ ........ ... in payment of.......... Year(s) Subscription to "THE CANADIAN STATESMÏAN. Mail to following: NAME ...................... ............................ ADDRESS........ ................................. Sender................................................... Sedes Nam.e................................... ............................................. Receîves Keys to their 1975 Catalina The Canadian Statesman. Bowmaniville, November,6,1974 9 B)utton ,,Blitz R aises, Over $1,OOO To the citizens of Bowmanville It is with great pride th 'at 1 write this letter to you, the citizens of' Bowmanville, to thank you for your-support and donations, to our most successful1 Button BIlitz Iast Saturday, Nov, 2, 1974. Because of you, we realized a littie over $1000,00 which will be used to'help finance your Santa Claus Parade on November 23, 1974. A great deal of tha.nks must go to the many persons who gave of their time and efforts to make our blitz so successful. To the aduits, to the many children, to the Girl guides, to the boy Scouts, who knocked on the many doors in, our town.; to Mr. George Webster who gave of hisvaluable time; to the Kinettes who helped count and roll money;_ to Mr. John Pogue who opened the Toronto-Dominion Bank for our -use; and to Dot Bond, Marg Crago, LUn da Crossey, Susan Cormier, Donna Fairey, Joyce Hamilton, Martha Hogarth, Pat Lunn, Pat Marjerrison, Betty McGregor, Grace Player, Gail Preston, Jo Ann Richards, and Judy Van Nest, who each took a section of our town and organized it superbly, 1 arn deeply indebted. Without'each and every one of you, my job would have been impossible. I hope that all f you who helped in any way, wiIl accept my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for a task exteemely. weII done. Sincerely, Marilyn L. Cole, Button Blitz Chairman. M. J. Hobbs' Teams Successful in Both, Championship Contests by Deborah Cowman, Kerry Dennis and Mary Brouwer Another great year has opened at M.J. Hobbs Senior Public Sehool. The participa- tion of the new staff and students along with the effort and skills of the old have brought victory to us on the Gordon Thompson and his wife receive the keys to their 1975 Pontiac Catalina from Legion Past President Ed Majer. The Thompsons of 106 LaSalle Ave,, Oshawa, won the Legion Car Draw, Saturday, Oct. 26, during the club's Millionaires Night. Fi*nishi*ng touches Underway7 At-ii Darlngton Sp@-orts Centre The finishing touches are being applied to the new Darlington Sports Centre at Hampton in pre aration for th eig.Artouhthe take place until the second week in February, it is expected that the ice will be in use by Dec. 15, Coun. Don Wearn made a progress report to the Finance Committee, on Mon, October 28. He is concerned that the Zamboni ice-making machine will have to empty its snow accumulation on a gravel area. This is potentially dan- gerous because gravel could bce picked up by the machine and transmitted to the ice. He asked permission of the Fin- ance Committee to investigate prices for a slab of reinforced concrete 20 or 25 feet square for the emptying area. When the suggestion of steel posts and chains around the parking area was introduced, the councillors commented that precautions should be taken to avoid town liability in case of a suit. Councillors were concerned becàuse of the Larder Lake case which rules on Sat., Oct. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples were guests at the Graduation dinner on this auspicious occasion. Manvers Councillor Lewis McGill had a very close cal recently when the pipes con- veying the silage into the silo wbere he was working came apart and struck him on the head. Lou received a 3 inch gash on the head necessitating 26 stitches to close the wound. Sympathy is extended Lou from bis many friends on this freak accident. A number of Yelvertonîans attended the auction sale of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson of Béthany on Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm who have been residents of Manvers Twsp. for the past 54 years (32 at their farm south of Yelverton and 22 at the Village of Janetville) moved to Toronto on Sat. witb Mr. Leslie Wright at wbose apart- ment tbey will be residing the next several months, at Isling- ton Ave. N. On Wed. evening a number of interested citizens of the community met in Yelverton Cburch basement to plan and discuss an Athletic Awards nigbt to bonour our commun- ity's tbree Championship Bal teams. It will be held in the Cburcb Hall in the form of a dance, etc. with a Lindsay Disc Jockey in attendance. The Yelverton-Janetviîîe Men's team will also be holding a public dance, in Pontypool. Details of both events will, be publicized in future Coming Events of this paper. Congratulations to the proud grandparents and parents of Bowmanville's Statesman number one "pinups" boy - a real cut little tyke. "What an improvement a generation of two makes, eh Jobnny!" Yelverton's Nimrods of the North - Terry Malcolm and Floyd Stenson will no doubt be heading into the hinterlands for the deer hunting season. The unseasonal lovely mild weather we have enjoyed this f ast week is deceitful for the ast week of October - but the that the property owner was hiable for injuries incurred by a trespasser on a snowmobile. To circumvent tbis problenw "Closed - No Trespassing" signs will be erected. 1 Three additional outside ;ligbts have been deemed inecessary. A pay phone and extended concrete curhs at the front of the building have been added to the plan. Coun.. Wearn expressed concern that the first coat of exterior paint on arena was sbowingsigns of staining. He attributes this to the lack of eavestroughs and downspouts in the architect's drawing. He proposed that an estimate for eavestrougbs and downspouts' should be solicited to improve the general appearance of the structure and prevent stain- ing., Coun. Wearn also indicated that to avoid cracking the arena must be tboroughly dried out before the ice-mak- ing equipment goes into oper- ation. Altough this is a costly operation it is considered very important. Coun. Wearn reported that tenders bave just closed for an kind of deceit we can easily f orgive. Mr. Darryl Robinson pro- vided a vocal solos with guitar accompaniment at the Sunday Service. Mrs. Frank Russo and assistants are conducting Sunday School for the Juniors during Cburch Service and would welcome additional members. The Yelverton - Janetville HiC are conducting a wake-athon (not a walk- athon) to raise money for United Churcb Missions, Tbey would appreciate your spon- sorsbip. Liberty Belles Team Standings Spear,17249 pins, 2212 points; Roberts 16902, 181/2; Bragg 16603, 1712; Partner 16589, 171/?; MacDonald 16375, 161z; Alldread 16645, 15; Gibson 16613, 15; Chant 16276, 1312; Coom;bes 16111, 9; Burton 15116, 712; Robinson 15763, 61/?; Bons 14936, 5, Hîgh Single Wilma Coombes ........ -284 High Dobble Wilma Coombes (213,284) . 497 Top 10 Averages, M. Pearce 215, C. Roberts 213, J. Luxton 211,B. Stephens 210, B. Partner 209, M. Alldread 203, M. MacDonald 201, W. Coombes 200, J. Spear 198, N. Van Abbema 197. New'ville Starkville Team Standings Spark Plugs 15, Mufflers 12, Hub Caps 11, Nuts & Boîts 10. High Single Gail Milîson 252 Higb Triple Gai! Milîson 631. Averages Gail Milîson 207, Marlene Stacey 199, Jean Arnold 199, Joycey Stacey 188, Dorotby Stark 186, Dale Foran 185, Karen Carter 183, Olive Hen- derson 178, Peggy Milîson 177, Bernice Henderson 176. identical arena in another area. Apparently the costs range from $1.25 million to $1.5 million. Darlington arena wbicb was begun last year, will probably cost around $800,000. FREI soccer field. The new sports season at Hobbs started with the boys' victory at the soccer champ- ionship. They qualified for the final gamne after a 2 to 1 win against Hillcrest and, a 2-1 victory over Gummow. Murray Centennial, was Diialper Servie 575 Wentworth St. East, Un it 24A Oshawa Telephone: 728-5167 DID YOU KNOW THAT DIAPER SERVICES ARE STILL THE BEST BARGAIN AT $3.65a WEEK. PHONE FOR FURII'ER INFORMATION 1 four goals wvere scored by M.J. Hobbs' own Murray Ru1-ddy and one goal by DaleTalr The girls' team was vict or- bus,, after a, repeat victo-ry over Clarke; 3 to j. 'Thley won the championsbip after de- featiîng Murray CentIennîial ito 0. The winning goal was scored by Allison TamblynI. .Both teams came home with tbe title "County Soccer Champions". As a resuît of Mr.ý Gold- mintz's time and1 effort,- the scbool bas enjoyed a dance and sockhop, and in the near tuture a presentation of a popular film will be made to OM: MAN~-MAdE Sponsorod by BOWMANVILLE BRANCH 178 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION i

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