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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1974, p. 13

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URGENT LY REQUIRED! We have' cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We1ll be pleased ta appraise it for you and help you locate the 'home of your dreams". For frieridly efficient sale of yaur hiome, cali P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. l7ff I6794I 137 King St. E., Bawmarlville 623-7694 - 623-7661 R E ALTOR JUST REDUCED., EXECU- TI"fE: 3 bedroom lyr. aid brick and aluminum home, walk out tram den also fireplace, attached garage, broadioomed throughout. AS KI NG ON LY $53,900. MINI FARM, 12 mile tram Bowmanville lovely 3 bed- room brick bungalow with finished rec raom, IDBL. carport, above ground pool, alsa smail barn, close ta 1 acre of land. ASKING $64,900. 45-1 REALTOR REAL ESTATE LIMITED 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, 623-4428 LIC IIT8 BETHANY - an aider 4 bedroom, 11/2 storey home, qerfectlv kept, complete and well planned kitchen, gener- ous sized livingroam, spa. ciaus, separate diningraam, full basement for starage area. One acre landscaped lot. Listed at only $39,900.00. TRADITIONAL 2 starey3 bedroom brick home set weiI back tram Liberty St. N. or nicely landscaped lot, 267 ft. deep. Schools and shopping close by. Asking $56,900.00. il/4 ACRE level lot awaits your new home. 114 mile ta Hwy. 115. Act quickly as price only $8,200.00. 45-1 GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROLJGH STATESMAN C L AS S 1F1E 0OS D ykstra's *QUlll-ITY SPECIALS*I FRESH, GRADE A ROASTINIG 5 lb. upLb Ali BEEF Sirloin, Porter House T. Bone, Wing STAKSALE FRESH STORE SLICED MEATS SCHNEIDERS SWIFT BONELESS BOLOGNA ýý DINNER HAM 8CLb. 8~ b DEMPSTERS, OVEN FRESH S AVE 24 c KAISER ROLLS c5 DZ TOASTMASTER WHITE SLICED2fo 5 BREAD 24 oz. Loaves2fo FRESH PRODUCE GOLDEN YELLOW LARGE SELECTION CHIQUITA 0F FRESH BAANS LOCAL APPLES NOW AT THEIR BEST Sec Our-Large Display 0f......... IMPORTEI> COOKIES From Holland Try Some Free Cup 0f Coffee STOCK UP NOW FOR DECEMBER SUPREME BRAND PLUM-S-O-NS FRUIT CAKE PUDN llb.$1o09 2'b$2-15 PUDLb. 31lb. $3.2.5 21M. $2-09 OLD SOUTH SUMI r TT ReconstitutedIC - Swetened C ORANGE JUICE CREAM Ca 48 oz. $ 09'/1gal. tin 0 D LYKýSTRA'SHOME J-ý 0F Food Mark-et QUALITY 77 King st. W'. Bowmanville AMP LE FREEI PARKING AT REAIL ENNISKILLEN Sunday was the return f0 regular services at our churcb. The Sunday a.m. church service had a rather inexcessive attendance due mainly f0 much illness in our Community also several fami- ly gatberings observing speci- ai occasions, wbicb are excus- able reasons for the absen- tees. enjoyed by tbosê who gather- ed for worsbip also received spiritual food from our minis- ter's message. The ciidren's sermonette referred f0 "Al Saint's Day" just recentiy passed on Friday, whîcb is a candie igbting observance in ail religlous denominafions, thaf led f0 Rev. Bigby's advice that since we are the lighf of the World we sbould nof bide our light under a bushel but help f0 ligbf our darkened world. The theme of the sermon was "Communion of Saints" whicb was taken fromn the Aposties Creed. Our minister explained the meaning of the translation fromn the Greek ini the sixt b century witb ifs main idea of "fogetberness" and he tabulafed several exampies, e.g. marriage, educafion, community life, poifical field, friendship, international af- fairs in wbicb there is ho defachment but involvement in caring and sharing by frue christians witb some interest- ing references. H1e empba- sized that saints are like us and the chosen, Cildren of Israel, and we cannot draw a dividin.gjine, even of departed ones, but oniy- God can. 11e stated that thbe Communion of Saints will have future f eiiow- ship with God, Roiy Angels and aiso one anot ber. And concluded prayerfuiiy witb I believe, help my unbelief. Jr. churcb was supervîsed by Mrs. Barbara Rowe. S.S. bad a large attendance witb open- ing worship weil given by Mrs. Dorothy Sharp's class of Jr. girls and pianist, Brian Me- Gui, Mrs. Gladys Ashton's Sr. girls displayecl their Most recent bandicrafts. In the past tense now is the Raliowe'en Party in the pretti- ly decorated S.S. room done by the Expiorers Girls' group and leaders and attended by 75 costumed and masked crea- fures whose unusual represen- tafions were vaiued for their originality, etc., by a team of six competent judges, viz: Mr. and Mrs. R. Stenger, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainfon and Mr. and Mrs. F. Draper, whose task was a difficuit one. Prizes were provi ed by U.C.W. Group purchased by Mes- cames Gladlys Ashton and Shirley Stainton. And a treat from Slemon's store of ice cream dixies with prize win- ners in the Aduifs, 1sf Farmer and bis wife, Mrs. Aima Rowan and son Donald, 2nd Goufy oid man and teeny bopper girlfriend, Mrs. Ru12 McGill and son Brian, 3rd Witcb, Mrs. Joyce Virfue and Joyce Chambers a Caf. In the youngsters were, 1sf Hailo- we'en, Kelly Reard and Lau- rie Virtue; 2nd Comic, Tracy Polard as a liffle old lady, Little faf man, Caroline Wer- ry; 3rd Nursery Rbyme, Maryiee Howe, Mary bad a littie lamb, Ajison Heard. George Blyleven REALTOR Phone 623-5300 Cost of living going Up. Payments an vour own house faoo much to carry! Let some ofie else help you pay and try this solid buiit incarne home. Priced at $56,000. - with $12,000. down - and balance at 101/2 per cent. A quiet place ta live is this 25 acre farm with a nice large aider home, two barrns, pond an d stream in the Newtanville area. Asking anly $75,000. Newcastle area: 7 years aid brick bungalow f ire place and attached garage. $55,000. - Try $15,000. down and balance at 10 percent. Garden Hill 5 acre partly wooded lot with two streams and room for large pond. Asking $18,900. Phone: Gea. Blyleven - 623-5300 Dick Woudstra -983,5915 45-1 The Mayor of Scugog Town- ship, Lawrence Malcolm, was recently presented with a new chain of office recently. The Bo-Peep, Wendy Werry, Yogi Bear, 4th Original, (a) Angela Koepp as a perfect replica of Carol Burnett of TV. fa me, Country of Profession, Sheryl Bigby, flower girl in Souri, Andrew Piggott, nurse. (b) Scott Werry, Tin man, (c) Mark Henderson, Ape. Proceeds from U.N.I.CEF. Boxes are stili coming in and are in charge of Mesdames Reva Kinsman and Jennifer Mellor, local homes were visited by polite "trick or treaters" who were generous- ly treated witb goodies in return. The two S.S. workshop evenings at Harmony U.C., Oshawa, were weli attended by our S.S. staff members wbo acquired addîtional ideas and contri buted some to their worthwhile meetings. Mo- thers' Fellowship Group had their Nov, meeting on Monday at Mrs. Russell Wright's home with ifs main project the completing of stuffed toys as Christmas gifts for the three social service places they help with their material gifts. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Oshawa, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgo- mery, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Blackstock, were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. S. Kersey, Hampton, Miss Linda Sharp had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. H., Ashton and Deana. Mr. and Mrs, Vic Van- Alstine and family, Dundalk, were weekend visitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, R.R. 1 Enniskillen, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborougb, were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Louis John- ston, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker, Scott and Lisa, Newcastle, had Sunday even- ing dînner at Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterborough. Mrs. Harry Gregg, Glen Burnie, Maryland, has re- turned home after spending several weeks with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright, attended a family dinner party Saturday evening at Miss Marguerite Wright's, Oshawa. Occasion of Mrs. Herb Wright's birtbday. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, Ancaster, were Saturday evening dinner guests at Mr.' and Mrs. Wayne Beckett's and tamily. Mr. and Mrs. B. Gotham, Georgetown, Mrs. Gertie Lyons, were guests on Stinday with Mr. and Mrs. H. MeGilî's. Our hospital patients are stili Mr. John Siemon in Oshawa General, Mrs. Shirley Staînton in Bowmanville Memorial for major surgery. Mr. Lloyd Ashton is home to convalesce and celebrate with bis wife, their Sth wedding anniversary for wbich we extend the community's best wishes. The "flu bug" has visited several homes but ail are conuerngthe sickening germ. We are pleased to see Mrs. Lyons out again af ter ber time with poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp were Monday afternoon'callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffins. Mr. S. Pethick is improving slowly under the good nursing care of bis wife.' Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Worden and Richard, they also had a leasant surprise brief visit fro Glenys and Bernard Gotbam of Georgetown, R.R. 4, who enthusiastically related their delighted plans in the new chain which is repre- sentative of the four munici- palifies that make up Scugog Township, wiil be worn by Mayor Malcolm during meet- ings and other. officiai occa-; sions. The chain is made of a silver-like maferial that won't tarnish and is set on a blue velvet background. Dominion Regalia of Toronto manufac- tured the chain and if bas been serveral monfhs since council ordered the chain of office. The four former reeves of the municipalities present- ed the chain f0 the mayor a week ago Monday night. They are Coun. Bob Kenny, former reeve of Port Perry, Art Catton, former reeve of Reacb Township, Merrili VanCamp, former reeve of Cartwright Township and Cliffon Crowell, former reeve of ýScugog Is- land. At the bottomn of the oval shaped chain is a map of the new ftownship showing the four for~mer municipalifies and Lake Scugog. The map bangs in pendant fashion. Above if on the chain is the officiai seal of the new township. Proceeding up the rigbf side of the chiain, one will first find the engraviag of a pîne free. Doreen Van Camp,, depufy eclerk, said the free represents Reacb township where they used to haul pine trees to make boat masts. Above the pine tree is the corporate seal of the former fown of Port Perry. The Port Perry seal bas a steam engine with a coal car on if. Above the Port Perry seal is a sheaf of wheat representing the far- mers in the area. Then one comes f0 the corporate seal of the former Township of Scugog, followed by a fisb. Miss Van Camp said the fish represents Lake Scugog and all the fishing thaf takes place in. the area. Affter the fish tbere is a train and this probably could be traced back f0 the days wben there was a railway running through Port Perry. A Maple Leaf is next on the chain, followed by an Indian bead. This represents both the first inhabitants of the area as well as tbe Mississauga Indian reserve on the Island. This brîngs one f0 the top of the cbain and the same symbols are repeated on the other side except that the corporate seals of the former townships of Cartwright 'and Reach replace the seais of Scugog and Port Perry. The Reach seal bas a pine tree on- if. PrIovincial Court Judge R. B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney N. McCrank and duty counsel D. Barber. Beach warrants were issued for Harold Marshall, Clair O'Conneil, David Dickson and Timothy Radford. Morley T. Richards, Bow- manvilie, pleaded "guiity" f0 a charge laid September 22 of having the care and control affer coasumiag over .08. 11e was sitting in the driver's seat of a car, on a road befween Lots 26 and 27 in former Clarke Towaship. Tests were .18 and .17. The fine was $250 and cosfs, in default 20 days. He was prohibited from driv- ing for three months. Keitb J. Steadman, Bow- manville, charged October 12 with driving while abilify was impaired, pleaded "guiity". H1e was wesfbound on bighway 2 and operatiag in an erratie manner. Tests were .18 and 17. The fine was $200 and costs, in default 15 days. 11e was prohibifed from driving for tbree montbs. Edward Philip Bufson, 18, R.R. 2,1lackstock, received a license suspension for six montbs following a charge laid Augusf 29th for driviag affer consuming over .08. 11e pleaded "guilty". 11e was southbouad on regional rond 57 and had f0 brake suddenly. The car rolled over and the car was a total write off. Tests were . 13. The fine was $150 and cosfs, la default 15 days. Blake Gordon Dunlop, 17, Ramilton, had two charges read ouf, bofh for October 23, one for driving wbilst nbility was impaired by aicobol or drug, and he also was-charged for driving wifhouf a license on highwny 401. H1e pieaded "guilfy" f0 both charges. 11e was eastbound on 401 in Courtice area, driving errafi- cally and struck a transport. Tests were .19 and .17. Tbere was $1,800 damage f0 bis own car and $1,000 f0 the transport. A liquor possession1 charge was withdrawn, and if was confiscafed by consent. On the firsf charge the fine was $200 and costs,ý in default 15 days and probibited from driving for six months. The judge warned "if' you violate this order, you will probabiy he sent fo, jail". On the second charge the fine was $20 and costs, in defauit two days. H1e was given four weeks f0 pay. Pbilip Charles Jones, 20, R.R. 2, Newcastle, charged, October 12 witb driving affer consuming over .08, confrary f0 section 236 of the criminal code, pleaded "guiity". Const. Legate iocated Jones on Concession 4, slumped over the wbeei witb car motor running. Tests were .20. Pre- vious conviction rend ouf. Counsel asked for a reason- able fine. The fine was $250 and costs, in defauif 20 days. H1e was prohibifed from driv- ing for nîne montbs. The judge again warned "if wiii be a jail sentence if you are caugbt driving". Several narcotic charges were set over f0 February 12. Mrs. Beveriy Alldread pleaded "guiity" f0 a July 12 charge of misieading the Unemployment Commission. Mr. Gallagher from the UIC said Mrs. Alldread on bier application said she bad been lidI off. She quit and was nof laid off. The fine was $100 and cosfs, in defaulf 10 days. She was given two weeks f0 pay. Mrs. Sosie Graham, Bow- manvilie, pleaded "nof guil- ty"' f0 a charge liid August 1, ,WiII Speak Here Report On Lowering Speed Limit in Front 0f Clarke High School Underway The Ministry of Transport- the traffic situation in front of resolutions passed by a public ation and Communications the. school. meeting held at the sehool two assured teachers, North- Councilior Lyali stated "We weeks ago. They called for: 1. umberland and Newcastle have to clear up the situation An immediate reduction of the sehool board members, Home soon, or a coroner's jury will Hwy. 35 and 115 speed limait and Sehool representatives teli us what to do." Councillor from Newcastle to Enterprise and Newcastle councillors Entwisle told. the meeting ,if from 60 to 45 mpb. 2.New that a "meaningful" report on 1 the study goes on for too long construction and traffic de- lowering the speed limit on we will be right out of this vices> in front of the high Hwy. 35 and 115 in front of year's construction time and school. 3. Improvement1 of Clarke High School wouid be we'd just get stailed." Martins Road near Hwy. 115 ready within a month or at the Clarke High School princi- by Newcastle. 4. Widening of iatest five weeks. pal AI Witherspoon informed the High Sehool Driveway. This promise was made to 27 the meeting that over 500 The Northumberland and people who attended a one and students attended the sehool Newcastle Sehool Board went one haîf hour meeting on and there was a projected 350 on record as saying it will Wednesday night to discuss students to attend the new pay for improved ligbting and the dangers on buses entering Clarke Senior Public School. a wîdenîng of the roadway into and exiting from Carke High Mr. Witherspoon added "I the schooi. Sehool on IIwy. 35 and 115. think there wili be a serious The Board's Superintendent James Peer, a district accident in the near future." Dave Patterson called for the engineer for the ministry, told A video tape presentation road to be marked as a sehool the gathering that there will showed buses being side- zone area with white arrows be no action on any pro posais swiped and prevented from, indicating right and left turns. until the study is compieted. en tering onto the highway Newcastle Public Works Earlier, Newcastle Council_ because of the heavy flow of Superintendent Jack Dunham lors Ken Lyall and Kirk traffic. told the meeting the construc- Entwisle had united to protest Doug Moffatt, principal of tion season for bis department any further delay on changing Orono Public School presented as passed. Present Scuigog Township Maâyor With Heraâldic Chain Of Office Mrs. Lillian R. Dickson, known in Taiwan as "ittlest lady wîtb the biggest heart," is slated to speak at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chur- ch, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, Nov. 7th at 7:45 p.m. For more than 47 years Mrs. Dickson bas conducted a one-woman campaign in Tai- wan ministering to the spirit- ual needs and re" ivn'bte physical ills of poor, the ontDu orphans. Ho ei v d a- chievements inclu, ré - organizations ho~ rn- ment-run lepro: the establishment of t ltin- ics and homes loi and girls. She has st,. five maternity wards a.i,c-stri- buted tons of medical supp)lies and clotbing. More than 100 stone churches, which also serve as scbool rooms, bave been founded in the back country., Tbe less than five-foot tail, Mrs. Dickson is f ounder of the Glendale, California based Mustard Seed, Ine., a faith supported organization for ber far-flung ministry in Taiwan and now extending to the Islands of the South Pacifie. She is the author of "These My People," pubiisbed by Zondervan Publishing House and was the subjeet of "Angel At Rer, Shoulder" by Dr. Kenneth L. Wilson, publisbed by Harper and Row. of taking a simmer plate from the local Dominion Store. On evidence given, Judge Baxter said "there was a reasonable douht and Mrs. Graham was entitled to a dismissal". Albert Henrique, 21, Scar- borough, cbarged July 7 with driving wbile disqualified, contrary t0 section 238 of the criminal code, pleaded "guil- ty". Const McCoy arrived at the scene of an accident. Ris license was under suspension since June 1974. A careless driVing -ch-arge w,.-, witb- drawn. He bad a lengthy record, mostly speeding con- victions. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 10 days. 11e was given one week to pay. A fine of $100 and costs, in, default 10 days was meted out to Roger Norman, 21, 22 Close Ave., Toronto, for failing to take a breathalizer test May 12 when requested by Consts. Craig and James.,1He was prohibited from driving for three months. Ian Smith, 16, presently serving time in Guelpb Re- formatory appeared 'on a charge laid August 8, in company wîth tbree juveniles from Pine Ridge School of break, enter, with intent to commit an indictable offense, jýleaded "guilty". If was at the ome of William Laskaris. 11e was remanded in custody for one month pending a pre- sentence report. Robt. J. White, R.R. 2, Blackstock was fined $55 and cost, in default five days, for making an unnecessary noise on régional road number 57 on Septemher 8. Cnnst. Knzak was observing cars in Darling- ton township. Mr. Wbite was charged iif absentia. Steven Evans, Church St. Bowmanville, was represent- ed by P. Fletcher, who told the court there was no roomn at Clarke Institute for Mr. Evans for one week. Judge Baxter advised Mr. Evans to surren- der birnself to the police for one week and to appear back in court on November 12. There were two additional chargés on the court docket. Harry Barkley, St. Catha- rines, cbarged September 27, witb driving after consuming over .08, pleaded "guilfy". An officer notîced hlm drivîing westbound on 401. Ris car was weaving and pulled into the driving lane and stopped. Tests were .17 and .16. A liquor possession charge was with- drawn by consent. The fine was $175 and costs, in default 15 days. 1He was prohibited from driving for- tbree montbs. WHIIP REPUBLICANS The Democrats certainly capitalized on the Watergate exposures during yesterday's Charters * Hawaii, Barbados, Acapulco, Aspen, Puerto 0 *Rico, St. Lucia, with Skylark, Fiesta,I Elkin and Travel Fun Tours. IBook these and other fine Vacations at *"Your Guide to Travel" 1 Bowmanville * ravel qCentre * 47 KING ST. W. *623-3182 623-5933 Town of Newcastle Word 2 (former Town of Bowmanville) NOTICE REMEMBRANCE DAY HOLIDAY The Town Hal11 wiI1 be clo9sed on Monday, November llth, 1974 for regular business. GARBAGE COLLECTION, There wiIIbe no pickup Monday, November llth. Garbage pickup in those areas norma lIy served on a Monday wilI be on Tuesday, November l2fh. J. DUNHAM, Director of Public Works. Bowma nville High School Presents "BRIGîA DOON" Thursday - Friday - Saturday NOVEMBER 14-15-16 8:00 p.m. sharp BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE. ADMISSION Aduits ..................$2.00 Students ......................... $1.00 Reserved Seats Available at B.H.S. Box Office Every Night From 3:15 to 4: 00 p. m. The Canadian Stafesman, Bowmanviile, November 6 1974 13 I Car Hotel Package from 9 SePro Double OccupancyI * ro Per Week *-7 nights accommodation at Quality Inn * MotelsI -Air Conditioned Chevy Nova, automatic,* Radio *-Unlimited mileage, oil and maintenance. * Why lose six days of your vacation whenI * you can fly down and still have a car? I * Bitain * London Theatre Packages One and Two Weeks I-7 or 13 nights accommodation at yourI * choice of eight fine hotels.I *- Private chauffeur driven car takes you to* your hotel. *-Theatre tickets for your choice of shows on I your choice of nights and you receive theI * tickets before you leave Canada. 4ý tickets on one week and 5 tickets on two week package. *-Price includes Value added Tax, serviceI * charge and continental breakfast eachI * morning. -Three and Fournight packages also avail- able for short stopover in London. vales6 nHolfllidaysvie *Features Florida, Bahamas, 12 Caribbean IIslands, Mexico, Latin America, Hlawaii *and Southern Europe.I Pick up your free Copy Now. Sikif an iBanff s OWeek 1$343 a March 2 -9 à 7 nights Superior Accommodation at Banff' Springs Hotel *-Returcu Airfare to Calgary, *-6 Days of Ski Lifts *-Transfers to and from Ski Areas * Bahamas 7 Day Cruise 2 2 : Hotel Holiday from -2 Ï -Cruise from Miami to Nassau 3 or 4 Days* *-3 or 4 nights at a Hotel in Miami or Ft. ILauderdale. *- Sail on the SS Emerald Seas or SS Bahama * Star.I -Pick your Hotel and your Cruise. i ermuda I

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