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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1974, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, November 6. 1974 Section Two Rotary Holds A Booksale To Rais e Funds Present ManyPrîzes and Trophies At Annual 4-H Clubs Awczrds Nîght Durham County 4-H Awards Night was held at Clarke High Scbool on Oct. 26th at 7:00 p.m. The Durham County Milk Committee Ottawa trip and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce watcbes to the top boy and the top girl were awarded after the selection committee had interview- ed 10 candidates. Tbe awards were based on the member's general involvement in the 4-H Club, Program during the years of association. Elaine Kellogg, Mary Lou Malcolm, Sue Vice and Janice Yellowlees are the four out- standing 4-H'ers wbo will visit Ottawa late iii November as guests of the milk committee. The girls will tour the House of Commons and lunch witb Allan Lawrence, Member of Parliament for Northumber- land and Durham. Otber Ottawa tourist attractions will also be visited. For demonstrated leader- ship and outstanding interest in ber 4-H Club activities, Rutb Chater was awarded tbe Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada watcb for the top girl of 1974. Mr. C. L. Gunter, Manager of the Orono brancb of the CIBC made tbe award. Walter Taylor. was selectedt as the Top 4-H Boy in Durham County in 1974. Mr. C. Zinn, manager of the Bowmanville brancb of CIBC presented Walter witb bis mwatcb. in the Special Achievement Awards category, Paulin'e Taylor of R. R.1, Enniskillen was awarded tbe C.N.E. Sbield for being the top novice or first year judge at tbe County Judging Competîtion beld in Orono in July. The Royal Bank Rose Bowl for the top junior judge was presented to Paul Larmer of R. RA, Blackstock. His broth- er Dave was awarded a personal miniature trophy, courtesy of tbe Bowmanville Lions Club as well as the E.A. Summers Memorial Tropby as the higbest scoring senior, 4-H member at the judging competition. A trophy donated by Marr's Jewellery in Bowmanville was presented to Walter Taylor as Durham County Grand Cbampion Livestock Show- man. The Alex Carruters Special Award of $10 for the best club exhibit at the Orono Fair went to the Durham 4-H Poultry Club. The Farm Management Club (Walter Taylor and David Larmer) was awarded first Drize in a new competition for 4-H dem- orutrations. Second prize went to the Landscape Gardening Club. Stephen Barris, Douglas Smith, Art Doyle and Nancy Walker ail received 4-H Club Certificates foi' baving com- pleted 18 projects. Roy Mc- Holm was ho ored for having led 18 4-H Clubs. Club Lea d er's Certificates were also awarded to Bill Tamblyn and Gary Jeffery for leading 10 clubs eacb and Lloyd Kellog for five. Mary Lou Malcolm of tbe, Dairy Club was awarded a pen and pencil set as Secretary of tbe Year. The runners up were Marilyn Knox of the Land- scape Gardening Club andi Annette Taylor of the Sbeep Club. The Press Reporter of tbe Year award went to Pauline Taylor of tbe Poultry Club. Runners up were Wally Seward of the Potato Club and John Ayre of the Sbeep club. The Royal Bank in Black- stock offers a plaque and a pen and pencil set to the president of the club deemed to offer the best programn and strongest leadership in tbe county. This year, the farm Management Club was considered best. The Club Leader is Jim Rickard and the President is Star Lane. Dennis Yellowlees won tbe Locust Cottage Farm Tropby as tbe winner of the 4-H Beef Club for 1974. Jim Smitb was bonored as tbe top beef sbowman at the Blackstock Fair. Mary Cornish won tbe W. D. Wbyte Tropby as the Cbampion Beef Sbowman at tbe Lindsay Central Exbibit- ion, an inter-county comp- etition. Colette Taylor won tbe juirdivision of the Durbam DiyCaîf Club, wbile tbe senior section, was won by David Larmer. Tbe top miema- ber of the Hope 4-H Caîf Club was Edward Henderson. David Larmer and Colette Taylor won special awards in tbe Dairy Section, wbile Dennis Yellowlees won a book as a special award in the Dairy and Beef Section. Nancy Know won tbe award as the top member of the Durham County Junior Farm- ers Club. Walter Taylor was judged top member of tbe Farm Management Club. In the Field Crops Club tbe Grain an d Hay Section was won by Dennis Yellowlees and tbe Corn Section was won by Neil Taylor. Kim Martindale and Kevin Simmons received awards as bigb pin girl and boy re- spectvy in tbe 4-H Horse and Pony Club Acievement Day. Tbe top club, member was Louise Van Camp. Joe Dalrymple was judged tonr mem~,-hr o ~fthe T .,ndsnanp Gardening Club and Glenn Wood won the 500 Bushel Club Award in the Potato Club. The winner of the Poultry Club was Pauline Taylor. Bonnie Powell and Walter Taylor won the Rabbit and Sheep club respectively. Janice Yellowlees was con- sidered tbe top member to the Swine Club wbile Paul Larmer won five dollars as top Swine Sbowman at the Blackstock Fair. Tbe Veterinary Club selected Walter Taylor as its top member. In addition to the prizes, special recognition was paid to certain members. Joyce Chambers, Enniskillen, Marie Van Camp R.R. 2, Blackstock and Mariene Beatty R.R. 1, Campbelicroft attended the annual Girl's Conference for 4-H Homemaking Club mem- bers at tbe University of Guelpb in, July. Durbam County sent 16 representatives to the region- ai 4-H Conference at Trent University in July. Tbey were: Colin Asseistine, Edwin Budd, Joe Daîrymple, John Devries, Scott Gray, Charlene Hall, Paul Larmer, Jamie Malcolm, Kim Martindale, Tom Moffat. Betty-Anne Oli- vp-r- Neil Taylor, Blain Van- eyk, Blair Vaneyk, David 19afker and Margie Wilton. Rutb Chater, Brian Dedong and Dale Van Camp travelled to Middlesex County and stayed a week as part of an inter-county excbange pro- gram. Marilyn Knox was sent to the Provincial Leadership Camp at Guelpb University.- Louise Budd and David Kel logg represented Durbarn.--ý County at tbe Junior Farmer Camp beld at Geneva Park. Stan Found and Eric Bow- man particîpated in a soil and land use tour around the Quinte area. Barry Malcolm, RR 1, Nestieton, was selected as an outstanding junior farmer to take part in tbe annual United Nations Bus Trip.__ TH-rA T WE MAY 2 BECOME /SZ PP9OMVYOt/P ADWVCE, CR/T/CISf"7 IS M 1 /ýIALWAYS .01 eK N/«CE , urcPARTNER ORONO 983-520,6 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Rotarians AI Harris and Bob Stevens found a number of interesting books to read during their tour of duty at the Bowmanville Rotary Club Booksale. The sale took place at 37 King St. E. on Friday and Saturday of last week. BL mACKSTOCK, 1Mr. and Mrs. Mustard, Mr. and Mrs. Pinkey, Varna were Monday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. 1Mrs. O. Wright, Mrs. G. Faint, Mrs. Bill Forder. Mrs. '1I CAN'T BEND MY NECKII" Serions injury dlaims Often lead to lawsuits of $100,000Oor more - enough to financially muin even an affluent family. Adequate personal and busi- ness liability protection is essential - and available from James Insurance Agency. James Insurance 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Of fice 623-4406 ~1t Residence 623-5023 Carl Wrigbt, Mrs. Dalton Dorreil, Mrs. Bill Dickson, Mrs. Harold McLaugblin at- tended a brîdal sbower in bonour of Miss Sharon Stur- rock of Bowmanville on Sun- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ralph Ballard on Scugog Island. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans attended the wedding of Miss Sheila Tom- chishin to Mr. Victor Loch- bead in Port Perry. Mrs. Sheen of Toronto spent the weekend witb bier daugb- ter Miss Susan Sheen. Rev. and Mrs. J.C. Hill and Jonathan, Columbus were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Laugblin and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magili and Brian of Columbus. The St. John's Anglican Cburch supper on Saturday evening was a decided success in every way. The ladies would like to tbank all their friends for coming to support this event in such a loyal fashion. Canon and Mrs. H. Ashmore of Peterborougb attended the Anglican supper and enjoyed renewing acquaintances of the times wben they were Rector here. Winners at the Senior Citi- zen's card party were Ladies' Higb - Mrs. B yford, 2nd - Mrs. Ormiston, 3rd- Mrs. McCul- lougb; Men's High - A. Timms, 2nd - L. Byam, 3rd - R. Coates. Lucky draw - Anne Manns. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Townson bosted a birtbday Sarty on Saturday evening in onour of Wendy's mother, Mr. Barton, bier sister Carol Barton and brother-in-law Keith Crow. Many relatives and friends from the Witby MON EY ON QUAL ITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CAL sDXAFUEL OIL TO-DAY FOR PROMPT,COURTEOUS SERVICE e AUTO &USED CARS ft LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. and Oshawa, areas attended. Miss Nancy Harness, Osh- awa accompanied Mr. and Mrs . Gerald Kelly and family on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petch and family at Aurora. On Tuesday evening a fine number of parents attended the Curriculum Night at the Cartwright Central Public School when the new principal Mr. Hogg introduced his staff. Af ter his remarks, t he parents visited tbe varlous rooms where teachers were discus- sitig their curr iculumn and programis. AIl in ail, it was a most pleasant and informa- tive evening. Mrs. Barber from Candiac, Saskat chewan is spending a few weeks in the area visiting Hamilton relatives. At the moment she is a bouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Rahm. Mrs. Alice Carroll of Till- sonburg is visiting ber cousin,, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton. On Tbursday Mrs. Walter Wrigbt and Mrs. Gerald Kelly attended the District 4 of Agricultural Societies annual meeting beld at Lindsay. During tbe day's programme, our Blackstock Fair date for 1975 was establisbed as Satur- day, August 23. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Commn. Chartered Accountant 36% King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointmnent Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon', 222 King Street East Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If bus>' - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E, Bowmanville Office Hours: 1., fues., and Thurs. 9ti15 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9 tii 4 Not open Saturday or Surnday Office Pti'one 623-5790 PRI(.tS EFFEUMIV WEIJ. IMBU SAT. NOV. 6,7,8,9 SOUIRREL Peanut Butter WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT GUANTITIES BEEHIVE Corn Syrup MAXWELL HDUSE Coffee N--,UI G,,, U 32-DZ. $14 JAR 1m2 HOSTESS - REGULAR. OlP, SALI Et VINEGAR OR BAR-B-O FLAVDRED Potato Chips 7 O? --K59 RALLY BARS DR PEANUT BUTTER CUPS Hershey Candy Bars ,,N,, 59* ASSORTED FLAVORS 9 - L iv e s6/2-z PKG. Lat FOod IN DEMPSTER'S (16e DFF LABEL) PK PK 0Fi-000 Kaiser Roils OF 12 ýROZEN DIGESTIVE DR FRUIT CREMES 21 12-FL oz. OZ TIN4 590 Pee rnirean DSUIS9G1.29 Monarch Shortening QUIKKI POLY Sandwich Bags WELCH'S CONCENTRATED, FF Grape Juice KRAFT PARMESAN Grated Cheese 2X~XX~A~XTL 32 FL oz TMI59 UIG 11.1~5 MDTHER PARKER ECONOMY' Tea Bags 79G0F AIL-PUR PDSE Robin Hood Flour B AtO IJISINFECTANT Pine-Sol Cleaner MIX-N-EAT Cream of Wheat IGA Raisin Bread DAVIIME (PKG. DF 30) DR EXTRA ABSORBENT 24's Pampers Diapers OZBL651. 10 OZ 16 OZ A~ LOAF43 PK. 2.15 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE SUNDAT STORE HOURI 10:00 a.m. to5:oo p. Supplied by THE OSHAWA GROUP LIMII ED supply depot for progress idetpedts '-TOz 650 Impen;i~riaI Margarine 'II Li! L81K. R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 ~> ..>..~# NEW CRUP, FLO RIDA MARSH SEEDLESS RED OR WHITE SIZE48's Grapefruloi 1ff99 SNOW WHITE CANADA FANCY GRADE Mushrooms LB 790 B. C. Anjoqî Pears 3 iBS.99, LONG GREEN SIICERS FLAVORFUL CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PRO DUCE 0F U.S.A. Cucumbers 2 FOR 390 Cello Spinach 3 KGo.990 4'u ;;bazàQzQ anaQQ ,À 1 ý1- il,

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