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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1974, p. 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Aberne- thy were Tuesday dinner g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold St. Johns, Scarborough, and Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs . Clarence Guinn.' Receiving their 25 Year Service Pins at the dinner held in Toronto recently were, Messrs. R. A. Foster, R. A. Perfect, and M. V. Tighe, of the Goodyear lire and Rubber Co. Ltd. Mr. Len Haunsberger. presi- faith teaches: The unity of GOD - the unity of HIS Prophets, inculcates the principle of the oneness of the entire human race. For Further information: 623-7744 or 623-4830 Pe%. X\nthony De.Jager 1UNFJAY SERVICE'S 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Back to God Hour LDial 1'010 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyofle Welconie" dent and chief instructor of the Maple Leaf Judo Club, R.R. 2 Bowrnanville, bas been ap- pointed f0 the position of Techuical Director of Judo Canada. He will be instrumen- tal lu the selection of the Canadian representation for Judo at the 1976 olympics lu Mont real. Mr. and Mrs. K. Dale, Vancouver, visited Mrs. Wal- fer Dale ou Suuday. Mr. Tom Pearson received bis quarter century certifi- cate, wifb Ontario Hydro receufly from Rex Walters, manager of the local Ontario Hydro brancb. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McRob- bie. Jane St-. were dinuer guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammoud and family ou the occasion of Mrs. MeRobbie's birtbday. Au outstauding event, and well worfh attending is the annual Art Marf, Friday, Saturday and Suuday. Nov. 8-9-10 lu the Robert McLaugh- lin Gallery. Craftsmen and arfisfs from ail over Southeru Ontario will bring weaving, pottery, leatberwork, mefal enamelling, pbotographs, painting, giassware, antiques and mnany other displays for show and sale. The Volunteer workers of the Gallery have tbemselves made màgnificent artifacts for sale: a fable of Christmas Hostess aprons, table decorafions, free orna- ments, gif f boxes and rnyriads of other seasonai items. A multipart "Noah's Ark" wifh stuffed animais and a beau i- fui crewel work creche wiil be ou dispiay. These will be ,awarded f0 the wiuuiug ticket bolders at a draw ou Suuday. Tickets wili be sold at the Gallery duriug the tbree days Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 of the bazaar.-The main raffle of the Art Mart is for a stunning six foot wooden Christmas Gift Tree. The f ive shelves are laden wifh ready- wrapped gif t boxes. Tickets for this folding, re-usable tree are avai[able at the Gallery, the Y.W.C.A., the Arts Resource Centre or from any, Gallery Volunteer. A Hock Shop (second-hand booth) and Fish Pond will be dowustairs with the Gift Shop). Baking Table and other at- tractive booths. Food and sherry will be available to sustain shoppers and helpers througb the days. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Chatham, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. James Hall, Liberty North. Alsu Mr. Jim Hall, Toronto, visited bis graudmother, Mrs. James Hall on Saturday. The Whitby "Station" Gal- lery, announces the appoint- ment of Miss Linda Paulocik, as director. Linda was Sbop treasurer and Volunteer Wor- ker for five years af the Robert McLaughliu Gallery. Winuers of the, Lion's Club hockey Draw NUHL. tickets for Nov. 2nd H. Farrow and B. Brunt, November 6, Irene Graham, Jean Bent. Jr. A. tickets for Nov. 5, Steve Oke, Nov. 9, John Runda (Adv.) Old Tyme Christmas at the 'Station, Whitby, will hc held Nov. 29-Dec. 1. An Art Mart with somefhing for everyone from paintings to candles. Corne and enjoy the dispînys of pottery, weaving, batik, leather work, and wall bang- ings. This is the time f0 solve your Christrnas shop'ping pro- blems lu a friendl y atmos- phere. Hours: Friday 1-6 p.m. and 8-10 p.rn., Sat. 1-6 p.rn., Sun. 1-6 p.m. On Mouday, Oct. 28th at theý R.C.M.P. base, Regina Sas- katchewan, Miss Sharon Ham- moud was guest at the graduation exercises of Cou- stable Mike Self, Troop 7, Regina. It was most colourful and impressive. Good Luck Mike! Mr. andMrs. D. Self and Pat, Oshawa, Mr. aud Mrs. O. K. Osborne, Miss Willie Bons, Bowmaville and Constable Mike Self, Osbawa, were Sunday dinner g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harnmoud and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon-Boyd, Oshawa, Mrs. Gordon Me- Lean, Bowmanville, attended the funeral of the la te Mr. Charles Briggs in Toronto on Saturday. The calendar of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, for November 7-13, is as follows: Nov. - 7, Art Rentai 7:00 p.m., 7 Canadian Heri- tage Lecture 8:00 p.m., 8, 9, 10 The Art Mart, 9 Cbildren's Art Classes 10:00 arn. and 1:30 p.m., il Gallery closed, 12 Creative Stitchery 10:00 a.m. and 1: 30 p. m., 12 Life Drawing Class 7:00 p.m., 12 Film Prograr 8:00 p.m., 13 - Decem ber 8th: Exhibitionis Editions 1, Tom Gbo Signature One, Juxtaposi- tions, five Printmakers, 13 Noon Hour Films 12:00 noon. Mrs. Annie Hatherly was a guest at Mississauga, Satur- day, October l9fb, af the marriage of bier grandson, William Glen HatPerly, f0 Miss Myrna Powell, bofh of Mississauga. Followiug their wedding, lu the Presbyterian cburcb, a recepflou was held af Berrnonwood Country Club. Affer a doudoius dinuer, tbe eveniug was spent dancing and visitiug. A week lafer she attonded the 35tb wedding anniversary of hier son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatherly af the home of their daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. John McQuay, neigbbors. Doudcous refresh- ments wYere served, and the eveuiug was spent visitiug. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber ÇCo. Ltd., recently announced' the retirement of Ernest Tweedle, Bowrnanville Plant, affer,32 years with the company.1 The sounds of a spooky record beckenied the residents and some staff members f0 gat1ier for a fun hallowe'en party on Tues.,i Oct. 22 af nylon tulle veil, and she carried a bridai bouquet of pink Sweetbeart r-oses and Shasta daisies. She was attended by the maid of bonor. Miss Wendy Hleard, sister of the bride, and the bridesmaids, Miss Dianue Wright, sister of the groom, and Miss Margo Aluin. Wear- ing gowns of yellow polyester, tbey carried bouquets of yellow Sxxeetbeart roses and Shasta daisies. The fiower girl, Miss Terry Wellman, wore a white polyester satin BLACKTC Sunday, Noveniber 10, 1974 11A.M.-WORSHIP SERVICE Sacra ment of Baptism observance of Remembrance Day A Warm Welcome Awaits You atTrinity PLEASE RESERVE THESE DATES' Mon., Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., the film "Fraud? You Lose", will be shown ln Trinity Church Hall as p)art of a Consumer Information Program. The public is invited. Nov. 24 - Laymen Service Dec. 8-White Gift Service Dec. 15- Senior Choir Concert Dec. 22- Christmas Serv ice St. PaifuI'fs United .Church Minster - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, BA., B.D. Director of Music - Gerald K. Burgess Il A.M. Special Remembrance Service SERMON: "'NO RUSTY SWORD" REVEILLE and LAST POST will be played by Don MacArthur on the bugle. Nursery care for Pre-school children every Sunday. Euchre and Games Night Friday, Nov. 8-8:00p.m. in C. E. Building Join Us for this Night of Fellowship and Fun.. St. Antrw.'s Pre--sbyterian Church Minister: Rev. J. S. Gilchrist 11l-A.M. - Remembra nce Service "MAN'S FREEDOM- GOD GIVEN ANU MAINTAINED" Thurs. Nov. 7 - 7:45 p.m. Missionary Speaker, MRS. LILLIAN R. DICKSON froni Mustard Seed Mission Inc. Toronto Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers of Nestieton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sameils. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls, Mrs. Courtney Graham were Friday evening dinner guestsý of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmiot Phiair and boys of Gree(nban, M.-'.Gerald Asseistinie of Vancouver, B.C. is spending two weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine and family. Mr. Denis McLaughlin of Calgary spent some time with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and Debbie be- ADULT ICOUNSELLING i SERVICE If you want to do somnething about y oui education . ou probabix cau. SeceYour Aduit Counsellor EVERY TUESDAY EVENING 7 to!9 at the, -NEW 130%WvMANVILL.E SHIGH SCIIOOL (R IDANCE OFFICE The serv ice is free - confidential - and no appointmient is necessary. CH RISTMAS SEALS Several hundred volunteers throughout Durham Region have been preparing Christ- mas Seals for mailing for the Durham Region Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease As- sociation (formerly Ontario County). 1 Wàn't you please send your contribution to help provide the followîng services: -Physical Conditioning Cour- ses for Asthmatic Children -Refresher Courses in Res- piratory Diseases for Nurses -Seminars for Medical, Para- medical and Nursing Per- son nelI -Pulmonary Function Test- ing -Tuberculin Testing -Baby Sitters' Training Courses. -Health Education Literature -Rehabilitation of TB and RD patients - Assistance to patients in Sanatoria and at home -Films on TB, RD, Smoking and Air Pollution -Research Please use your TB-RD Christmas Sea Is on the back of your mail and packages, to show you care, and send your contribution to:- Durham Region Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, c-o Bank of Nova Scotia,> il Simcoe Street, North Oshlawa, Ontario A SPECIAL "THANK YOU" IS EXTENDED TO OUR VO LUNTE ERS dress witb a yellow pinafore, and carried a bouquet the same as the otber bridai attendants. Best man was Mr. John Alpin, and the ushers Mr, Peter Swan and Mr. Ronald Marchant. A reception was beld lu the Christian Education Building, lu Orono United Cburcb. Following a boneymoon lu the North, Mr. and Mrs. Wright are residing lu Oshawa. 1 McRobbie Pbotography tweeu sessions of au Animal Nutrition Convention af Buf- falo. Ou Friday eveniug dbn uer guests f0 visif wifb Denis were Mr. and Mrs. David Kyte and family, Mr. Gordon Pais- ley, Craig and Cindy. Mr, and Mrs. Les Assel- stine, Gayle and Robbie of Wateioo were weekend uetofMr. înd Mis. Vernon Asseistine and family and eujoyed a visit with brother Gerald. oin Friday eveniug Mr. and Mrs. Kenueth Samelîs, Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samreils accompauied Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sameils of Bowman- ville f0 Toront o f0 visit the funeral home wbere their cousin, the late Charles Briggs wasrestiug. Suuday supper guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Richard VanCamp and family were Ruby's parents Mr. and Mrs. Morrow of Hilton, Mrs. Sld Casson of Brighton and Mrs. Mary Short and Christa of Ottawa. Sunday evouiug dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. V. Parsons and girls were bis brother and bis wif e Mr. and Mrs. Reg Parsons of Altoona, Penusylvania wbo bave spent a week bere and bis cousin Mr. and Mrs. William Parsons, Jason and Mary of Stouffville. Suuday eveniug dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaugblin and family were Mr. aud rs. Harold Wright of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. A Suuday Aniversary ser- vice was held lu the United Cburch wifh a buge crowd atteuding. Mr. Stephen Say- well of Oshawa was the special speaker and spoke on the topic Living Today. Spec- il music was provided by the Senior Choir. Lasf Suuday Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Tbompsou and Susan wore bosfs f0 a family dinner and gatbering lu bonour of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and their ,wodding anniversaries bofh ou the 28th of October. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow and fam)ly, Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Ewarf Leask and family, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow and farnily, Black- stock, Miss Elizabeth Thomp- son, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson of Toronto. So pleased f0 welcorno Mr. Mervyn Graham home agalu after several rnonths' absence from Blackstock due f0 iii- ness. Sunday dinuor guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp were Mr. and Mrs. Stepbeu Saywell of Oshawa, Mr, aud Mrs. Ted Kemp and Jeffrey, and Mr, Jack VanCamp. On Saturday evening, a good crowd atfended the commun- if y shower beld lu the Recrea- flou Centre lu honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jirn' Wilis (ueo Lea nue Dorreil). Mr. Jim Marlow perforrned tbe dufies of M.C. for the foiowiug programme - a skif by a number of teenagers as a take-off of Hee-Raw; a piano solo by Craig Paisley; a readirig by Kaye Huuren; a piano solo by Heather Dorreil; Janet Parson sang accompan- led by Don 'Wright; Barry VanCamp piayed a piano solo and Terry Barton gave a number ou bis drurns. The bride and groom were presented with a vacuum cleaner and purse of money after which both replied fitfingly. Lunch and a social time concluded another plea- sant evening. On Sunday evening an excellent crowd attended the very impressive ceremony held in the United Cburcb wben Debbie McLaughlin, Janet Parsons and Louise VanCamp were awarded the highest award lu Guiding - the Canada Cord. During the singing of the Processional Hymu a Guard of bonour was formed by Rangers, Guides and Brownies through whicb the fbree honoured girls passed on their way to the dias. The colours were receiv- ed by Mr. John Carnaghan and a warm welcome exfend- cd by Mr. Carnagban. A most impressive ceremony was cornducted by Commissioner Pat Sleep. During the service several candies were lit rep- resenting various phases of Guide work. The three girls were introduced by Mrs. Sleep after which Mrs. Joan Hawes presented the Canada Cords. Atter they received their Cords, Debbie, Janet and Louise were presented witb giff s from the Brownies and Guides, the Local Association, their parents and the Mot ber's Auxiliary. Throughout the impressive ceremony the Rangers rendered several lovely numbers with Marie VanCamp acting as pianisf. Follow ing the singing of Taps the colors were presented by Mr'. Carnaghan and thé Colour Party, left. Af ter the ceremony a lovely reception was held in the girl's honour in the Christian Education Building Pouring tea were Mrs. Mor- row, Mrs. S. VanCamp, Mrs. William Parsons, Mrs. Harold Wright and Mrs. Hlarold McLaugblin. The lovely even- ing was proof once more of the bigb esteem that our youth is held lu the Blacksfock area. Heartiesgt congratulations, girls. OPRepomrt The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the follow- ing motor vebicle collisions and occurrences during the period of October 21, 1974 f0 October 27, 1974. Sixteen motor vebicle col- lisions were investigated lu whicb six persons were injur- cd and two persons were killed. As a resuit of these collisions seven persons have been charged wifh offences under the Highway Traffic Act and one person bas been cbarged with a driving off ence under the Criminal Code. The Newcastle Officers also investigated 120 occurrences of a general nature. Some of these occurrences are as follows: There were six in- The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, November 6, 1974 5 vestigations into "Theft 0f- Aune Ursula Delorey, of 15 fences, four investigations Lloyd Street, Oshawa,' Ont- into "Break and Enter Offen- ario. ces", one investigation into A second fatal motor vehicle complaints of "Wilful Dam- accident occurred on Sunday," age" and one investigation October 27th, 1974 at approx' into a complaint of "Assault". imately 4:00 arn. ou Highway' Other activities included in- 401 approximately one-ha 1 , vestigations into reports of mile east of Holt Road, when a lost and found properties and vehicle went out of control and. missing persons. hv travelled into the south ditch Five persons hv been when if rolled over several' charged with offences under times. the Liquor Control Act and Dead is the driver, who was,, four persons have been charge the onlv occunant of the , with driving offeuces under vehicle, Thomas W. Ander- the Criminal Code. SON, 28 years, of 7 Deer Parký'- The following are brief Crescent, Bowmanville, Ont'ý, reports of two fatal motor ario. vehicle accidents; On Satur- day, 26th, 1974 at approx- imately 10:05 p.m. a fatal motor vehicle accident occur- red on the westbound lanes of interchange. A pedestrian who ?fou d.# f201u4 was attempting to cross High-ihoe6-3O way 401, was struck by aPhnM-30 westbound car. Dead is the pedestrian, ~ce The Salvation Ar'my 35 Division St. November lOth 7: 00 P. M. LI~IKIe w NGEL .25 OZ. OINTMENT - ,I.25 oz. :1~I~1I~M I _____________ if ~VAPORIZER * Â-I HUMIDIFIER * WITH SAFETY LOCK-ON TOP1 *pl lnoln OSor 9 Winners at the weekiy Tuesday ovening Senior Cif- izens' Card Party were Lad- les' High-Rutb Wilson, 2nd Ruby Trlpp, 3rd-Elva Van- Camp. Men's High-Wmn. Ford- or, 2ud-Teunyson Sarnoils, 3rd-Leslie Taylor. Lucky Draw-Ruby Tripp. On audyevnnOt 26fh, a fine number of parents and 4-H members attended the Awards Nigbf beid af the Clarke Higli School. The speciai award wiuuers from Cartwright included Dave Larmer wbo won the Durham Couuty Miik Commiftee fr0- pby for first place lu the Senior Section of Dairy Caif Club. Dave also won the James T. Brown Mernorial Tropby for the overal igb member of any dairy club. Louise VanCamp wis pro- sented wifb the Paul Vaueyk Trophy as top member of the horse and pony club based on (over ail year's work and /participation. Paul Larmer iwon the Royal Bank Rosebowl for the High Junior Judge at the Couufy Judging Competi- flou wbiie brothor Dave won the E.A. Summers Memorial Trophy for the Higb Senior Judge at the Judgiug Com- pefition. Paul received the Gaît Chemical Prize for the Best Showman lu the Swine Club. The prizo for the best secretary of the year for any club was won by Mary Lou Malcolm wbo is secretary of the Dairy Club. Mary bou is 0ne of four girls lu the County wbo will be enjoying a trip f0 Ottawa inter this faîl on the Durham County Milk Corn- rnittee trip. Cartwright wiu- ners of cerfificates for the compiefion of six or more projects wore Pbilip Archer, Doug Larmer, Mary Lou Malcolm, Barry VanCamp and Louise VanCamp, wbile Paul Larmer and Dale Van- Camp received certiticates for the completion of 12 projeets. Danny and Faye Corby ne- ceived finst yean leadership pins as leaders of the Horse and Pouy Club. Mauy othen 4-H members wene présent f0 receive their year award and prize monoy upon their suc- cossful complefion of their vanlous Clubs. Congratula- tions f0 ah tbhese young people for thein fine efforts. scholarships at Trent is, William James Dyriw, R.R. 3 Bowrnanville, wbo wou the Rufus Gibbs, Iu-Course seho- larsbip, wortb $300. Mrs. Winifred Camenon at- teuded graduaton exorcises at Scott Park Coliegiate, Hamil- ton, on Oct. l8fb, wben ber granddaugbter Donna Bristol, received b or diploma lu the commercial course wlth 28 credits. Donna was lu a class of 213 graduates, and every girl neceived. along with ber dipiorna, a ned rose. Mrs. Camenon speut the week lu Hamilton, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bristol, Shane and Donna. Mrs. Edua Wood, Tynone visifed Mrs. Wiuifned Camer- ou last Thursday, while Mrs.- Winifred Camenon, Mrs. Judy Brooks and Dard and Mrs. Janeen Prout visifed Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron, and Mrs. Florence Stainfon, Zion, ne- contf i. ALEX McGREGOR Drug.m Bowmanville CORICIDIN b, COLD TABLETS 24'1 ,144 -- MEDILETS 24's &BY SCOTT eý LAR 30's sl.79' ýPERS 0 PANTS e.c.,OS9c M. ROYALE &CIAL TISSUES Large Box49 : ANSODENTRI DENTURE uns dnt (LEANER . Effervescenti OAN.0 Powder 11 ounce LIS TE 1 N 1F LOZENGES I MENTHOL, ORANGE LMNNTorAGa REGULAR. mil KOTEX /FEMININE NAPKINS ' REGULAR, SUPERj KOTIQUE or PLUS 12,s I73 ,; 5 KING ST. WEST S 623-5792 The marriage of Debra Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Heard, Orono, and Wesley Joseh, sou of Mr. and rsArold Wright, R.R.2, Orono, was solemnized by Reverend Basil, Long, in Or-ono United Cburcb, ou Safurday, October l2tb, 1974. The organist was Mr. Douglas Dewoil. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a gown of white polyester satin, with lace yolk and sîcoves. A flowered beadp)iece beld a Wright - Heard Wedding ma. There Is No Substitute f or a Proper Life Insurance Program Now is the ti me to look into REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Find Out How You Can: - Guarantee financial security for you and your 4 family. - Build a substantial retirement savings fund. -Reduce your income tax each year. Contact Your Local Representative: A. H. (BERT) JOHNSTON, 623-3675 London Life Insurance Co. M m ne 1

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