The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 13, 1974 9, IDEÀDLINE FORi S1S R s ""tlî IlIIIrN7 CLASSIFIED Tues.,, 4:30 pm. ADCOCK - Stephen and Virginia (nee Vivian) are happy to announce the birth cf their daughter Jennifer Sue- anne, 7 lbs. 10 oz., on November 4, 1974, at Bowman- ville Mernorial Hospital. Spec- il thanks to, Drs. Ewert and Spears. 46 lx HEIKAMP -Hi! My name is Jacinda Adeana Heikarnp. 1 was born Oct. 25, 1974 at Ajax and Pickering Hospital and weighed in at 6 lbs. 9 ozs. My mom and dad are Germit and Sylvia (nee McDonaid). Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonaid, Bowmanvilie and Mm. and Mrs. C. Heikamp, West Hill, are my proud grandiparents. 46 lx HOLROYD - Jennifer an- nounces the birth of hem brother Daniel Joseph Frank, 7 ibs. 6 ozs., Nov. 4. Proud parents,' Ted and Ludiena. Special thanks fo Drs. J. Rundie, A. Westgarth and maternity staff. 46-1 *ETimN. mIJ.! Mm. and Mrs. Joseph Christi of R. R. 2 Bowmanville are pieased f0 announce the en- gagement of their daughter Dianna Lynn f0 Darcy Mand- zuk, son cf Mm. and Mrs. Mandzuk of Landsdowne, Ont. The wedding date to be announced later. 46-1 Mm. and Mrs. H. Edward Milîson of Oronotake pleasure in announcing the engagement 0f their daug hter, EII en Eli za- beth, to Richard James Trot- ford, son of M. and Mrs. Albert E. Troffurd, Toronto. Wedding wili take place, December 21, 1974, at 4:30 p.m. in Orono United Church. 46-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Johniston, Newcastle are happy to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughtem, Linda, Louise f0 Philip James, son of Mm. and Mrs. James Casweii, New- castle. The wedding wili take place at 3:00 p.rn. on the l4th of December, 1974 at Newton- ville Church. 46-lx M.and Mrs. W.H. Bates, 8owmanvile, are honored f0 announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter and step-daughter Christine, daughtem of the late Tom F.C. Westover, to Mr. Dale John Fos ,ter, son, of M. and Mrs. Claude Foster, Woodstock, N.B. The marriage to take lace on the 23rd of Novem- e, a+ il a.m. at St. John's Anglican Church. 4- BURGESS, Greta Hazel - At Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, Nov. 11, 1974, Greta Hazel Lane Sheehan, mother of Mrs. Arthur Hone (Lillian), Fred Sheehan and Murray Sheehan a il of Bowmanville, sister cf Mrs. Emma B yers, Toronto, Mrs . Laura Kelly, lngiehart, Mrs. Eunîce Malley and Frank Lane, Oshawa. n her 64th year, Funeral fom the Armstrong Funemal Home, Oshawa, Friday, Nov. 15,> ai il ar..interment Castieton Cemetery at 2 p.m. Memomial donations to the charify cof your choice would be appeciafed. 46-1 De GOOYER - At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanviiie, on Wednesday, November 6th, 1974, Johan De Gooyem, 136 Arthur Street, Newcastle, aged 61 years, beloved hus- band cf Aaltje Wagenaar, dear father of John, Alice (Mrs. George Van Scheltin- ga), Hans and Kien (Mrs. Oliver Galea), and six grand- children. Rested at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville. Service was held in Maranatha Christian Reform- ed Church on Saturday at Il a.m. Inferment Bowmanville Cemetery. 46-1 FRISE, Elizabeh -Suddenl y at the Port Hope & District Hospital on Friday, November 8, 1974. -Elizabeth Wright, beioved wifeof the tate.Artliur Frise, ioving mother cf Betty (Mrs. Claytcn Eliott) Garden Hill; dear sister cf Mrs. George Bathgafe, Port Hope; dear grandmcfher of Robert, Port Hope; Sharon and Mar- cia, Earifon, and Mark, North Bay. Funeral Service was heid from the D.E Aison Funemal Home on Sunday, Nov. 10. Interment Glendale Memoriai Gardens, Toronto, 46-1 GARTSHORE -Af Mernorial Hospital, Bowrnanville, on Saturday, November 9th, 1974, Marie (Selby) Garfshore, 18 Emily St. W., Newcastle, aged 73 years, dear sister cf Marjorie (Mrs. Samuel Pow- ell), R.R. 3, Newcastle. Pri- vate service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Monday mcmn- ing. Interment Orono Cerne- tery. 46-1 "F lowers Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery f ... Oshawa - Bowmanvilie Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf GAY, John Henry (Jack) !- Af the Oshawa Genemal Hospital on Sunday, November 10, 1974, John Henry (Jack) Gay, beloved husband of Norma McQuade; father of Mrs. D. Westldke (Susanne) of Osh- awa, Dennis of Mississauga and Laurie, University of Western Ontario, London; brother of Mrs. Cecil Robinson (Margaret), Ajax, Ontario; in his 61sf year. Resting at the Armstrong Funemal Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in the chapel Wednesday, November 13, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bowrnanville Cern etery. In lieu of flowers memorial donations f0 the Ontario Heamt Eund would be appreciated. 46-1 PALMER, Dora- At Bow- manville Memomial Hospital on Monday, Nov. 11, 1974, Dora (Porter) Palmer, dear mot hem of Mrs. George Fisher (Leone) and Mrs. Rai ph Arnes (Frances) of Bowmanville, grandrnothem of Mrs. John Ca mpbell (JilI), Mms. Peter Wright (Shelley), David and Barbara Fisher, great-grand- mother of Lama May Wright. Rested at the Mcîntosh-And- erson Funerai Home, 152 King St. E. Oshawa. Service was heid in the chapel, Wednes- day. Interment Union Cerne- tery: Memorlal donations to the Ontario Hearf Fund wil11 be gratefuily acknowiedged. 46-1 JILISEN- Suddenly, at R.R. 1, Newonvil1le, on Wednesday, November 6th, 1974, Joe Jilisen, aged 65 yeams, beloved husband of Jean Jilisen, dear father of 'Mrs. Christine, Over ygrandfather of, Doug- las. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Saturday af 1:30. Interment Lakeview Cerne- tery, Newtonville. 46-1 LANE- Suddeniy at his home, Newtonville, on Thurs- day, November 7th, 1974 Cleiand (Kelly) Lane, aged 64 years, beloved husband of Leone Burkeii, dear father of William, Port Hope, Gloria (Mrs. Charles Gray), and Edward (Ted), both of Orono, and Barry, Peterborough, dear brother of Harmy, Owen Sound, Olive (Mrs. Bruce Leuty), Port Hope, and Mary (Mrs. Melville Jones), New- tonville. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday at 3:30. Interment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. 46-1 POWELL- At Scamborough Genemai Hospital on Thurs- day, November 7th, 1974, Aima (Morris) Powell, aged 63 years, beloved wife of Herbert Powell, 112 Conces- sion St. W., Bowmanville, sister of the late Edith (Mms. Sid Martyn), and Mariorie (Mrs. Ed. Foran). Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Monday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. QUANTRI LL- At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Friday, November 8th, 1974, Evan Quantrili, Chumch Street, Orono, aged 76 years, beloved husband of Mary Cooper, dear father of Shirley (Mrs. William Moffaf), Fran- cis, Marilyn (Mrs. Charles Peers) and Ailan. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday at 3 o'clock. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 46-1 SHEARER, David Peter - Suddenly as the esult of an accident on Sat., Nov. 9, 1974 David Sheamer of Newcastle, in his 21sf year. Beloved son of Joan and Robert Shearer. Dear brother of Deborah, Nancy and Norman. Rested at the Northcut-Eliiott Funeral Home. Funeral Service 2 o'ciock, Tuesday affemnoon. Intemment Bond Head Cerne tery. 146-1 STEVENS - At Memomial Hospital, Bowrnanviile, on Monday, November llth, 197z Marlon Evelyn Morris, belov- ed wife cf Ross Stevens, dear mother cf Betty (Mrs. Ted Hutton), Bob and Muriel (Mrs. Bizi Kabulu), dear sister cf Louise (Mrs. Wes, Langmaid), Gertrude (Mrs. Wreford Souch), Florence (Mrs. Ralph Rea), Betty, Jean (Mrs .erge Werry), and the late Greta and Ted Morris. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- vitLe, on Wednesday- at 3 c'clocký.- interment Bowman ville Cemetery. 46-1 TODD - At Memoriai Hospit- ai, Bowrnanville, on Wednes- day, November 6th, 1974, Lottie (Conneli) Todd, R.R. 1, Newtonville, aged 80 years, wife of the late Lorne Todd, dear mothee of Cari and Eileen (Mrs. Don Stapleton). Service was heid in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Frida y at '1:30. Interment Orono Cemetery. 46-1 Thank y ou t0 ail my friends and relatives for the visits, g iffs and cards I received auring my stay in hospital. Thanky ou also f0 Drs. Spear and J. D. Rund le and the staff on the surgical floor. Jean Welsh We would lîke to thank Hamnpton Communify for the Iovelylgift of crystai. Maîiory and Danny Wilkins 46-1ix The tamily of the late Mrs. Alice Boughen wouid like to express their sincere appreci- ation and heartfelt fhanks f0 relatives and f riends for many acts of kindness, cards, floral tributes and, donations f0 the Heart Fund. Thanks to Rev. White and Rev. Montgomnery for consoling words and also Barlow Funerai Home and Dr. Cunningham. 46-lx ýWe would like to thank Our famiîy, relatives, and friends, for making our fortieth wed- ding anniversary such a very happy and mernorabie occasion. Vi and Tom Woodiock 46-1 x I wish to thank Drs. Ugray and McKenzie, nurses on surgery floor, Orono Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334, Shiioh U.C.W. for fowers, gifts, cards and visits. Mrs. Orme Falls 46-1 We would like to express our sincere appreciation and heartfeit thanks f0 relatives, friends, Shiloh U.C.W., Stark- ville Community for floral tribute, Newtonviile U.C.W., and donations in memory ot a dear mother, grandmother and great gmandrnother, Mrs. Lorne Todd. Special thanks to Dm. McKenzie, nurses and staff of 2nd floor Mernorial Hospital for two and a hait years of came, Rev. Gordon Mont gomery and Morris Fun- emal Chapel. Carl and Margaret Todd and farniiy 46-1 We wouid like to thank the neighboms, and Cl ub 500of Long Sault tom their lovely wedding gf.Jean and Eugene Bent 46-1 I would liKe to thank my family, friends and neighbors for the manr cards, flowers and gifts whire in the hospifal. Also for the many cails and gifts of baking since I camfe home. I sincerely thank al1 for their kindness, also Dr. Cham- bers and Rev. Ficko for their cal Is. Sadie Kirk 46-1ix Stephen and Janice Page wouîdl like to thank the Solina Community for the ioveiy gifts presented on the 19th of Oct. at the Community Centre. 46-1 HEARD - n ioving memory of a dear father, Marwood W. Heard, who passed away Nov. 11, 1969. You are gone but not forgotten Dad. Remembered by Elgin, Madeline, Debbie and Wendy. 44- 1 WESTLAKE - n fond and ioving memory of our parents, Dad (Frank), who passed away November 15, 1960, Mother (Ida May) who passed away January 27th, 1971. "Father, in Thy gracious keeping, Do we leave our oved ones sleeping." - Sadly missed by son Frank, daughter-in-iaw Doreen, grandchiidren and great grandchildren. 46-1 JOHNSON- Joseph Robert (Bob) in loving memory of my beloved Bob who passed away Nov. 6, 1973. His smiling faceand pleasant way, Are a pleasure f0 recali He had a kindiy word for each And died beloved by ail. Someday we hope to meet hlm Someday we know not when, To clasp his hand in a better land Neyer to part again. - Ever remembered and deeply missed by Joan and sons Robert and Richard. 45-1 MCI LROY- In ioving me- mory of wife and mother who passed away Nov. 13, 1971. She left us quietly, Her thoughts unknown, But lefi us a memory, We are proud f0 own, So treasume her God, n your garden of rest, For when on earth,, .S._ejgne of the best. -Sadiy . missedi by Tubby and family. 46-1 CALL - In loving memory cf 1a dear mother, grandmofher -and greaf grandmofher, Edna, who passed away Nov. 13, 1972. - Ever remembered with dean thoughts by hem famiiy. 46-1 KENNETT- In loving me- mory cf a dear father, Robert, who passed away Nov. 26, 1963. His smiling way and pleasant 1face, Are a pleasure f0 recali; He had a kindly word for each, And died beioved by ail. Some day we hope to meet hlm, Some day, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Neyer ta part again. -Ever. remembered by his wife Marjorie, son George dlaughter-in-law Eveline, grandchil' dren Robert, George' and Evelyn. 46-1lx PATTERSON, Garry In icving mernory of a dear son who passed awvay Nov. 16, 1965. Though his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch, Stfi11 we have so many memor- ies, 0f the one vve loved s0 much. His memcry is our keepsake, With which wiil neyer part, God has him in His keeping, We have him in our heart. -Lovingiy remembered by Mcm and Dad. 46-lx WILBUR- Treasured mem- cries of a dear husband, dad and grandpa, Gardon who passed away Nov. 15, 1972. Nat just today, but everyday, n silence we remember. -Doris and famiiy. BO WMA N VILLE Boy Scouts PAPER DRIVE Saturday, Nov, l6th. Please have papers, tied and on boulevard by 9 a.m. 46-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTL E COUNTRY GOLD Friday - Saturday November 15 - 16 Dancing 9-1 46-1 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf ATTENTION CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Sat., Nov. 16, 1974 1-5 p.m. PARISH FAIR at ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, BOWMANVILLE. Crafts - Antiques -,baked sporting goods. TEA ROOM OSHAWA SYMPHONY POPS CONCERT B.H.S. AUDITORIUM Monday, Nov. 25th i Aduîts $3.00 Students S$1.50 45-2 "FALL FROLIC"" Dance KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS Fri., Nov. 22, 1974 Flying Du.tchman 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. FREE GOURMET LUNCH DRESS OPTIONAL R EF R ESHME NTS Tickets $5.00 per person by members. 45-2 Annual U.C.W. Bazaam, Sun- day Schooi Hall, Newtonville. Saturday, November 16, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Aduits- 50 cents, children- 25 cents. 45-2 DANCE AT THE l.O.O.F. HALL QUEEN STREET November 9, 1974 REFRESHMENTS $3.00 PER COUPLE 44-2x Dog obedience classes, ail breeds. We train you and your dog, $25 for 10 weeks. F ree demonstration and pre-regis fration. Phone Ananda Ken-, neis, Orono. 1-983-9385. 45-4 Novemnber Dance' at the BOWMANVILLE LIONS CENTRE Sat., Nov. 23, 1974 $5.00 Per Couple Music by: BEV SMITH and The Individuals Tickets - Phone 623-2032 Maurice Richards 46-2 LEWIS CRAFT COMING TO YOU SOON IN OUR NEW DISPLAY ROOM. WATCH FOR Grand Opening Carnation Flower ShQp 33 Division t. 623-5577 46-1 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY -7:45 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Mi nor Sof tbal11 JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 30 tf Euchre party af Newtonvî île Hall, Frîday 15, 8:15 p.m. Ladies bring lunch, evemyone weicome. 46-1 Scarborcugh Centre and Downtown Shoppin NOV. 4th and DEC. ý4th Yorkdale Plaza and Downtown Shoppin NOVEMBER l9th Royal Winter Faim and Toronto Shopping NOVEMBER 23rd lice Capades, Toronto NOVEMBER 9th, lSth, 1ý Mystery Tour NOVEMBER lOth Florida Christmnas Holida DEC. 26th -JAN. 5fh 8 nights- 7 days at Daytona Beach Winter Away in Floridz >30 days, Jan. 20 - Feb. il Feb. 13- Mar. l4th, Mar. 9th-Apr. 7th. For information phor write: Sunshine Tours 36 King St., Cobourg Phone 372-9961 - 885-2201 Osaca Barn Dance (cou only) evemy Saturday n' Country and Western mi Phone 786-2633. Dance, Sat. Nov. 16, Le Hall, 9 p.m.- 1 arn. Musi Bill Karteilis Quarfet. Ac sion $4.00 per couple. Spor ed by Branch 178, R Canadian Legion, Bowî ville. At the Parish Fair Safurday, November 16th p.m.) af St. John's Ang Church there wii11 be a t Pakistan Embroidery for The money earned by1 skiiied workers bath men women, helps f0 raise! dard cf living, heipsfoedî their chiidren, helps to as the girls a better marr and in many cases is the cash income the family i- Every item sold, every store, every new market the way for more women taught to earn. Your purc n dollars means bread Pakistani women who crE Golden La bel neediework 4-H Homemaking Club Worid of Food in Cané Achievement Day, Nov. Clarke High School, Dur South Nov. 3Oth Ennisk Public Schooi, Durham N( 10 ar.- 4 p.m. Ever, weicome for affernoon gram sfarting at 1 p.m. Cartwright High School nual Commencement E cises wili be held on Satur November 16, 1974, af Blackstock. Pmesentatioî Diplom as, Prcficiency Pr Field Day Trophies; ValE tory Address: One Act F Giee Club selections. E', body Weicome. Tymone Community1 dance, Sat., Nov. 16, feafL Dodsworth Orchestra. serve youm New Year's dance tickets now at Vint Garage, Tyrone. Ail the fish and chips can eat, 51.49. Saturday i Bock Christmas Parties ez Acres Restaurant, Taui Road. Attention Snowmobili Public Meeting, Sunday, vember 17, 197 4, 7: 00 p Hampton Junior P u Schooi, Ormiston Sf., Ha ton. Spcnsored by: Cer Ontario Regionai Snowmo Association. Plan f0 atter A - s Washed Sand ig g 7th ays WH 1T E 'S TV ANTENNAS STowers, UHF, VHF Aeria Is, Rtors & Repairs Aparfments & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone576-5606 E. WH<TE, COURTICE 46-tf 8- Oshawa'TV ý Antennas nor &Towers sROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Coiored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired 444 REPAIRS 444 Workmanship Guaranteed upîes Ail priced to SAVE you Money ight, Phone 623-5122 lusic. 37ftf L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf .gîan- c by mis- INSTALL AN ýnsor- .oyal 0 FURNACE ~IsiHUMIDIFIER r on or HOT WATE R h on- HEATER lIican No Pa yments for Six'Months le of CALL sale. HARVEY these PA NER n and A T E stan- Your ESSO ServiceDealer .icafe FREE ESTIMATES srie 983-5206 Orono only or a ve. Zenith'42 new 2 42 open 2 Hour Service to be hase 41-tf J for eates VIKING wringem washer k. brand new condition, 623-5162. 46- lx 46-1 b"A MOVI1 E editor for super 8cor 8 ada" millirneter film, motorized 23rd large screen, like new, hait ham price. Phone 623-3410. .illen 46-1 lorth. 'yone TWO pair cf skates, boys' size pro- 4; one pair skis,' Arlberg; pales; one aquarium, 20 gais. 46-1 Reasonable. Phone 623-3980. ýI An- '46-1 Exer- 21 CU. FT.freezer, like new. day, Asking S100.00. Phone 623-5237 8:3C affer 5 p.m. 46-1 te, n cf DRESSERS, chests of draw- izes, ers, beds, washstands, buf- edîc- fets, dressing table and bencfl, Day; baby carniages, training ery- chairs, dishes, toasters, pic- 46-1 tures, chrome chairs and - wooden chairs. Towne Used Hall1 Furniture, 19 Temperance St., ring Bowmanviile. 46-1 Re- Eve JOHN Deere, 40 h.p. tractor. tue's, Phone 623-5428 affer 5 p.m. 46-1 46-1 you A NEW Leathy Favorite1 only. incubafor, 600 egg capacity,i ,aiy. $225 or best offer. Phone n'ton 1-655-4797. 46-1 43-4 lers, No- blic îm p- ritra i obile id. 46-1 Bazaar Bake Sale Handi- craffs, Sf. Andrew's Church, Friday, Nov. 15, 1974, 10 a.m. n aid of new sca les for TOPS Ont. No. 162, Bowmanviile. Refreshments. 4- POTATOES for sale. Phone 263-2675. 46-1 120 BASS accordion with case, in good condition. Asking $100. Phone 723-5064. 4- ROBERTA'S Bouquets, 64 Centre St., 623-2024, Xmas and died fiower arrangements, gourd swags in beiges, gold and colors. 46-3x TWO auto casette tape play- ers, Sony instalode 1 monfh old, sf111 under warmanty. One stereo componet includes tape deck, record player, AM-FM sfereo, headphones. 'Cali1 atter 5623-3212. 46-1 New Furnifure Bargains Namne Brands Beverly - , Resfonic CASH'N CARRY SPECIALS Maffresses .........5$29.90 up Box Spring and Mattress both $49.90 Two- Piece Chesterfield $158.80 Five-Piece KitchenSet $39.90 Reclinin g Chairs ..89.90 E n dTables and Lamps Each $9.90 OPEN 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. Daily Blakels Northend Furniture 1670 Simncoe North (North Taunton Road) Oshawa 576-4477 46-2 PRINTING MACHINE FOR SALE Heidelberg Piaten in good running order. Write for appointmnent BOX 374, N EWCASTLE, ONT. 45-2 TABLE turnips by the bushel. Phone 263-2544. 45-2 OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY Gravel and Stone Limestone Products AIl Sizes for Driveways and Parki ng Lots TQPSOIL AND DIRT FIL L TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 il-tf BATHE and McLELLAN BUILDING MATERIALS LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1926 -Polyethylene clear and black -Vermiculite insulat ion -Fireplace equipment and accessories -Firewood -Wtrroigpout -Natural stone -Wtrroigpout 81 King W. - 725-4761 - Oshawa 81 RICHMOND ST.W.,OSHAWA NOVEMBER WAREHIOUSE si EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARA CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATIC As Low As ' "' 'P ie And Less Ont Remanants and End's of Roil PADDY'S Market, now has new turniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereo's and alsa used furniture,3nd appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263-, 2241. 33-tf SWE ET Spanish Onions, $5 for 50,lbs. Phone 987-4328., 45-2 UsED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 1 26-tf JOHN DEERE, 95 combine with two row corn head and grain head. Phone 1-986-4283. 46-1 ALLIS CHALMERS Winter Repair Special. Parts discoun- ted 5 per cent on major power-train repairs. Book ear- ly. Trewin Farm Equipment, Biackstock i-986-4283., 46-1 ALLIS CHALMERS Part Sale, 10 per cent discount on stock, Nov. 18 - 22. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 1-986- 4283. 46-1 Buy direct from Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Co., Ltd - has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and small to fit any need. Corne by our display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modem watches and clIocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained ,watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf SEED cleaning, Wednesday only until further notice. Smaii seed Iprices are down about 15 percent from 1974 spring price. Order now. Swain Seed Cleaners and Dealers. 1-986-4331. 45-2 CABBAGE EXTRA LARGE SIZE $3.50 PER DOZEN Rekker Ga rdens R.R. 6, Bowmanville 623-7401 NO SUNDAY SALES 46-1 A QUARTER of beef from a young cow, 75 cents a lb., cuti and wrapped. A Dumont tele- vision 21", black and white, perfect condition, guaranteed, price $50. Phone 263-2940. 46-1 ONE pair Fischer Skis, 205, with bindlngs. One pair Nordi- ca ski boots (red, size 10). Phone 623-5603 or 623-3303. 46tf BOYS skates, size one, $5,00, four-speed stereo, two speak- ers, aimost new, $35.00. Phone 623-5646. 46-1 BEDROOM suite, seven piece; diningroom, 9 piece, coffee tables,ý ail Burma- Danish teakwood. New furnî- ture, very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 44-tf THRIFT SHOP- 32 King West, at rear., We sell on cOnsignment, furniture, appli- ances, bikes, skates, rugs, etc. For information caîl 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Part'ner ®rune 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 SNOWMOBILES - Yama ha, oil injection, no mixing fuel. New 1975 modeis, some used ones, a few past models at recluced prices, one only. G.P. X433, f ree a ir 1974 Vernon Asselstine, Blackstock. 45-3x TWO cord of mixed wood., Phone 263-2786. 45-2 COLD storage apples by the bushel, different varieties, no Sundlay sales, 263-8473, Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. S44-tf EJ4d4C- pOuma4.e- t er rier wearing red coilar, tnear highway 115 and Victoria Clarke boundary. Phone 1-983- 9454 coilect after 6 p.m. 46-1 THE DOGGY PLACE -Dog Trimming and grooming. Poo-ý dies and spaniels our specialty but any type of dog expertly bathed and trimmied. Board- i ng with lots of love and fun. Dog s $2. daily, cats $1. The, Immigrant Kennel, Register- ed Breeders of high qualityl English Springer and Cocker, Spaniels. Pick up and deli- very. Also rabbits for sale. 786-2234. 21-tf BLACK femnale poodle pup, three months old, not regis- tered. Phone 1-983-9491. 46-1 MINIATURE Samoyed pup pies, purebred, 8 weeks old Phone 623-7721. ..%46-1>~ Doberman Pinscher pup- pies, registered, black and tan, cropped, needled and ready to go. Phone 623-2805. 46-4 FR EE to q ccd home, one gray and one bl ack lovabie kittens. Three months oid. Phone 62làÊM2. _ 46-f n the Estate cf WILLIAM EBER LYMER, deceased. Ail persons, having dlaims aoainst the estat,' of WIL- 46-1 LIAM EBER LYMER, cf the ___________ Town cf Newcastle in the Regional Municipality cf Dur- ham, dedeased, who died on or about the 21sf day cf October, 1974, are ~hereby ncftified f0 send in f0 the undersigned on oecmer, 97,ful atiu lars cf their dlaims. Irnrediafeiy affer the said date, the assefs cf the said deceased wiii be disfribufed >having regard only tf0 daims cf which thiey shahl then have notice. 576-5522 DATED af Oshawa this 6th - day of November, 1974. Swa rtz & Swa rtz, Barristers & Sol icitors, 22 King Street West, OSHAWA, Ontario. Soilicitors for the Executors. ~LE ____46-3 ANCE ION 1972 GMC hait-ton standard sîze six cyl., mlleage 34,000, asking $2,500. Phone 623-2455. 46-2, '68 VW trouble free, very good condition, must seil, no mea- sonable offer refused. 623- 4348. 46-1 19671IMPERIAL Cmown Jimo- sine. This pollution tree, aIl metai vehicle is immaculate both inside and ouf. Loaded and- fashionable. Phone New- 6U tonville 1-786-2966. 46-2 >1 REALIOR WAVERLEY Gardens, $300 moenth, seven rocmns, twvo washrooms, attached garage. CALI STAN LOCKYER 623-7124 46-t. For Removal 0f FRESH, DEADand DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL < FUR FARM H4ampton 263-2721 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS -Train wi'th the experts -Tuition tee fax deductibie -Job assistance guaranteed -Weekend training also aval lable NOW, Special Summer TUition Fees For application and interview write: NATIONAL TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING SCHOOL, Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ont. S738-3618 Toronto - Phone 493-6068 G-ÎET EiASH TODAY tf FOR OLD APPLIîANGEs THROIJGH . STATESMAN C LA SS 1F 1F 0 81 RICHMOND.5T.W. (Next door to Ruddy Eiecîric) open rom 9 fo 8 pin Mon, to Fri-Sot 9 t 4 CLOSEO ALL DAY SUNDAY Ior information and book- i ng for Centennial Hall, Queen St., phone 623-3289 or 623-5613. 46-ix WEDDING ring and Diamond. ring found in north end cf tcwn, ownyer ma y contact 623-3702 or Marrs Jeweiiery. 44-3 STRAY ED onto rny propemty, one cattie beast. C an have same by identifying and paying damage. Phone 1-983- 5706. 46-2 STRAYED On f0 property, one Hereford cow, phone 983-5585. 4- LANDLORDS- Houses, apart- ments, rooms, ugently need- ed. Durham Housing Registry 579-0622. Extension - 48, 69- ANN BRADLEY Permanent hair removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 A THREE bedroom -itow,,n- house, ideal for family living, iocated on a quiet court in Bowmianville, close to schoois, $275 per month; available imrnediately. Cail Samn Venn, Toronto 923-9174,Bo a- ville 623-3393, or Mr. Cooney, Toronto 444-5082. W. Frank Real Estate Realtor. 38-tt STORE space in hotel, 650 sq. ft., heat, iight, water, and air (onditioning supplied. Rea- sonable. Also furnished bed- rooms by month, week or day, showqr and bath, iicenced premises, reasonable rates, Castie Hotel, Bowmanviiie, 623-7072. 44-tf THREE bedroom house, Kin g St. East, close to A & P, $275 monthly, available early December. Write Advertiser 521, c-o, Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvlle, Ont. 46-1 ROOM with kitchen privi- leges, in dlean, comfortable > home. Working lady, prefer- re.Phone 623-5227. 40-tf BRICK Bungalow, two bed- room, modemn, central, ver y dlean, stove, lease if desired. - Write Advertiser Box 522, Box 190, Canadian Statesman. 46-1ix BED-SITTING room, sepa- rate bathroom and entrance. Available Dec. 1. Phone 623-2403. 4- TWO bedroom apartment, garage, stove and refrigera- tor. Near downtown area. Phone 623-4166 after six. 46-1 APARTMENT for rent: cen-. frai tocation, itwor bedrooým,- use of yard-. Available Decem- ber- 1. $140. plus hydro. Phone 623-7644. 46-1 THREE bedroom house for rent, in Kirby. Phone 1-705- 939-6575 after 6 p.m. Refer- ences. 46-1 x