L I R- 1~1a IÀiI ....................... ............ :Y, ................ . . . . . . . . . . DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 4e*30 p.me E N N 1 S K 1 L L E N 1s WO)MAN to cdean bhouse one morning a week. Aduit house- hold. Phone 623,5093. 46-1 x Applications will be recel- ved bythe rondersigned until Wednesday, November 20, 1974 for the position of Head Caretaker at the Kirby Cen- tennial Public School. Applicant must have practi- cal knowledge of mechanical and, electrical apparatus. Good working knowledge of caretaking procedures. The abiltity to work harmoniously with others. The ability to organize own work and work of others. Reply in wrîfing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of >Education, 834 D'Arcy Street, P.O. Box 470, COBOURG. K9A 41L2 46-1 ACCOU NTilNG Manufacturers of automo- tive chemicals needs a full charge accountant to super- vise office, handle taxes, financial statements, etc. Challenging opportunity for person seeking total financial responsibilify of this com- pany. Send resume f0: R. M. Hollingshead, 182 Weilington St. Bowmanvil le, Ont, LiC MW CALL COLLECT 1-416-623-3353 46-1 BABYSITTER f0 live-in or out. References preferred but not necessary. C ail 623-5018. 46-2x CLEANING woman 'needed, one day weekly in Maple Grove area. Phone 623-4243 after 6:00 p.m. or 623-5933 durîng the day. 46-1ix BODYMAN: Class "B" li- cence required for 'new and used car dealer. Sfraight time wages, plus benef ifs, 40 hour per week. Contact Body Sho Manager, RichardoBud el, 623-2586. 46-1 LIVE-IN companion required in Markham viage for alert elderly lady. Vall 623-4224 46-1 TH4E NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications will be receiý ved by the undersigned until 4 p.m,, Monday, November 18, 1974, for the position of: - Secretary for Bowmanville Senior Public School Dufies fo commence as soon as possible. Must have typing, general knowledge of office proce- dures and business machines. Shorthand preferable. Must be accurate with figures. Ability to cope with work load at peak periods 'of primary import- an'ce. Abilify to gèt along with people. ARply tin writing stating qualifcatons, experience and telephone number to: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administratorand Treasurer, P.O. BOX 470, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 46-1 LIVE-IN housekeeper for motherless home. One school age child in Nestieton area. Affer 6 p.m., phone 723-6455, 1-986-5103. 45-2 SEASONAL hel p wanted, la- dies.,preferred. Phone affer 6 p. m., 263-2602. 4671 REGISTEREÀ) Nurse, 15 days a month. Marnwood Nursing Home. Phone 623-5731. 46-1 WA TER Wells boed, 3-0"fle. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L.,- Wade. Tele- BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumibing - Hâeati Pressure Systemns New Work and Repa i r Service and Estimnates ,Cal11623-2641 Custom ploucqhina and corn picking. Caîl after 6. 1-983 9421. 44-4 PROF ESSIONAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Certified Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remember, "The tuner alone, preserves the tone." Member, Piano Technician's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., WitbY 668-6247 9-ff VINCE MOORE CARPENTRY l4ouse Renovating Paper Hanging - Pa Intingl 247 Liberty N., BowmanvmI l 623-3568 49-tf DOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-ff DARLI NGTQN MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEYCLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Geddes Electric Renovations - ýA1terations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimnates Phone 623-2398 48-tf GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sea led Units - Storm Windows 1Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17-tf Cusfom uphoistering, reco- vering, e-styi1ing, very rea- sonabje, rworkguaranteeçI, 20. years e'perlence. Free esti- mates . lPiease cal[ collect, 1-986-5072. 46-5 Insulation Blowing Methdd with Rackwool, wor kmanship guaranteed, free estimates. Sealdaire Insulation Co., phone 742-0272. Representa- fiveHarry L. Wade, phone 987-4675 after six. 40-tf Ref r igerati on AN D Appliance Service Commercial and Doniestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SYER Days................623-5774 Nights------------..6'13-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hanging Light Trucking and Odd Jobs' PHONE 623-4728 43-tf REPAIRS TO SMALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND PORTABLE TOOLS 623-5149 Williams Electric 43 Prince St. 42-4x Chimney repairs - Phone 623-5528 affer 6 p.m. 44-4x HOME HEATING &FARM SERVICE 24 Hour Service CALL ANYTIME Terry Switzer AgenfforMur7phyOii PHlO NE POR' HOPE 885-2153 44-4 GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLASSI PIEDS Saturday Nov. 16 Auction Sale of- Canadianai Antiques, Giassware, 0i1 Lamps, pine etc. Wiil be heid af the Victoria Square Com- munity Hall, on the Don Milîs Road, north of Buttonvilie, or west and south of Uxbriclge, appraxlmately 200 articles of aood antiques, s ooi bed, spool washstands,- four p 0înée-Fiaàt bash cupboards, pine blankefý boxes. small dry sing, cherry- waod chest of drawers (Bon- ,net). Oak open hufch, twa desks Butternut and pine, ýbutter bowis, print ladie, four ýcopper boliers, copper ketties, 20 aid planes, large qu. of other furnifure, carnivai, glass, cranberry, depression glass, collection of 20 coal ail lamps, one gone with fthe wind amp, dlocks, -hall seat and' many mare, this is oniy a-very smaii iist. Plan ta attend this sale. Reg. and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357- 3270. Lunch available. Terms cash, sale at 12:00 noan, come earjy, seiling by number. 46-1 W, à., lé We Buy Scrap Cars FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 f USED Furniture and Applian- -ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- fan 263-2241. 33-tf .SOIL subsoiler, fhree point hitch. Phone 263-8814. 46-lx 150 BALES of hay. Phone f263-2590. 46-1ix Cars,, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyc les, r Snowmobi les ing For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS' .3 HIGHEST PRICE PAID ýS ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 33-tf Residence- 623-7112 45-ff LYON'S AUCTION HALL Corner McMilIian & Bond St. OS HAWA SALE Every Saturday Antiques and Househoîd Items 1:00 p.m. Open Daily 1:OOP.m. -8:OOP.m. ESTATE SALES WELCOME Ted Lyon Auctianeer Ron Moffatt Clerk 46-1 Thursda y, Novemnber 21 Auction sale of fturniture and antiques, the properfy of Elwyn Brintnell, Lot 9 Con. 13 Mariposa Twp. 3 miles south and 11/2 miles east of, Wood- ville or 51/2 miles east of Canningtan. Antique kitchen cabinet, pine cupboard, Anti- que wicker seftee, buffet, 6 leather seat -chairs, house dinner bell complefe with hangers measures 19" across (good), hanging lamp, pres- sed back rocking chairs, coal ail lamps, washstands, Gone- with-the-wind lamp, qu. 0f antique dishes and glassware, antique wooden telephone, eiectric heafers, ail stove, snaw fence, cedar posts, many other articles of furnifure wilI be added ta this sale, plan ta attend as we are drawing near the end of the season. Farm soid, terms cash, sale af 12:30. Reg and Larry Johnson, auctioneers, phane (705) 357- 3270. 46-1 Saturday, November 16f h Auction Sale of household furniture, marine and camp equipmenf. The praperty of John E. Schriner, R.R. 1, Peterborough, Sale wiii be, heid at Cadigan's Camp, 5 miles north of Ennismare and 1/2 mile west. Gibson 15 cu. ft. Trost Tree refrigerator, 15 cu. f. upright freezer, 2 swivei chairs, platform rocker, Ken- more eiectric swn machine complete wifh cnoe cabinet and ail atfachments, 3 ladder back caned botfom chairs, 6 hand painted chairs, (design- ed backs and caned seats), Mexican wicker hamper, to- wei pole, 2 sfeam irons, sofa bed, eiectric braom, Singer vacuum, deep-fryer, round table, Iawn chairs, 2 iawn umbreilas, 2 picnic tables, hot plate, olding caf, 4 liTe acketis, large quanfify of wine making equipment and sup- plies, 117 volt oufside bell, reîays, earphones, quanftify of cable and wire (No. 14 solîd wire with ground, No. 10 - 2 wire soiid with ground, No. 12 - 2 wire sol id with ground, No. 18 stranded vinyl covered, No. 14 stranded vinyl cavered multiple top switch), Lightn- ing class sail boat, boat contrais, steering wheels, starters, gas tanks, large quantity of marine equipment and supplies. Hand saws, Pioneer chain saw, hydraulic pressure hose uines, steel vise, pressure and vacuum guages, fools, 15 hp snowmobie motor new), electric motors, out- door high waftage speaker, 2 extra horn speake rs, 12" base speaker, 17" mid range spea- ker, automatic headlighf dim- mer, UHF converter, very large quantity of tool1s, and miscelianeous equipmenf. Terms cash. Na reserve. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Carl Hick- son, auctioneer, Reabora, Ont. 1-705-324-9959. 45-2 Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskiiien an Saturday evening, Nov. 16. A large quanfify of articles. Sale fime 7 p.m. Cliff Pethick', Auctioneer. 46-1 After Haurs: George Brown Gord Beech Joe Barton Peter Kowal Jr. 623-3702 623-5265 623-3098 623-5868 46-1 Bowmanville For sale, or trade for house in north or north-west Metro. Neariy new, detached, three bedrooms, famiiy room, with fireplace, atfached garage, 12 bathrooms, $56,500. Phone f623-7181. 46-1 EATl Auction Sale Grisf MiII Auction Barn Newfonvî île Saturday Nov. 16fh, 12: 00 noon Twelve ff. aluminium boaf. Johnson oufboard (five h.p.>, 1963 Falcon, woodlathe with stand and motor, ail space heafpr. fridaes. stoves. metal awninas, fireolace untensils (brass), T.V.'s, 'vacuums, wood kitchen set, sinqie conti- ,iental bed, Che s ts of drawers, metal room divider, chester- fields (one sectional), gold drapes lined (94x105), Min- shall electric organ (single keyboard), square dining ta- ble, round dining table (six legs), brass and oul lamps, washstand, mantie cdock, cracks, side chair, Boston and other rockers, refinished buf- fet and fable, fredie sewer, càsf iron wood stove, coal wood annex. Plus many other items and antiques. Refresh- ments available. Staplefon Bros., Auctioneers. 786-2244. 46-1 Auct ion Sale Safurday, Nov. 16, 1:15 at Saveon Products Warehouse on Hwy. 28 in the village of Bewdley. Consisting of secretary desk, small china cabinet, washstands, rocking chairs, set of six kitchen chairs, fable, starage cup- boards, blankef box, ail lamps, dishes, glassware, quanfify of picture Trames, crocks, stoves, and other items stili being consigned. Rager Bannister, Auctianeer. 46-1 Auction sale, private estafe plus community sale ta be held af Stirtevanf's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, Tues. Nov. 12, Thurs. Nov. 14 also Sat. Nov. 16, ail sales start at 6 p.m. Modemn and antique furniture, antique love seat, electric stove, ref rigera- tor, washing machine, chrome suite, single brass bed, office desk and chair, chesterfield suite, gas space heafer, chest .-%f drawprs. colour felevisian, rocking chair, magazine rack, pine box, telephone table, end tables, black vinyl chester- field suite, violin with case, wooden table with chairs (goad condition), child's desk and chair, Cascade 40 hot water heater (like new), pale amp, milk cans, lanterns, ohl larhips, wooden doors, rugs, buffet, cracks, antique center table, picture Trames, electri- cal appl-iances, dishes, pots and panis, list not complete. Please note three day sale. AI l articles welcome. Salesroom open 12 noon f0 2 p.m., also 7-9 p.m. All urnifure and appli- -ances atf ive,-percent discount during month of November. Myles King, Auctioneer and Carfage. 725-5751. 46-1 URGENTLY REQUIREDI We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would.bring top dollar? We'll be pleased fa appraise if for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For Triendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realfy Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. 17-tf Petr owal Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King Sf. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-2453 REALTOR WORKING PEOPLES HOMES 128 ELGIN ST. 4 rooms and bath. Garage. $27,000. Estate Sale. 16 SECOND, S-T-- roums in excellent condition wifh ne-w hot water boiler. Garage. Estate Sale.,$41,000. 33 CENTRE ST. Semi 7 roomn home in excellent condition. Garage. Only $36,500. 10 ARGYLE ST. 5 roomn bungalow in nice condition with garage and extra large lot. $'40M.0. Affer 5:00 Cal EIf ie Jost Donna Holmes Josie Doxtafer 263-2032 987-5220 623-3812 Ed Drumm Louise Whale Peter Chopee Peggy Gray Reg Aker Pamela Carr BilI McFeeters Lynda Kinsman Lamie Rosen "ESTABLISHED 1936" 46-1 IOIR IV 137 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR BOWMANVILLE - tastefully decorated 2 bedroom bunga- low wîth family room and full basement, located on quiet street- on large lot. Asking $36,900. SOLINA RD.- immaculate 2 bedroom bungalow with large family roomn that could be 3rd. bedroom, this is an extremely well cared for home sitting on 2 acre of completely land- scaped lot asking $43,900. DRASTICALLY REDUCED - vendor has left fown and is asking only $53,900. for this 1 yr. old 3 bedroom brick and aluminumn home wîth attached garage, family roomn with fir2zlace and,,walk-,ouf patio doors, broadloom throug h ouf, caîl for further information. Newcast le - spacious 3 bed- room bungalow, lots of stor- age areas, paved drive, gar- age and h edged back yard, excellent family home, asking $48,000. Vendor anxious. Oronfo Area - lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, attached garage, com pletet y finished basement with Rec. room and work shop, air conditioner and oCher extras, asking $55,000. Orono Area - 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached gar- age, paved drive, fireplace, back yard patio, well built up area, asking $55,000. Bowmanville - choîce north end area 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, at- tched garage, finished Rec room, large well landscaped corner lot, asking $55,000. Bowmanville - nearly new 3 bedroom brick bungalow, broadloom throughout, family room off kitchen wifh ire- place, 11/2 baths and aftached garage, good 93/ per cent mortgag e, asking $55,900 with terms. Vend ors anxious. Bowmanville - excellent re- tirement or starter home, 2 bedrooms and large well1 treed lot, asking $37,500. Edwin Jeans AI Ian Rouf Shirley Hogg Mac McDonald Wilf Hawke Helen Mc Donald - 623-7152 725-0353 623-3500 623-3911 983-5274 623-3911 46-1 FOR BEST C LASS IFlE D RESU LTS PHONE 623-3303 FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMIIED 36 lGng St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-4403 Oshawa - Toronto 723-2265 921-9248 Country Retreaf Picture your country home nestled amongst beautiful stands of cedars on a clearing aver iooking an ever fiowing, crystaîclear creek. Enough Srassland and water for sonne orses, a fish pond, a garden. We have the property - you would have fa build and do the resf! Estate Lot, Aimost 41/2 acres in loveiX "Squirrel Creek Estafes- near Bailieboro and Hwy 28. Front high, dry, cieared and level,' siopping down fa wood- ed area with squirrel creek and up other side to high hili with goad pasture. Building permit for 1000 square Teet and up home. A bargaîn! Village Lot Ideai homesite for people wanting fa escape the hustle and bustie of the city ta where liTe is quiet and serene. Good schoois, shopping and raads are important factors. This village pravides ail of these plus street lighfing. Minimum 1150 square feet home is al11owed. Country Home Features 3 bedroom, living room, spaciaus kitchen with dining space, 4 piece bath- room, good high basement. on excepfionaiiy nice, large lot with lots of room for expans- ion or actîvities such as gardening, smaii animais (rabbits, chickens) etc. Terms could be arranged. Bowmanvilîe Exceptianaiiy weil kept spac- ious 2 bedroom home with den on large lot in one of the best sections of this town. Owner retiring f0 apartment andwil take back a mortgage. We have severalIinvestment Properties: Bowmanviile, Courtice, Pickering Areas. Bowmanville 23 Acres Ideal for marketfgardening. 20 acres of choice soit, three acres of park land wifh fast flowlng creek. Immaculate three bedroom brick bunga- low 'with al! conveniences. Two paved road fronfages. Sacrifice at $88,500.00 with good termfs as Vendor is transferred. Hurry dial Phyl- lis McRobbie now. Newfonville - 10 Acre Hobby Farm For Commuters Lovely home. Master bed- room is a large 22 ft. x 14 f. with fhree piece bath, ensuite and double closets. Spaclous and separate living and dinlng rooms with restful view. Asking,$86,600.00. Make us an offer. Terms. Cali Judy Schuett. Newcastle - Owner Transferred Four bedroom brightspotless dlean bungalow with finished Recreation Room on large 75 ft. x. 200 f. Lot. Close. to shopping, schools, and ideal location for the commuter. Asking price $52,900.00. Terms. Give me an offer. Càll Christa Winterhelt. Orono Area Wanf a custom built home wif h two washrooms, two fireplaces, separate dining room with walkout to balcony and barbeque. Garage. Plus an acre of land. Ail for only $52,900.00? Terms. Then caîl Kay Brown. Bowmanville - Owner Transferred Two year old six-room brick bungalow. Spotless condition. Walkout basement. Priced at only $49,900.00. Terms. This has got f0 be today's best buy. Cali Paf Yeo. RESU LTS COU NT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board HOUSE FOR SALE - Orono - very central, suit retired family, 3 nice bedrooms, dinlng room, one and haIt bathrooms. Taitl basemnent wîth a door fo _arden. Low down payment. lerms. Early possession. Write f0 P.O. Box 33, Orono. 46-2f VERTENTE LIMITED Real Estale PONTYPOOL 47 acres of good farm land with some bush, on gravel road, between 35 and 115 highways. $40,000,with good ferms. Pontypool 135 acres with large modern barn, several acreages froni 25 fa 50 acres in Northumber- land County. Vertente Limited, Rea Itor Cati Ed Van Haverbeke 11-797-2333 >1K P Coast to Coast Rel st e Service Are YuCnsidering a MOVEorTRANSrFER? We are Equippd f0 handle your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. After Heurs: Kay Brown 623-3150' Tony Klompmaker 623-2052 Judy Schuett Orono 983-9459 Christa Winterhelt Orono 983-5465 Ron Hurst Orono 983-5131 Charlie Reid Orono 983-5914 Roy Foster Garden Hill 797-2213 Bill Turansky Orono 983-5420 Bill Sutherland 623-3102 Paf Yeo 623-3077 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Bud Virtue Newtonvilîe 786-2614 Audrey Plain 623-563 Dane Found 623-3965 "Waverly Gardlens- In Bowmanviîle Built b)ç Mariannâ-Developments Your Guarantee of Oua ity Construction HOMES FROM,$47,985 9 3/4% $4, 150 DOWN Draw for Free Trip to Florida Features include: Clean Dependable Electric Heat -Large family kitchen -Finished family room -Completely broadloomed -11/2 bat hs -Fireplaces -Attached garages -Fully sodded lots -Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Dai ly 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday & Suntday 1-4:30p.m. Choice of 2 Del uxe Models ta Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVE LOPMENTS ____ umWy-Division of Veltri & Son Limited Well known for quaîlity construction and superior workmanship. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Caîl Bowmanville 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 4-3-tf 1MAI StS' IREALTOR High Street, Bowmanville $54,900, ioveiy two sforey, home, L-shaped living anci diningroom, large kitchen, finished rec. room 12' x 22'. 611.z p er cent first mortgage, baicony over Carport, loads of expensive extras. Cail Staih Lockyer 623-7124. 46-1 Fire Desro-ys Van A 1967 GMC van backfired and cuh fine on Hwy. 401 west-bun just east of Cour- tice Road at 10:56 p.m. Thursday night. The van 's interior was gutted to an estimated damage of $1200. The owner and driver Brian R. Ogden of 371 Albert St. Oshawa and a female pas- senger escaped injury. The van was parked partway on the shoulder and the median when firemen amived from the Newcastle Fine De part- ment. Fire Chiet'James 1iay- man expiained that the engine in this van is located between[ the driver and passe nger seats, and not ini front of a firewall as in most vehicles. 55 Acres Oshawa Area A Reali Show Place! -Four bedroomn Ranch Bungalow with attached garage. Painted Barns, White ranch fences. Stream. On paved road three miles ram City Limits. Jusf isted af oniy $175,000.00. ioo Acres Hampton Twa p aved"road fronfages. Two storey brick home, large barn. Choice level land. Ideal for future subdivision. Asking $250,000.00 - open for of fers. Must be soid f0 settie estate. Terms. 200 Acres Tyrone Three road frontages. Seven raom house and barn. Level earîy sandy ioa m ideal for market garden ing and corn. Terrific eVal1ue at oniy 5115,000. terms. Acf fast on this one. Bowmanville Custom buiit three bedroomn backspiit on large treed lot with swimming pool. Qualiiy Broadloom in livingroom and dining area. Stone fireplace in family room wifh patio doors. Asking $69,900.00 Terms. To inspect cail Audrey Plain. Newcast le Three bedroom brick home on one acre, two car garage, firepiace, built-in stove and aven. Finished Rec Room with extra bedroom in basement. Asking $73,500.00 Terms. Call Audrey Plain. Manvers Hill 31 acres corner property, excellent view, good building site. Terrific value at $25,000. Terms. Cail Roy Foster. cçreagqe with Stream 57 acres near Bethany. 1/2 mile ram Highway. 1300 feet of gaod road rontage, some bush, three ponds. Reduced to $45,000.00. Terms. Cail Bil Turansky. by L. Burns Hooper's Jeweilers came out. victoriaus last Thurs., gîmgýCounty Chrysier their firstdefeatl10 ta 6. Hooper's Dave Colwell, stamted the scoring off at 8:41. County took t he lead with two goas from John Hughes and -ohn Momisan. Hoopers came back with two more tram Gary Sorichette and Calweli getting fis seconci. County got two more in the second from Jerry Drohan and Morrison getting his second. Hoopers then _pro- ceeded ta bomb Doug (Smo- ky) Hayes- wîth- ive iunaus- wemed goals by Sorichette his second, Dave CoIweII toppîng off his hat tmikBia ilis getting two in 'a ow, then S anc hette $etting his hat trick. In the third County came fighting back with two from Wayne Pearce and John Hughes, his second. Hoopers finshecl it__off with Gary Dense fog enveioped the countrysîde during the morn- ing of Remembrance Sunday but as the chumch bell, in the belfry, tolled in deep and sincere commemomation ta, honar those wha served and died, some 70 warshippems gathered for the marning service ta continue in remem- brance with aur respect for those who paid the "supreme sacrifice", or who are maim- ed in one way or another. The moment of silence followed the singing of "O Canada". Our minister in his children's sermon, told the story of Daman and Pythias whose loyalty and devotion won the forgiveness from the King for the condemned Pythias, so friendship and love for one another should be like Gad's love who gave His son ta save us. Rev. Bigby chose as his sermon subject, "The Men Whose Heamt God Touched", which was based on Saul's attitude which continues al through histor in man and nations of gred, jealousy, etc. where wars resuit. He men- tioned the many war tamn areas today whicti leave saddened homes and sarraw. Our Minister's hope is that we shaîl be able ta really say, "Thy Kingdom Came" and hie encouraged his cangregation ta work in peace and har- many. The Sr. Choir's complemen- tamy message in music was in the anthem "Jesus Stili Leads On".' Mrs. Ulah Bail was in charge of the Jr. Uangrega- tion. The usual large attendance at S.S. had the opening worship led by aur Superin- tendent Mms. Ella Bowman with a poem and prayer and a liveiy sing-sang with accomp- animent by aur musical leader Mms. Uiah Bail on the piano and guitarist Mr. Eric Bow- man. Meetings took place e.g. S.S. staff on Monday evening at Ms.Joyce Vrtue's home each bringing a highlight fmom the special Workshap sessions. Explomers girls' group had its regular meeting on Wed- nesday after school and re- poted on Church Calendar sales. Time is running out to renew your Observer subsciption at the bargain rate $2.00. Please contact Mrs. May McGl promptly. Up-Coming is aur planning for.,projeets -to,,observe the U.C. 5th Anniversary to be attended at a meeting in Tyrone C.E. Room on Friday evening. (2) The Eiders' Worship at St. Marks U.C. Whitby at 7:30, Nov. 27th. (3) Ladies Auxiliary of Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital Con- cert at Bowmanville High School 8 p.m. Nov. 25th. Our hospital patients are making progress ta restored health, Mrs. Shirley Stainton will be home soon. Mr. John Siemon is improving slowly. At home fast recovemy is here for Mr. S. Pethick and Mm. Russell Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Raip h Lyons and Dean OangevIlle, spent weekend with Mms. Gertie Lyong, wha returned home with them for a couple of weeks visit.* Mrs. O.C. Ashton visited for a couple of days with daughtem Lois Worden and grandson Richard as the calof the wild claimed Mr. Keîth Worden. Mr. Bruce Reid, Bowman- ville was Thursday caller at Mm. and Mrs. Russell Griffin. -Mmr.andi 4rs.Flovd Pethick. Scarbôoogh were visitors on Sunday with Mm. andMrs. S. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor Sorichette getting his hat'tick ahd Larry- Jean getting the last one at 17:40. There were eight minor penalites, four ta each team. In the second game,Kramps Fumnitume won their second game of the year over Lockes TV6 t2. The first two periods were good fast hockey with Kramps taking the edge 2 toi1. For Lockes it was Ted rown. For Kramps goals were by Joe Baison and Barry Vrtue.ý Virtue continued the scoring in the third, picking up a ha t trick with two in a row., Kramps continued ta take the lead an goals by Wray Rendel and Sandy Brown. Ted Brown finished t he scoring for Lockes at 17:13. Lackea eeived- six minor penalties while Kramps pick- eci up eighit minor, one major and one misconduct penalties. Thurs. Nov. 14 will see Kamps meeting Countyý in the fimst, and Lockes pi aying Hoopers - New Horticultural Ideas An artificiai skating surface surmounded by flawems will be main feature of the horticul- ture display at the Rayai Winter Faim. "Camne ta see it and pick up i'leas' for yaur Christmas decorations and door swags," urges R.F.i Gomme, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food hart- icultumist. The faim will run, from Navember 15 ta 23 in Toronto. Floral designs in shadow boxes may aiso give you ileas for your home, and gardens grown under artificial lights will be on show. Attendants, representing Humber college, the Niagara Panks Commis- sion and ather well-knaWn harticulturai centers, will an- swer yaur gardenîng quest- ions. Also scheduled are land- scape design competitions for secondamy school students, and a plant identification quiz f or fairgoers. Hoopers Defeot County 10-6 Kramps.Clobber Lockes 6-2 For Their 2nd Win of Year were Thursday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Hoar, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bro- wn, Orono, Miss Marion Brown, Oshawa, were Satur- day callers at Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and family were Sunday dinner guests at Mrs. Ross Lee's, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Werry were Friday evening guests at Mr. and Mrs. Grant William7s, Port Perrry. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lon- go,' Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Oshawa, were Sun- day, evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin's. On Friday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill's were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Marie Tobin, Cobourg. Mrs. Edith Stainton was Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Engiish, New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Ashton were among the cousins and a few close friends who joined with Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Ashton and family ta celebrate their 5th Wedding Anniversary on Sat. p.m. in the S.S. Room at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaugh- lin, Union were Saturday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- man and girls, Zion were Sunday tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton's. Mrs. David Stainton and family Cobourg, were Sunday callers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gim- blett, Oshawa were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill's.11 Mr. and Mrs.. John Borrow- dale, Mr. and Mms.' Gary Hanewich, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill weme Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Master Darryl Muller, Hampton spent Monday with grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and, Mms. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright were Thursday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sander- son and Mrs. F. Spry, Ro- chester N.Y. Mrs. Robt. Thomas, Nia- gara Falls,' Mrs. Pete Shep- pard, arie and Brd, Ajax WeeM da visitors at . and Mrs. S. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turn- er, Oshawa were S unday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. F. Doland's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O. Ashton, Oshawa, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lar- mer, Blackstock were Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright were Tuesday evening callers at Miss Greta Oke's, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Edgar Wright, Miss Betty Wright, were recent callers at Mrs. Lena Heard's, Courtice. Although basebaîl season is over it was still the speciai wish of our Sr. Girls' Softbali team to express appreciation for the time and talent given to them by their coach, Mrs. Ruth McGili. Sa, in a short meeting after church the coach was presented with a sterling silver. charm, a minia- ture "basebail". As soon as Mrs. McGill recovered from the p leasant surprise she than ked the girls of hem softball team for the gif t and their thoughtfulness.