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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 9

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............ CLRSSI IED R DIA Il s The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, November 20, 1974 9 ~ ~I DADLINEFORI mLi Pu Tues., 4:30 p.m. BAI ES - Newcastle rPopula- flan 28,500 + 1 as af 5: 22 ., Nov. 5th, a son, Brenden Collin for Rick and Viktoria Bates. Grandson for Joe and Ruth Bates and Viktor and Ella Schneiter. Special fhanks ta Dr. Mosienko, office and maternity staff. 47-1 BROWES - Lisa and Carnie are happy ta annaunce the arrivai of their brother Barry Garth Edward James- at Oshawa General, Nov. 14. Praud parents are Barry and Evelyn (nee Hackaday). 7l CROWTHER- Charles and Lynda (nee Singer) are happy ta announce the safe arrivai of Barbara Ellen, 8 lbs. 51/2 0zs., on Nov. 18, 1974 at Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. A sister for Janet. Proud grand- parents are Walter and Hazel ,Murphy, Newcastle and Frank and Lillian Singer, Oshawa. Special thanks ta Dr. Miklos and maternity staff. 47-1 Mr. and Mrs. H-arry Gruy- ters, Maple Grave, Raad arnoaunce the engagement of their daughtèr Mary Jane ta Mr. Grant Snowden son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snawden. Maple Grave Road. The wed- ding will be announced at a later date. '47-1 Mrs. Ethel Gilmer, Division St. Bawmanville, will be pleased fa receive friends and relatives, Sunday Dec. 1, 1974 tram 2-5 p.m. in Newtonville United Church on the occasion of her 9Oth birfhday. ,47-1 9bRibbS, Cnarles' Christie - Af Toronto an, Thursday, October 31, 1974, Charles C. Briggs, laving husband af Rose Mountjoy, and also of the late Stella Slemon -and dear father of William E., and Thomas C. Briggs. Rested at the Rasar-Morrisan Funeral Home, *67 Sherbourne St.,, with service on Saturday, Navember 2, 1974. Interment St. James Cemetery. 47-ix BERGERON - Claude sud- denly as a resuit . f an accident in Bawmanville on Friday, Nov. 16, 1974, Claude Bergeron of Montreal, Quebec in is t*ûrtielh Téar. Rested at Northcutt Elliott Funeral Homne until Saturday evening mien to Montreal tar funeral services and interment. 47-1 PRICE - At Marnwood Nursing Home, Bowmanville, on Saturday, November 16th, 1974, Lillian Price, aged 77 Sears, dear sister ot Mrs. eMillie Kirkwood, North Bay. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, an Monday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Ce- metery. 47-1 TABB - At Oshawa General Hospital on Thursda y, Novem- ber 14, 1974, E mma Burns, age 78 years, wife of the' late Charles Tabb, dear mother of Norman and Arthur, bath of R. R. 1 Oshawa. Dear sister of Lizzie Burns, Bertha (Mrs. Tom Kinsman) and Clara (Mrs. Albert Living). Service was held in the Morris Funieral Chapel, Bowmanville on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bethesdla Ceme- tery. 47-1 "FIowers jQ say it Best"l VAN BELLF DAI LY Delivery t ... Oshawa - Bowmanviîîe Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf LIGHTFOOT - In Ioving memory 0f my dear husband, Jae, who passed away Nov. 21, 1971. Memaries are like Theads of Gold. They neyer tarnish or grow y < ild. - ours asalways, Jess. 47-1 LI GHTFOOT - Joe, wha pas- sed away November 21, 1971. As time unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near, Silent fhou g hs of times, 1toget hem Hald memnories that will Iasf forever. -Remembered by AI and Anne. 47-ix RICHARDSON -ln ioving memaory of a wonderfui hus- band and father, Bertram Colin (Tony). Who passed away Novem ber 25, 1967. Seven years have now gone by Since yau firsf went away The tea rs we shed with broken heart Are here with us ta, stay To some yau may be forgotten To others a part of the past But ta us who Ioved you and iosf yau Your memory wiii always last. - Alwa y s aved and sadly missed b y wife Ruth and family. 47-1 ATCHELL - ln làving m emory of Merv. Thoughts today, memories forever. - Lloyd and Neta. 47-1 KENNETT - In Ioving -me- mary aof a dear father and grandfather, Robert, who pas- sed away Nov. 26, 1963. Dear dad, you are not fargotten, Though an earth you are no more, Stilli n memary you are with us, As you always were before. - Sadly missed by daughter Mary, son-in-Iaw Joe and grandchildren. 47-ix BROWNELL - In laving memnory of my dear brother Raymond who passed away Nov. 26, 1970. Vts just a littre But meansa lot Ta sa y dear brother That 1 haven't forgot. -Always remembered by sis- fer Eva. 47-1 FARROW - In Ioving mem- ory of my father Harvey who passed away Nov. 23, 1969. What we would give, if we could say, Hello dad in the same old way, To hear your vaice, see your sm ile, To silt with you and chat awhile, Sa you who have a tather, Cherish hiîm wiTn care, For you'lý neyer know the heartache, Till you see his vacant chair. -Sadly missed by daughter. Alfa and son-in-law Ariel and family. 47-1 FARROW - In loving mem- ory of my, dear husband Harvey, who passed away Nov. 23, 1969. Silently 1 grieve and brush my tears, The memaries he left behind will lasftfhroughout the years, Someday we, hope ta meet again, Sameday we know flot when To clasp his hand n the better land, Neyer ta part again. - Sadly missed by wife Eva. 47-1 ZEALAND -In laving mem- amy of my dear husband Roy wha died Nov. l8th, 1973. Surmounded by friends I am lonesome, In the midst 0f my joys I am blue. With a smile an my face V've a - hear14ace, 1 1- Langing dear Roy for you. -Sadly missed d Ricky 4- ZEALAND - In loving mem- amy fta-aur dad, Roy Herbert Zealand wha died so sudde'nly Nov. l18th, 1973. Dear God please take a message, To aur Dad in heaven above. Tell him how much we miss hlm And give him aillaur Lave. There are oChers, yes we know, But he was ours, we loved hlm s0. -Aiways remembered and missed by his children, Laura- Lee, Steph'en, Cindy-Lee, Stanley, Sta cey, Scott and Brenda-Lee. 47-i KENNETT - In iaving me- mary of a dear father, Robert, who passed away Nov. 26, 1963. Things i teel mast deeply, Are the hardest things tai say,, Dearest Dad, I loved yau, n a vemy special way, If i could have one lifetime wish, One dream that could come true, l'd pray ta God wifh ail my heart, For yesterday, and yau. - Sadiy missby by daughtem Evelyn. 47-1 MCFEETERS - In Ioving memory of aur sister Violet, wha passed away November 24th, 1973. -Eff le, George, Bill, Lau and families. 47-1 RICHARDSON - In loving memory of a dear father, Bertram Colin (Tony'), wha passed away November 25, 1967., Memories are freasurers no one can steal Death is a hearfache nafhing can heal, t happened sa suddcenly, and you were gone But we wi11 a lways remember no matter how long. - Sadly missed and always remembered by Jim and Sandra. 47-1 HAMILTON - In laving memary of a dear, mother and grandmafher Elsie Hamilton who passed away Nov. 25, 1958, also aur brother Ross Hamiltan who passed away Dec. 13, 1969. Wonderf ul memaries woven in gald, This is a picture we tenderly hold, Deep in aur hearts, a memory kept,' Toaove, ta cherish, ta neyer forget. -Lovingly remembered by thefamily. .47-ix MORRfS - In-laving memairy of a dear husband, father and grandfather and g reat grand. father, Charles Marris, who passed away November l9th, 1968. He labaured hard for thase he laved, Then lett us fa remember. - Wife Eva and family. 47-1 x I wauld like To thàiik my family, relatives, neighbors, for the lavely flowers, gifts, and cards, making my Sth birthday such a happy, mem- arable occasion. Mrs. Roy Van Camp Wewou Id like ta express au r sincere appreciation and heamtfeit thanks ta relatives, and friends for floral tributes, cards and words of consola- tion, aiso donations -ta the heart fund in memomy of Kelly. Speciai thank-you ta Dr. Sylvester, ambulance staff, Rev. Montgamem y Rev. White, and Marris F urai Chapel for their kindness. Very speciai thank you ta Melville andMary Jones for opening their home. Leone Lane & family 47 lx i wauid like ta express Àiy sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks ta relatives, neighbours and friends for many acts of kindness, cards, flowers, whiIe Aima was in Scarborough Genemai Hospi- tai. Also for cards, floral tributes and donations ta Heart Fund on her recent death. Thanks ta Beehive Rebekah Ladge No. 125 for lunch atter service and fiow- ers.. Also fhanks ta Past Noble Grands No. 59; 1.0.0. F. No. 66 BowmanvilIe; LOL. No. 2384 BawmanviiIe and ail other Orange Lodge's in district. Thanks ta Dr. Hubbard and Rev. Wes Oake for consauing words and Morris Funerai Chapel. Herb Powell 47-1ix I wish ta thank relatives, neighbaums and friends for their many acts 0f kindness during my stay in hospital. A very speciai thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and nurses on 3rd f baor. Mrs. Edith Waiker 47-1 x Sincere thanks fa everyone for their kindness whiie 1 was ill. Speciai thanks ta, Dr. McKenzie, Orano, Emergency staff of Bowmanviiie hosoîtlal. Drs. Munro and Mankiewicz, nurses and staff of 6 F. Oshawa General Hospital. Cecil Janes 47-1 Our sincere thanks fa trie- nds, relatives and tamiiy for making aur golden anniver- sary a happy occasion. -Lloyd and Aima Ashton _ 47-1 i wish fa, thank Dr. Anfossi, friends and relatives for tlowers and cards while in hospifal. Dorothy Mairs 47-1 I wish ta thank the "Sauina Library Board" for the won- derful show 0f goadwili last Saturdlay Evening. If I tried ta name ail thase Who helped in this show of kindness I would fail, SO i wiii just say thanks fa ail. i have tried ta further Vea's work and. memory throu9h the "Joumney of the Paintings" in Memorial Hos- pifai Bowmanvilie and Civic Hospital in Peterborough. Hem Sra duation took place in ichalîs, Hospital., Peter- borough in 1920. Sam Dewell 1 would like ta say a "Special Thanks" toalal who thaught about me and did sa many nice things for me on m y brthda y. These are the th ings that Ilet you know how many friends you have. Grace Smith 47-1 We wauld like ta express aur sincere thanks to the Caesarea and Port Perry firemen for saving part of aur buildings, ta aur neighbaurs and friends who helped 50 spantaneously during the tire, to ail wha oained in a clIeani-up day and ta the Mazarola family for the haspifality ta aur Hostein herd. This wanderful cam- munity spirit is appreciated beyand wards. Peter, Rie Hoogeveen and family , 47-1 We would like ta express aur, heartfelt thanks ta relations, friends for many acts of kindness, f loral tributes, dana- fions ta Heart and Diabetic Associations, Newtanville U.C.W., Shiloh U.C.W., Stark- ville Community in the lass of a dear mother and grand- mather, Mrs. Lttie Todd. Special thanks<ta Dr. McKen- zie, nurses 2nd floarMemarial Hospital, Rev. Gardon Mont- goamery and Marris Funeral Chapel. Eleen and Donald Stapleton and family 47-1 Norville and Reta Sweet would like ta say a special thank you ta their daughter, Nancy and her husband, Robert and family for the wonderful 4th ann iversary gathering held for them on Nov. 5 at the Acres Restaur- ant, Hampton, Ont. They would also like fa thank all their dear relatives, friends, and loved crnes for the beautiful gifts, the Tea Wa- gon, flowers,, pictures and cards, and for the help in making, the event such a wonderful occasion. Thank yau alsa ta Mr. and Mrs. Ray LeBlanc for the use of their lavely restaurant. 47 lx Um Mommy, Daddy and i w like ta thank ail my k friends and relatives, Marooses, Gîichrisf, nui and staff of 2F at Osha Generai Hospital who were g'ood ta me during my rec illness. Broake Ciemens Iud kind Dr. ýses ýwa ^e sa cent 47-1 i wish ta thank ail the nurses and staff on fimsf floor of Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- viiie,also Drs. A.F. McKenzie, fJohn Rundie, Grant and Richmond for their kindinesses whiîe in hospital. Many thanks ta the nurses and staff of the fourfh floar G Win q, Oshawa hospitai, Dr. SproulI and Dr. Doctor for giving me such kînd came; ta the kînd people whu sent cards, gifts, fiowers a'nd visits whiIe in bath hospifais and whiie at home convaiescîng. 'A very vemy speciai thanks ta Rev. H.R. Hayne Newcastle, and Rev. Megs, Chapiain Oshawa Hos- pifai. My sister Margaret, my daughters GayIe and Debor- ah, son Alfred and dear husband Charlie and two vemy dear friends, that we shahl be ever grateful ta Mm. and Mms. Keith Roqerson. i am eternal- y grateful. Helen Aquilina 47-1 The famiiy'of the late Mamie I. Gartshore wishes ta express appreciation fa relatives, friends, and neighbors tam donations and other messages of sympathy. A sincere thank you goes ta thase who visifed Mms. Gartshore duming hem long iiiness and showed.con- cern for hem welfame by peforming many deeds of ki ndness. The Seiby and Powell families 47 lx We wouîd like to thank Enniskiiien Community for the IoveIy gift. Trudie and Jim Robsan. 47-lx The family of the late Mm. J.L. De Gaoyer would like ta express their thanks -and appreciation ta relatives, friends and neighbaurs for their cards, flowers and dona- tions. Speciai thanks fa Dr.. L. S. Mikios, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital and Morris Funerai Chapel. -47-lx .~sUlhIa1* dr' wý>u, rso will be at home ta welcome their fiends and relatives tram 2-4, and 7-9 p.m. on Satumday Novem ber 23, 1974. t being the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. Best wîshes oniy. 47-1 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf' OSHAWA SYMPHONY POP'S:CONCERT B.H.S. AUDITORIUM Monday, Nov. 25th Adults $3.00 Students $1.5o 45-,2 November Dance at the BOWMANVILLE LIONS CENTRE Sat., Nov.* 23, 1974, $5.00 Per Couple Music by: BEV 'SMITH and .The lndivid'uals Tickets - Phone 623-2032 Maurice Richards 46-2 Dog obedience classes, ail bmeeds. We train you and your dog, $25 for 10 weeks. F ree demonstratian and pre-megis- tration. Phone Ananda Ken- neis, Orano. 1-983-9385. 45-4 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY - 7:45 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbali .JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 30 tf Osaca Barn Dance (couples oniy) evemy Safumday night, Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 37-tf Scarborough Centre and Downtown Shopping NOV. 4th and DEC. 4th Yorkdle Plaza and Downtown Shopping NOVEMBER l9th Royal Winter Faim and Toronto Shopping NOVEMBER 23rd Ice Capades, Toronto NOVEMBER 9th, lSth, l7th Mystery Tour NOVEMBER lOth Flarida Christmas Haiidays DEC.26th-JAN.5th 8 nights'-7 days at Daytona Beach Winter Away in Florida 30 days, Jan. 20- Feb.* 18- Feb. 13 - Mar. l4th, Mar. 9th -Apr. 7th. For information phoneaor, write: Sunshine Tours 36 King St., Cobourg Phone 372-9961. - 885-2200 44-4 1 UmmiUt 1 Dance, Saturday, Navem- ber 23rd, Music by the Abernethy Family. At Sauina Cammunity Hall, 9:00 p.m. 47-1 The family of Wilfred and Gladys Wood invite their friends and relatives ta an open hause for the occasion of their Farty-Fiffh Wedding Anniversary at Newcastle United Church Hall, Dec. 1sf, 1974 - 2 p.m. ta 5 p.m. Best Wishes only.' 47-2x Unit 7 of St. Paul's U.C.W. are holding a bazaar and affernoon tea af Salem church on Tuesdaý November 26 at 2:30 p.m. Baking, sewing, cauntrystore and book booths. 47-1 x APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCATL E "THE COUNTRY GEMS" Friday - Saturday Novem ber 22 - 23 Dancing 9 -1 47-2 FOR YOUTH AND YOUNG AT, HEART "The Loving Sound"'ý St. John's Church Nov. 24 - 7:30 p.m. ALSO OUR OWN "HANUKKA AMAN" Bill McAlpine of Capernwray Centre Speaker 47-ix Special Agr. Study Tours to Austra lia & New Zealand a nd South Africa & Rhodesia JAN. & FE B. 1975 with CLARE BURT TRAVEL 16 Queen St. W. Brampton L6X l AI- Ph. ,(416) 451-4944 or Reg. of Durham Rep. .Mrs. G. Smith at Oshawa 655-3372 Alsa Tours ta Israei - Florida Çzecslovakia - Bermuda and Holiand 47-2 Durham Federation of Agri- culture Banquet wiil be heid an Thursday, Nov. 28 'at 7 p.m., Lions Centre, Bawman- ville. Mayor Gamnet Rickard, guesf speaker. Tickets avail- able fromn directors or secre- tary. Phone 263-2325. 47-1 munîtiy Hall Saturday, Nov. 23rd. Music: Blanche and Taylor Crowe- Admission: $4.00 couple - Refreshments. New Year's Eve Dance in Pontypool Community Hall. Musc by "Wayne Hopkins and Friends." Tickets fa go on sale Dec. 2nd. 47-1 Dance Newfonville H-all. Safurday, November 3th, 9:00-12 p.m., $1.50 per persan. Everyone weIcame. 47-1 Dance in the Janetville Cammunity Hall, 'Safurday, Navember 23. Music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits., Dancing 9-1. 47-ix ROBEý-RTA'S Bouquets, 64 Centre Sf., 623-2024, Xmas and dried fIawem arrangements, gourd swags in beiges, gaid and colars. 46-3x New Furniture Bargains Name Brands Beverly - Restonic CASH 'N CARRY SPECIALS Mattresses ......... 29.90 up Box Spring and Mattress bath ,$49.90 Two- Piece Chesterf ield $158,80 Five-Piece Kitchen Set 539.90 Reclining Chairs ..589.9o End Tables and Lamps Each $9.90 OPEN 1 p.m. - 9p.m. Daily Blake's Northend Furniture 1670 Simcoe North (North Taunton Road) Oshawa 576-4477 46-2 COLD storage appies by the bushel, different varieties, no, Sunday sales, 263-8473, Frank Hliemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. 44-ff SNOWMOBI LES - Yamaha, ail injection, no mixing fuel. New 1975 models, some used ones, a few past madeis at reduced prices, one only. G. P.x433, free air 1974 Vernan Asseistine, Blalckstock. 45-3x NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 S41-tf THRIFT SHOP- 32 King West, at rear. We seli an cansignmenf, furnifure, appli- ances, bikes, skates, mugs, etc. For information cali 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2-tf ONE pair Fischer Skis, 205, with bindings. One pair Nardi- ca ski boots (red, size 10). Phone 623-5603 or 623-3303. 46-tt BEDROOM suite, seven piece; diningroom, 9 piece, coffee tables, aI Burma- Danish feakwoad. New fùrni- fume, very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 44-ff Nom*~ W HIT E'S I TVANTENNAS STowers, U HF, VH F S Aeriaîs, Rotors & * Repairs SApartments & Homes - Pre-Wired S Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa T Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Caîored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN S) FURNACE BO ILE R H UMIDIFI1ER ~or HOT WATER HEATER No Payments for Six Months CAL L HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que ,dcocks, pocket watches and modemn watches and d cocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-ta-date equipment and quaîified Swiss trained watchmnaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf ADMIRAL TV., 21" Console, black and white. Cail 623-5089 affer 5 p.m. ONE Hollywood bed, double, $15, one box spring, double, $5. Phone 623-5532. 47-1 WRINGER washing machine. Condition like new. Phone 623-5515. 47-1 UzED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf ALUMINUM siding , doars, windows, awnings, railings, ramn carrying systems. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince St., 623-3871. Supreme Window and Door Co. 47-1 250 McCULLOUGH chain saw. Reasonable, also a set of Volkswagen snaw tires with rims. Phone 623-4550. 47-1 USED 600xl2 whitewall -snaw tires, gaad condition, $25. Phone 623-5968. 47-1 ONE boat trailer, could be canverted into ski-doofrailer and one apartment size dryer. Ph~one 623-3549. 47-lx CEDAR chest, blanket box, wicker chairs, single door wardrobe, bed chesterfield suite, bed chesterfield, dres- sers, accasional chairs, rail- away bed, beds, books, re- cords, lce skates. Towne Used Furnifure, 19 Temperance Street, Bawmanville. 47-1 PAIR of G 78-15 snawtires, mounted; pair of, A 78-13 for Pinto, Phone 623-3400 affer five. 47f TWO chesterfieîd suifes, very good condition. Phone 987-5214 affer six. ,47-1 ONE Massey Harris seed and fertilizer drill, one Massey Harris side deîivery rake and one Cockshutt manure spread- er. Phone 1-786-2225. 47-1, ANTIQUE gun show and sale Sun. Nov. 24th Kinsmen Com- munity Centre 109 Coîbarne St. W. Oshawa. 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. 47-1 Buy direct, tram Manufac- ture - Rutter Granite Co.. Ltd has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and smail 1ta fit any need. Came by aur dispiay yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or teiephône 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf 23" BLACK and white Viking T.V. 4 yrs. aid in excellent condition. Phone 623-4211. 47-lx ONE 30" stove, $20. 1 dryer $20, 1 spin dryer $20 and one wringer-washer $50. Cail 623- 5835. 47-1 SKI rack, trunk mount, iock- ing bar, six pair. $15. Phone 623-5061. .47-1 CORN. 12 acres for ensilage. 20 acres for cab ar shieil. 1-986-4868. 47-1 CRIB and mattress in new condition. $20. Cal 623-7118 after 4:30. 47-1 SPY applecs. bring own con- tainers. Phbioïe1786-2563. 47-1 30" McCLARY range, color avacado, asking $150. Alsa Viking, wrin ger washing machine $25. Ph one 623-2882. 47 lx PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereo's and also used furniture and appliances,, Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf, RESU LTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & Dis trict Real Estate Board %OOSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY Washed Sand Gravel and Stone Limestane Products Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East ( East of Ha rmony) CALL 725-0232 81 RICHMOND ST. W. OSHAWA NOVEMBER WAREHOUSE SJ EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEAR? CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATI( As Low As '/' Price And Less On Remanants and End's of Roll THE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1970, Chapter N-19 ONTARlOHYDRO hereby gives notice that is has, under Section 8 of the said Acf, de- posited wifh the Minister of Transport. at Otawa, and in the Land Registry Office fer the Registry Division of Dur- ham West, at Bowmanville, Ontario, a description of the site and plan of the pmoposed shore protection warks and filIl at Bowmanviîîe Generating Station (now called Darling- ton Generating Station) .at Raby Head in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, and the Province of Ontario, beîng; that portion-of the bed of Lake Ontario extending tram the Sautherly production of the Eastern limit of Lot 18 Broken Front Concession ta the Centre Line of the Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 in the said Broken Front Concession ail in the Township of Darlingtan, now in 'the aforesaid Town of Newcast le. AND take notice that affer the expiration of one manth tram the date of the publica- tion of this notice ONTARIO HYDRO wiIl,' under Section 8 of the said Act, apply ta the Minister of Transport for approval of the said site and plan. DATE Dat Toronto, Ontario, th is 8th day of November A.D. 1974. ONTARIO HYDRO W. E. Raney, Q-C. Secreta ry _______47-1 In the Estate of WILLIAM EBER LYMER, deceased. .Ail persans having dlaims against the estate 0f WIL- LIAM EBER LYMER, of the Town of Newcastle in the Regianal Municipalify of Dur- ham, deceased, who died on or about the 21sf day of October, 1974, are. hemeby notifîed ta send in ta the undersigned on or before the lSth day of December, 1974, full particu- lars of their dlaims. Immediateiy atter th e said date, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed having regard oniy ta dlaims of which they shahl then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 6th day of November, 1974. Swartz & Swartz, Barrîsters & Sol icitors, 22 King Street West, OSHAWA, Ontario. Sol icitors for the Executors. b 1RAY EDUofiTO m y praperty, one caff le beasf. Can have same by idenfifying and payirlg damage. Phone 1-983- 5706. 46 2 SIX ma nth aid maie poodle. Champagne calar, reasonable price. Phone 623-4550. 47-1 T HE DOGG Y -P L ACE-Dg Trimming and grooming. Po dies and.spaniels aur specialty but any type of dog expertly bathed' and trimmed. Board- ing with lots of love and ton. Dogs $2. daily, cats $1. The, Immigrant Kennel, Register- ed. Breeders of high quality English Springer and Cocker Spaniels. Pick up and deli- very. Also rabbits for sale. 786-2234. 21 -tt Doberman Pinscher pup- pies, registered, black and, tan, cropped, needied and ready ta go. Phone 623-2805. 46-4 TERRIER pups free ta gaod home. Phone 623-3194. 47-1 x F REE ta gaadhome, a lavable black flufty kitten, around three months aid. Phone 623-5820. 47f 1972 DATSUN, 1200 Fastback, very ecanomical four cylin- dem, four speed, radiais, must be driven ta be appreciafed. Cali 623-2520, atter five cail 987-5052. 147-ix PROFESSIONAL man's car - '73 Buick Electra, power steering, power brakes, air canditîaning. Cali 623-5790 be- tween 9and 5. 47-1 576-5522 1972 GMC hait-ton standard size six cyl., mileage 34,000, asking $2,500. Phone 623-2455. 46-2 FI AT 1969 850 sparts. 'Ail new parts and motor, needs womk ALEonfor A steal at $100 or any offrs.Mut sllnow. Phone 623-7631. 47-1 A NCE 1970 CHEVROLET, four doar hamdtop, 350 V8, ail paw er, ON many ather extras. Phone- 1-983-5664. 47-1 81 RICHMOND ST.W. Next door Io Ruddv EIecfricý Open +romn 9 Io8 pni, Mon, Io Fr iSol 9 t( ý6-t CLOSED ALI DAY SUNDAV 1967 IANPERIAL Cmown limo- sine. This pollution free, ail mefai vehicie is imimaculate bath inside and out. Laaded' and fashianabie. Phone New- tonvilie 1-78ô-:ey66. 46-2 GET CASH TODAY FOR'OLD APPLIANCE THROUGH STATESMAN C LA SS IFlE S ANN BRADLEYý' Permanent hair removal 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 - 44 u APPLICATIONS are invitedi by Bawmanville Rotary Club tram high schaaî students who wiIl be 131/2 years ta 181/2 years3 in August 1975 and are in the first third of their grade fa partici pafe in Rotary Interna- tional Student Exchange Pro- gram ta spend one year ip Australia from August 1975 to August 1976. RotarywilI arrange board and og ing, _packet moneV and schaoling the successtuî applicant parent's will bk respansible for the expense of travel ta and tram Australiaý. AIl enquiries ta Tony Branç4, 28 Victoria St. 623-7444 priar ta Nov, 27 next. ROOM and board 5 d,3ys à week or roam with kitchen pri- vileges. Must be in Bowman, ville. Phone 263-8880. 471 LANDLORDS -Hauses, apar ' ments, raams, urgently need, ed. Durham Hausing Registry 579-0622. Extension - 48, 69.1 S E L F conta i ned b a c hel1o - apartmenti. Preferably withi frig and stove. Phone 623-7346, A47-b', UNE furnished bedmoom, ce!' traiîy iocated. Phone 623-7402, 47; TWO rooms for ent, one wit.h bar and water bed. Privalte entrance, one large rooý furnished or unfurnished. Usý lof either two kitchens. Phonle 623-7631. 47,1 ROOM for ent, furnishedri unfurnished, or smal pr ment on a famm. P n 263-2046. 4 BACHE LOR apamfment. BusI . ness lady pmefermed. Phone 623-7746. j,47- N EW two storey house in por~ Hope, f ou r bedmomn, il ,bat ýh, o-arpeFted, ele(ci hatci' rage, for ent manthly, $330. l 282-7929 evenings. < 1 47-1 ONE turnîshed 'raom w7,ifi fidge. Phone 623-2005. NEWCASTLE area, f ive raom bungalow, firepiace and ga- age, immediafe possession. $250 manfhîy. Write adverti- ser, 523 c-o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowmaný ville, Ont. 47-1 A THREE bedroom town- house, ideai for family living, iocated on a quiet court in Bowmanville, close ta schools,- $275 per month; availabie' immediateiy. Cali Sam Venn, Torbnto 923 9174, Bowmani ville ý23-3393, or Mm. Cooney, Toronto 444-5082. Wý Frank Real Estate Reaitor. 38-tf ONE bedraom apartment, close ta l.G.A.; availabie December 16. Phone 623-5598 at ter 4:30. 472-ix STORE space in hatel, 650 sq. ft., heaf, iight, water, and air conditioning supplied. Rea- sonabie. Aiso furnished bed- rooms by month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasonable rates, Castie Hotel, Bowmanville, î TWO bedroom, available Dec. 1, $215 month. Marianna Villa. Phone 623-4697. 47-2 STORAGE space for boats trailers, campers, etc. $10 per manth. Phone days 723-4661; evenings 623-2051. 4- TH R EE bedraom, brick bung; alaw, large kitchen a 1nd diningI room, recreatian roamn and attached garage. Na. 2 Hîgh- way, west!of Bennett Raad-, Vacant. Modemn barn and~ small acreage aptianal. Phane 576-4477 or 1-985-7569. 47-'i ROOM wifh kitchen privi- leges, in dlean, comfartable home. Working lady prefer - red. Phone 623-5227. 40 tf. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AN.D MARKERS SE TAFFORD 4BROS. LD Stafford Brothers Mop un en ,ts. LIMITE O Box 133, 318 Dundas St. E. - Wfiitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 7ý-1 1

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