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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 10

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IDEADLINE FOR ,fCLASSIFIED, THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applicafions will be recel- ved by the undersigned until 4::00 p.m. Tuesday, November 26, 1974, for t he position of: Secretarial Assistant, -Plant Departnent Board Office Profîciency in fyping and shorthand is a necessif y. Some knowledge of architectural and mechanical ferms is desirable. Ability fo take witfen and oral instruction anld cope with work load at peak per iÔds of primary mportan ce. Apply i n wrifing stating qalifcations and- experience f0,: .M. A. MacLeod, :Business Administrator and -Treasurer, 1P.O. Box 470, ,Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 47-1 PART-TIME COUPLE FOR, Supervision of Childrein in Oshawa Group Home. Âpply in writing to: The AdmninistratOr, provincial Court, Family Division 44 Stevenson Rd. S. Oshawa 47-1 -Wanted immediiàtely Sewers for Upholstery Dept. Apply in person to PLYDESIGNS HWY. 115, ORONO, ONT. 47-1 BABYSITTER f0 live-in or ouf. References preferred but not necessary. CalI 623-5018. 46-2x BABYSITTER for two pre- sichoolers, one or two daysper week fromn 3 unil 5p.m. -a l 623-3295. 47-4 YOUNG man with chauffeur's license fo help on rabbit farm and with deliveries. $135 a week f0 start. Newtonville 1-786-2217. 47-1 1 eMu" 0 ;,"'S BEST TO PUMP NOW- THEN AT FREEZE-UP TIME. AFTER 5 YEARS COULD MEAN TROUBLE. COU RTICE SEPTIC SERVICE Telephone 725-0302 47-4 litions 3on, 45-8x 'file. Te le- enta- Tele- 16-tf E ng ville 49 tf CIAL ITS Rlemodeiling - Add CUSTOM'HOMES Repairs of Ail Types You name it and we do Don Brooks & S Contracter and Bulder 723-6176 WATER Wells bored, 30" Ward's Well Boring. phone 342-2030. RepreË tive Harry, L., Wade. iihone 987-4531. VINCE MOOR CARPENTRY,- House Renovating Paper Hanging - Paintii 247 Liberty N., Bowmarn 623-3568 QOMESTIC &COMMERI REFRIGERATION UN and APPLIANCES SALES , & SER% -Kool EnterprisE PHONE 623-3221 124 Division St., Bowman% DARLI NGTOý MASON RY, Brick, Block, Stc 'CHIMNEY &FIREPLAI CHIMNEY CLEANIN Phone 623-21,76 Geddes E lectri, Renovations - Aléra, Rec. Rooms Rewirinci Older Home! New Homes - Free Est in Phone 623-2398 48-ff BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvilie, Onta rie. Phone 623-5187 Sheet-aju Float Glass Seaîed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mrrers Patterned and colored Glass and Glazing. 17-ff HOME HEATING & FARM SERVICE 24 Heur Service CALL ANYTIME Terry Switzer Agent for Murphy 011 PHONE PORT HOPE 885-2'153 44-4 o * - miNel mlci11i SATURD AY NOV. 23 AND Auction sale of furniture and Appliance Service antiques, the property of Noble Dunn. Lot 8 Con. 7 Commercial and Damesfic Mariposa Twp. 2 miles south Refrigeration - Milk Coalers and 3 miles west of Oakwood Phone BERT SYER or 2 miles east of Cresswell. Days.............. 623-5774 Antique kitchen cabinet, Nights.......... ... 613-3177 Acme cook stove, Breakfast suite, Qu of dishes, some Lander Hardware antique, Iron kettie (small) and LECTic:Palmer piano and stool (good and ELCTPîCcondition) Parlour table (bail Chimny repirs.feet) Antique setfee (opens C23552mnfere6pair. Phone into a bed) small Victorian 623-528 ate44-p4m haîf back setfee chair, colour- 44x ed lamp base, 2 aladdin PROFESSIONAIL PIANO lamps, coal oil amp, arm TU G& SERVICING chair, rocking chairs, 3 pc. CeTUifePnoG ehiin antique bedroom suite, 2 spool Cerotifeiao echnricia. type platform rockers (an- romreble"Tsere tique) iron bed (brass knobs) Rloempeber," the tuner pine chest, antique crock alone, Pieserve he tone." churn, candie mould, iron boot Mebe, in Tcniia jack, flail, wooden rake, Guild.antique as engine (i H C) 1 Derek Hill Hp. goUc condition. Large qu of wooden ware (new) made 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby f rom black cherry wood, salad bowls, cake plates, canidie 668-6247 9tf holders, wooden egg cups, rolling pins, Trivet plant Custom Ploucihina and corn stands, 2 sets of shuffle board picking. Cail affer 6. 1-983. equipmenf complete with -9421. 44-4 plans, wash stand, towel racks _____________________ and dozens of other articles Cusornupolserigreco- that Mr. Dunn has been, Cusngtm uphlsrng, eyra turning ouf for the last sonable, work guaranteed, 20 nme fys ar od years experience. Free esti- erms cash, sale at 12.00 mates . Please -caîl collect, noon. Reg and Larry Johnson 1-986-5072. 46-5 3270. ers Pone (705) 357- William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hanging Light Trucking and Odd Jobs PHONE 623-4728 43-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-IPURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 - Bowmanville 30 tf BOB BEERS' 137 ELGIN STREET Plumibing - Heating 1Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimafes Cali1623- 2641 33-tf Insulafion Blowing Method wifh Rackwool, workmanship ? uaranteed, free estimates. ealcaire 1nsulýation Co, phone 742-0272. Represenla- tiveHarry L. Wade, phone 987-4675 affer six. 40 tf THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Schooî for Sale By Tender, Sealed tenders, clearly mar- ked as to content, and accom- panied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of tender, for purchase of property known as Lakeshore School in Lot 17, Conc. B.F. in Clarke Town- ship, Town of Newcastle, will be received by the undersign- ed until 12:00 p.m. Monday, December 9th . This property will be sold, as is, sublect f0 local municipal by-laws and subject f0 a prepaid lease to the N.D.P. Association which will expire Dec. 31, 1978. ýM. A. Mac Leod, Business Administratar and T'reasurer PO. Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2 I.l 47-2 Canada post 47-1 Saturday, November 30, at 10:30 a.m. Ciea&îng farm- house auction of Old Cana- diana Furniture, coliectabies, farm machinery and misc. items - for Mr. and Mrs. Milton Parkin, Kinsale, loca- ted 12 mile north 0f No. 7 Highway between Brougham and Brookiin, on the Kinsale Road. Partial list includes: pine corner cupboard (glass doors), 2 pine flatback cup- boards, 3 pine double door cupboards, Armoire, Hoosier kitchen cupboard, Jam cup- board, several pine chests 0f drawers, approx. 8 wash stands, 3 pine harvest tables, sets of press back chairs, settee and matching chair, Victorian Tables, commode chairs, rockers, captains chair, lap desks, china cabi- net, bianket boxes, pine pump, record player, C & I type hanging lamp with matching shade and font and prisms (a beauty), old iron dinner bell, iron pots and ketties, oid box stove, O.G. weighf dlock, oid bottles and sealers inciuding a "Beehive", 5 bottie cruet set, trunks, scales, copper keffles. coppe lined bathtub, copper wvasher, oui amps, cracks,_ pictures, pine trames, doors, old onate cutter, antique car parts, quantity of coliectable glass and china. Two Ford 9N tractors wifh disc, plow and cuitivator, harrows, seed drill, M-H 81/2' self propelled com- bine (good order), Commer- cial seed cleaner complete with power plant, 2 augers, 2 mefal storage bins, turnip pulper, Surge milker, pump pipîng, GE. fridge (comnmer- cial), Norge upright freezer, T.V., quantity of lumber, scrap iron, approx. 1000 lb. Trefoil seed, and other misc. items. Auctioneer's Note: This is a fine auction of Oid Canadiana Furiture and col- lectables, having been in the famiiy for many generafions. See for yourself. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Re- freshments available. Kahn Auction Services- 668-6189. 47-2 Auction Saâle,- Sat., N ov. 23rd, 1: 15 at Saveon Product warphouse on Hwv. 28 in the village of Bewdley, consisting of rocking chairs, chests of, drawers, small tables, wash- stand, Victorian screen, dishes, glassware, oil lamps, trunks, odd chairs, heavy duty stoves and oCher articles stilI being consigned. Roger Ban- nister, Auctioneer. 47-1 Pc leIs C e' a v 1 . r-POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT es Tenders for Mail Contra ct vil Torontoand Belleville Highway Service 2-f The Canada Post Office is inviting tenders for the Toronto and Belleville Highway Service. 'Full details as f0 contract specifications, schedule of service, tender forms etc., may be obtained from the Postmaster Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton and Beleville or )e from: ne Director Director- CES Eastern District Central District, G Ontario Postal Regian Ontario Postal Regian Roomn M-250 Roamn 456 1424 Caledon St. 21 Front St. OTTAWA, Ontario TORONTO, Ontario 45-tf KiAoC1 M5SJ 1 A2 - Tel. (613) 992-6814 -996-4128 Tel: <416) 369-3173 iC Tenders wili be received until 3:00 p.m . Wednesdlay, 4th C December 1974. fions Each tender must be accompanied by a bld bond or a security deposit in the form 0f a certified cheque, or money order for an ? amount equal f0 1 per cent of the tendered per annum rate but mates not fo exceed $1,000.00 and made payable to the 'Receiver General of Canada. 47-1 * *, * eu We Buy Scrap Cars FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 tf GOOD used furniture, chuý- dren's furniture. Towne Used Furniture. Phone 623-4681. 47-1 USED Furnifure and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- fton 263-2241. 33-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motor.cycles, 1Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard . 623-5756 Residence -623-7112 45-tf Pont ypool 15acres with large modemn barn, several acreages from 25 f0 50 acres in Northumber- land County. Vertente Limited, Rea Itor Call Ed Van Haverbeke 1 -797-2333 Auction Sale at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen, Saturday evening, Nov. 23rd, a large quantity of furniture and things. Sa le at 7 p .m., Saturday evening. Cliff Pe- thick, Auctioneer. 47-1 Grisf Miii Auct ion Barn Newfonville, Saf., Nov. 23rd. 12 o'clock noon Large quantity of articles, antique and modern, electric vibrator, snowblower, plus lots more. Terms Cash. Sta-' pleton Bros. Auctioneers. 786-2244. 47-1 For Remnoval 0f FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CAL L MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf URGENTLY REQUIREDI We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased f0 appraise if for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. 17-ff George Blyleven REALTOR Phone 623-5300 COST of living going up. Payments on your own house f0 much to carry! Let some- one else help you pay and try this solid built income home. Priced at s56,000. with $12,000. down and the balance af 101/2 per cent. A QUI ET'place to live is this 25 acre farm with a nice large older home, two barns, pond and stream in the Newtonville area. Asking only $75,000. NEWCASTLE AREA: 7 years old, brick bungalow, fireplace and attached garage, '$55,000. Try $15,000. down and balancE at 10 per cent. GARDEN HILL, 5Sacre partly wooded lot with two sfreams and roomn for large pond. Asking $18,900. Phone: Geo. Blyleven - 623-5300 Dick Woudstra - 983-5915 47-1 Bowmanville -Two, storey older brick home, very taste- tully decorafed, has three bedrooms, den, separate din- ing, excellent family home in choice north area, asking $60,000. Caîl to-day fo see this one. Orono Area- Three bedroomr bungalow with attached ga- rage, paved drive, backyard patio, fireplace in L. R., asking $55,000. Vendor arixi- ous. Bowmanvilie - Three bedroom, brick bungalow on large well landscaped, corner. lot, wifh paved drive, atfached garage, finished rec room, choice north end area close to school, asking $55,000. Bowmaiville -Nearl ynew three bedroomn brick b nga- low, with atfached garage, sunken family room and, fireplace off kitchen, 11/2 baths and broadloom throughout, close fo shopping area and Bowmanville Priced to seil, this immacu- late, three bedroom brick bungalow. FuIly panelled, basement. Ail conveniences. On quiet court, close f0 school. Asking $46,500 with terms at 614 percent. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. Newcastle Rural Home Large lot with four bedroom home with double insulated ga rage. A lovely place f0 live. Akiîng $59,500.00. Terms. Caîl Bill Sutherland. Kendai - Reduced To Seil Brick three bedroom bunga- low on rolling lot 200 x 210. Spring brook runs through lot. Large bright kitchen, tire- place in iivingroom, walkout basement. Reduced to $53,500. Terms. Cali Bill Turansk.y now! Newcastle Brick Bungalow Lot 75 x 200. Spaclous fhree bedroom home has three room basemp-nt apart ment for extra income f0 heip you ouf. Large kitchen and livingroom. Tre- mendous buy for only $46,500 with good terms. Cail Judy Schuett. Stafesman, Price Reduced - Vendor Transferred This home is far below replacement cost. Asking only $53,900.00. Lovely master bed room with four piece bath and waik-in closet, double garage. Four piece bath on main level' ,and 2 piece washroom off family room. Country living. Biackstock area. Please. cail Kay Brown.1 Millbrook 6-Acre Mini-Farm Buîld a house, keep a horse, and grow a garden ail for an initial investment price of $10,900.00 with terms. The land is on new road, high dry So hurry to see il. Cali Christ Winterhelt. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped fa handle your home needs a nywhere in Canada and U.S.A. le Coast to Coast Real Estat-eServic-e Affer Haurs Tony Kiompmaker 623-2052 Judy Schuett Orono 983-9459 Christa Winterhelt Oronc 983-5465 Ron Hurst Orono, 983-5131 Charlie Reid Orono 983-5914 Roy Foster Garden 797-2213 Bill Turansky Orono 983-5420 Bill Sutherland 623-3102 Paf Yeo 623-3077 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 IBud Virfue Newtonville 786-2614 IAudrey Plain 623-3563 IDane Found 623-3965 Kay Brown 623-3150 Peter Ko'wal, Real Estate & Insurance Ltd., 52 King St. W., Bowmanviile Telephone 623-2453 REALTOR Have a Merry Christmas for the whole family in this spacious immaculafe 10 room two storey brick home, 5 bedrooms, spacious living and dining rooms, 11/2 bathis and lots of room for Santa and guests in the family room, on Concession St., lot 90' x 210'. Asking $65,000. Terms arran- ged. You won'f believe the beauty until you have seen this 2 family home in the hearf ofý town on Church St. New hollywood kitchen and dining area on an extra large lot with lots of, possibilities, asking $75 ,000 or give us an offer. $25,000 down.- Lots of sleeping romr in this 3 year old, semi-home with 11/2 baths, large rec. room, living and dining rooms, electric heat, ifs lust a hop from 401, 10 mins. fo Oshawa, asking $43,900, early possession. Wanf 4 building lots and a repair garage f0 boot? We have it on 214 ff. x 165 ft. lot. Open for' offers, asking $ 100,000. Compare and see thi's 8 room house on a corner lot on Scugog St. In perfect condi- tion, a-bargain at $43,000. Wow! If's got a large lot, th is 5 room bungalow with a garage on Argyle St., Iust asking $40,000. Have a peak af the perfect aId cathedral ceilings and hard- wood floors in this spacious 7 large room home at 33 Centre Sf. wifh nicely iandscaped" yard and garage for $3ý6,500. lt's an Estate Sale - 6 rooms in first class condition with new -of water boiler and garage, priced $41 ,000. Affer hours: Gord Beech - 623-5265 Joe Barfon - 623-3a98 George Brown - 623-3702 Peter Kowal Jr. - 623-5868 47-1 30 Sf. W. BOWMANVI LLE 623-4403 Oshawa - Toronfo 723-2265 > 921-9248 Newcast le Three bedroom brick ranch style bungalow on extra large 75 x 200 foot lot. Close fo schools and 401. Firsf mort- gage at 614 percent. Won't ast long.- Cail 1now. Bowmanville Custom builf home, prèsently used as two bedroom with den, could be used as three bedroom, extra large living room with fireplace. Many extra features youdon't find in the average home. Do0n't wait -Cali today. Burkefon ý Four bedroom starter home in rural setfing, large 125 x 168 foot lot. Listed at only $24,900.00 and vendor will hold first mortqage at il, percent. Try your offer. Lots, Lots, Lots We have lots in varlous areas starfing as -low as $8,400.00 whether if be for your dream home or recreation why not give us a cali. After 5:00-Cali Josie Doxtafer 983-9593 Elfie Josf 263-2032 Donna Holmes 987,5220 Pam Carr La mie Rosen Peggy Gray Ed Drumm Lynda Kinsman Peter Chopee Louise Whale Bih McFeefers "ESTABLISHED 1936"' 47-1 Oine acre, 0f building lof situated on good service road. Mail and school bus service. Appi y f0 owner Stanley Tay- lor, BIac kstock. HOUSE FOR SALE- Orono - ver .y central, suit retired family, 3 nice bedrooms, dining room, one and hait bathrooms. Tali basement wifh a door f0 garden. Low down payment. Terms. Early possessionl. Write to P.O. Box 33, Oronio. 46-2f GEl' CASH TODAl' FOR OLI) APPLIANCES THROUGH S T ATE S MAN C LA SS 1F 1 DS STUTT, Ralph M.- (Pasf Master Orono Lodge 325 AF-& AM) Passed away on Thurs- day, Novem ber 14, 1974 affter a lengthy illness, Ralph M. Stutt, loved husband of Dor- othy W. Johnston of 279 University Ave. E., Cobourg, dear father of Virginia (Mrs. R. K. Stuart) of London, Ont. and John of Cobourg, dear brother of Leta (Mrs. J. F. Demaray) of Detroit and the late Edna. Loved grandfather of Gavin and Alan Stuart. Mr. Stutt rested at the Jewell Funeral Home, 301 Division St., Cobourg. Service was on Monday. Interment Cobourg Union Cemetery. MAPLE CrOV E Mr. Tom VanCamp. Toronto and his fiancee, Miss Jeanette H-enderson, Ottawa, were weekend guests of Tom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp, Lori and Lisa. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barnes, Stephanie, Suzanne and De- ana, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Barnes, Miss Grace Barnes were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Yoe, -Bowmanvi1le. Mrs. L.C. Snowden was a dinner guest with Mrs. M. Fraser, Solina, on Saturday and during the evening they attended the card party at Solina Hall and Libary in honour of Mr. Sam Dewell. Mrs. William Kolenko and Julie Ann, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests with the former's daughter and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe and her mother, Mrs. Clifford Wilson., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Martin accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shiels, Newmar- ket, tIew to B.C. where tbey visited with Mr. Martin's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Martin, Coquith an, B.C. (who recently celebrated their 5lst Anniver- sary) and their son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Martin, Vancou- ver. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin's son, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and family at Calgary, Alber- ta. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van- Camp, Lori and Lisa, Mr. Tom VanÎCamp, Toronto, Miss Jeanette Henderson, Ottawa, were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Roy VanCamp. Mrs. J. Arthur Lovell, Dexter, Michigan, Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin and attended the card party in honour of their brother, Mr. Sam Dewell at Solina Hall on Sat. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- derman and family have moved into their new home on the Base Line. Our, best wishes to ail! On Sun., Nov. l7th Mr. Arthur Martin celebrated his 77th birthday and those who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mrs. J. A. Lovell and Miss Ruby Dewell were Mr. and Mrs., Lloyd Flintoff, Mrs. Gordon Boyd, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shiels, Newmar- ket and their brother-in-law, Mr. Oscar Lindbloom, Souris, Manitoba, Mr. Doug Dewell, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright and Beverley. Mr. Sam Dewell, Hampton was a Monday supper.guest with Mr. an Mrs. A. W, Martin and Mrs, Lovell. On Wednesday, Nov. l3th, Mrs. Roy VanCamp was hônored on her 8th birthday when her family held Open House and more than 100 friends, relatives and neigh- bours called during the after- noon and evening at Mrs. VanCamp's home to enjoy a cup of tea and birthday cake with ber. Mrs. VanCamp's son, Mr. Samn VanCamp and Mrs. VanCamp and their ;es.'d:%i Pf u family Lisa, Lofi, Mrs. Gerry McDonald and Mrs. Charles Hynes and her daughter, Mrs. Neil Brownell and Mr. Brown- ell and their family Valerie, Lee, Diane and Roy wereail! present and helped with the. receiving of guests and serv- ing the delightful lunch. Mrs. VanCamp received many beautiful cards, flowers and gifts and several phone, calls from those who could flot be present including Mrs. Gail Thiel, Washington, D.C., Mrs. Emma Byers, Toronto, and Miss Jeanette Henderson, Ot- tawa,. Among those who tra- velled from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lodge, Bridgenorth and Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden, Toron- to. Mrs. VanCamp is a member of the Base Line Good Neighbour Club and Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mrs. J. A. Barnes, Mrs. E. Molloy aiidý Mrs. R. Fowler assisted Mrs. VanCamp's family with the making of sandwiches, tea and coffee, etc., in the kîtcen. ~Mrs, VanCamp, ber family and grandchil dren enjoyed dinner together between the receptioq hours and it was a very happy occasion for, everyone. Maple Grove U.C.W. will meet at the church on Thurs. evening. lst Maple Grove Cub News The winners, for the best deeorated basket, and tin cati, on, our apple day were Tommy Colliss and Ian Soutter. At our ,Hallowe'en party, the winners for best costumes were; Stanley Zealand, Jimmy Brigg, and Ian Soutter, Con- gratulations. There were 500 Boy Scout Calendars sold in our area, with the three top salesmen being; Tommy Colliss, Donald Daigle, Robby Van Hemmen, keep up the good work. ,"Waverîy Gardens- In Bowmanville Builf by Marianna Deveiopmenfs Your Guarantee of Qua iify Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 DOWN Draw for Free Tnîp to Florida Feafures include: Clean Dependable Elecfric Heat -Large family kitchen -Finished famiiy room -Completely broadloomed -11/2 baths -Fireplaces -Atfached garages -Fully sodded lots -Complefely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A. M, f07 P.M. ALSO, Open House at Newcastle Saturday & Sunday 1-4:30 p.m Choice of 2 Deluxe Models to Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Euff!t by Division of Veltri & Son Limifed -WetIknown for- quaiity construction and superior Sworkmanship. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SOMETHING TO TH INK ABOUT FOR YOUR PARTYShw "You Care" MCt)lafesFancy (D met PiatersGIft Baskets and for ?ARTY ~41YER~Cheese TraysAI fro m $3.50 te $25.00 Madeto Your Order-Maet - Ready fa Serve -4Specifications FRESH LEAN GROUND CHU THIS, WEEK'S SPECIAL IECONOMY CUT JCK $.19 IBONELESI 'ý .19$ Mlb. BRAUSING STRPI l sfflT BJCONFRESH, CRISP PREMIUM 29OEA LAZY MAPLEI SUGAR PL UM *lb. LETTUCE -45 ch ONTARIO NO. 1 SMALL DELICIOUS APPLES 59 aà g DEEP CUT F ROZEN, FOOD SPECIALS GREEN G.IANT HONEY'ýGLAZED LIBBY'S FANCY GRADE CRINKLE CUTc FROZEN- CARROTS 29 10 oz. pc 1k. PEAS A"9 12 oz. bag SANTA'S PARADE SPECIAL IMPORTED DUTCH CHCLATfES $1019 anid WHILE THEY LAST ~1,99,a box TOASTMASTERAO OLD WtORLD ROLLS <49 a doz. ALL TIME FAVORITE SPECIALS SUMCRMIT1'TOASTMASTER fI LPy s ia sFood MarketFRE 73-77 KING ST. WEST- HOME 0F QUALIITY PARKIN'G Entrance From Queen Street ZSanta's Parade of Goodlies Now Arriving at Dykstra 's We now hiave on display a large va-riety of chocolates and biscuits in fancy gift boxes. Chocolate, novelties, Christmas candies, nuts, and Christmas cake. Corne in, have a look and enjoy a "free coffee"l after the Parade. 234 King St. E., Bowmanviîle 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 43-tf

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