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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 20, 1974 Cpi. and Mrs. Philip Tro- fimuk (nee Burton) and child- ren were recently transferred to the Trenton Air Port from Otawa Mr. George Pollard has been a patient in the Bowman- ville Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Nancy and Bonnie of Bramp- ton visited Mrs. Marshall Chatterton and family on Sunday. Mrs. Gordon Leaman of> London was an overnight g uest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Lycett, and visited, other relatives while Mr. Leaman was, in Kingston on a business trip. 1Mr . and Mrs. Vincent Bru- ton, Christine and Blaine have mnoved fromn Oshawa and are now living on Cobb Hlli, across from. his father Mn. Cliff Bruton. Mrs. Junior (Nancy) West is a patient in the Memorial Hospital, Bowmianville. Next Paper Drive, Sat. rn, m Nov. 3th. Mr. Ralph M. Stutt (Past Master of -Onono 325 AF and AM) husband of Mrs. Dorothy W. Johnston Stutt, University Ave. E.. Father of Virginia and John,-passed away on Thursda , ]ýov. l4th, after a lengthy illness. Funenal Ser- vice was on Monday afternoon from thé Jewel Funeral Home, Cobourg. The Lodge held their service at 9 p.m. Sunday evening. Interment Cobourg Union Cemeteny. The Friendship Club of Caesarea, held a most enjoy- able social evening in the Community Hall, on Wednes- day evening. A num ber played cards, others visited and al participated in the popular ýPenny Sale. Mrs. Ed Lawson reports that hier sister, Mrs. Marwood McKee is progressing favor- abjy in Oshawa -Hos ital. Friends are wishing for etter health for hier. ,Mr. and Mrs. Don McColl, Jeff and Leanne, Oshawa,- visited for Sunday evening dinnen with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Debby and David. Mr. Ralph Sadler and Mr. Bruce Lawson, local horse- men, are exhibiting their hackney horses at the Winter Fair. Further reports will be forthcoming next week. Mrs. Ivan Proutt spent a few days last week wîth bier daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan, Carol- yn and Douglas in Lindsay. On Sunday, she and the Buchan family, were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Proutt. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Bowens were supper qguests of Mr. and. Mrs. Jim benthBowman-ville. Mr. andà Mrs. WallaceTrick, Lndsay, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bowers. In the evening they, and their guests had dinner at the Rockhaven Restaurant. On Monday Mrs. Milton Fî sher, Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colin and Miss Ruth Proutt attended the Women's Hospit- al Auxiliary Annual meeting in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bogart, Carleton Place, were Monday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Nesteto-Birthday Party Congratîflations to Miss Wanda Cooledge, of Caesarea who will be observing hier sixteenth birthday on Wednes- dlay, November, 20. On Saturday eveningc ber parentsMr and Mrs.,Gordon Coledge were hosts for a birthday party in the Caes- area Comimunity Hall. About forty young people wene guests, on thîs happy occasion to extend greetings aind to joi in the festivities. Sone older folk were also guiests one of whom wa,ýs ler paternal grand- inothen M,'rs. Lawnence Cool- edge. Wanda, who is a very, CarolDoyle; Recording Sec- retary - Sandy Day- Financial Secretary - Marge Lee; Chap- tain - Marilyn Bobet; Conduc- tor - elna Forsythe; Warden - Irene Train; Inner and Outer Guard - Lin Brown; Commit- tee Convenor - Anne Lee. ('orrespondence included a "Ou" for the $700 that Court Lady Snowbird donated towards paymrent of the well also for paying for and installation of the draper at the Nestleton Community Centre. The annual Childrer's Christ- mas Party was also discussed. In December the grQup will have a "Pot Luck" supp er with exchange of gifts aa social time. -, Court Lady Snowbird is an active group and best wishes are extended for success in their enueavours in 1975. MoreCana i ,î s op.ust aanotefoodsto. BANANAS FRESH FROM THE ,TROPICS DOL E-CH [QU ITA DELMONTEc SPECIA! B ONTARIO GROWN LARGE 10 LB. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE BAG COOKI EC 88c RICHMELLO PKG. 0F 12 DINNER ROLLS 49C MARY MILES, FROZEN 2 LB. BOX BEEF STEAKETTES 1.68 SWIFT S PREMIUM, 1,1LB3 PKG. OR LAZY MAPLE, RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 13 Round' Steaks 48, BON ELESS FULL CUT LB. SWIFT SPREMIUM 1 LB. PKG. WIENERS 76c FRESH WHOLE SPI Orange i LjroOR HALF FlaourPORK BUTT CnjstalsROAST Wa~lter Teslia Ross, Vito Terence Nicol Luc,, Luciv,, Jameîs Martinî "This weco c-mpare. And you'il see why more people shop us than' any other food store. You'll find that week after week, you get quality produets, real value and friendly service." ITS THE REAL THING 40 FIL. OZ. NRB. COCA-COLA 5C PREPRICED 69o 8 OZ. PKG. HUMPTY DUMPTYc POTATO CHIPS 67c Lancia Spaghetti SPEC IAL! C OR MACARONI 2 LB. PKG. 5 PARTY TYME SPF(CjML! 16 FL. OZ, BTLý INSTANT 6 OZ, PKG. OR LIOUID COCKTAIL MIXESOO B3URNS 15 FL OZ.TIN BEEF SE 9 MILLIONAIRE J S OZ TIN BRISLING'SARDINES159 c ASSTDVARIETIES SPE(IL! 160OZ PKG CHUN KING SKILLET DINNERS 77 BLACK DIAMOND 120OZ PKG. MEDIUM STICKS CHEDDAR CHEESE 11 IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 FL OZ. TIN HEINZ sPEcm~!c SZo%ýPAGHE1TI 2 FROZEN, SPECL! 100OZ PKG. JELLY YEAST OR GLAZEDc MORTON DONUTS 79c STORE HOU RS, Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 9 p.m.- Sat. 8:30 -6 p.m. ÇtQSI4GTIME T1JESCAY NOV. 2T,1974 IN BOWMANVILLE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAM-, ILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMIN- ION STORES LIMITED. W H ALC, NO LC Pi(t1,'-,8FL 07 JAR, OR POLISH,%WHOLE BICK'S DILL PICKLES 69 LJNCLÈ BEN's SPF( hl,,! 5 LBý BAC LONG GRAIN RICE 2.87 SPECUC COLOURED 1 LB. CONT. BEEF OR CHIOKEN PKG. 0F 18 OXO BOULLION CUBES 63C FROZEN, REGULAR 20 OZ. PKG. DEEP & DELIIOUS McCAIN PIZZA18 CONTADINA CHOICE 14 FL OZ. TIN YELLOWV ÇLING SPECAL SLIïC LED V.35c PEAC"eHES BLUEW VATER FROZEN SE1 ! 32OZ. PKG. BLUEFISH FRIES 19 LUXURY BRAND 6(OZ TIN SNOW CRAB .4 REGULAR STRAINED 7.5 FL, OZý JAR EXCEPT MEAT JUNIOR e' HEINZ BABY FOOD 28 NABISCO CEREAL 20 OZ. PKG. SHREDDiED WHEAT 71V CHUNK LIGHT 6.5 OZý TIN STAR-KIST TUNA 64C LIQUIO 6 4 fi1 o0z -Co0nt. JAVEX BLEACH6 c eSPECUAL JOLLY MILLER 4 x3.250OZ. ENVS. ASSTID VAýRIETIEs 4 7504 PýKC JACOB'S CHOCOLATEc CLUB BISCUIT BARS 45c 'When you buy food from us, you can be sure of the quality. lis guaranteed for your satisfaction. Or your money back," SWVIFT S LAZY MAPLE OR MARY MILES LB. DINNER HAMS 2F0. V1 .58 MARY MILES, SLICED 6 OZ. PKG. COOKED HAM 6C GRADE A EVISCERATED 10-16 LB. AVG. TURKEYS FRESH, GROUND MINCED BEEF . STUFFED) LOOSE PACK 12 FL. OZ. JAR QUEENc CLUB HOUSE OLIVES 97c WHOLE BEAN 1 LB 8AG RICHMELLO COFFEE 10 PURE VEGETABLE 3 LB. ÇONT CRISCO SHORTENING 2.26 BEEF, CHIOKEN SPECIAL! 10 OZ. PKG. OR TURKEY, FROZEN STOUFFER'S C MEAT PIES 6 c 4UIIL!J 78 c LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE 1.06 Round Steak SPECIAL! 4 BOTTOM CUT FROZEN, SOLD IN 10 LB. BOXES CHICKEN WINGS spJUiAL! FROZEN 8Oz. P K BROWN N SERVE SWIFT'S SAUSAGE 89c BITTNERS FRESH LBI BRATWURSTSAUSAGE 1.29 BITTNER'S, VIRGINIA BRAND, 4 OZý PKG. JAGWUSTSAUSAGE 69c BITTNER'S, COOKED SLICED 4 OZ. PKG. BEEF TONGUE87 DE VON BRAND, RIND ON, LB. END CUT, BY THE PIECE BREAKFAST BACON 88c Pork S-houlder LBý 68c ,SPECIAL! SPECIAL! LB. FRESH MEATY 98 c SHOPSY'S 24 OZ. CONT. POTATO SALAD ORc COLE SLAW 7 ALL BEEF 1 LB. PKG. SHOPSY'S WIENERSC SWIFT S VACUUM PACr<ED LB. BONE IN COOKEO LAZY MAPLE HAMS 14 SWIFT'S PREMIUM, MAC & CHEESE, 6 OZ. PKG, CHICKEN ROLL, DUTCH LOAF OR P & P LOAF qc COOKED MEATS j SHOPSYS 1801 ýSIZE- OLO VIENNA SALAMI 1.89 YU caï urae "Dominion people arecia people. Thýey always iry twgiv you frs c4!aýS ServýîIIicei dYrIendfy - manlner. Or my namie isn't Luc-,,.-' SaraLe 39c SPECIAL! FROZEN, LEMON, CHOCOLATE, VANILLA OR STRAWBERRY 13.5 OZ. PKG. LIOUID SPE('IAL! 32 FL. OZ. CONT. PALMOLIVE DETERGENT 97 c Scott Towels 4ýSST'D COLOURS,fl PLY SPECIMLiM 2 ROLL PKG. OILY NORMAL 79 FL. OZ CONT OR DRY A EARTHBORN SHAMPOO U. DOUBLE EDGE PKG. 0F 5 TWIN RAZOR BLADE SCHICK IlîDE1.15 ASST D COLOURS, 2 PLY PKG. 0F 200 SYMP HO NYCi FACIAL T1SSUE 47c SCENTEDUNSCENTED 6 OZ. AEROSOL CONT. OR POWDER DEODORANTc ULTRA BAN 5Fh~ 99c WALL TO WALL 22 FL. OZ. CONTý BIS SE LLj RGSHAMPOO 18 SOLID AIR FRESHENER 5 OZ. CONT. AIRWICK83 SIZES SMALL, MEDIUM' PAIR OR LARGE1. PLAYTrEX LIVING GLOVES 119 BABY SCOTT PKG. 0F 24 SUPERABSORBENT DAES 19 DIPOABE uAEs , ijo, or 1 ,

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