2The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. November 20. 1974 Section '1 I eports from IWomený's Institutes MAPLE GROVE WlI. music with Mrs. T.1 ne iNavember meeting ai Mrs. M. Wiseman,P the WLI. was heiti in the C.Rabbins anti Mrs. St Hall on the 111h ai 8 p.m. with telling a bit about the fîve members ai Bowmanviile wark ai some music W.1. as aur guesis Ms. sers. Mrs. O. Bragg, 1The President, Ms H. piano, playeti some r Pect,.hati a minutes si- "mr, comDosers s lencc' observeti in remcm- z - ,Betovn brance ai ail sodiers anti wa Foster anti Stnouss. sang ona verse ai "Abida with Ail the ladies sani Me." ýamptawn Races and The Rail Cal, "My favorite sanna. Mns. Bragg sanïg or musical pragram" some oi Strouss's Bit was nnsweret b y ail prasent. ube Waltz. It wa annoneed hat Mrs. E. Laird playec Achievement Day for the Girls TeMpl efF 4H Club will be an Nov. 23rd ai with the ladies singir Carke High School. Mrsl Tl-&,Rasalutians wcra given Mr. S. Morion, r a final reading anti voteti on vote ai thanks ta the B, for the Anca Convention, ville ladies for their pi 1Mrs. W. Brown gave' the Mrs. Stapletan con. "Gooti Naighbours" Report.Christmalunchial b The Chismas Party on wielnhwsbi Dec. 121h will bc a Pot Luck pareti. Supper ai 6:30 p.m. with the Lunch ai tan anti co U.C.W.bamburg buns with Mrs. C. Swallow, Convenon brought an enjayable ai Cultural Activities was in ta a close. charge ai the foliowing pro- gram. Our Novemberr Mrs. M. Wiseman, Bowman- apeneti with Presidu ville, gava the Motto,"Cui- Pearn Leach in the cI turc, such as music or art anti hushantis were guest this colti inclutie litenature, Leach rend a poem ab anhances live's standards, wars. We sang O Cane lack of ihem can maan the Ode followed by r( frustration.' She saiti "Cul- the Colleci. Mrs. Hel ture enhances aur lif's stan- son, Sccreiary Tri dards, lack ai cultura such as rend the minutes antij art or music can mean frustra- linanciai report. Wc tion, that is ta prevent us irom about the 4-H AchiE aiiaining a purpase." Sha Day ta be helti ai Ent endeti hanrcmarks by reaating on Nov. 301h. a paem antitîcti "Culture in Mrs. Milison neantia the kitchen" by Ethel ýChap- ai Resolutions which man. The pragram was an brought up at 1h( Being, watchful to avoid the frittering away of kilowatthours is everyone's concerni,in the inter- est of economy and conservation of valuable energy resources. But for some people, living in older homes with outdated wiring, restricted use of appliances is not always a matter of choice. They do flot have sufficient circuits to serve normal needs without resorting to 'octopus' outtets and extension cords. The resuit: overloading and blowing of fuses. wo Legion Pipe Bond Leads Church Parade Following Service -,%W meeting lnt Miss Iair. Oun 15t. Miss ibout past nada. and repeating len Miii- ýasurer, gave the wcre tld devemeni iniskillcn, anumber hwill be he Area The Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band had a busy time during the recent Remembrance Day ser that stretched over a three day period. They are pictured here as they led the church parade away St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday morning, Nov. lOth. Convention Dec. 2, 3 and 4th in Toronto., Mrs. Wesley His reported on the course 'Creative Stitch- Lery' which will be held at aur hall in the near future. A short discuýsion took »lace an the mementa which wiil be placed in the hall honaring the laie Mrs. Arthur Moore. Further discussions took place about the pricing ai aur catering. This is helti over until January. Plans wcre made for pur- .chasing Christmas remcm- brances for same shut-ims. Amang these is Mrs. Effia Balson in hospital in Vancou- ver, while slaying with her daughtcf- Mrs., Alan Taylor. Dorathy Pascoc and Marion Broame wiil purchase gifts. Our canvass for the blind netled $13750 Miss Leach expressed thanks ta the faith- fui canvassers. We are askcd ta keep in mind aur Christmas meeting on Dec. 111h. It wili take the form of a pot luck dinner helti in aur hall. Baker's Graup ara in charge, but the two graups an the north uine are asked ta bring first course faads, whila an the south bring the dessert. We bring a gif t for the Ontario Hospital and Miss Anne Raw- seli will speak an har trip ta China.. The U.C.W. ai Eldad Church are extending an invitation ta the Institute ta attend thain Christmas meeting in the church. Watch for the date ta bc announced. Our ragular date should be Dec. 2nd. This conflicts with other events, but it will bc annaunceti shortly. Mrs. Darothy Pascoe gave the repart on the Consumer Magazine. She cspecially reati articles an buying refrigerat- These conditions also tend to diminish the performance of appliances and shortens their life. Inadequate wiring is not only inconvenient, it can be a safety hazard. If you have any doubts about the capacity of your homes wiring have it. checked by a qualfiedElectrical Contractor. Then, use electricity, wisely ... and safely. ors or car scats for smnll children., Mrs. Harry Knox, tender af village graup an Agriculture and Canadian Industries, iook charge for the ýrogram. Our Houl Cail wasan exchnnge of garden praduce or preserves. There was a tempting array ta choose from.' Mrs. Joyce Taylor gave comments an the motta - Nature neyer spoils her work by being in a hurry'. Joyce especially mentioneti the grawing ai our beautiful tracs. Wthout tham our landscape wouiti be very barren. Yet, they take years la grow, whiie a tire or other disaster can destroy them in a very short lime. Thair skalatons ara then ugly on aur landscapc, anti we realize how beautiful they wara before the destruction. Pauline Taylor favoreti with two piano numbers. Prala de in D anti Walty in A fiat. There neyer seams ta be alimit ta the talents ai aur young peopýle. T he tapic for the cvening was - What Wc Do With Our Garbage'. Mrs. Joyce Taylor hati gone ta cansiderable effort to prapara thîs topic. There was a displa y set up of articles wa put in the garbage -fram tin cans, cereal boxes, botties agd worn out clothas. She talt iohw much garbage a persan makes in a day. When yau multiply that hy aur fast grawing population, anc ge ts an- odefaitha vast prablem,. West ýern C anada is aheati of us in handling this with their arbit containers an main highw ays. How often we see aur roatisides littereti with unsightly articles discardeti. There was a film deman- stratiiig how ather cauntries hantila garbaga. The mast positive answar seams ta ha recyciing. The most'positive answ er seems ta be recycling as mach as passible. Garbaga can ha comnpresseti, sorteti anti somatimas hurnea. Il may ha useti as ]and fi. Later, thesa areas can ha useti as parks, par-king areas, or for other uses. Papar anti bottie drives hy the Boy Scouts halp out many local people. 'Tha Zian boys will pick up on Jan. il, Apiil 5, Jane 14, anti Sept. 23rd. Mark down the dates anti phone 725-4985 Hans Geishar- gev if yau want yours picketi up. Hamnilton City in Ontario, has the mast ap-ta data plant, for recyciing garbage in Canada. Olti xovn o ui clothas ara xxlcameti- in garages for mechanics ta wipe grease from their hanis. Tiere are sanie ways wa can halp. 1. Devise vays oaiscparaling tvash. 2. Creata a greatar tiamanti for the garbage produci. 3, Obey ail laws in regard ta boywa ehandie garbage. We shaulti urge aur municipal councils ta tievelop ways of recycling garba 'ge. TIhe Bell 1 elephone tCom- pany bas a book matie ai special paper- The newsprint an it can ha removeti anti the boo0k aseti again. Mrs. Taylor certainly matie a messy tapîc very interesting anti informative. We ail shoulti ha mare canscientiaus about aur garbage in future. Mrs. Knox thanketi Joyce for ber efforts anti the manner in wicb she gave the tapic. She was alsa thanketi ion her moltta, anti Pauline for her piano salactions. 1The meeting loseti with the Qucen anti the ladies anti gentlemen guests descendeti ta the lower hall where Mrs.Knax anti Mrs. Douglas Flatt anti their graup serveti a daliciaus lunch ai home matie cakes anti ica creamn. Harvey Yeliowlees thanketi the ladies. Miss Pennl Leach viii be aur hranch tielegate ta the con- vention anti repart on this at the Dec. meeting. The November meeting ai the Bethany Wamens Insti- tute wns heiti at the home ai Mrs. Adidison Scott with the Presitient, Mns. Hector, Mon- ton presitiing. Members an- swenedti t the rail cali by naming an interesting fact on Australia. Mrs. Vincent Jack- SoIn rend the minutes ai the December meeting. Mrs. Adidisan Scott reporieti an the Nutritian Wonkshap that she hati atientiet, stress- ing the importance aifprotein anti enting a pnapernly ha- lancat i del. The meeting was ihen tarneti aven ta Mrs. Ray Porteaus Convenon ai Citizen- ship anti Warlti Affairs. Mrs. Tam Jennings cammenteti an the motta "WanltiAifairs are aur Affiis" anti Mrs. Jenn- ings aisa led in n sing sang. EATON'S HEARING. AID SERVICE. If you have a hearing problem or If your ,present hearing aid is in need of adjustment or repair... CALL 576-9811 local 233 in Oshawa W. E. LANG a certified hearing aid audioligist from Eaton's in Oshawa will give a complete audiometrie hearing test and recommend and custom fit the aid that is hest suited to your individual needs. There is no charge for this service. Repairs and batteries available for most makes and models. You can use your Eaton's Charge Account Mrs. Adidison Scottt miroc the gucst speaker, Mrs. ence Mann ai Peterbai, wha showeti many interE slidcs fnamn a necent ti Ausiralia. These slides enj oyeti "y ail as very fahave the opportunity ai ing Australia in persan. Ray Parteous thanketi Mann fan taking time ta anti show her slides comment on them. on them. Buiiery, Mrs. R. ;ta pieton e lie and campa- gat the music by such as Siephen Wf2 "The id O, Su- gplayeti ue Dan- ti part of Forever" ng it as novcd a Bowman- pragram. ducteti a Contest ing pre- ,ffee and 1tapping eevening O${E L. Phillips, Bowman- Add New Beauty to Your Homne villa. Mrs Eda Wodsspet aWithout the Expense of Buying couple aiftinys with Mn. anti Mrs. M. Mavin, Oshawa. New Furniture! Air. anti Mrs. James Wod- lcy, Jim, Susan anti Cathy His spent Sunday at Aurora. The Blindi Canvass is untien- way in aur cammunity. Please mccl your canvasser with a sinile anti a donation fon a gooti cause. Mn . anti Mns. John Runtila were Sundny supper guests ai her parants, Mn. anti Mrs. Stuart, Young, Bowmanville. Mn. anti Mns. Tom Filzsim- mans arniveti fram Scotianti lasi weekenti anti are visiiingfOWs2 V with the Alfredi Knowlian anti M. Yeo families. Mn.' anti Mrs. J. C. Cook met thei siteranti her lhushanti, eWlCutmM eFrnue Dr. anti Mrs. Harolti Price,WeWlCuomMkFunte Calgary, at Taronto Interna- tionnl airpont, Saturday ai ten oYu neiiain nôon anti ail spent the week- oY'uSpefctn, anti with Mns. Ted MeBride,0 Georgetown. Dr. anti Mrs. m Pnica leit Sunday noan for Ronaold Allan lInterlirs the ,vinter. Satuntiay family à visitons ware Mn. anti Mrs. Town Line Plaza 1335 king E. Oishawa Julian Reeti anti lamily, Narval anti Mn. anti Mrs. Rick West anti lamily, Georgetown. Mrs. Allie Mitchell, Toronto, Cati 576-45821 was a recent dinner guest ai Mn. anti Mns. S. Gable. Mr. anti Mis. K. Gable anti i NOW OPENi * Br ceFitzgibon Enterprises 1 Queen st. Bowmanville N WComplete Engine Rebuilding, * Lvllinder Hlea d Bluepruntmng N W Tune-Ups and InstallationsN Exchan'e Engines an'd Heads W ~(Rebui-It and Usea> We pIecaaaa*ze In* Hig.h -PerformanceN Al AIIOur WorkN Is, eG7uaranteedN W "We'll Give,,Your Car Life N WYou Didn't Kn&ow t Had" N1 TIankne 623-739à W Be Sure to Check Our Ad InN WThe Car Core Supemn WMýzjmaXXm ZX SuppmirleMent N ax au a TYR( Mr. and Mrs. Fred Janssens were Sunday, cvening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable were Sunday afternoon visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pçeston,, Orono. Mrs. Stan Gable attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Herb Powell, Bowmianville, Monday after- faon. The, 4H unit held their mother and daughter banquet, Monday Nov, Il at 5 p.m. in the Sunday School room. The loveiy banquet dinner in- cluded many of the recipes which had been used and tried at our meetings. Our Presi- dent,, Lois Yeo gave the welcome speech and Heather Southw cil read the minutes of the lasi meeting. Dawn Van- eyk spoke on the 4H work in general and introduced the two girls who will be receiving their county honors. Mary Cornish and Pat Woodley then presented their sisters Wendy Cornish and Diane Woodley each with a gift of a tray. Lois and Wendy presenteti our twa leaders, Arlene Glaspeli and Janice Cornish with gifts ta show our appreciation of their heip and guidance. Diane Woodley and Betty Youngman presented their exhibit. Jenni- fer Yeo conducted a spice quiz which everyone enjayed. Janice briefly discussed achievement day. Everyane had gained 10 pounds and our halls about threa inches tigh- ter. Mr. andi Mrs. Davidi Craig and famîly enjoyed a trip ta Kiainburg to sec the Art Museum on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mc- Donald, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Davey was a Monday guest of Mrs. Brian Williams, Newcastle and Mrs. Gwen, Voodcock a Tuesday supper guest af her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dodd visited their daughter, Mrs. Genereaux, Manilla, one day last week. 11r, and Mrs. Pate Murdoch and girls, Bowmanville, were Sunday aftarnoon callers of Mr. and Mrs.' F. L. Byam: Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam ware Sunday avening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virtue, Oshawa. Hall Board euchre party, Friday night, had il table prizes going ta Mary Harri- son, Bawmanville, Ruth Bir- kett, Raglan;, Bruce Bright, Oshawa-, Rick Broome, Ty- rona, Elma Flewell, Oshawa; Carl Gimblett., Part Perry;, with the 50-50 gaing ta Jimr Lattimar, Raglan. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Rowan and boys accampanied Mr. and Mrs. M. Shortt, Lakefield ta Toronto and visited their uncla, Mr. Will Shortt. Mrs. Meta Rend, Haydon,- Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook attendad thea"Royal Winter Fair" iast Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Prescait, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardy Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gerl Hardy and Shane, Whitby, were recent guests af Mr. and Mrs. Eari Prescott. Misses Cathy and Brenda Phasey, Castieton, spent the weekend with their grand- mother, Mrs. Edna Philp. Mrs. Herb Staintan, Ennis- killen, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. The Eiders WorkshoDofa the United Church is being held in St. Marks United Church, Whitby, Wednesday evening, Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m. Ail Eiders are asked ta attend. Mr. Daune Taylor arniveti home last week after a six waek trip ta England, and some af the Eurapeon catin tries. Mrs. Laverne Taylor, Daune and Danny were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and boys, Blackstock, Mr. anti Mrs. L. Gable and family, Pontypool, Mn. and Mrs. Jim ___Lacky, Haliburton, were weekenti visitons of the S. Goble's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lnekey, Halibuirton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gillarti. Mrs. John Dennis, Picton, was a Saturdny visitor af the S. Gables. OBITUARY JOHN HENRY (JIACK) GAY ý7 A member af the staff at Gay Construction Limiteti John Henry (Jack) Gay oi Courtice died at the Oshawa Generai Hospital, Sunday, Nov. 10, 1974. lie had been in pon health for the past six months. Born Oct. 29, 1914 in Courtice, he was a son of the laie Mr. and Mns. Milton Gay, and was marnied Oct. 4. 1941 in Blackstack. Living in Courý tice ail his lite, he was a member af Ebenezer United Church, a member of Cedar Masonic Lodge; a member of the Bowmanvillc Golf and Curling Club; and a pasi pres- ident af the Bowmanville Curling Cluh. Mr. Gay is survived by his wife, the former Norma McQunde; ane tiaughier, Mrs. D. Westlake (Susanne) of Oshawa; twa sans, Dennis of vices Mîssissauga- Laurie of the fromi University ai Londion, Lonîdon Ont.; anc sister, Mrs. Cccii Robinson (Margaret) of Ajax; dcd andi threc gnandchiltiren. .Clar- One sister, Beih and anc ýrough,, brother, Sam dicd befare him. -esting Mr. Gay rested at the rip ta Armstrong Funerai Home. ;were Service was helti in the chapel ýw will Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., with fvisit- interment in Bowmanvillc Mrs. Cemetery. Rev. D. Ramris of Ebenezer United Church of- Mrs. ficiaieti. came In lieu of flowcrs, memarial and donations ta the Ontaria Heart Fund would bc appreciated. CandyStripers Float For SantaClaus Para.de Seven new Volunteers and ment. If you have anl , please iwalve naw Candy Stnîpers senti tham aion as ilhey will have joinati aur ranks, brin - ha mosi wle . ing the number ta 40 Aduit The Volunteer's monthiy anti 26 Cantiy Stripers. meeting was heiti ai the home We do neeti marc Volunteers ai Mrs. Childs on October 8th, ta service numeraus ancas anti a great deal ai discussion throughout the hospýital. Per- ok 'place wîth numerous haps yau 100 coudt donate suggesions being made for same ai your valuabletime. the continuity of an efficient The Santa Claus parade will service. have a fioant rganizeti b our The ladies of the Hospital Cantiy Stnipars asithe %now Auxiliary are sponsoring n Qucen anY ber Fainies". Be Pop Concert to raîse funds for sure ta sec their fine efforts. much needed hospialin Large size numerai 1975 ment. Hope ta see you thefo calencdans are neetiet for atitiyour su pport. Don't miss fnat ient's momns, especially for this wonderfui musical even- @ raaihttanDpnt Fnor inquiries or applica- Id ions appy tb Mrs. D. L. Chilâs Drector Volunteer The Bowmanville, Lions Club heldti heir annual Arm- tL L L istice Dinner, Mondny night ai L L L the Lions Centre. In attend- ance werc members ai the executive ai the Royal Canati- ian Legion, Branch 178. The Li 0 '4 Legion provideti a film for the club pnagram "Beyonti tha Beaches". This film denht with the memories ai soldians who panticipaieti in the Second Worlti War,, anti twelled on the compassion that soltiiers hati shown ta pnisoners ai war. cd tiuring the business part ai [A N IDEAL SUMMIR the' meeting, thai the club ? SI ~ N would have a fiant in the REOTION Bowmanvilie Santa Claus IWHERE FIIN DITE AND Parade, Navember 23. The ýMOSOUITOIS DON'T. traciar, trailer anti harn in»yA â which ta do the construction isBYA M being pravitictiby Lion Jim 'PLUMBING & HEATINO Rickard. A number ai Lions will ha busy consiructing the and AIR COND117IONING iloat this weekenti. Don Aluin, Lion, anti New- TYRONE, ONTARIO > ensile Councillor receiveti bis Phone 263-2650 25 year perfect attentiance pin.