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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, Section 2, p. 5

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Keeps Watch fui- Eye on Twin Brothers John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas, Lindsay, were guests of ber mother, Mrs. Ivan Proutt, for evening dinner. Mrs. Verna Fowler, Bow- manvilie, spent iast week with Mns. Lorne McKee. Mr, 'Lorne McKee, son Calvin and Jim and son-in-law John McMillen returned, on Saturday, from a weeks bunt- ing in the Bannockburn area. Friends are plea.sed that Mrs. J. Wygerde returned from Oshawa Hospital on Friday, wbere she received a splendid report from -tests. Sympathy of Cartwright residen.ts and the surroundinïg area is extended to Mr. and Mrs. P. Hoogeveen of Black- stock wbo lost their barn by fire on Monday. Mný. and Mrs. Balfour Moore spnt the weekend with their eugbter and son-in-iaw, Mr.- and Mrs. David Robinson at Stroud. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph -Sadier were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mac- Kenzie, Claire and Leslie Ann, of çaesarea, Mn. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jennifer, of Corbyvilie. Mrs. SadIen re- turned home witb the Scotts for a few day's vacation. The first Teen Dance in Nestîcton Community Centre on Friday, November 1, prov- ed quite entertaining and successfui. On Saturday nigbt, Novem- ber 9, the Country and Western Dance in Nestieton Community Centre attracted a splendid attendance. Al enjoyed the music by Fay Adams and The Country lits, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rohrer received the door prize.ý Names of the spot dance winners are not available. Mr. and Mrs. George Hea- slip spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Philip, Caria and Clinton in North Bay. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to the family of the late Mr. Aloozo Hogel, a former, nesi- dent of Nestieton,' who died in Oshawa Hospital. The funeral was Monday, November 11, fromn the Armistrong Funeral Home witb interment in Nest- leton United Cburch cemet- ryNestleton Presbyterian In the Presbyterian Churcb, Sunday morning MVr. Brian Fraser chose,' "A Sulent Re- membrance" as the theme of bis message reading Scripture passages Micah 1: 1-13, Ephe- sians 6:10-20. War has been a necessary, cvii. We must be careful that we do not gionîfy our experience of war. Re- membrance should be one of silence, sorrow and even guilt. These are strong feelings but must be faced if we are to mnake the effort f0 build peace. U nited Ch,îrcb In the United Church Rever- end Victor Parsons spoke on the topic "Making Peace Secure" reiding Isaiab 2:1-5, Galatians 5:13-26. This was a message on bnotberly love and remembering "Isaiab 2, verse 4" "and tbey sabil beat tbeir swords into-plougb-sba res and their spears into pruning* books: nation shahl not lift up bond against nation, neither sball they learn war any In a solemn service "Ser- vice Books" were dedicated in memory of- the late Mr. Charles Brigg . The choir sang the anthem "Cleanse Me". Nestleton Womens Institute On Wednesday afternoon the November meeting of Nestieton Womens institute was held in the Community Hall with Mrs. Ben DeJong, president chairing the meet- ing. Following the Opening Ode and the Creed Mrs. Dedong extended the welcome to the members and to the guest speaker and bis mother. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Jos. Wygerde, Mrs. M. Firlit, assistant secretary read the minutes and corres- pondence. In the absence of the Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Wm. Bolan, the account of the mee -ting was written by Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mrs. Richard Davison,. treasurer, reported on finances and tendered ber resignation which was accepted. The 4-H Achievement Day, "A World of Food in Canada", wili be November 30 in Enniskiilen Public School. The Centrai Ontario Area Convention will be December 2, 3, 4, 3 the voting date. Finlit was a ppoiri delega te, Mrs .G(eorg gave the financiali the three eucbre par next will be Novei Members were urgg tend. Scugog Womej ute will be guestE December meeti ni Dec. 4). The Henrv '1 Memorial Award presented at Comme November 16. A W. sentative to the Pari will be appointed in ber. Reports were gi' "Fun Fair" and Work Shop. For the, roll cal pictures were shown ,ings that have dis« from our community iVrs. Harry MeL convenor of Citizený World Affairs, introd g ue st speaker Mr Newton an Actuary Toronto Insurance Who came to Canada a g o.An Actuary is wofgures risks and Insurance Comrpan Newton in bis rema that an actuary is a ious profession. He r be a mathemnatician. companies the amou into tbeir Pension1 deals with estimati aspects of life and liv Fine and Accident Ini Equitable Insurani pany started in1 Section Two The Cana4jian Statesman, Bowmianville, November 20. 1974 5 with Dec. actuary e stîmates the prem- For the motto, "Let Us Not Mrs. M. iums to make Bure money is Forget to be Kind", Mrs. nted the always available. Actuaries McLaughlin read ten Com- e Heaslii make estîmates ninety years manidments for Kindness from ,report Of abead - how many dlaims, the A.C.W.W. I rtes. The interest on money, money The resolutions were lef t to ýmber 18. going in, monty goin~ out - the discretion of the voting edtoat soives the equation. It Is ver y delegate. ýns Instit- difficuit - hew costs will Mrs.* Dedongread a beauti- sat the infiate. Canada regulates fui Rembrance Day Poem by ph (Wed., where Companies invest their a new Canadian of Dutch Lhmpson money. England gives more origin. will be freedom but are adopting the Two pictures donated by ncement, Canadian system now. In Alex Carruthers, M.P.P, were .1rere U.S.A. there, are specific framed by Mrs. Lawrence ' Boad regulations with fifty different Mac - nDecem- sets of laws. There are a high ven re the number of Canadian Actuar- I..utj>.L ,NJ Nutrition îes wbo are esemed around LET usSINO t HI the world. Actuaries invented il many the first card system for each LTL O O /b ofbic- problem - the forerunner of OUJR FINE PL UMBIN6-5 ;appeared the computer system. The1 # Y. actuary is a fkiancial expert YOL/CANT» aughlin, and a social engineer. There is uJQ V iship and a big shortae in this profess- Briane in Sm oriais iea ywith a Comp.any six years a person J rates for iies. Mr. rks, said a myster- nust also iHe tells int to put Plan. He ing - al 7ing (Life, isurance). Ice Com- 1762. An many, only haîf trained, bave to step into de what they can. It is a much needed and a good profession for a young person and is an enjoyable and satisfactory career. Mr. New- ton studied in Liverpool Eng- land (Examns for 10 years) Rowntree Chocolates from Yorkshire, England and Eng- lisb Mints, gifts of Mr. Newton, were apprecîated by the group for lunch. Mrs. McLaugbiin, in weli chosen worils, thanked tbe speaker for hus splemdt intormative and interesting talk. ORONO 9s3-52&6f ESSO HIOME HEAT SERVICE Five-year-old Tracy keeps a watchful eye and restraining hand on twin brothers lan (efOI and Sean who celebrated their first birthdav, Nov. 6. They are the children of llarry and Dorothy -Stewart of' Kingston. Proud Srancdparents are Mrs. andi Mrs. George Stapleton, Waverly Garclens, NESTLETON "MalMaker ofte week Canad Grade"A"TableRte ~ M -ei: ""THEY'RE ALL HOME FOR THANKSGIVINGV'f Are you being thankfui for a new snowmobile or ski- mobile? Have it adequately insured against tbeft, physicai damage and iability, with the James Insurance Agency. J&mD&5 Insurance Agence Limrited 24 King St. E., Box 100, 60WMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623-4406 A Resicience 623-5023 Once again (Mon., Nov. 11) we pause. We have poignant memories of loved ones who answered their countrv's cal and who paid the supreme sacrifice. These were wars to end wars but greed and strife continues. Were those sacri- fices in vain? Perhaps some day. in some way, the Brother- hood of Man, may reign and Peace will "be prociaimed throughout the worid. Each, in bis or bier own way, may c-onttribtte to htBohlbo and that Peace. on Thursday a number of Cartwright ladies enjoyed a bus trip to see the Chinese Exhibit eat the Ontario Mus- eum. Before returning home they bad evening dinner at the Scarborough Shopping Mail. Mr., and Mrs. Ron Jacobs and Deanne were Sunday afternoon visitors with bier uncleand aunt Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fish at Sonya. Jamie and Michael Leisb- man of Lindsay spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mrs. Grahame Fish. Belated congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mns. Charles Nesbitt who were recently honored, by famii and friends, on their fortieth wédding anniversary, (Satur- day, November 2), in the Nestieton Community Centre. Mr, Charles McLaughlin, Toronto, attended morning worship in the Anglican Chur- c h, Blackstock and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin for Sunday dinner and was an over-night guest. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mns. Henry Trick in Lindsay and 1 40> AUTO mv USED CARS 4> ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION OF USED CARS R. R. 2 -,Newcastle 987-4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and family in honor of their granddaughter Tracey's second'birthday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Morris and famlly,_ Toronto, ere mid-day dinner guests of er mother, Mrs, Lawrence Cooledge. In. the evening Mrs. Colledge and ber sons, The Gordon Colledgce family of Caesarea and Mr. Les niuey Toronito, had -diriner at the Bonfire Restaur- ant, Lindsay. Mr. Jack Curtis, Toronto, spent Sunday to Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Grant Thomp- son. Winners at the Women'u Institute card party were Mrs. Russel Larme, Mis Edna Larmer, Mrs. Ambose Ly- wood, Bert Gibson, Scott Wiliams and Grahamne Fish. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowers, John and Brian, Oshawa, Miss Darlene Vine. R.R., Nestieton visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Mr. Earl Bowers. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Business Directo-ry- A cco un t a n Wl!. 1. H. CQGGIWS Chartered Accounitant. 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone, 823-3612 WILLIAM C. HIALL B.Comnx. Chartered Accountant 36% King St. E., OÈhawa Telephone 725-6539 C hi r opr ac t e G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Office: Chfropractor 15 E1giStreet corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Houri: By appointment D1jen tal DR. ANGUS M. ELAIR S 1 D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvllle (near Dominion Store), Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. inciuding Saturday Telephone 623-3181 D)R. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Oreephone 623-7412 If bUOY - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S, 22King St. E., suite lot Professional Bidg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D,.D.S 75 King St. E, BowÏmanvllk Office Hours.: i., rues., and Thurs. 9 tii 5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 1Friday 9til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday ,Office Plione 623-5igo POWDERED Punch IK Detergent "'Bo CHRISTIES PLAIN Ritz MEADOWGLEN (PIECES b STEMS) Mushroom s o,.' CHUN KING CHOP SUEY OR PEPPER STEAK Chinese Dinners Bo Deoz ALL-PURPOSE uRobinlood RUPERT HOME STYLE FROZEN NORMAL, LEMON, DRY, DUNCAN MINES DELUXE 1 12-OZ fl EGG OR BALSAM (ASSORTED VAMI!TIES) Fish Cakes PKG. 2-F keMiZ FREEZER (1UEEN GRAVY Et SLICEO BEEF, Suave nampoo 12 L . 67* CakMie SALIBURYSTEK EtGRAV OR5 VARIETIES (PP. 2Pl) SAIBR TA RV RSUAVE VOORTMAM'S VEAL PAR MAGIAN _ 2F. -Z Me2 Entr.e$1,89 Lemon ureme Rnmse 671 Cookies ms BIROSEYE FROZEN MîSTLETOWNE 10-ROLL PKG. ML HCtTSAMN Cool-O W p 49 Chsmas Gift Wrap $ 2.49 Hershey Bars FRASERVALE FANCYUCYPK ATR (FROZEN) PLAIN (18.-DZ. Pl FrenchOR FRUIT liRAISIN Mi Fres. 4*mç YOUCOULD WIN 490LB or73 77 KING ST. E. DO WMAN VILLE SUNDAY STORE NOURS 10:00Oa.m. to 5:00 p. CAAANO. 1GRADE PE.Il Potat.oes CAISP, PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. NO. i GRADE Celery St"lksSinze 2 EACH 39' LOCAL GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cabbage 2F m4id" No. 1 GRANE SWEET Green Peppers califomia walnuts Le. 5r~ Tangerines sui i 1 o. 69* Solid White Tuna SOZ. TIN (ASST'D. COLORS) Facial Tissue BOX 0F46 111461 Shortening INGERSOL PROCESS Cheese Spread 6 VARIETIES %i "G" Snacks VERY TIIIN STICKS OR TWISTS Owristies Pretzels 791 ~JAR 1.09 OF.X 1 .1 BA 651 IGA Haburg or lener Ruais PKG.89 0F 8F IGA ROYAL GUEST 1812 O 8- 'I Instant Coffee OZ.M" FLOWEROALE ORANGE PEKOE 2P<as eTea Baigs- 2 PKG. 89* LANCIA READY-CUT MACARONI SPAGNETTINI OR BAROBO PIfOUAl Srpaghetti MONEY ON QUALITY w DX PREMIUM oFUEL 0 I FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL US DX FUEL OIL TO-DAY F -i FOR PROMPT, COU RTEOUS S ERV ICE, ..690 JAR 4 1 /2T0-59 7TO8 OZ PKGS. 9 T (1 PRIL-S L. ý-F wý,ýPV.73 WE RESERVE THE RICHT TG LIMI UANTITIES 29*

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