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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 1

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Montreal Man Dies When Building Colla pses SATA CD- OnIy the Iast minute details are Ieft as Bowmanville prepares for ifs l3th annual visit by Santa Claus on Saturday, Novem ber 23rd. This year's themne,, "It's A SmaII World", has been receîved.vwi1th enthusiasm by the community and businesses' alike as the Parade Committee collected over $1000 in a rec ent button blitz when the town was canvassed to help finance expenses învolved in bringin'g Santa to town. Buttons wiII also be available on the day of the Parade for anyone wishing to donate. To date, at Ieast nine bands have confirmed attendance including the Bow- manville High School Band,, Bowmanville -- z IN Pipe Band, Oshawa Shrine Club "Oriental' Band,", Royal Canadian Sea Cadet "Drakeý" Band of Oshawa, Ajax Legion Pi pe Band, To ronto Optimists "Junior A" Ban d, Toronto Optimlists Cadet Band, Brampton "'Sena- tors"" and the Belleville "Yardmen". Over 20 f loats are expected to enter with such themesý as, Three Little Pigs, Winnie the Pooh, Jungle Story, and Noah's Ark, in- addition to numerous clowns and horses. The Parade is scheduled to start f rom the, Central Public School, on Wellington Street at 10:30 a.m. and proceed south on' Silver, west on Church, south on Scugog, east on King and south on Liberty to the finish at ,LE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1974 15e Per Copy Vo lume 120 36 -Pages BOWMANVILI Jerus alem Masoie Lodge The Water, is in, But Not Ready for Swimmers Celebrates 125th Bfirthday by Bill Arnott Members of Jerusalem Lodge celebrated their 125th Anniversary on Saturday, as Masons from lodges across Southern Ontario joined the brethren of Jerusalem Lodge in a banquet at the Lions Centre. The guest speaker for the çvening was the Right Worshipful Brother Eric W. Nancekiveli, Deputy, Grand Master of the Grand, Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Mayor Garnet Rickard broughtgreetings from thie municipality of Newcastle with a rare touch of humor. He acknowledged an earlier an- nouncement that the enter- (Turn ta Page Two) it. It's very impressive! HOLD OPEN HOUSE On Thurs., Fni., and Satur- day of this week, Van Belle Gardens are having au~ Open House to celebrate the Grand Opening of their new "Plant Room" at their east location on Hwy. 2, west of Bowman- ville. Take the trip out to see Housing Industry WiIIl Recover By Spring 1975- aWalter Frank On Tuesday, November 19, Builders Association. has been considered. He Walter Frank, President af W. He forecast an improve- pnedicted that the Municipali - Frank Real Estate Limîted ment in the real estate market t y of Durham wauid ilkrelly addressed a dinner meeting of by the Spring because of a double in the next 15 years. the Oshawa and District Home. drap in interest rates (fallow- Althou£oh fhis wouldt inorease Late Friday afternoon, 30-year-old Claude Bergeron of Montreal was killed and Raynauld LaBonte, 39, of Lavai, Que. was injured when a domed storage building they were constructing at the St. Marys Cernent plant here coilapsed. The two men were connecting a curved iaminated wood b rce to a six foot steel ring, 80 feet above ground when the accident occurred and they feil to the ground., This photo shows the steel ring and p art of the laminated wood sections usiýed in the construction. The incident is being investigated'by thie Ontario induastrial safetydepartment and the Ontario Provincial Police. Mr. LaBonte was taken to Memoriai Hospital and is considered in satifactory condition. Mr. Bergeron's lody was brought to Northcutt Elliott Funieral He and p- later taken to Monotreal for burial. Save Taxz Dollars GarugeTo Curb As of Janua 1ry i Bowman- ville residents wiil have to carry their own garbage to the street for collection. Acýcording to a study done by Coun. Ivan Hobbs, Trea- surer Joe Descent and Direc- tor of Public Works Jack Dunhamn, the town has growa so much that to continue to collect garbage from the door would require additional staff. The estimated annual cost for the additional labor would be $40,000. To avoid this expense the committee has decided to recommend to council that the service be limnited to collection fromn the curb. Y ellowlees Family Is Supreme Wesley J. Yellowlees of Enniskillen R.R. 1, recently won the World Championship at the Royal Winter Fair in Russell Oats, for the fifth time. Second p lace winner was his wife Ada and in 9th place, was their son Murray, sho in~ Starmont Oats. In the 4-H division, nephews Wayne -Yellowlees, pl aced second, DennisYellowlees third, and niece Janice Yel- lowlees placed fourth in Rus- sell Oats. Wes placed also second in the two'rawed Herta barley ,class. Please, Re turn SCostumes Sauta Clause Parade Cos- tume Chairwoman, Mariyâ Cole, bas spent a few hectic weeks organizing and making costumes for the up-coming Parade this Saturday. With ail the work put into this job and la, order to save a lot of effort-for next year, she isrequesting anyone who wih be wearing a Committee costume in the Parade, piease return the costume to ber immediately at the conclusion of the Parade at Memorial Park. .1 If you are unfable to find her at that, time, please telephone 623-5289 followlng the Parade so the costumes can be cleaned and stored away for 1975." NAMES MIXED UP Under the picture of the Hlonor graduates at Cart- wright High School on the front of the second section, the names of Leslie Wright and Christina Faint should be reversed. Sorry. 111VANCEa. POLL u tupercnt.prospeiy, in wuudouviously ADVNCEOLLThis drop in the price of bring the attendant problems Municipal electors ln Bow- money would haveconsequent (Turm ta Page TWo> manville, and Clarke-New- effects on prices. of homes, castle would do well to note forcing them -Up again. Ac- ANY CATTLE MISSING? that an 'Advance Poil will be cording ta Mr. Frank, "ng:w is Allan J. Werry, north of held this Saturday, Nov. 23rd the time, to buy"~.' Enniskillen, phoned this from Il a.m, to 8 p.rn. so those He made a strong appeal to morniilg wondering if anyone who don't expect to be able to the regional council to get on had reported six cattle mis- vote on Dec. 2nd may cast with the regional development sing. They strayed. onto his their ballots> for candidates for plan. He suggested that what property and have stayed' the Northumberland and New- may appear to be a feasible around for the past three days. castie Boar-d of Education. solution to one problem might Contact hlm at 263-8412 if Check the advertisemnent ln produce ýdisastrous side ef- somne of your 1 1ive beef has left this editioli for details. fects unless the whole picture home Cfim New Shoppijng en%ltre DIII~V ~E~E~Corner of King and Simoson, WHOOPS -We hasten to correct an item in iast week's Statesman to, the effect that Herb Knapp and his son Gord had sold $300 worth of Santa Parade buttons. t should have been 300 buttons at 25 cents a piece., There's quite a difference. WINNERS - So'far, we've heard of three $1,000 winners of the Olympie Lottery, Joe Caruana R.R. 4, Thelma Couvier an employ- ee of Bowmanville Cleaners and Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Anderson, Queen Street. There may be others and we'd appreedate having 'their names to share the good luck with readers. It's also nice to know where a fellow might be able to borrow a dollar if things get tough. That was quite a story in the papers Tuesday about the woman who won the million. She and hier bus- band had separated recently. He'll probahly try to corne home fast now. BIG ISSUE - This edition is one of the larger ones we' ve pubiished, ail 36 pages of it in three sections, including one on catinrg for your car. There are many good tips to follow in that section to saveyou mieyad keep your car in good shape.An consideration you can give to the advertisers who made the section possible would be appreciated. TOUGII 'OPPOSITION - While Finance Minister John Turner was presenting lis bud- get on Monday in the House of Commons, the Olympie Lottery winners names were being selected on television from Hamilton. We sus- pect most people watched the lottery, figuring they could catch up on details of the budget later. In the editorial columns, the Editor did some speculating before the budget was brought down and wasn't too far out, except for the drop in sales tax on building materials. There were many other changes but by now most interested citizens will have heard or read about them. Cigarettes hadn't jumped in price nor had the price of liquor as of Tuesday after- noon. There was no increase in the tax on beer which is going to -go up the first of the year any- way, according to one well informed source.y ON TAKEOVER AGENCY - Former Rhodes scholar William P. Rosenfeid a Toronto lawyer, has been appointed senior legal advisor to Ottawa's Foreign lnvýestment Review Agency, that screens foreign takeovers of Canadian industries. He is a brother of Mrs. Edward Samuel of King St. East, Bowmanville, and specializes in corporate com- mercial law with the firm of Rosenfeld, Schwartz, Malcolmson, Lampkin and Levine. THREE ITEMS - Under last minute news. There's an advertisement for Zellers on page 11 of the second section offering 10 per cent off merchandise in their three Oshawa stores. The catch is that the sale is for today Wednesday only. Luckily, they are open until 10 p.m. Secondly, the Oshawa Symnphony concert, sponsored by the Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary in the BHS auditorium next Monday deserves support, and thirdly, don't forget dear old be- whiskered, big bellied Santa cornes to town this Saturday morning at 10. w i Won't Harm Downtown Core -by Bill Arnott Developers of the King Street and Simpson Avenue proposed Shopping Centre indicated to a special meeting of residents, the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce and Newcastle Council, that their project would strengthen the downtown core of Bowman- ville as opposed to other NEED SOUP CAN LABELS Hampton Junior Public School is collecting Campbell Soup can labels that will help them to purchase needed eqluipment for. the school. Between now and Dec.,14, they hope to collect enough labels to earn them a portable loudspeaker. If you can help, send in your Campbell soup labels. proposecf and to be proposed i shopping centres, which would i take away from the downtown core. The arguments for the King-Simpson shopping centre were p ut forth at a meeting requested by the Chamber of Commerce, held Friday morn- ing in the Council Chambers. Approximately 70 residents (Turn to Page Two) 250 Country Music Fans Attend Orono Jamboree The Newcastle Recreation Melanie, followed by Mary Department Orano Jamboree Bunting with a numben of attracted 250 country music zippy fiddle sangs, then local fans in the Onono Town ,Hall boy Larry Adams with a few Sunday afternoon. truck driving son gs. The show The fans wene treated ta, a continued wîth Bill Woodward variety of music hits by Fay therfîodJake Jakeman Adams and the Country Hits trii n ai aea with wife Glory, son Don and Master of Ceremanies and Len Summenscales. harmnonica player. Ail in all it was a good The guest artists vère Mel entertaining family show with Clingman and-,his daughter continuaus -music. Two members of the Bowmanville Service Clubs' Pool Committee Jack Brough and Merrill Brown entertain themselves with chilling thoughts of anyone venturing into the freezing water. Bowmanville's Pub lic Swimming Pool at Memorial Park is on its way to comýpletion, the vinyl liner was put in on Saturday, along with 22,000 Cana dian galions of water and corne Spring the final phrase of construction will be completed. Fortuy Service Club Members, Install Swi mming Pool Liner So it WHilSe Ready In Spring Qntario Hydro Employee KiIIed in Truck Accident this Morning An Ontario Hydro construction crew- employee from Toronto is dead and another in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, foliowing an accident this morning when their heavy truck rolled over and burned north of Taunton 1noad on the Clarke-Darlington town line. No names have been reieased. t is understood the construction crew were building new hydoline in the area. Ne other vehicles were involved, the truck apparently rolled when it hit the soft shoulder'of the road. Orono firemen were at the scene, but were unable to save the victim who was trapped in the truck cab. -Photo by Bill Arnatt Fonty members fnom the five service clubs in Bowman- ville gathered Satunday morn- ing at Memonial Park ta help fit the liner into the town's new public swimming pool. The liner is the mammoth vinyl tub 82 feet by 34 feet that fîts inside the pool structure. It took ail 40 members to lift and drop the liner into position; thmier being ail in one piece. After an hour and a half's struggle the liuer was in position and service club membens watched as Fire Chief Jim Hayman and two of the brigade, Bill -Lyle and Howar d Davey, used fine hases ta fi the pool. wMt waten. 'The new pool holds 1(-tu mn'ta Page Twoî Election in Mon vers. On December 2, the Town- ship of Manvers will eleet a newcouncil. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve have been elected by acclamation. They are Reeve George H. Neals and Deputy Reeve Lamne J. Curtin. Former Reeve Harvey Malcalm did nat run this year. There are four candidates running for three council positions . They are last year s counciliars Lewis McGill 'and Narine Propp, and two new contenders Mrs. Lrnda 'K. McLaughlin and' James Russell. Three are in the nunning for the County af Victoria Board of Education, of which two will be eiected. Nominations are Arthur Rowan, Paul MeGuire and Mrs. Edna Carew. The advance poli will be held this Saturday, November z3 in thîe Township of Manvers Hall in Bethany, Onlýario. The haurs are from i11à .m. ta 8 p..Election day, is Dec- embýer 2. PI KUEWK ~ W'UUEIIN'E1K M Number 47 ine a U.S. lead) to 10 nereent MILIlvuril tlllb wuulu Ilicreabt ý,.Qnprif,, if ,Y*

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