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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, Section 2, p. 12

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12 Tb Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 20,1974 Section Two Victr1I County Launches Uiu Strudy of Municipaml Gvrm From lefi to iight, Commissioner R. E. Sims, County Warden S. Smith (seated) and County Planning Commit. Hick. Following several monbhs et years tbe roll of local govern- the plu Council discussion, a brief ment bas been diminisbing as scbedu.( ccremony marked the begin- economic and echnical bbc re ning et bbc Victoria County changes bave come face te Comni, Municipal Government Study. face witb a basic municipal wouida The Warden, S. Smitb, Reeve structure wbicb is over one ments a eftIhe Township et Emiiy and bundred and twenty years old, The C, bbe Sbudy Commissioner, R. We, as trustees, bave a te say: E. (Ted) Sims, executed an responsibility te future gener- "The Agreernent whîcb fermalîzes' ations te provide a srong and local goi comencement et study effective system of goveru- il today, work. Aise present werc Mr. ment." underst. A. _E. Hick, Reeve et the Town Mr. Hick empl)asizcd the sbould et Lndsay and Charman et significanoe et public contri- impessil bbc Ceunty Planning and bution tbroughoabtbe wboie in af Restructuring Comrnîîtee, te- precess by saying: overlapl gether witb Mc.Ciare McKay, " My cemmenîs beday are and mai Coanty Clerk. direcbed in particular te ail bbc wicb The Warden, Chairman and residents and properîy owners atempti Commissioner comnmenbed on Ihrougbout Victoria Coanty. xiii con the Sîudy atter signing was Counby Restructuring, as lb is bwo tbeî finisbed. cailed, will be et vital impor- most in Warden Smith said: tance in -planning for a future Fîrst, "Over bbc next Iwenty iu Ibis Coanty wbich will hcofu change menths yoa will be bearing benetit te bbc greatest possible project more about Ibis subject, and il number et citizens. I would bbc con is my wîsh, and aise Ihat et ask, therefore, that our resi- represe your County Council, Ibat you dents foleow cloely bbc work Counby. as rabepayers become involv- et the study, together wibb bbc ated frg cd. By bccoming involved, yeu repoirts and bulletins te be Ibrougb wîll be assisbing your Counicil publisbed during the course et sien tror and alse the Sbudy Commis- Ibis work., Secon( sioner, Mr. R. E. Sims. 1 do bopc ageodly nambcreof objecciv, The teremost reason fer the citizens et Victoria Counby forth i municipai rcform is te sîren- avail tbernselvcs oethbbc pper- intendcd gtben local geverument and tanity we bave builb mbint he interestý give il a more significanî roll study plan, and submib epin- residentý lu tbc geverning et our ions and participabe during maximu society. Over bbc pasi severa1 OITUAR ) -- - - -MRS. DORA PALMER Mrs. 01/9 6ASOL/NE / B Y FA>' A former employee ofet b cn T/If B9FST T/I/S HSS EEN ity et Oshawa as a secrebary Home, PRVN YCSTMR in bbc tax deparîment, wbo beld ini rirdin 1965 with 20 years ibi TE5 T Y - . ý erxice, Mrs. Dora Palmer, et Union TYRONE E. it. à5 - Bowmanville PHONE 263-8431 Oýshaa dîcbed af bbc Bowmanî- ville Memorial Hospital, Nov. il, 1974. Sbe bad been iii for bbc past menbb. The fermer Dora Perler was hemn in Cedardale, a daughtcr et bbc labe Mr. and Mrs. Sidnecy Porter. She was edu- cated in Oshawa foliowing ber relirement in 1965. she worked for tive y ars as a receptionisî for Dr. We_ S. McKy She is survîvcdJ by two daughters, Mrs. George Fish- er CLene) et Oshawa; Mrs. Ralph Ames (Frances) et Bewmanvilic, and tour grand- childrcn and eue great. grandchifd. Your Child's Portrait In vivid color ". 4151 t *UU ý "9*4 a kje~wfte" NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY J ust drop int our store during the days and hours listcd below. Vour lovely ift picture wili be taken FREE by a professional children's photographer. One gift -Irait to a family which niay include groups. ht's our way of saying "Thank you" te our regu- lar custemers, and, "Wlcome" to evcryoec csc. FRIDAY NOV. 22 -Il a *m. to 7p.m. ONE DAY ONLY A Gift to You from CANDIN TRECORP. BOWMANVILLE NOTE. Additional portraits available for. Christmàs Pelivery. Clr C. McKa, u , tichare , 1.erhase et Ted ,Sus, u~yeur cern- un hoe ad Ibis complex systeni et 3vernmeni, as we know 'u s almestbebyend bbc tanding et the people il serve. It woald be ibic for me te describe fcw, sentences tbe )ping ef responsibiF tues iy other problenis witb yoar Councils arc ting te cepe. and se I if mne my rcmarks te igbbs wblçb arc upper- my mnd,: il is a rcfresbing te he involved in a wbicb startcd tbrougb îccrn et the elccted entatives et Victoria IbTis study was initi- rom witbun and net -suggestion ou persua- )m any outsîde source, -dly, 1 boethe stated ves ofet bcstud - teset r ecom menations Id le serve the best ts et prcseiit and future s - is rcalized te the um extent possible." Palmer rested aI the >sb-Andcrson Funerai Oshawa. 'Service was the chapel Wcdnesday, itermient in Oshawa Cexnetery.__Rev, Mel- Memnorial ona Iotethe Ontario Heart Pund would be gratefally acknowledged. MR.IERBEFIT POWELL The dcatb occurred on Thursday, November 7tb, 1974, in Scarborougb General Hospital, et Aima Powell, aged 63. 111 for tbrec wceks: she was bbc daughteî ot Sidney and lia Morris. Bora at Union, Ontario, she was cdu- caied lu Boxxmanvulle. 1Marrîcd te Herbert Powell, -tbey bad rcsidcd, in Bowman- ville. A merriber et Trinîty United Cburcb, and the Re- bekab Beebive Lodge No. 125, et wich she was a PasI fNoble Grand, ber ntrests aise, centred around, ber home. Surviving aie bier husband, nieces and nepbews. Two sisters predcceased ber. Edith (Mrs. Sidney Martin) and Marjorie (,Mrs. Ed. Foran). The fanerai service was coîductcd by. Revcrend Wes- ley Oake, trom the Morris Funeral Chapel, on Menday. Pailbearers were Messers. Gordon Lamont, Art. Young- man, Stan McMurter, Gordon Henry, lHarold Brown and Ray Bryson. Floral tekens were reccived trom the Rebekab Lodge, Oddfellows Lodge No. 66, PastNoble Grand Club 59_ L.O.L. No. 2384 Bowrnanvillc. and LOL. No 399 Purpie uHill, aîîestiug te the esteeni in w hicb the deceased was bcld. luterment was in Bowman- ville Cemcîery. MRS. PERCY FiIOMPSON A resudent 0f Oshîawa for the past 65, years, Mrs. Perey Thonipson dicd suddenly, at home, 335 Saguenav St,, Oshawa, Friday, Nov. 8, 1974. She forrnerly lix cd at 97 Park Rd. S., Oshawa. The former Bertha Jane Staccy was boru Aug. 23, 1901 in Bark's Falls, a daagbtcr et bbc tate Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stacey. She was cdacatcd un Burk's Falls and Oshawa.. She xas a member ut St. Andrews United Cbarch, the United Cburcb Women's Asso- ication, Oshawa Girl Guides Association, and the Oshawa Gencral Hospital Ladies' Aux- iliary, 1Rler husband Perey Dryden Thonipson. died in 1971; aise onîe sîster, Laura Garuow, died before bier. She is survîved by oe daugbter, Mrs, James Mc- Lean (Mary) of Oshawa; eue granddaaghter, Janey; tour sisters, Mrs. D. Darne 'Der- etby) et Oshawxa, Miss Myrtie Stacey et Bowrnville, Miss Victoria Stacey et Oshawa, Mrs. J. Nexstead (Miidred) et East Atrica;Ivvo brothcrs, Newton et Oshawa and Leslie et Belleville. Mrs. Tborpsen rested at the Mlntosb Anderson Fan- cral Home, Oshawa, witu service lu bbc chu ci Taesday. Interment in Os2awa Union Cei-ntery. 13ev. John Morris offîciated. Memorîal donations to the OntariQ Heart Foundation xwould be gratcfully acknowl- edged. CI'IAitLÉS CHRISTIE BRtIGGS Charles Christie Briggs pas- sed away i n Toronto, on Thursday, October :31. If7e was the lo\ ing hushand of Rose Mountjoy and also of the late Steila Slemon. Born in T'oronto on Septem- ber 26, 1901, lie spent most of is life there except for a fexv ears in the Nestieton vicinity. .4e as a memiber of Nestieton Presbx Icrian Church and Sherbourne Street United Church, Toronto. Left to mourn bis passîng are bis wvife Rose arnd two sons William and Thomnas and four grandchiîdren. The funeral was held on Saturday, Novemiber 2, from the Rosar-AMorrison Funeral' Home aI 10* 30 arn. Reverend W. Burbridge and Reverend J.W. Findley conducted the service. Joterment was at St. James Cemetery. Palîbearers were Mr'. J. Renauld, Mr. Lloyd Stiff, Mr. W. Briggs, 1. Briggs, Jeffrey Briggs and Mr'. Donald Griev- es. The many floral arrange- ments were a suenut tribute of the esteem in which the late Mr. Briggs was'held. Friends attended from Kit- chener, Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Hampton, Port Pcrry, Nestieton, and Blackstock. DAVID PETER SHEARER Awardcd the Gilt Cross for Bravery, in 1966, by' Gov. Gen. Michener, David Peter Shear- er aged 20, ditd in a tragie car accident on Hwy. No. 2, east of Newcastle, on Saturday, Nov- ember 9th, 1974. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shearer, hie was born in Oshawa and cducated in New~castle, Ontario Street, Bowmanx ille, and Westmount Oshawa Public Schools, and in Clarke Hîlgh Schoot 1-le had resided in Newcastle for the past 12 vears, in Oshawa six years, and ini Bowmanviilc for twAo years. Employed at the Esso, Newcas tic, f or three y ears, he had been employcd aI the General MowLrs, only four weeks. Active in sports hie was a player witb the Ncwcastle Junior hockey team, and a coach ý i f uicNewxcastle Pee Wee 13j leam in the United County I eague., playcd one cear in the Bowmanvillc Minor Hockey League, and 10 ycars in the Newcastle Min- ors, and ln the Newcastlc Men's League. A Cub and Boy Scout hie yas also a member of the Sons of Ulster flute band. Le! t w unourn bis passing are his parents, two sisters Deborah and Nancy and a brother Norman. A sister Heather predeccased hlm. The funierali service was E anraiHom orTucsday, witl cvcrrd 'homras Srmith Palîbearers werc Darrel Barrett. Darrel Darling, Robin Rickard, Fred Hobbs, Larry Lunn and Roy Ver- burgh. Floral tokens attesting te thepopularity and respect of David wcrc received from the Newcastle Hockey Team, Newcastle Mens League, Newcastle Minor Hockey Lea- gue, Cowanvitle 'Auto Wrec- kers Team Wawa 222. Dur- ham Lodge AFAM No. 66, Ontario Masters Assoc., Truck Plant Hockey Lgc., Clarke High School, GM Truck Plant Hdwe., GM North Plant Paint Shop. and the Sons-of Ulster Flute Band. 1Interment was in Bond Head Cemctery, Newcastle. LOTTIE LUELLA TODD 111 for two and a haîf years, Lottie Lucîla Todd aged 80, passed away in Memorial Hospitl1, Bowrnanville, on Wednesday. November, 6th, The daugbtcr of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Conucîl, she was born and cducated ir. Manvers Twp., and married Fcbruary l4th, 1912, 10 the late Lorne C. Todd. A resident of R.R. No. 1 Ncwtonville for 60 years, she had prcviousiy resided for two years in Manvers Twp. A bousewife, she was a member of Sbiloh United Cburch and the Shiloh U.C.W., and dciighted in helping in church affairs, bazaars and other activities, in the cornmunity. Surviving, are Carl Todd, Newtonviile, Eiiecn Stapleton R.R. No. 3, Newcastle, seven grandchildren and 8 great grandchildrcn and a, sister Mabel (Mrs. J.H. McKnight) Millbrook. Resting at the Morris' Fun- crai Chapel, the service'was conductcd by Rcvcrcnd Gor- don Montgomery,Nwtn ville on Friday. Palîbearers wcrc grandsons Bruce Donnelly, Gordon Mor- ton, Larry Sinclair, Gary and. Neil Stapleton, and nephew Ross Todd. Floral tokens xere received lrorn the Starkvillc Commun- ity and Silob U.C.W. Interment was in Orono Cemctcry. CLELAND (KELLY) LANE Ncwtonvitle and area resi- dents werc saddencd and shockcd 10 learn of the suddien passing of Cleland Kly Lane, 64, at bis home, On Tlîursday, November 7th, 1974. Born in 'Newtonville, and cducated in Ncwtonville- and Newcastle Schools, he was the son of the laIe William and Mary Lane. Married in Nov. 1934 10 Leone Burkclt, tbey werc te celebrate their 4th annîversary, Rlesiding in Newtonville all, his lite, he was Posîrnaster and storekeeper Ihere for 38 y cars, retiring almost Iwo ycars ago. A member of Newtonx ille United Church of, which lbe servcd as an Elder, he was also in the choir and a Sunday 'School teacher. A member of the Canadian Postmasters Ascito, he was aise on the Ccmetery Board.' Surviving are his wife L.eone, sons William, Port Hope, Edward, (Ted) Orono, Barry, Peterborough, daugh- ter Gloria, (Mrs. Char les Gary), Orono, a brother Harry. Owen Sound, sisters, Olive çMrs. Bruce Leuty) Port Hope, Mary (Mrs. Melville Joncs> Newtonviile, and nine grandchildren. Reverend Montgomery assisted by Revcrcnid White, conductcd the funeral service from the Morris Funerar Chapel on Saturday. Pali- bearers were Messers Robert Leuty,' Howard Moore, Rae Stewart, Fred Henderson, Lloyd Clysdale, and Melville Samis. 11 Floral tributes receivedat- testing t0 the esteem lu which the deccased was'held, were 100 numerous 10 mention. Interment was in Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. JOHAN LOUIS DE GOOYER Irmmigrating 10 Canada lu 1956, with bis family, Johan Louis De Gooyer. aged 61, passed away on Wednesday, November 6th, 1974, at Me- morial Hospital, Bowmaný ville. 111 for 22 months, he was hemn at Bennekom, Thîe Ne- therlands, and educated in 'The Netherlands. The son of the laIe Jan and Elisabeth (Van Grootheest) De Gooyer, he was married May 7th. 1942 to Aaltje Wagenaar. >A resident of Newcastle sînce 1956, he was employed by the Newcastle Cement Block Col. Ltd. Prior Ici residing',in Newcastle, lie had lived in Epe, The Neîhcrlands. Mr. De Gooyer was a member of the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church. 1Resting aI the Morris Fune- rai Chapel, Bowmanville, the funcral service was conducted by Reverend Guy Corvers, lrom the Maranatha Christian Retormed Chuî ch, on Satur- day. h n arc bis wife, sons Jonad Hans, daugliters Alice (Mrs. George Van Schelting a), Kien (Mrs. 'Oliver Galea), six grandchildren, two brothers Kees and Jan, sister Ger (Mrs. W. Monna), ail of The Netheriands, and a sister Alice (Mrs. A. Bothof), Cali- tornia. Palibearers were bis sons John and Hans, Oliver Galea, George Van Scheltinga, Bert De Bruin, and Claude eierste- ken. Among tbe floral tokens receivcd were ones trom Newcastle Cernent Block Co. Lbd., Dominion Store, 130w- manvilie, Ontario Malleable Iron, Durham Regional Cen- Ire, Cottage 1. Interment was iu Bowmanvillc Cemctery. MARION E. STE VENS Beloved a nd respected by aIl xsho kncw ber, Marlon E. Stevens, aged 75, passed away on Monday, November 111h, 1974, in Mernorial Hospital, Bownuianville, following sev- eral rnontb's illness. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Morris, she was boru and educated lu Bow- manville, and on August l9th, 1925 was united in marriage h 1,b (.oasSevens, residing in Maple Grove, and for the past 22 years, on Scugog Street, Bowmanville. A devoted wife and mother, ber interests centred around her home, farnily, church and communiby. Sb& was a mcem- ber et St. Paul's United Cburch, the United Church Women, and the Order of the Eastern Star. Lef t 10 mouru ber passing are ber busband, son, Bob, daughters Betty (Mrs. Ted Hutton), Muriel (Mrs. Bize Kabulu), 10 grandchildren, two great grandchildren, five sisters Louise (Mrs. Dr. Laugmaid), Gertrude (Mrs. Wrcford Souch), Florence Rea, Betty Morris, and Jean (Mrs. Dr. Wcrry). A brother Ted and a sister Greta predeceased her. The service and committal was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, on Wednes- day, Reverend E. Seharner- born, Reverend L. Somerville, and Rcverend H.A. Turner officiating. Beautiful floral tributes at- festing to the esteem in which the, deceased was beld were rcceived from thc Order of the Eastern Star, Durham Chap- fer No. 181, Bowmanville Lion's Club, Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows, Jerusalem *T 440tl Phone 69q-3303 Lodgýe No. 31 AF and AM, St. Pal ' s Session, Canada Life Assurance, and the staff o Glen Rae Dairy. George Bllee General Insurance Fire and Automobile, Insurance Contact: JOYCE GROOT 623-3958 or 623-5300 Township of Manvers' MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Monday, December 2nd, 1974 Polling Hours: 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. POLLING SUB-DIVISIONS: L. FOR roi,1N( StIWDIVISION Np, 1 Locatio - Orange HallI, Fontypnop, Ontario; Dese-ription - Lots 1 to, 25 inclusive in Concessions 1into11 inclusive. 2. FOR POLLIN G SUB-DIVISION No. 2 Location - Ballydnff Community, Hall, Lot 11, Concession 6. Description - lots 1 to 15 inclusive in Concession 4 to 9 inclusive. 3. FOR POLLING SUB-DIV7ISI N No. 3 'Location - Township Hall, Betanv, Ont. Description- Lots 16 to 25 inclusive in Concession 4 to 9 inclusive. 4. FOR POLLING SUEB-D'IVISION No. 4, Location - Orange Hall, Janetville, Ontario; Description - Lots 1 to 12 inclusive in Coucessions 10 to 14 inclusive. 5. FOR POLLING-' SUE-DIVISION No. 5 Location - Harry Shea Residence, Lot 20, Concession 11. Description - Lots 13 to 25 inclusive, in Concession 10 to 14, inclusive. ADVANCE POLL (1 DAY) Saturday, November 23rd, 1974, Township of Manvers Hall, Bethanv, Ont. .HOURS - ilA.M. TO 8P.M. Polis will be held for the following offices: 3-MEMBERS 0F. COUNCIL 2-TRUSTEES, TO BE ELECTED BY, THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS FOR THE COUNTY 0F VICTORIA BOARD 0F EDUCATION. PROXY VOTING 1. Persons incapable of attending a polling place for medical reasons and certified as such by a legally qualified medical practitioner. 2. By reason of being absent for attending an educational inistitution and b -y reason of such absence expects to be unable t'o vote at the advance poi or on polling day. 3. Persons who expect to be absent by reason of being engaged for hire or reward-in the business of transportation., Appointment of a proxy must be made in writing on the prescribed certif icate available at the Municipal Office, Bethany, Ontario and an application for such Certificate must be made to the Clerk not later than 5 p.m., Tuesday, November,,26th, 1974. Any person who is entitled to vote inthe Township of Manvers, may be appointed as a proxy for the person voting by proxy. Sucli person may only act as a proxy for- one person except where the person voting is the child, grandchild, brother, sister, husband or wif e of the voting proxy, in whiceh case a voting proxy mai! act for more than one person. Ross Davidsoni Clerk & Returning Officer. PHONE 246 KNG STREET EAST6238 IL

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