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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, Supplement, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesdaý', Nov. 20, 1974 Aduits, Too., Can Benefit from..... Hlow Students Were Briefed for Gas Econony PAGE FIVE located in the exhaust system of somleyecl, allows exhau,' to heat the intake manifold during cold engine oper-., ation. These gases heat the area under the carbu- Students at the Champion Econoniy RalIy shared these thus creating a potential retor to aia in tne vapori- fuel saving lips. safety hazard. Many auto- zation of gasoline while mobile manuf acturers rec- * teegn scl.A h KEEP SPEED DOWN. AVOID ENGTINE ID- omedicasn th engine warms Up, a tem- Tests conducted with a LING, An idling e-ngine tire air pressure by ap- ceaues envalve t pdrectg popular Anierican car have wastes eniergy; it does flo poiaeyfu nscue h av odrc indicated a 25 percent im- usefuLl work wbËile consumn- before high-speed driving. ail of the exhaust gases provement in fuel econ- ing fuel. Excessive idling Tires sbouîd not, however . to the exhaust pipe and omy when speeds are re- miay also shorten enine be inflated above the max- away from the intake duced from 70 to 50 miles litfe if tbe practice is re- imum recommended pres- mnfl.Avlesuki per hour. Wind, resistance peated over a long term sure, tbe open position causes increases as car speed in- period. As a guide, drivers** slow engine warii-up and creases, and more energy should not idle engines for poor cold-engine perform- is thus required to move more than three minutes, KEEP THE ENQINE â .ance. A valve stuck in the tbe car at higher speeds. if possible. TUNED UP. Spark plug cîosed'position will cause ***misflring may resuit inàa loss of power and bard AVOID "JACK RABBIT" sgiiatices nfe starting with a hot engine. atin n it drvig an DRIVING. Drivers will Ob- tory' tests at speeds of 30 ato i iy rvngcn tain better economy by and 50 miles per hour, for Checking out the route before embarking on their Gasoline WUEEL ALIGNMENT. save as much as two miles driving the car to warm 'example, spark pîugs mis- Economy RaIly, are students and an observer froni a San "Tôe in" or "Toe out" bas prpidaclncrton.ardt's the engine, rather tban flring 10 percent of tbe Francisco-Bay area high school. Rallies in San Diego and the effcect of dragging your raidacelraio. ha's ailowing it to idle exces- time resulted in an eigbt the Bay area showed that beginning driver 1s are capable front tires sideways and bextaseni erg alot ofinres vely. This speeds up the percent increase in fuel of getting unexpectedly good gas mileage by keeping en- causes, premature tire an auitomobile's accelera- waring process, and thus consumption. In addition, gifles in tune -and sensible driving procedures. wear. It takes power to tion rate. Apoevae saves gasoline. The driver ignition timing deviating carry this extra load ard powe vave, must rememnber, bowcver, from tbe manufacturerls if considerable driving is LOADS. Transporting un- tbat takes gas from your located in the carburetor, tbat a cold engine does setting resulted in a Sig- done in sandy or dusty necessary weigbt in your tank, le'ýtumore f uel in to the cyl- o- e1soda uklo nicnteraeinfl conditions. car wiîî cause it to use inders under f ull acceler- notre mstbnd a csicky on iicnt decFr eae fela more fuel. The difference WON'T BE LONG ceatior pumpadd rovides c- ah trafflc situations where 10 degree retard in basic DO0N'T RIDE THE is not great on level ITILWN R extra fuel to avoid hesi- engine response is critica]. spark timing may resuît BAE.Eenih ot ground, but does show up tation whien the gas pedial ** in an average loss of 1.3 pressure on the brake ped- wben climbing a bill and is abbd. INIIZETHEUS 0F mils pr gllo atspeds ai can apply the lrakes, you will probabîy have to * *jab*d.AI CONDITOERUS.Ei 0 5,adO0mleFe especially power brakes. use your brakes more of - KEEPSPEE CO- coditonin pus a ub- hour. Drivers sbould be This 'wastes fuel energy ten. Hauling a trailer is ~7t STANT. Driving at steady, stantial load on, automo- reminded that tbese and wîhmgtb sdt even more costly in termis 2 4216 sped hlp t svegao bleenînsan soud other obstacles t o effcient move tbe car. It also wears of extra fuel consumption. une UIneesaryacele- herfoe, e sedony1 engine performance can the brakes out faster than In this case, not only must ation actvtsteacl h ots as hl be eliminated wMt a coin- noml the weight of the unit be ernator pumrp and powjer driving , t 30 miles per plete tune-up. KEEP TRANSMISSIO 1N pulled, but the extra winld resistance of- a large, boxy valve, tbuis ir.jectlng extra bour, for example, use of*** IN HIGH GEAR. Keep unit must be overcome. A. -and wasted fuel into the air conditioner can re- SEVC AIFLTR both automaàtic and man- cmatcrwt - thesysem.sui ina fel conmy oss A dirty air filter can cause a rnmsin te engine, for example, may o f two miles per'gallon, a decrease in fuel econ- highest gear possible. Witb require twice as mucb fuel ANTICIPATE STOPS. It As a rule, use ofthe air omy, and a decrease in manual transmission, shif t as normal wben hauling, is best to plan ahead for conditioner'-cuts gasolin power output, by restrict- inoibgerasons a meclium-size trailer on a aIl possible traffic condi- mileage by 10 per cent. ing the flow 0f air to the you- can; wtb an auto- tycavctintp tions. Tbis allows for mtgrad-msson sea y*cl actontrp ual, athe tha abrpt, MINTAN CORECT engine. Drivers shojuld mtctrn isouea ua, ate iha brpt AITANCORET therefore be advîsed to ligbt foot on the acceler-*** stops and this smiooth TIRE PRESSURE. Under- change the air filter at ator toencourage the SERVICE, THE MANI- driving conitrJibute(s to bet- inflated tires reduce gaso- specfled intervals, or ac- transmission to shif t into FOLD CONTROL VALVE. ter fuel economny. In addii- uine mnileage slightly. Soft cording te, the manufac- bigb, gear quickly. Tbese The manifold heat con- tion, gradual bralkin)g pro,- tires also wear out miore turer's recommendations. actions will save gasoline. trol valve should be l ongs tbe life 0of brake in- cquickly, and mnay adverse- In addition, frequent air*** inspected and serviced ings. ly affect. vebîclehadng filter servicing is required' MINIMIZE VEHICLE periodically. This valve, i H.. KAPP' AUOS LIMITED M 24 BASELINE BOWMANVILLE m *PHONE BOWMAN'VILLE, 623-541800 - ORONO 91187-5004N 623-5492 N HA WECND FR NU MOIG NEHU TE L i~ AH WHATWE ANNO FR YU! lm le N *TONG WE HAUL TEM ALLCAM N * LATHFER WOR NWHR (Do* ARC WELDING. m. *8e W&SDPATe * TIRES N GAS LINEANTIFREZE WE BUervice àà ag *mXMsfle STRE ID NEZ m CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT i

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