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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, Supplement, p. 6

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PAGE six Th(, Canadian States W1ýi'ndshi'eld Wipelers Need Splieci'al Care in Winter As with so many other Here are five visible ora vital components on your nieedl for attention to your - car, your windshield wipi- vi-sion is especially importar ers are miost llkely to f ail Cekfrtefloi just when yotl need them Chcfote lown the most-during the next sgs0 afntoig 1. STREAKING -arcs rainstortn. of unwiped moisture with- Durinfg the winter, wind- inwpg ra shield wipers have to fight 2.WlPfl1N a -ea. ti freezing snow, ice, slush bard-to-see-dhrough film, and roadl salt. coverinig most or ail of thle 1In the summer, heat, iinig area eveni afier the smog, and even your serv- bla;de hias ýjust wiped. ice station attendanit's 3.- CHATTERING - a windshield washer spray "stuttering" motion of the work together to reduce baeacmaîdb theeficenc o yurwip- "chattering" noise as the er system. It's no wonder, after sitting quîetly on* your windshielcd deterior- should check them on both ating day-mn and day-out, the fast and slow speeds. that they often fail to do If any trouble symp- their job, tomis are present, you Cbeck Wbens Raining should replace as .much of your wiper system as hs The best time to check necessary to elimiînate the you-r windshield wiper sys problem. In many cases, temn is during a Er1flstorif. al] that is needed is new Or you can check it the squeegees ( the rubber pari next time o go through htcnastewî- a car wash. You can also shield). perform a good check while som-eone sprays your Replace Both Blades windshield with a garden When you do replace ai: hose. However you choose or part of your wiper to check yaur wipers, you blades, miake sure you re- Here's Another ... CARE FORHYURCAR- CRO'SS-WORD ýPUZZLE ACROSS 1 Whiat untuned cars mnay flot do. ô Vital part of tune-up. il Headlight adjuist- ing equlipment. 12 This should be changed when oil is changed. 14 Dancer Astaire. 15 Something to change about ev- ery 4,000 miles. 17 Computer results. 18 Common-con- traction. 19 Tires should be rotated 10,000 miles. 21 Owns. 22 Smite. 23 Russell Train's anti-pollution group. 25,Should be checked when you service distributor. 28 Popular type of, wrench. 32 Type of truck suspension. 33 Wýhat well-main- tained car will save. 34 Pirate's gains. 35 Should be checked in crank- case for leaks. 37 Electrical equiiv- alent of engine. 38 A-AA aid to motorists (lait.). 39 What 38 Across will often do. 40 Type of lettuce. audible indicators thai will signal wiudsbield wipers., Clear,driving ai during the bad weatber season. g e 43 Mr. Tamnirof and 19 Run this during namesakes. winter on occa- 45Drv carefully sion to keep on this kind of systemn working. road. 20 School at Troy, 48 E-'nglish river. N.Y. (Init. 50Alilabout __ 2 Sèe 9 Down. 5024 Permit. 51 Sev'ere -On 25 Brazilian seaport braking is a sign (Fam.). of worni shocks. 26 Japanese sasb. 52 Noisy one is sign 27 Soviet Chess of engine wear. Champ Mikhail 54 Jarring sounds. ~ a 56 Murdered. 28 M a 57 Sendenegy. 29 Drunkard. 57 ped negy 30 Goose eggs. DOWN 31 Gearshift Indi- DOWN cator (Abbrev.). 1 What worn 33. Leaking one 1brakes are not. causes engine 2 When underin- trouble. flated this wastes 36 Women's lib gas. legisîstions 3 So be it. (Abbrev.). 4 Color of light 37 Time periods when engine - (Abbrev.). temperature is 39 Tax agents too high. (Famn.). 5 Proofreader's 40 Manx et ai. mark. 41 Shape of Indy 6 3.1416. '500' track. 7 Law degree. 42 Soup (Span.). 8 Sie ofBYU. 44 Four ta Jli us 8 Sie ofBYU. Caesar. 9With 22 Down, 45 Sagacious. derisive comment 46~ Always. to early car 47 Good mechanics owner. - drive a car 10 Spanish ladies aft er repairs. (Abbrev.). 49 National Petro- 12 When radiator leumn Institute hoses get this (luit.). way, it's time to 51 Film star change them., Richard - 13 Commercial car 53 Printer's units. measure. 16 What Clara Bow 55 Original Equip- had. I ment (Abbrev.). blade s1weeps across the windshield, with somne ar- eas left unwiped. 4. SCALLOPING - a ragged outer edge in the wiping patterni. 5. RATTLING - ino visible signs of problemis, but the wiper blade assemi- bly sounds as if it is very loose. Predominantly oc- cnrs iu ail-muetal construc- tion blades. place both sides at the same time. If one wiper is shot, it's a good bet the other one is about to go, too. Safe vision during hazardous road conditions is too important to risk for a f ew dollars. One final, tip. If you are replacing your wiper blades, consider the new, molded polycarbonate blades. They perf ormi more efflciently than the metal type and they cut down on glare and rattie as well. Mq BREATHING TEST iman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1974 CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT ADV ICI]EÀ,TO mWOMNi' NiAhI"DRIVE ... aridMEN9T"Oo.. îï. from DE DE BENIlON*... a woman who does Dear DeDe: Yau've heard oft couples who have become incom- patible in the beclroom because he wants the win- dow open and she wants -it shut. Well, FranIk and ,l have the same pro blem but anly, it's in the car. That nut wants the win- dow openi, even_ in the Manitoba winter. He clazmýs it's heaithier. What's the use af having a heater, doors and win- dow if you're gain g to keep the stupid window open. FREEZIN' ELOISE Winnipeg, Man. Dear Eloise: Frank may flot be as nutty as you think. Most auto experts say it's a good idea to, keep the window open slightly ýwhen driv- ing. WVhy? If there is an undetected leak- in the exhaust system, the car- bon monoxide fumes, which are colorless and odorless, could seep into the car. Should this hap- pen, if you're lucky you'Il get ill. If unlucky, it could be fatal. Tell wide-awake Fraik that the window needn't be open ail the way to guard against the CO menace. But, more im- portant, tell hlm to have your car's exhaust system checked every time it's up Breathe Here BREATHE ON THIS CARD ON THE SPOT ABOVE -If it turns green, sec your clergyman. -If it turns' lavender, sec your psychiatrist. -If it turns blue, sec your doctor. -If it doesn't change colour, there is nothing the matter with you and no rea-son why you can't cali our Service Manager,, Bill Smith, and make an appointment TODAY! Herels what we do for this >peciaÏ rr s IGNITION SYSTEM ANALYSIS SERVICE OR REPLACE SPARK PLUOS, IF, NECESSARY SERVICE OR REPLACE POINTS AND CONDENSER, IF NECESSARY TEST AND CLEAN BATTERY, CABLES AND HOLD DOWN CYLINDER BALANCE TEST CHECK AND ADJUST TIMING CHECK H.T. WIRING, DISTRIBUTOR CAP,- IGNITION COIL, PRIMARY CIRCUIT CHECK PCV OPERATION CHECK AND LUBRICATE HEAT RISER VALVE CHECK AND ADJUST IDLE MIXTURE CHECK FUEL PUMP AND FILTER FOR PROPER OPERATION CHECK AIR CLEANER ELEMENT FINAL IGNITION SYSTEM ANALYSIS on the service rack (or at leasteer six months). Dear DeDe: I must con fes s, I some- times do not understand the mentality of the mo- torinq public. I've had my car for sale for about a manth and no buyers. I have always made sure the car is- in top operating condition. The brakes are almast new, the exhaust system is brand nei» and there is not one thîng wrong withi it mechcani- cally. There are a jew dents and a rust hale or two and the paint is ki nd of shabby, l'Il admit. But it's not the paint lob that will carry people arourid salely. Jts the general me- chan.ieal condlition. Why are people such f 0018? Why don't they knov> a 0 I good car when they see it? No SALE NORMAN Perth~ Amboy, N.J. Dear'No Sale: What you say may be true. No car ever had starting trouble because of a faded paint job 'or couldn't stop in time be- cause of a dinged fender. But you are Iearning a fact of car life. Anyone in the -car-selling business can tell you a wel-main- tained exterior can bring several hundred dollars more at trade-in time. And as you are notlcing, a shabby car may attract no customers at ail. 'You do n't tel me the age of your car or how it is equipped but it might pay you, to have the dents bumped out, rust repaired an.d the car painted. In any case, take care of your next car as well on the surface as you'do -under the skln. Libety~~Esso Service TO AVOID WINTER TROUBLES PHONE 623-5992 114 LiWety St. Bowmanville 'q. p.. W t s I * e *.* 14POINT: TUNE-UP 4 &6 CYLINDER 4 & 6 CYLINDER LABOUR ONLY PARTS EXÇTRA.. MOST CARS-. 8 CYLINDER 8 CYLINDER LABOUR ONL~Y PARTS EXTRAi... MOST CARS. I a I

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