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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 5

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Last Wednesday, young Miss Heather Flattley was the overnight guest of the Leland Bail family. On November 20, Heather and hier baby brother Matthew, and their parents, inrda and Kerry Fattey, will leave Toronto by air, to make their home in Australia. Recent guests wîth Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Turner, Shieiburne, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, Tracy, Ian and Sean, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Stapleton, Beverly and Ricky, Ajax. David MeQuillan, Taunton Rd., received hîs honor sec- ondary school graduation dip- loma at the annual convoca- tion exercises Saturday, at Eastdale Collegiate. David is presently attending Western University. Kinsman Joe Dickson of the Ajax Kinsmen Club has been chosen Kinsman of the year by the club. Uxbridge Senior Citizens Club have been given a grant of $12,305. The New Horizons project grant will enable the clu b to add movies and various sports and games to the present program of card parties, potluck suppers and social evenîngs. Since Charles Moffat retired in 1968, he's finished about 60 paintings and Saturday, hie held his first public exhibit of 43 of them at Durham College. The 73-year-oldex-official of Moffat Appiances, who lives at 124 Par k Rd. N. titled is exhibit "Watercolor and ther Media" and hie displayed his work in oils, oil and lucite, watercolors, monoprînts and photographs. Some of his photographs have been displayed in art gallerys at the international level. i Mr. Moffat's show will run until November 22. Federal Energy Minister Donald Macdonald and Prem- ier William Davis of Ontario have given the go-ahead for traditional Christmas Light- ing this season. In response to a brief from the Christmas Decoration Div- ision of the Canadian Toy Manufacturers Association, Mr. Macdonald confirmed that: "There is noreason to single out Christmas lights as a special target for energy conservation efforts during the coming heating season." In recognition of the need for responsible use of ahl energy resources, the îndustry supports Mr. Macdonald's Faith teaches The urgency for. the creation or selection of an auxiliary interna- tional Language. For Further information: 6)23-7744 or 623-4830 Ba c GdHou EverAy SundayE 1030a.m. 'Everyone Welcome" su ggestion th at Christmas lights be turned on after 6:0O0 p.m.' and turned off upon retiring. Canada will be bost to two sets of Olympics in the summer of 1976-the regular Olympîcs at Montreal in July, the so-called "Wheelchair Olympics" in Toronto in August. That popular naine is a bit of a misnomer since, for the first time, tbe internation- al games at Toronto wil include blind and amputee atbletes as well as parapleg- ics. Mrs. Gordon McLean spent the weekend witb Mrs. Char- les Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Virtue, Burlington, Ontario, spent last weekend witb the former's sister, Mrs. A.E. Billett. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- er,, Nestleton, were Wednes- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. Ferguson. David, Kathyrn and Andrew, Ennis- killen, were SUnday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernethy. The family of the late Arthur John Clarke, wbo passed away October 2, regret their inadvertent omission of namnes of relatives not ment- ioned in the obituary and bave requested they be included in this columnn. A sîster Mrs. Leta Giest, Rochester, two brothers William and George Clarke, and predeceased by five sisters Mrs. Clara Brock, Mrs. Maud Scott, Mrs. Eva Scott, Mrs. Cora Allin and Mrs. Hilda Myers. Mr. and Mrs. R obert (Bob) Stevens attended the Dairy Convention in Toronto this week. Events at 'the Robert Mc- Laughlin Gallery for this week Nov. 23-30, includes: 23- Children's Art-10.00 a.m. and 1.30 p.m., 25-Life Dra wing Class-9.30 a.m., 25-Film Program-8.00 p.m., 26-Cre- ative Stitchery-10.00 a.m. and 1.30 p.m., 26-Life Draw- ing Class-7.00 p.m., 27-Noon Hour Films-12.00 noon, 27- Art Rental-1.30-3.30 p.m., 27-Photogra p hy Lecture- 8.00 p.m., 30 ChiidrenIs Art- 10.00 a.m. an d 1.30 p.m.' The National Ballet of Canada are into daiiy rehear- sais for "The Nutracker", the ballet's traditional Christ- mas engagement at the '- Keef e Centre, Toronto, Per- formances will run from December 19 through Decem- ber 28. KENDAL The Three-in One Cosepleo Club met on Tuesday evening in Newtonville with the presi-, dent Mr. Keith Wood in the chair. Messrs. Lloyd Rans- berry and -David Skerrott were appoînted to form a new membersbip committee. Plans~ were made to buld a dance onipossibly Dec. l4th in Newtonviîle Community Hall. Following the business proce- dures pic tures were shown by Mrs. R. Elliott and Rev. G. Montgomery after which lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Terry from Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. James Clark from Toronto svent last Thurs- day with Mrs. Pearl Clark. We are glad to report Mr. Clarence Thertell and Kenny Neal are both home from Jowmanvillle hospital and feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walsh from near Vittoria were in Kendal on the weekend visit- ing among the Foster fami- lies. Eight ladies from Kendal U.C.W. attended the Newton- ville bazaar on Saturday and report they had a good attendance. On Sunday morning the choir sang "How Great Thou Art" with Mrs. Allen Foster at the organ. The children's story was about Doors com- St. PauI's United Church Minster - Rev ,N.* E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. organist - Gerald K. Burgessý lla.m. -Morning Worship Ser mon "TO THE GATE 0F THE GODS" Sunday Scbool We have a fine staff and the latest in audio-visual aids to make learning a pleasurable experience. AIl Children Welcome 9:45 a.m. - Senior Classes (9 Years and Up) Primary Children will attend first part of Church Service With their ]Parents. Nursery Care for Pre-School Children every Sunday Are You New to Bowmanville? You Are Invited to Worship wlth us at Historie St. Paul's. I IyNvmbr2,*l7 SunayNovmber 24,1974 10rlO:00 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL for Junior, Intermediate, Senior Classes iA.M. -ANNUAL LAY SERVICE A. A. Merkley will be guest speaker. His t'opic will be "Contraets" Kindergarten and Primnary Sunday Sehool A warm welcome awaits you at Trinity. ADVANCE NOTICES Sunday, Dec. sf, Home Discussion Group a? home of Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Gake, 58 Division Street. Sunday, Dec. 8, 7 p.m._- Even ing Worship Service Sunday, Dec. 15- Concert by Sr. Choir Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 Fortieth Anniversary 01rngth handle hinges and Iocko a door to our lives. If à child unlocks his beart and opens the door to God's Love lie will be greatly rewarded. Rev. G. Montq i yhSea his sermon, '11 - a nds and Knocks." The flowers we-re in memory of Mr. Evan Quan- trill. Next Sunday is Layman Sunday at wbîch Mr. Mont- gomery bas asked for lay volunteers to assist with the service. At the card party in Newton- ville last Priday evening two Kendal ladies were lucky. Miss Irene Mercer won lady's higli and Mrs. Pearl Clark won the 50-50 door prize. Next Friday evening there is a card party in Kendal Hall. &YO Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raby, Coîborne, have returned from a very enjoyable tour of the "Holy Land." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best motored to Toronto last Satur- day and were dinner guests of ther daughter <Heather) and son -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mattinson. Mr. Fred Rab y bas returned home from the Port Hope and district Hospital. Friends [rom the:Soutfl hiave been vlsiting Mr. L. Tittering- ton and Raymond this past week. Charlie Rab y with Mr. and Mrs. C. MeTeilley s nt Mon- day in eebrug ýypah of this communi- ty is extencied to the wife and family and other relatives of the late Mr. C. Lane of Newtonville, wbo passed away. su=eny Thursday, Novem- be t. Mr. Lane was well known to so many having been storekeeper and postmaster for many years at Newton- ville. SPOýNT1 Manvers Townfship was well reresented at the Durham Liberal Association Dance held on Friday in Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Dowell,' Millbrook, were re- cent visitors with H. Aiken and TOM. Bert Porter is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital after suffering a heart attack while at Lloyd Clarks' last Monda y. We ail wish you a very speedy recovery, Bert. Stephen Fajt and Tony Clark have both been in hospital for the past week with severe asthma attacks. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chai- lice and Denise were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins, Orono. In the evening they attended a pro- ~ a fsacred music by "The 9=in Sheppards" held in Orono United Church. We understand a similar concert is to bie presented in Trinity Unted Church, Millbrook, on Sun., Nov. 24th. Among those who attended the Royal Winter Fair on Friday with the "Golden Star" senior citizens were Mrs. C.O.F. League Bowling Team Standings G.. Smith 49 points, 31948 e ints; B. Martyn 49, 31689; J. ould 46, 32399; G. Prout 46, 3162; H. Pollard 45, 31471; A. Van Goor 44, 31701; J. Luff man 42, 30422; P. Ward 42, 30403; B. Smith 3,9 31827; J. Robinson,32, 29872; R. Van- denberg 29, 31385; G. Heath 9, 29106. Higli Singles P. Ward- 309, R. Vandenberg - 363. -Hi gh Triples N. VanAbbema - 685,ý R. Vandenberg - 818. Y PO0L Gordon Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright, Mr. and Mrs. -Alvin Mitchell. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Britton. They enýoyed their dinner at "Old Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chai- lice were Monday visitors with Mrs. Milton Challice of Mill- brook. Seven tables of euchre were played in Ballyduff Commun- ity Hall on Friday night. Winners were: Mrs. Ray The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 20, 1974 5 Bailey and -Mrs.- Gordon Aime Curtis returned home Britton; Lloyd Fallis and from hospital last week. Gordon Strong. Sport Prize Miss Arlene Brown, Toron- winner was Mrs. Lloyd Clark. to, spent a few days'during the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker' past week with r parents,, of Bethany werethe honored Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown. guests at a dance, held in Gordon Smith bas moved Pontypool'Community Hall on into the residence of Mr. and Saturday night. Several rela- Mrs. Dave Strong. tives and frierîds, were pre- A Silver Wedding Armiver- sent. sary part for Mr. and Mrs. Recent visitors with Mr. and Don Mcregor of Dundas was Mrs. Lloyd Clark were Mr. held at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. Bill Clark, Paisley Mrs. Maurice Bradley on and Samuel Fitch and Harold, Saturday. Mrs. McGrejor was MeConnell, Omemee. the former June Bracéey. lexaco we Proper humi'1idity lsaves * Insufficient humidity causes your home to be uncomfortable and can lead to higher fuel consumption. * Too dry air eau cause walls and fuirni- ture to crack- and'make it difficult to cultivate house plants. *Proper humidity coutributes to heaithier breathing and can help sto)p the build-up of unpleasant static electnicity. You don't have to buy a 'thi*ng to win. If s easy to enter. Just complete the coupon (or a reasonable facsimile) and deposit it in the contest box on display at-either of Wearn's Texaco Service Stations Iocated at Taunton Rd., Hampton or' at Enniskillen. If your entry is the one random1ý chosen from among those deposited you'll be asked to answer correctly a skill-testing question. if you do, the humidifier is yours. r - Official Enfty Form i Texaco Home Comifort Humidifier Contes I'd like to win the humidifier you are giving away to make my home more comfortabie this winter. l'IlM abide by the contest miles. If it's a power humidifier 1 choose it will be completeiy installed for me free of charge on my forced air furnace.I Name:-, Address:--- I-- Telephone:- The winner wiil be no tified by mail or telephone.I The contest is iimited to persons. 18 years of age and over Contest ends, at 12 noon November 3th 1974. Alentries deposited up tothat time willbe collected and the draw wilh be made on Saturday NovemberI 30t119 I nrj orr bc depesited at Wearn's TPxi Rad, HamptonU oril i The fortieth wedding anniversary reception for Mr. and Mrs. Norville E. Sweet, Bowmanville, was held on Nov. 5, 1974, at the Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. Approx. 135 guests enjoyed an evening of fellowship with former acquainten- ances, neighbors, friends and relatives. Photo by Neil Newton Bo vile enture Cinic Repir - ito .3 Hours --Fuil Dentures Cai for Appointment 33 King t. E.Bowniaviltg P. G. Deon, L.D.T. iTne contest ends at 12 noon November 3Oth so get your'entry Mu and good luck. For all your home comnfort needs and 24 hour service cal us colleet at 263-2291 A. LWeam Ltd., Taunton Road, Hampton HOME COM FORT

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