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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 6

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baa inStatcsinan, Bowmý-anvi11e, November 20, 1974 623-3303* 'C, ?SIAC 5 Years Ag- Members t,. 1L~ hanTicnshî.p Volley b ail team, from Fifth ai C F driiitlBillilolubenko, Ralph fills ,vwh es, ir i Frank, Catherine Tueker,A ~d, kmorCrowe, Bernard Jones, Isabel f i ¼ K~n ra:wford, Claire Allun, Don White and ~ ~W~ K ..10 Years Ago- Larry Perris iii; ' sine ~ith the Junior Peterborough i~ tenn. Lsry«s the possessor of' a blazing ~lr~i 'm a atural skaing ability. Mike ~l~t - wht 'mached a Bowrnanville Juvenile n taan ntario Championship several ~omecouraged and assisted Larry Lira 4 M ~D -.the Open flouse at Old ~] aik kiCentre, Peterborough Friday ni kî wda 't hsweek. There is also a dance no on Sturay evening. For further n-d~oicunet manager Bob Burrows. u- 'W. LGI NNAIRES - Junior B hockey l.eilt'ie hvig their. troubles these days. rx "lhîg ii te shedule, they have players KI andssended. Hopefully the new c 5 ..ll Brw~kcan pump some new life 91Y I BOWLING - Donnie Ellis bowling on ctî-day night at Liberty Bowl recorded the ~is ngle game of the season, 418. Don started 4r siaight strikes, left a corner in the lOth "mspared tins up and then came back with zoia trike for his big 418. R on Etcher bowling ictn~ung Aduit League on Sunday had games of Y - ý9 o 904. This is the third bowler in the ;u~i AuitI»aueto crash the 900 mark this 30U W!NNEPS - - Nov. 9 - 154 Bey. Cullen, 286 G Mi1dt'ie, 174 Jerry Wanack, 166 Erie *l~~o, 4;J. Noble. Nov. 16 - 300 Bob Gi is,250R.B. Spencer, 186 G. Tilekecles, 1~ Il W 1,h 133 Ron Spinks. (adv.) ~4 U KS AGEN LTD. ~Qrschc + Audi I i hi h~ng bs last year of Junior hockey. lio lispî yd ilhis hocikey in Bowmanville anti he h~s cdle r'a hrd working centre, who is at.bis 9-"" nw an isrough. Don is one of the bettej- ." k -c~won lace-offs. v,25 uidas S. E Whitby Re age TeFrnfr Kn app's Major Bantams In Ecitîg SudayContinue Winning Ways GameBlaning Cobourg 10-O t, . t . by IBarry flackeIton Illuiy tipsJ LUthepeatbo On Sunday, Nov. 17, at the for both teams as could bet Bowmaniville Arena, an excit- expected in a bard bittingt ing 2-ail hockey game was. game.I played between the Frankford The end to end play whicb Huskies and the Bowmanville had dominateti the first period( lied Eagles Junior C's. continued on into the secondé Bowmanville came out skat- as both goalies were tested1 ing and bitting very well in the often. At the il1:43 mark the first period but missed several Frankford Huskies scored on excellent scoring opportunit- a shot from Edward assisted ies in the early going. At the by Witby and McLean to tie 7:15 mark, Steve Davey as- the score at one ail. The sisted by Don Smith and Tom scoring was kept to a bare< Martin, finally put a shot minimum as b oth goalies between the posts to put playeti excellent hockey with Bowmanville ouf in front 1 to Randy Thiele in the nets for 0. The first period also saw the Bowmanville Ried Eagles. third perioti determined to be the'victors. At the 9:40 mark Dave Tabb let go a booming slap shot wbicb caugbt the corner of the Frankford net and put Bowmanville abeati by a score of 2 to 1. The Eagies seemed to bave the game won until Frankford scoreti on a goal by Bedard assisted by Macintosh and 'Doucette ut 19:40, wbich tied the gamte ip at 2 to 2. Next home game for Bow- manville will be Sunday, Nov. 24 witb Sutton providing the opposition. Brooks Ti e Franks Under Profest WhîIe Spencers Outlost Mutton's by B. L. Oliver A highly spirited affair, the first game on Sunday was close ail the way and when the smoke, had cleared and the final whistle bîew the score- board showed a three f0 three tie. This was flot to be the endi of it however as Frank's lodged a protest saying Brook's final anti tying goal was scoreti when Lockie McNair (A penalized Brook's player) was releaseti prematureiy. At this writing, an executive decision had not been made but, a meeting will be held on Sunday to decide the outcome. High flying Paul Forsey accounted for ail ot Frank's scoring with a bat trick. For Brook's it was Bob Howes anti Jim Burtch eacb potting one wifh Rick Woolner notching the disputed tying goal. Facing off in the second game were the two last p lace teams, Mufton's and, Spen- cer's. Spencer's, finally show- ing some organization jumped into an early 3-0 leati on goals by Grant Flintoff, Jim Baker andi Barry Oliver. Rich Little scoreti Muttons first goal but a minute later Grant Flintoff bagged bis second goal f0 make it 4-1. Mutton's counted Preston the Movers Blonk Bay Ridges 6-O; Defeat Ajax Major Atoms 4 to 2 On Wed., Nov. l3tb, the Buwmanville P'reston the Movers joumneyed to Don Beer Arena in Bay litiges f0 play an O.M.H.A. league game. The Toros from Bowmunviiie defeateti Bay Ritiges 6-0 in a weil playeti contest. licky Erwin -openedti he scoring witb assists from bis, w ingers Darcy Cupimmings anti Joh~ mn akr.livlyHo- garth scoreti the second goal with the assists going f0 bis line mate Barry Cullen. liot Plain scored in the second perioti on a power play effort. Assisfs went to Cumm- ings anti Klonpmaker. Joe Nikili scoreti a beautiful goal, the assists going f0 bis uine mates Bill Sainsbury anti Plain. In the final perioti, Bowmanvilie scoredt wo more goals, the first one coming off the stick of Hogarth. The final goal was fireti by Plain, the assist going f0 bis lef f winger Nikili Ken Woodarti was in goal for Bowmanviîle anti playeti ex- tremely weli to earn the shut out, the second one against Bay litiges this year. On Saturday, fhe Ajax Major Atoms were in town for a game anti were bantiet a 4-2 setback at the hanis of the Preston the Mover souati. Billy Hogarth scoreti an un- assisteti goal ut the 3:50 mark of the firsf stanza. Ajax fieti the score at the 7:00 minute Last year Sno-Twister' stunned theracing circuit as it wiped up Stock D. This year it's Trail-Twister. The same srîow-hungry sled as Sno-Twister, but cooled Just a little. For trail eating. It has a 436 cc high-performance engine. .Twin slide-valve carburetors. Same 35" ski stance. Adjustable slide rail suspension. 15" track. Caliper diso brakes. Even the same CD ignition that slams as much as 30,000 volts to the Sno-TWister's plugs. Plus fan cooling. TrailWTwister. It'Il devour other trail machines. Period. 7 ~GSTM. EAT OSHAWA i TEL. 725-1181 mark. ln the second pemioti, Joe Nikili scoreti a pretty goal with some precision passing, the assists going f0 otio Plain anti tefencemnan Steve Cary. Hogarth scoreti bis second of the game, the assists going f0 defenceman Eddy Osborne. John Klompmaker, one of the most improved players on the team, scoreti an unassisteti goal fo endi the Toros scoing. ln the final perioti, Ajax scoreti to make the final score reati 4-2. ,Bowmanville's next game is Satumday, Nov. 23, Bay litiges the opposition. Youth Bo^wling Tykes Staccy 5, Nagel 0; Dilling 3, Smith 2; Luxton 5, Terry o; Nash 5, Wooiiey 0; King 3, Knapp 2. Team Standing Stucey 36, Nash 35, Dillîng 32, Luxton 32, King 29, Knapp 24, Smith 23, Woolley 21, Terry 11, Nagel 7. High Single E. Rozema 131-121, S. Wooî- ley 123. High Double G. Stacey 225, E. Rozema 253, S. Woolley 244. - Bantam Boys Rozema 3, Wilson 2; Sut- cliffe 5, Sheeban 0; Hammoni 5, Aide 0. Team Standing Sutcliffe 38, Hammonti 30, Aide 28, Rozema 24, Sheeban 21, Wilson 9. High Single, M. Luxton 217, B. Hammonti 210, R. Sutcliffe 200. High Double B. Hammonti 397, R. Sut- cliffe 341, M. Luxton 325, K. Van Abbema 307, J. Sheehan 298, G. Smith 293. 1. Bantam Girls Van Goor 5, Hooper U; Ingram 5, Brunt 0; Fairey 3, Lunn 2. Team Standing Ingram 46-, Faimey 28, Hoop- er 25, Van Goor 20, Brunt 17, Lunn 14. 1High Single W. Brunt 205, S. Ingmam 174, M. Van Goor 160, C. Hooper 160, J. Hayn , s 160. Higb Double W. Brunt 335, S. Ingram 312, M. Van Goor 311. Junior Boys Hopcroft 7, Datison 0; Mur- phy 5, Woolley 2; Bons 5, Visser 2. S Team Standing Woolley 44, Visser 41, Bons 41, Hopcroft 41, Murphy 23, Datison 20. 111igb Single W. Tbiessen 232, D. Hopcroft 221, A. Bons 220, K. Wooiley 217, Paul Wiggans 206, D., Murphy 205, T. Halîman 208. High Triple A. Bons 587, L. Datison 571. Junior Girls Michelson 5, Luxton 2; Chow 5, Richards 2; Lavigne 5, Fairey 2. Team Standing Lavigne 56, Richards 40, Chow 31, Luxton 30, Fairey 27, Michelson 26. 111gb Single L, Ingram 257-219, S. Mi- chelson 224-244, L. Bishop 237, C. Lane 230-212, B. Fairey 225-206, J. Van Goor 221, A. Chow 217. High Triple B. Fairey 617, S. Michelson 615, L. Ingram 613. Senior Mixed League Lune 5, Eves 2; Coombes 5, Roberts 2; Brooks 7, Duvey 0; again with Don McMurter finding the mark but again Spencer's wenf three up on Jim Baker's second tally of the day. Mutton's fougbt back to close the gap to 5-4 on goals by Don McMurter (bis second) andi Brian Bradley. Not f0 be denied Spencer's put the game "on ice"' in the dying minutes on a pretty scoring play by Dave Green making the final score six to four in favor of Spencer's., Next Sunday Brook's meet Muttons in the first game at 9:00 and Frank's and Spen- cer's face-off at 10:15. Thompson 7, Pearson 0. Team Standing Brooks 53, Thompson 42, Coombes 40, Davey 36, Pear- son 35, Roberts 29, Lane 29, Eves 16. High Ganies J. Brooks 269-264-301 (834), M. Roberts 253-318 (760), J. Pearson 261-250 (751), M, Reynolds (661), R. Thompson 250 (657), C. Cowle (653), R. Stacey 283, G. Coombes 269, D. Gray 266, Judy Hoiroyd 261, M. Hall 254. Take note: Theî e will be rio Youth bowling. Nov. 23rd, because of the Santa Claus parade. Regular bowling will resume again Nov. 301h ut the regulur time, Legion ade Team Standings Whitney 201,,2 points, 28,936 Pins, Gray 1'2 30,102, Sut- cliffe 17, 28,843, Sheehuan 9, 27,981. High Single Nyhi Sheebun ........... 272 Joan Sut cliffe.......... 320 High Triple Joan Sutcliffe. ........ .721 Down*in.gLii Knapp's Major Banfams added hwo more victomies f0 their league ieuding total of 12 wins no losses as they blasteti Cobourg 11-0 in Cobourg on Sunday anti handeti Lindsay a 3-1 tiefeat in -Bowmanvilie on Wednesday. BrIent Badour openeti the scol ing in flic second perioti bilasîing a 30 foofer from the nigbt point takinîg a corner puss-our fronn Bruti. Godfmey anti Et Visser. liick Bain scoreti to give Bowmanville a 2-0 leati scoring from the point aiso, set ripby Gary Dnsseîtiorp. At tLe alfway point in the pemioti Steve Shurman got Lindisay in the gamne,scomîng f rom about 10 feet ont. Witb a minute remaining in the game, Brent Badour scoreti bis second goal of the contest taking a pass from Gerarti Mommison anti trilling ndsay 3-1 it home, for the insurance marker, Pete Nemisz also earned an assist. In the, game in Cobourg it was ail Bowmanville as the score indicates Cobourg only had seven or, eight shots on go~al. Cobourg players played a very chippy style game, and ended up taking 52 minutes in penalties to Bowmanville's eight. Dean Rutherford was the top scorer in this one, picking up a hat-trick. Gerard Morrison and Rick Bain has single tallies with Ed Visser, Scott Stevens and Brad God- frey scoring two goals each. Assists went to Gary Dussel- dorp four, Tom Eyman and Don Farrow two each, Perry Jobnston also picked up, three assists, Godfrey two, singles going to Pete Nemisz, Brent Badour and Ed Visser. Next game will be tonight at 7:00 p.m., Cobourg the visit- ors. * ADMISSION .50 U4 EARLY BIRDS Share the Wealth 20 REGULAR GAMES - $50 EACH Z1 Three K insmen Arena ï bg $150Game i Gaines 1 $300 Woo Traýnsporters Hand Coboug Thir irst Loss On Saturday, Nov. 16, in a home game, the Bowmanville m c o m Toros handeti Cobourg their tirst defeat of the season. The A \f IL Toros playing positional ho- V I ckey skated with heir checks anti continualîy beaf their larger oponents to the puck. The Toros mnoveti the puck1 well out of tlieir own end witb passîng but if was the super b forechecking that kept tbe Cobourg attack bottled Up. The most spectacular goal of the garne was scoreti by Murray ttuddy wiîen lie gain- cd control of a loose puck in the Toros end anti skated througb the entîre Cobourg team tu break iri ail alone on the Cobourg goal. lie drew the goalie to one side of the goal anti de ositedtihte puck mboJ À the wvie open net. kiliing -combina ti ons of Greg Brunit, Jody Ross, Paul Cas- cagnette anti Murray Ruddy anti Kevin Ward, John Ste- war t, Bill Wright andi Scot Sellers. (4oaltender Mike But- tonshaw, who continues f0 improve in every game, playeti another sI ong game. The Toi os play two gamnes on the moad this week. Tuesday in Ajax anti Thurs- day in Cobourg. The next borme game is Saturday, Nov. 23 against Markham. Kramps i pCut Hoopers Edge Lcke by L. Burns Krump's Furniture came back stmong in the third perioti f0 fie the leagne leatiing Counfy Cbrysler 4 to 4. Jerry McDonalti starteti the scoing for County at the 14:55 mark. Kramp's tied ti i p oni a goal by liick Morrow. Wayne Peurce put Counfy abeati again wifb eigbt seconds left in the fimst perioti. In the second there was only one goal scoreti Counfy's John Kramp matie the score 3 f0 1. In thbe third saw Kramp's Fumnitume corne back strong wîtb goals from Wray liendeil anti Doug Crough. With time running ouf, County,'s Wayne Pearce scoreti bis second of the night af 18:47. Witb 12 seconds lef tin the gamýe Kramp's lion Hoop- er receiveti an uriassisteti goal f0 endi the. game. Kramp's receiveti nineteen min. in penalites while County picketi rip eigbteen min. In the second game Hoop- er's Jewellers etigeti by Locke's T.V. 3 fo 2. Hooper's took the leuti lute in the first on an unassisteti goal by Imv Gi, Locke's tieti if a mi nute later on a goal by liuncy Donoghue. Hooper's came ouf in the second witb two carly goals by Bob McLuugblin ant ilrv Gil getfing bis second of the night. lianîdy Donoghue scoreti bis second on a great individual effort. The third perioti endeti scoreless. Hooper's picked Up 13 minutes in penalites, as Locke's picked rip 12 minutes. Ho0t -BayR9gs'oli Foils VWood Banlam.sJ,2-1 The I-FL. Wodd Transport tinucd to press looking for the tie breaker but were held off Minor Bantams travelled to the score board. With two Bay Ridges on Thursday, Nov,.minutes lef t to go in the game 14. The Toros completely adteToomw mnsot dominated the play through adteTrswomnhr, out the game but ran into a. hot Bn crdtewn Bay Ridges goaltender. If the igga shots on goal had been counted F1 ih ie the Toros would have had HiFi.Ngh Averae Teast 3 to m argin. re-L. Snîale - 240, G. Wilcox - 234, Thefirt prîo wa scre H. Brock- 229,.MM Etcher - 228, less. Bay Ridges scured the M.Richad 2,E rc only goal in the second period had2224,E.Boc. on a power play effort. With 6 Tearn Standings minutes left to go in the game, B. Fngley- 22 pts. ý,j94pis Paul Cascagnette tied the P4 21, 334pi; G score for the Tomos. The hard Wlii(baid1, 24,693,436; G. skating defencemen brought 21i, 3 1,8;6H.;Re.yock -18 the puck out of the Toro 321,MV.Prtf,7281,961;old 18 endzone. stickhandled his way B32,4-88: 1.5901D. 61;noH. to just inside the Bay Ridges- 16, 32,934; (. Piper - 14, blueline and let a bigh bard 31,146; M. Etcber -il, 31,506; sbot go thaI caught the top left L. Snxale-1i, 31,394; F. Land - band corner. T he Toros con- 8. 29.709. HOOPER'"S TROPHY CENTRE TROPHIES-AWARD RIBBONS.-GIFT AWARDS CLUB BADGES PLAS TIC SIGNS DESK SETS PEWTER M-vUGxS L PEL PINS PLAQUES - METAL SLGNS NAME TAGS SPECIAL CLUB andi SUHOOL, DISCOUNT1 oTrophies qnd Fngraving. VSIT OUR SI t VROWM B ON andDA 1)I 19 King St. E. Phone 416 623-5ý747 S Bowan ille

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