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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1974, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nox ember 20, 191-4 mmmmIO AEALMEET-NG m Awgmnm a metn o omnil aealAscti mein of 28 Bowmanville asebgliAsshoiato eleet new officers for the 1975 season. This or- ganization needs much more help from interes- te'd aduits who are willing to devote a bit of time and effort to helping the younger bal teams in the area. If you can lielp, please at- tend the meeting and be prepared to discuss your ideas to improve the organization. OSHAWA CHOSEN - Oshawa lias been awarded the 1975 Canadian Amateur Softball Association Senior Men's Softball Championships. The Senior Women's will be held in Calgary and the Junior Men's in Saskatoon. Five other cities - Quebec Richmond Hlli, Niagrara Falls, Kemptville and Burlington also sought) the Senior Men's series,' which was wori by Ton y s of Oshawa. 25 per cent of ail receiDts will be used tohelip finance a trip for the winning team to the 1976 world championships in New Zealand. WHITBY SPLITS PAIR - On Thursda y night at Iroquois Arena, theleague leading Barrie Flyers topped Whitby McDornalds 5-3 in a Senior A game, with the winning goal causing a dispute. Whitby came right back on Friday night against Orillia Terriers to win 8-4 with former Terrier Bob Munro being the big gun, counting two goals and an assist for Whitby. Hometown crowds iii Whitby have been grow- ing with each game. On Thursday, there were more than 1,000 fans watching the thrilling en- counter. REACH PLAYOFFS - Cou rtice, senior girls basketball team defeated Bowmanville's team, on Wednesday last, 30-22 and' the junior girls of Courtice in the double header defeated Bowman- ville 21-10. i n the Lake Ontario Secondary School Association east division series. Courtice now enters the play-offs starting November 25. Each Courtice team hiad four wins and a loss. Scoring in the senior gamne for Courtice were Jane Reynolds 16, June Timmers 6, Rhonda Childs 4, Debbie Miller and Terri Miller 2 each. For Bowmanville Jane Bradley 10, Julie McClary 9, Shelly Fry 2, Pamela Colmer -1. For Courtice juniors Leslie Kepteyn 8, Marilyn Taylor 4, ElaineHarrison 3, Coe e Taylor, Annette Taylor, Karen Jozkoski, 2 each. For Bowmanville Pain Zackarow 6, Cathy Atkinson and Carrne Barson, 2 each. Major idget Bowmanville Sports Major Midgets bad no trouble witb Markham asabhoetoner skated to a 10-1 victor y a[ Bowmanville on Sat., Nov. l6th. Bowmanville got off -t0 a slow sfart as it was their f irst game in 10 days and fbey led only 2-1 at tbe end of the fist. But they picked up in the second as thîey scored six unanswered goals and then added twn more in the third. Dan Cox wbo played a very strong game, led in the scoring wifh fhree goals and one assist. Raiph Cyderman and Robert uu'misfon bad two goals each. Nick VanSeggden, Teu'my Sarginson and Kimk Kemp eacb scored singles. top 1 likAveages N~ E, ans 22(1, S. DeHaît 227, O. Palfield 221 J. Pattie ý221', F. Br adley 217, Hl. loge 216, D, Bradley 2121, S. Davi' 211, AI. F'intoff 207, F. Lano 20f) Assists were credited to John Conboy (2), Gerald Brunt (2), Jim Hutton (2, Brian Simp- son, Crydemman, Mark La- Vigne, John Cornish, Sargin- son and Van Seggehen. Ted Trudeau went the distance in the nets. Next home game will be Wed., Nov. 27th at 7:00 p.m. with Lndsay as the visîtors. On Saturday, November 9, Bob Beer's Minor Afoms hosted Newcastle Major Atoms for an exhibition game. The older opposition proved too strong for the Toros as Newcastle won 7-3, witb Tim Preston coming back from an injury to'score all 3 Bowman- vile goals. The visitors beld a slim 1-0 lead affer one, period but increased the margin f0 4-0 after the second. Preston sun, cd Caly ini the third but Newcastle got it back quickly. Preston again scored from Jet f Uylshaf t to make the score 5-2. Newcastle got 'two more goals then Dan Coombes sent Preston orn a breakaway to complete bis bat trick and the scoring. Scott Bate and Todd Step- hens shared the goaltending chores and had to face several shots as the Tomos were outshot 19-7. Bowmanville had 3 penalties, Newcastle had one' -. On Thursday nigbt, Novem- ber 14, the teamn travelled to Ray Ridges for a league game. owmanville came out on the short end of a 6-5 score. The first period was score- less. Bowmanville jumped into a 3-0 lead on goals by Preston, Robbie Green fmom Jeff Logan and Tim Preston, again unassisted. But, before the end of the second period, Bay Ridges had f ough t back to tlie the score at 3-3. Preston g( t bis bat tr ick before Bay Ridges pulled into the lead on chmee more goals. Green scored bis second goal for Bowinanville from Logan and Stephen Taylor witb just 3 seconds lef t to end the scoring. Bowrnanville were outsbot 17-13. Bay Ridges had 6 pernalties, the Tomos bad 3. The Minor Atoms were hosted by Markbam on Sun- day, November 17 and the teams battled to a 1-1 tie. The score could have read mîw(h higher for Makam, except for the fine goaltending of Paddy' Marke features "Honestly - They're Worth Driving Ouf For", Authorized Dealer for Stee by fMorse an d Am rTel evisio Backed by the Admirai 5 Point Protection 'Package 1. A quaiity product-the best kind of protection we can give you. 2. One-year free parts and labour on ail 1975 color sets. 3. Five year picture tube protection plan. 4. Free service loaners for color TV's. 5. Coast-to-coast toli free hot line. WE HAVE A LARGE SELE'CTION 0F UP HOLSTERED FRITRïVLE FOR INSTANCE 2-Pce. Chesterfield Suites Priced from 4 - Pce. Chesterfield Suites Priced fr R.R. 1,1M1 roui $ 199.95AndUp À29, TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Paddy'sàM.a rket [ampton Taunton Road Just West of New Hanmpton Arena Parker Funiture T 50 Bond St. E. Oshawa Easy Teruis Arranged On-the-Spot, And Up 263-2241 723-1221 90 Days Interest Free Cobourg, Cougars Stili1 Ref use To low CHUC to Broadcasf The-Ir Home or AoyGomes, The dissension in Cobourg continues as to who bas the authomity to broadcast games. Jo a communique received at the Guideý office yesterday containing the minutes of the meeting hetween the Rink Board and the management of CHUC dated October 29, the Board claimed exclusive righfs to decide "WHO uses WHAT" facilities of the arena, and the board does grant permission f0 CHUC to bi oad- cast Cougar games, in concur- rence wif b the Cougar Organi- zation. This policy was decided pamtly because nf the facftbat Mm. Smith, a board member, had been in contact witb Mr. W. Scott, diector of the,0OHA, and who apparently "in effect' said that the board alone had the right to defer- mine broadcast policy. This is in direct conflicf fo a stnry appearing in the Cobourg Star in which the rules of the OHA are cited, and if appears that the hockey club bas sole voice in the decision' as to who broadcasts their games. The original confliet arose when CHUC decided that staff members alîeady on the paymoll would be employed to broadcasf the games. Last year a broadeaster was hired on a free-lance basis. CornatonDeowscFuels In Town League basketball last week, Coronation defeat- ed Stephien Fuels by a score of 42-26 with Tom Gordon scoring 13 pts. for Coronation, and Keith Elliot scoring 12 pts. for Stephens. Hooper's narrowly defeated Ken's by a score of 44-43 wittb highi scorers for Hooper's, Chris Steele with 13 pts. and Jerry Gillant with 9 pts. with Chris Terbune scoring 14 pts. for Ken's and Archie Camp- bell scoring 15 pts. Super Gome by Bath Teams As Bay Ridges Edges Mary On Monday, Nov, il Mary Brown's Novice Tomos tavell ed to Bay Ridges for one of the mnosft exciting gamies cver, even though the Toros lost 2-1. In tliisý contest there was plenfy (of bard body checks ilîrown by bothi hockey chuhs. The action went f rom one end to the other end and we saw some unhelievable speed, skill and puck contu oh by evemy playei on each teani Once again the goaltending was just fantastic and our enfire team played a super game. The loue mamksman foi' the 'toms was Ray Cummnings. Raymond's goal was siomt lived only to hav Bay Ridges tie th2e scoie early in the 3rd peu i. The winning goal was scored at 8:45 in the third and 1the Tomos pulled f beir goalie witb less than* 2 minutes iemaining, but weme unable to findthe target. Atter the gaine Bay Ridges' coach said "MARY BROWN'S DO HAVE THE BEST LEGS AROUND." KepMarkham ,Scoreless And Trim Stouffvill 8 to 3 On Thursday, Nov. 7, Bow- manville Novice Alistars tra- vel]ed to Markham for their first road garne and lef t with a 5- victory. The Toros were out bustling the Markham boys in, every way possible. With ail three huies backchecking, plus the f act our defensive crew played like real pros, the Markham leami were unable to score. orus' "goal tending by George Kennett was the best we've seen aIl year by any club. George played the entire Todd Stephens and Scott Bate, The first period was score- less but very fast and exciting. Tim Preston kept up bis fine play by scoring, unassisted early in the second period. Bowmianville hung on to their, slimi lead untîl early in the final period when Markhamr scoredwhile the Toros were a man short. Both teams fougbt for a winning goal but the buzzer ended the game in a draw. Bowmanville were outshot 2210 and the Tomos had al three of the penalties given out in the game. iberty Belles Teain Standings Spear 21032 pins, 2712 points; Roberts 20508, 211--; Mac- Donald 20224, 201:3; Gibson 20562, 20; Bragg 20207, 1912ý_; Partner 20066,, 19' _> Chant 19940, 16 -_; Alldread 20269, 16; Coombes 19713, 12; Burton 18835, 10L_,; Robinson 19410, 91-;Bons 18447, 7. lligh Single Marg MacDonald ... .... 313 Iligh Double Marg MacDonald .....511 top 101 Xverages M\. Pearce 209, C. Roberts 208, B. Partner 207, B. Stephens 207. M. MacDonald 207, M. Alldread 205, W. Coombes 200, P. Forsev 199, N. VanAbbema 198, J. Spear 194, J. Luxton 194. Men',s Majlor , Top 10 Ai erages Ernie Perfect 256,Roger Dav- ies 2,0. Gor d Wdlcox 249, Larry Piper 245, Bob- Burley 241,, Jack Bond 2:37, Maur ice Rich- ards 236, Wavine C onnbes 236, Russ Halman 233, Les Smale Teani Standings Pepsi Cola 37379 pins, 25 points;, Jury and Lox eh 37,679, 191'-_; lice Bowl 38,172, 18; Percy's Fina 37,342, 18: Kens Mens Wear 37,817, 17; IG.A. 37,432, 17; Frank's Variety :36,6,2, 17; D\kstras Food 36,855, 162; Osborne and Sbank 37,045, 15; Beaver I umber 36,221, 12, Cowan Pontiac Buick 35,635, 12; Lander Hdwe. 35,783, Il. Iligh Single John Luffman .__ ...319 Iligh Triple Gord Wilcox ........... . 804 gaine and regîstered bis first shuf out. Scott Masters coilected tbi'ee goals and f wo a*ists for bis first bat trick of the season. Othet' goal scores xvere Ray Cummings and Bobby Canfield. Chuck Nash, Chris Michielson, Andrew Smith and Canfield picked up assists also. On Saturday, Nov. 9, the Toi os hosted Stouffville and beaf themn by a score of 8-3. The big M (Scott Masters)- notched five goals in this gaine, onue in the first peiod, lvo in the second, and two in the third period. Darin Knighf, Glen Owens and Scnt t Heard also proved to be accurate marksmen in scnring goals. Chuck Nash, Ray Cummings and Chris Michelson were the, gu'eat play makers of the day collecting two assists each and one1 each going to Mike Bal and Dane Rupa. miX)ED MAJOR Tnp 10 Averages Peggy Haynes 238, Abert Samian 238, John Luffmnan 234, Emnie Perfect 233, Doris Joli 233. Buteh Bnenell 228, Ber- The Cougars i ejected the choice of CHUC (Grant Wade) in favor of the former broad- caster (Bob Spooner), saying that if Wade were used, then CHUC could not broadcast the games. D. B. 'Williamnson, station owner, . stood bis ground and the Cougars can- celled out. The disagmeement continues. CHUC bas not broadcast ouf of Cobourg amena eitber for a Cougar game, or for a visifing Port Ho pe Panther. or Bowman- ville F-agle game. CHUC bas the broadcast rights for bof h those two teams. -Guide Hampton Gardens Win and lie Cobourg The Hampton Gardens Pee- wees travelled . to Cobourg Friday night and came home a 5 10 2 winners. Cobourg npened the scoring but Lenny Dyck who played bis best game of the season, assisted by Rob Warden, tied the score by the end ni the tirs f perio d. Paul Dadson scou'ed the only goal ni the second peu md f0 give Bowmauville a 2 f0 1 lead. In the third period Len Dyck scored bis second goal assisf- ed by Randy Lake. Brent Tbompson scored from the point witb Jon Jonack assist- ing Mark Abbof f scored the hast goal assisted by Paul Dadson, t0 make the final score Read Bowmanville 5 Cobourg 2 On Sat., Nov. 16, Cobourg visited Bown2anville andearn- ed -a 1 f0 1 fie. Althougb the Gardens crew bad better s-oriîg oppntunifies and, g1ave ,Cobourg fewem -gondý scoing chances than in the game Friday nigbt they had f0 seftle for a tie. Again in this game, Cobourg opended the scnriug ear'ly in the fiîst period only fo have Bowmanvilhe fie if a couple of minutes later, Dnoug Dilling scoring assisfed by Wilcnx and Jovack. Fou' the'est of the game the Gardens crew had their chances but couldn't put the puck in the net. Cobourg took thmee minor penalifes to the home team's onue. Final score Hampton Gardens 1 Cobourg 1. The Gardens defence units are now sfarting f0 lug the puck and check b et fer. n ice Buday 222, Joan Sutchiffe 220, Larry Piper 220, Pote Dobbins 219. Teain Standings Joîl 1812 points, 31,425 pins; Hayues 18, 31,425; Cossey 18, 30,783; Sheehan 18, 30,581, Buday 18, 30,579; Draper 151/2, 29,357; Bagneli 15, 30,690; Durnu 13, 30,772; Fairey 13, 30,737; Sutchiffe 111,2, 29,971; PatfieId112 29,959, Coole 10, 29,358. HhbSingle Ladies-Mamie Brooks ... 296 Men-Jim Murphy....... 320 1Hîgli Triple Ladies--Peggy Haynes ... 762 Men-Pete Dobbins ..... 781 Mary Brown's Toros Blow 4-1 Lead of Stouffville, fo Close Ouf Gome wif h a Tie On Satumday, Nov. 16, Ma ry Brown's Tomos traveiled, to Stouffilie only te, have the home team come from bebind a 4-1. deficit and tie the Tomos 5-5. Ray cummings opened the scoring in the first period at the 6.31 mark, Masters gett- ing the assist. Stouffville came back quickhy and tied the score 16 seconds later. The tirst peiod ended 2-1 for the Tomos on a wehl earned goal by Jay Swéet, assisf going f0 Chris Michelson. Ray Cum- mings got bis second goal of the night from Scott Masters and Chuck Nash. Bowman- ville ended the second peiod 4-1 with Scott Masters getting a short banded goal. In the final period, the Tomos .îust feel apamt and lef the Stouffvilhe team skate in and score four unanswered goals. The oniy Tom f0o score in the third period was Scott Heard wbo phayed a strong game ahl night. Stouffville's tying goal was scored witb fwo minutes remaining in the game. Next game is af Childmen's Aena in Oshawa 7 p.m., Nov. 20tb. 'leam Standings O.Patfield 21'2à; Depew 2O; Forrester 18;, Etcher 161'2; Davis 16; Evan~s 1412; Brown 14; J. Patfield 13; Rogers 12; Boxxers 12; Dellart ( High Triiple FI Depew ....... Hligh SinglIe Il. Depew ... .... 294. Il. Depew. GIVE YQUR HOME A NEW WARDROBE FOR CHRISTMAS COMPLETE LUNE L0Fý BENJAMIN MOORE PtINTS SINGLE ROLL ERNETHS HA 3/4 Ton Pick-.up that handles like a SVA N DA R D qu ipment that is extra E on a "Normal1" Pick-up. 70 AMP HOUR BATTERY FULLY SYNCRONIZED 4 SPEED> DUAL- HYDRAULIC BRAKES FRONT TOW HOOk WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES E ,6 PLY TIRES MUD FLAPS BEH'lIND R EA R WHEELS DOOR VENT WINDOWS 10 PIECE TOOL KIT BRIGHT'HUB CAPS ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP AND FANTASTIC GAS MILEAGE WITH LOW OPERATING COST. E (PLUS FREIGHIT SERVICE TAX AND LIC() TEST DIVE4OE TODA"Y FRý,OM NOV. 18-30 1 Bag 0f "Liii leCritter" ýLitter or Chiorophyli Litter FREE witb the purchase of ail animal cages. TeBowmanville Pet Shop 12 ýKing St. W. 623-2921 Professionai Dog Grooming - Ail Breeds à lm

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