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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 11

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%OPP REPORT The Newcastle Detacbment Sthe Ontario Provincial -P½,lire investiga ed the follow- ing Motor Vehicle Collisions and occurences during the ?eriod November 18,'1974 to November 24, 1974. Twenty nine Motor Vebicle Collisions were investigated in which 14 persons were injured and two persons were killed. As a res ult of these collisions nine persons have been charg- ed with offences under the Higbway Traffic Act and two persons have been charged with driving offences under the Criminal Code. The Newcastle officers also investigated six occurrences of a general nature. Sorae of these occurrences were as follows: There were il investi- gations into offences of "Theft", two investigations into "assault", one investiga- tion into the offence of "Wilful Damage," and one investiga- tion into the offence of "Fraud". ther activities in- luded investigations into re- ports of lost properties and investigations into various driving complaints. Seven persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Act, four persons nav~e been charged with offences under the Crimi- nal Code and fhree persons have. been charged with driv-' ing offences under the Crimi- naL Code. he, following are brief reports into. two fatal Motor Veicle Accidents. On Tuesday November 19, 19-74 at approximately 9:25 a.rn . a fatal Motor Vehicle Accident occurred adt the intersection of Highway 35 and Regional Road 9, when two vehicles were in collision in the northbound lane. Dead is the driver of the northbound vehicle, Klaus Schwartkop, 38 years of 20 June AvenueDownsview Ont. Injured and taken f0 Me- morial Hospital, Bowman- ville,.was Linda L. Gombos, 32 years, of R. R . 2 Millbrook, Ontario. This accident was investi- gated by Provincial Constable R., H. Ferguson of ýthe New- castle Detachment of' the Ontario Provincial Police. A second fatal Motor Ve- idle Accident occurred on Wednesday, November 2tb, 1974 af approximately il1:00 arn. when a single vebicle travelled into the west ditch of the Clarke-Darlington Line. Road approximately one mile north of Taunton Road. Dead i hpsegrPul Vernon i-acker, 48 years, of 54 - Orley Street, Toronto, Ont. This accident was investi- gated hy Provincial Constable H. T. Burke of the Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. 'l'fe Newcastle Detacbrnent of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the follow- .... ing Motor Vehicle Collisions and occurrences during the period November 11, 1974 f0 November 17, 1974. Sixteen Motor Vehicle Col- lisions were investigated in which, eight persons were injured and one person was killed. As a result of these collisions four persons have been charged with offepces under the Higbway Tràffic Act and one person bas been charged wifh a driving offence under the Criminal Code. The Newcastle officers also investigated 119 occurrences of a general nature. Some of> these occurrences are as follow; There were five invest- igations into offences of "Theft", five, investigations loto. complaints of "Wilful Damage' , tbree investiga- tions into offences of "Break and Enfer" and two investiga- tions into complaints of "As- sault". Other activities includ- ed investigations -into reports of lost and found properties, trespassers and various driv- ing complaints. Three persons have been charged with offences under Mason the Liquor Control Act, four Bowman persons bave, been charged Connor, ý with offences under the Crim- of Ontari mnal Code and two persons District; have been chargeçl with driv- ing offences under the Crimin_ Chairmai al Code. Past Disi The following is a brief report of fwo fatal accidents. On Friday, November 15, 1974 at approximately 8:00 p.m. a fatal Motor Vehicle Accident occurred on High- way 35, approximately baîf a mie north of the Junction of Durham Road 72, when two cars were in collision in the ,northbound lane. Dead is the passenger of one of these vehicles, Mark W. DONOGHUE, 118 years of 240 Adelaide Street, Apt. 2, King- st on , Ontario. Six other persons were injured in this collision and were faken to the Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. This accident is being investigated by Provincial Constable D. COOK of the Newcastle De- tachment of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police. On Friday, November 15, 1974 an industrial accidpnt ~RIIUN R i~R with wood and coal FRAU LII REITR gatebasket, black Combination stove matte finish. and open hearth fireplace Instali in an old fireplace as above or use free, standing. ~249" Use Your "Chargex" McGREGOR HARDWARE 95 King St. W. 623-2542 Bowmanville GEORGE' MEI JACKETS - SHIRTS Masons Pose for 125th Anniversary Picture iattended the 125th Anniversary of Jerusalem Lodge a week ago Saturdav niehit at the Iville Lions Centre. Among those in attendance were (from lef t to right) Rt. Wor. Bro. Rod 1ery Wor. J3ro. ClarK wîniiams, u-t. wor. iro. Arnolci LobmVs ititDeuyGadMse oDistrict; Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Emmerson, Past District Deputy Grand %aster of Ontario Rt. Wor. Bro. Dave Stevens, Board of G-Lmeral Purposes; Very Wor. Bro. Keith Billett in of Jerusaleni Lodge 125th Anniversary, and IveïW Wor. Bro. John Scott, Grand Steward and nerit Secretary. Dîgnitaries Attend AnnJversary tr ai ei I A week ago Saturda y right, Jerusalem Lodge celebrated its 125th Anniversary with dignitaries from across the* province joining in the festivities. The Rt. Wor. Bro. Dr. Eric Nancekiveli, Deputy Grand aàster o f the Province of Ontario (centre) brouht the lodge greetings from Grand Lodge. From the Oshawa lodge the Rt. Wor. Bro. Don Fear, District Deputy Grand Master (lef t). Chairman for the evening's festivities was Wor. B ro. Clifford W. Trewin, Worshipful Master of Jerusalem Lodge, (right). BHS Bond Makes Plans For U.S.Exchange Visitýl The director of the Bowman- The Portland band is a ver y ville High School Band, Mr~. Jarge concert band with a Elliott Tremeer, is presently mnerbership of about 100. It'is making arrangements for an conducted by Mr. Eric Oster- exchange tour with a high jing, a noted composer and school band from Portland, arranger of music for bands Conn. The band from Portland throughout North America. will spend a weekend in Following the visit to Cana- Bowmanville. It is hoped, that da the American band will our band can host a reception host a similar weekend for the dinner for their guests, ar 1'tnwmanville students in Port- range a side trip to somne local land, Connecticut. The visiting points of interest and present bands will be billeted in homes a public concert at which the on both weekends. two bands will perform. The cost of this exchange occurred on a construction will be about $3,000. This site at the St. Mary's Cernent amount will be raised entirely Plant. by the band members through Claude BERGERON 30 concerts and fund raising years of 2284 Iberville Street, projects. One such project is Montreal, Quebec was killed the sale of Christmas Candy f0 when he feil approxiimately 8o bc conducted this week. So if a feet from a partially complet_ band member comes to your ed roof structure which col_ door, now is the time to buy lapsed. The victim, was an those "stocking stuffers"., employee of Arsenault Struct- The public will have several ure Ltd., of 6013 Robert Blvd., opportunitir-s between now St. Leonard, Quebec, and Christmas f0 hear their This accident is being in- school band. This Friday the vestigated by Provincial Con- band will performi at the stable D. MacKAY of the school Commencement. On Newcastle Detachment of the Dec. 15 the band combines Ontario Provincial Police. with Trinity Church Choir for N OF NSGWG LTE WORTH $2.00 WEAR 0 ne C oupon Per Purchase I I Offer Expires Dec. 7th. JEAN P PERMANENT PRESS WORK -SHIRTS - AND SLACKS 42 KING ST. E. BOWMANV ILLE 623-3211 e a presentation of Handel's "Messiah" and on the evening of Dec. 18 the BHS Band and the Legion Choir will present an evening of Christmas music in thie school auditor- ium. Burkeo Mrs. B. Vandam and family Oshawa, were recent weekencl guests of Mrs. C. Vandam and family. Mrs. R. Davey spent Satur-. day with ýMr. and Mrs. S. Grant and family, Zion. Mrs. M. Brown accompani- ed by Mrs., E. Bryan, Port Perry,-spent sometime visit- ing in the village Sunday. David and Alan Grant, Zion, called on Mrs. R.e Davey during the weekend. Mr. S. Taylor was a recent supp'dr guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatcheli, Brooklin, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Stephenson and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Littley attended the wedding of Mrs. Littley's sistei, Dorothy in Toronto. Several from this commun- ity attended the dance at Blackstock, sponsored by the Blackstock Agriculture Soc- A 'delegation from Ajax and Pickering came to join in the festivities.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Littley attended the funeral of Mrs. Doris Ellis of Pickering. Mrs. J. Sinclair is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mrs. R. Davey was a luncheon guest of Mrs. ýR. Howe, Enniskillen,, Wednes- day. Mr. Ted Holroyd, Bowman- ville called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and family. Night Hawks 'High Single M. Trimble .............269 High Triple M. Trimble............ 754 Ieam Standings J. Rowe 35, B. Smith 29, B.- Wilbur 28, M. T rimble 21, J. Burton 16, A. Burgess 15. Top 10 Averages M. Trimble 201, M. Bates 198, A. Lorusso 192, J. Burton 189, 1. Wright 185, B. Smith 18.3, P., Whalen 179, B_. Wilbur 178, K. Raiston 178, J. Dîixon 174. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs.Walter Sharpe, Lynn and Douglas, Oshawa were Sunday 'diriner guests with the former's son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sharpe and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. Mrs. L.C. Snowden and Bob accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John I-uband, Oshawa to Burlington on SuInday where they were luncheon and dinner guests with Mrs. William Stewart and her daughter Miss Margaret Stewart. Mrs. Keith Bickell, Sault Ste. Marie 'as a weekend guest of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- derman Jim, Esther and Ralph were 'chivareed" by neighibours and friends of the Base Uine cornmunity on Fr1. evenizig. Games of Lost Heir, Euchre and crokinole were enjoyed and everyone was given a tour of their nexw home. A bounteous lunch was served and everyone wended service and Sunday School will begin at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings with the Sunday Scbool members going directly to their classes at 9:45 arn. Everyone wel come! Mrs. Thelma Davis, Belle- ville and ber daughters, Miss Jennifer Davis, Belleville and Miss Sue Davis of Queen's University Kineston. were Saturday guests of the for mer's sister and brother-bi law, Mr. and. Mrs, KE Hlopkins. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Jones, .Welland, and Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and family, Bow- manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Sr. and family. Janet and Linda Sharp, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Betb. Barbara, Allan and Grant, were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray. Sunday dinner 'guests of Mrs. A. Read were, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton, Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Clav- ton Read, Rob and Steven, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin, Mr. Don Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Miss Mary Potts, in honour of Mrs. J. Potts forfhcoming birfbday. Mrs. John Roth, had the rnisfortune to break ber foot. Mrs. Roth js wished a speedy recovery. Mr. Glen Ashton, Miss Karen Yellowlees were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Missis- rsauga. D Several from, Haydon at- tended the Bowmianville Santa Claus parade on Saturday. 1Students had a holiday on -Monday, Teacher's Conven- tion. Sorry to lose Mrs. A. Thompson, from our Com- munity having moved to Bowmanville. Mrs. Jim Graham and friend,' Valleyfield, Quebec, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham on Sun- day and all had dinner at the Bon Fire Restaurant, Lind- say. C.O.F, Leag ue Team Standings J. Gould 35,425 pins, 53 points, G. Prout 34,575, 53, H. Pollard 34.449, 52, B. Martyn 34.502. 51. G. Srnith 34,651, 49, A. Van Goor 34,554, 49, J. Luffman 33,370, 4412, B3. Smittl 34,826, 44, P. Ward 33,148, 44, J. Robinson 32,820, 361/2, R. Vanderberg 34,256, ý29, G. Heath 31,834, 9. Higb Singles Bt coda Jones.......... 254 Jim Robinson.......... 333 Higb Triples Phil Ward ............ _.671 Ross Hall,.............. 836 The Canadian Statesinan,Bowmanvillfe November 27, 1974 HeIp Sister Celebrate Shelley and Kevin and littie sister Dawh Patrice who celebrated her first birthda y, Sept. 1. They ar;e the'children of Ross and Pat Kossatz of Windsor. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis, Solina, and Mrs. Florence Kossatz of Petawawa. TankeSpca With the approacb of winter and a new snowrnobiling season, commissioner H.H. Graham of fueý Ontario Pro- vincial Police reminds snow- mobilers of the dangers of travelling on thinly frozen lakes and rivers, especially early in the season. Every year-, members of the OPP are called upon f0 investigate incidences of per- sons going through the ice, muany with tragic'results. Later in the season when the ice is thicker, a thorouglu knoxledge of prevailing ice conditions is sf11 necessary. Underwafer c urrenîts can erode the strongest ice so that there is open water on even the coldest days. Commissioner Graham re- cently said thaf a new problem bas arisen. Many cottagers are using "ice-away' mach~- ines to protect their docks and boat-bouses. Air puînped info the water creates a turbulence wbich prevents th'e formation of ice. These machines are very useful for protecting the lakeside property but present a potenfialf hazard to any' Care on Ice, Anybody using the ice-away machine sbould remember- thaf they bave a definite legal responsibility f0 guard the opening in the ice. The lavw states that anyone wbo makes an opening in ice bas a legal dut y fo guard if so as to p reven t an y person froîn falling into the water. Sbld someone fail tbrough th-. opening and drown, the pers. I who made the opening cotl- be guilty of manslaugbter a ci hiable f0 life imprisonmenf. COURIER i TRUCKS See Page 3 inir way nome wisyning tiicw- I..uatenUz-12 muesiuahuA in LIA rwy. '*11 ird afid Florence and family merry Makers on- Hwy. 115 nuchI happness and content- Team Standings nent in thpeir lovely home. Huisman 19,260; Rutty 18,221;'E E ERS N A Mrs. J. Arthur Loveli,, Blunt 18,118; McFeeters 18,ý0E VE YSN A )exer. ,'thigan -,returned tc 086; oore 17,624; Burgs TA3.TING 8 A. M. ,A'lL flÏ)AY uer home on Tues. with Mr. 17,583; Smith 17,504; Sheeban and Mrs. Fred Wright and ai 17,045 >Ejytecmos()a 'njoyed a bustrip froîn Hîgb Single wEjoyhetcomforts of a )exter tri Frankenrnuth Mich- Eldîfle Elliott ......285welh tdbidng gan on Wed. Hîgb Double Maple Grove United Churcb Elaîne Ellîott .. ....461._____________ if you'Ire not satisfie wt your present -Color T.oV. TRYA FRO FALCONTV SPECIAL SALE ON ALL '74 MODELS The ALHAMBRA7 Majestically styled Mediterraneon console. Tiered over-han,.ing tpMorh.nspired side panelling, decorative pilasters the front; ornamentalbase* rail with two simulated drawers with ornoiely detailed hardware, and contoured full base, casters. mch Iess with trade 26" Chromacolor "The quai ity goes in before the name goes on" $789 [ -Befreyoubuy see Luke or Jenny ai Falcan yTv -We, service what we sell - ourselves. -Beefo r ae -i -We accept trade-ins ftne Atdditional year of, FREE Service for Ail Senior Citizens FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011j BRING THE FAMILY TO THE NliEWCAST7L E FLAMARKET "Everything From Soup to Nuts""

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