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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesýman, Bowmanville, November 27,~j 1 lIà'I s '1111H! Tues,4.30p - ALLRAD- Ross and Naýncy are pleased ta an- iicunjce the arrivai of their cdaugh[er Karen Lilian, 6 lbs. ý' -. azs., barn Nov. 17, 1974 at MIvemorial Hospital. Proud ajrandIparents are Mr. and Mr.T. Burton, Ashburn, Onfario. 48-1 ANFOSSI -- Dr. and Mrs. H. w,,ish ta annaunce the arrivai of their new son Christopher Michael on November 23, Oýshawa General Hospital. 48-1 EVAN~S -- Mark is proud fa announce the safe arrivai of his sister Michelle Ann on November 18 a4t Memorial Hospital, Bowmaniville. Proud parents are Larry and Lor- raine. Proud grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. CIl rence -Therfeil, Kendal, Mrs. Stella Evans, Blackstock and great- qrandmother, Mrs. Rose For- gef, Penetanguishene. 48-1 FOLEY- Don and Ginny (nee Smith) are pleased ta ainnounce the arrivai of their son Donald Walter on Novem- ber 21. Special thanks ta Dr. Mosienko and the maternity staff. 48-1 JONES - John and Betty are happy ta announce the arrivai of their son, Peter John, on November the 12th. A brother 'for Susan. Many thanks ta Drs. Anfossi, John Rundîe and materniily staff. 48-1 RICKARD- David and Pearl are pîeased ta announce the arriva'I oftheir 'daughter, Janicé'Marie, 8 Ibs. 6 ozs., on Noy.' 22, 1974 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviîle. A sis- ter for Jeffrey. Thanks fa Dr. Cunningham and maternity 'staff. 48-1 Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Emmer- son are pleased ta announce the forfhcaming marriage of their daughter, Phyllis Ann fa Ross Allan, son 0of Mr. and M'rs. E, Finnson -f Rasseau, Ontario. The wedding wiii laike place at 4;30 p.m. December 27, 1974 in the chapel, Saint Lukes in the areLondon, Ont. Mýr . a -icVîr s, Aubrey Cain, on-!typ0olô," invite relatives, wd-eoJ brs, and friends 'o. -,tnd their Golden wedding riception at Pontypool United Chumtich, Sat., Dec. 7, 1974, 2 ta 4 an1d 7 to 9 p.m. Best wishes q! 1Y. 48-1 x FOSTER, . Gertrudce M, Affer a short ilîness at Milton District Hospital, on Sunday Nov. 24, 1974. Gertrude Mab I Reynolds, wîdow 0f Ervine R. F aster, in her 88th year, mother of Kenneth of Mlton, ind Harold of Oshawa. Funer- Sai service was heîd on nTuesday af McKersie Funeral Homne, Milton. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 48-1 MINGEAUD, Lawrence (Loi) _Passed away on Navember 21 at Grace Hospital, Windsor, lbeioved husband of Ruby Biggs Mingeaud, dear brother .of Mrs. Neil Tucker, Toronto, 'dear uncle of Paul and Arthur Mvýingeaud, bath of Seatt le. Funerai services were held -from the Don Marris Funeral Home, 68 Giles BIvd, East, Windsor, Safurday, Navember 23. Rev. William Lawson officiated. Interment Green- lawn Memoriai Gardens, Windsor. Donations ta tho Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated bq the family. 48-1 PLEASANCE -Af Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Wednesdlay, November 2th, 1974, Bert Pleasance, Main Street, Orono, aged 81 years, 'beloved husband of, Victoria Stevenson, doar father of Minnie (Mrs. Wm. Horwaf), St. Catharines; Patricia (Mrs. R.C. White), Bracebridge; Bertha (Mrs. Carman White), Orona; Thomas, Tyrone; WiI- iam, Egbert; Malcolm~, Vine- land; John, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville; Carol (Mrs. Wm. Lam- 'bert), Everett,; Vickie,-Allis- ton; predleceased by 2 sans, Afred and Bertie. Service was hieId in the Marris Funeral, Chapel, Bowmanvilîe, on Fmi- 'day at 2:30. Interment. Orono C'emefery. 48-1 - URNER, George - Af Mem- anial Hospital, BowmanyiIle on Frida y November 22, 1974, George Turner of Strathaven 'Nursing Home, brother of AmArthur, Dorath y, and Glen 0f Toronto. Restedatthe Norfhcutt Elliatt Funoral Home. Funeral service was held at 10 o'ciack an Manday mnorning. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 48-1 ("Qer say it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivory ta ... 'Oshawa - Bawmanville Ai Phone 623-4441 SYER, Jean - At Marnwood Nursing Home on Sunday, Nov. 24, 1974, Jean Syer of Bowmanville, in her 80th year. Dear aunf of Helen Sinclair, Jean Bennett, Dorofhy Cors- cadden and Bert, Jack and Lloyd Syer. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Funeral Service 2 o'clock Tuesday affernoon. Inferment Ponty- pool, Cemefery. CAMERON, Ray- In loving memory of our grandad who passed away November 28fh, 1971. Dear "Boppy" up in Heaven I wish God had a phone So we could talk a liffle while To let you know, your not alone We speak of you s0 offen About fhe fun f hat we ai l had Thafswhywe'd likefocaîl you And say, "Hi!, Grandad". -Alwars remembered by 9-randchirdren: Donna, Shane, ommy, Darcy, Samn, Randy and Kim. 48-1 CAMERON, Ray A.B.- Tc our Dad who passed awav November 28, 1971. Dear Dad: We cannot bring fhe old dayý, back, When we were aIl togefher Buf Happy years and loving fhoughfs, Will live with us forever. -,Sadly missed buf always remembered by Inez, Bey, Janeen, Judy and sons-m -law. 48-1 CAMER ON, Ray A.B.- To my husband who passed away November 28, 1971. Your memory is a keepsake Wifh which l'Il neyer parf. - Sadly missed by wife Win. 48-1, COX - In lovi ng memory of mydear friend EdnaA. Cox who pasÉed away Nov. 27, 1972. Thy will be done. -Sadly missed' 0. M. Gilhooly 48-1 HART - n loving memory of Dad who passedawa y Febru-, ary 5, 1965 and Mother who passed away Novemrber 26, 1970. 0 happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweef their memory sf111, But death has left a loneliness The world can neyer fuI. -Alwa y s remnembered by' Russ and Bey, Had and Bey. and family. PASSANT - n loving memr- ory of my dear husband Ernest Albert Passant, who passed away December 1sf, 1964. "Always in my thoughts" -Lovingly remembered by his wife Ada.' PASSANT- In loving mem- or yof my dear father Ernest AI berf Passant who passed awav December 1Isf, 1964. Ten years have passed since I could say , "Hlello Dad" in the same old way To hear your voice and see your smile To sif with you and chat awhile So you who have a father, Cherish hlm 'with care, For you will neyer know the hearfache TL y see his vacant chair. -Lvngly remembered by his only daughter lvy. 48-1 x STUBBERT - In loving memory of a dear wife Helen who passed away Nov. 26, 1963. Sadly missed a long life's way, Quietly remembered every- day. No longer in m y lite f0 share, But in my heart she is always there. - Lovingly remembered by husband Frank. 48-1 x STU BBE RT - Cherished me- mories of a dear mother and grandmother, Helen Stubbert, who passed away, Nov. 26, 1963. No hand s0 soft and gent le, No heart so tender true,' Nosorrow life could bring us, To equal losing you. Calm and peaceful, she is sleeping, Sweefest rest that fol lows pain, We who loved her, sadly miss her, But trust in God f0 meet again. - Lovingly remembered by caughlMad.rn, son-in-law Charlie and grandchildren Helen and <.dUCK. 48-ix BURLEY - In loving me- mory 0f a dear husband and father Percey Burley who passed away November 29, 19h3. Gone from us but Ieaving memories Death can neyer take away, Memories that will always linger, While upon fhis earth we stay. - Sadly missed and always remembered by wife Eva and family. 48-1 VANCAMP, Helen - There is neyer an haur of each passing That nmemaries af you don't corne my way, Out of sight but always near Stîli loved, stili missed and rea always doar. - Sadiy missed. Mther, sisters, Mabel, Wilma and STUBBERT In Ioving memory of a dear Mother Helen who passed away No- vember 26fh, 1963. We often think of bygone days When we were aillfto gether, The family chain is broken now, But memories live forever. To us she has nat gone away, Nor has she fravelled far, Jusf entered God's efernal home <And left the gates ajar.- - Sadlv missed and forever remembered by son Reg. and daughter-in-law Shirley. 48-1 STUBBERT -ln loving memory of a dear mot her and grandmother Helen who pass- ed away Nov. 26, 1963.* In our home we have a picture 0f a face more preclous than gold. And f0 aIl who lost her, Her memory will neye r qrow old Today as we, look at thaf picture, Her face so loving and true, -No Wonder our hearts are sf111 broken, For a wonderful mother and grandmother like you., - Lovingl y remembered by daughter Mamrie, son in-law Boyd and, grandchildren, Kevin and Shawn. 48 lx We would like ta express our sincere and heartfelt thanks f0 ail our relatives and friends for floral fributes, donations f0 crippled children, Gideon' Bi- bles, in memory of David Shearer. Special thanks to Rev. Thomas Smith, Norfh- cutt Ellioft Funeral Home for their many kind- nesses, the ladies of New- .astle United Church for lunch 3fter the service and the many ýneighbors and friends w/ho supplied lunches at our home., Robert and Joan Shearer and <-Family 48-1 The family of the late Greta Burgess wish fa express their sincere appreciation and fhanks f0 relatives, friends and neighbors for many acts 0f kindness, cards, floral ftribufes and donations, also staff of Oshawa General Hospital and Armsftrong Fun eral Home. A special thank you f0 Memorial Park lim;. who served lunch. Lillian, Art Hone Murray,, Marlene Sheehani 1 red, Helen Sheefan; 48- lx The congregation of Sf, John's Anglican Chur chi Bow. manville would like to tharik evemyone who helped to rnae the "Pamish Faim' sorti a success. 481 I wish ta thank neighbooîs and friends for their kindniess during my stay in hospîtal. A very special thanks f0oDrs. Anfossi and Speer anîd nu'-s on the fîrsf floar. Mrs. S. Raapharst (Omna) The family of the late Bn' t Pleasance wauld like ta fhank everyone wha helped in any way and especialIy Rev. Hayne, also Shirley, Mary, Audrey and Paf for helping at the house affer the funer"!. Thank yau., I wduld like ta ihank the boys tram the Goodyear Beit Dopt. and ail those invoived with the surprise retirement party held for me. We espociaîly wish f0 fhank their wives for bringing lunch a~nd making if a fmuiy enjoyable evoning and one we wilI neyer forget. Mary and Dean Grills 48 1 My sincere thanks foaail my friends for the Iavoly cards. gifts and f lowers I received on my 9th birthday. A special thank you ta those who organized, enferfained and attended the memorable cele- brat ion held in my honor in the mec roam. AIlice Saunders 48 lx [abb- The family of the lafe' Emma Tabb wlsh ta express their sincere appreciation fa friends, relatives and neigh- boums for their flawers, dona- fions and acfs of thoughtfui- ness duing their recent be reavement. Special thanks Io Dr. Roy Milis and nurses on 9G af ftho Oshawa Hospital, 48-1lX I would like ta express my sincere thanks toalal friends, noighbors and relatives for ahi their thaughtfulness on my bitthday. Sincemely Mabel Oldfield 48-i I would like ta thank my family, friends and neiaghbo forthe maniy card s, fI ower' and gifts eceived vwhile rý hospital and affer my retumn home. A special1 thanks taoms, Keith Siemon, D. Wright and Rev. W. Oake. Mrs. Emnie Bradley 48-lx i would like fo express my sincere thanks and apprecia- tion ta my family, friends and neighbours for my many cards, flowers, gifts and acts of kindness during my stay i Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Special thanks ta Dr E. D. Hubbard and nurses on first floor. Shirley Stainton 48-lx A - e I wuid lketofhnk ail my friends and ritves for their visits, cards and gifts, during my receit sfay in Memorial Hospital, Bowanville. Spe- cial th.,rks to Nancy and George. Coke- Cary 48-1 A sincere thankyou to our chidren, Gregory and Gail, relatives and friends who made our 25th wedding anni- versary su'h -a happy occa- sion, orle we shall neyer forget. Kenneth and Marjorie Palmer 48-1 I wish to fake this opportu- nity to thank 'my neighbors, friends andl relatives, the U.C.W. a~nd Golden Star Club~ and Prîde of Ponfypool LOBA, No. 1314, for the -cards, flowers, g ifts and visits whiie 1I was in Civic Hospital. Aiso the atieîîding, Doctors and the iurses on) No. 2 wing for their wonderful care. Mrs. Norma Cavano 48-1 Our hear ifeif thanks fo the mnembers of the Village of Newcastle Recreation Com- mittee for th" beautiful gift and touchîng fribute fo us at the dance, Saturday, Navem- ber 16, 1974. Our deepest gratitude to ai l present for the very warrnî reception we received. if is a night neither of us shall forgef! Sam and I are, indeed, going fo miss the pleasant associations we have enjoyed wîth the youfh and adults of the Village fhrough the Recreafion Cornmittee over the years, but we are sure the presont committee will very capably carry on the traditions aiready set for if. May we extend ta them our besf wishes for every success ini ail their endeavours.! Sîncerely, Sam and Margaret Brerefon 48-1 Mrs.Prian Brown co-ordin- ator for the Lockhart float iri the Santi ,C laus Parade would like. ta thank the following parents: Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. P Hooper, Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs, S. Mummery, Mr. and Mrs. A Beard, Mrs. M. Pedwr hi, Mrs. J. English, Mrs, G. Rairîey, Mrs. J. Galipeau, Mrs P. Robson, Mrs. L . (zoodmnurphy, Mrs.. B. Rcdd Mr. a nd Mrs. D. Smith, Mr, - Si r, Mrs, G.Tanner, MsWranci-s, Mrs. G. k Gir. G Young, Mi N îifhMr- K. Sfubing- fon M~A.Tho,,rdyke, and B3INGO NEWCASTLE --OMMUNITY HALL -1esday, DeC. 3rd Early Bîrd Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8:00 $400 IN PRIZES Fi-US $500 JACKPOT NFWeSLE LIONS 48-1 PLAN l'O ATTEND THE LIONS CLUB FURKEY ROLL Dec. 6 7 40p mfo closing, No admission charge. Reftîeshriî eu.s - Free Buffet Draw for 1975 Monte Car Ia ta be made the same evening. 800 Tickets Only, 510 Per Ticket. Tickets on Car available fram ary îy .ns memiber. Bowryiarîviile and District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society are sponsoring an open m-reeting. The subject wiiI be the Blodd Dorior Cinics which are of vital interest ta everyor e. Please attend. Trin- ufy United <hurch, Wed., Dec. 4, 1974, 8 r ni, LDance Nev fonville Hall, Saturday, 'ltovember 30, $1.50, per per-"oui everybîdy wel- co me. 48-1 E,.îhre par ty, Newtonvilie Hall, Friday. November 29, 8:15, Ladies brîng lunch and everyhody v elcome. ,à 48-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE "THE COU NTRY GEMS" Friday -Saturday Noýve-mbl -e r 2 2 - 23 Rummage sale,, Saturday, Noverober SÛth, 10 a.m. af 106 Martin Rond,'Bowmanville. Used b'a!-y articles, ladies' wear. golf , ubs, odds and enodS. 48-1 DINING room buffet and hufch, arborite veneer, $125. Phone 623-2544 affer 5;30. 48-If CLEAR'ING of tulip buîbs- $4.50 per 100 or $2.50 per 50. AIl1 ather outdoor bulbs at 1/2 price. This is for the birds - Sunflower and mixed bird seed. Save on 25, 50 or 100 lb. bags. Carnation Fîower Shop, 33 Division St. 48-1 ONE Garden tractor, 5 horse; power tiller; plow; cultivator; cement roI 1er; one smali steel shed; six sheets fibreglass. For details phone 623-2890. 48-1 ANTIQUECLOCKs -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modemn watches and c lacks. Our repairs, are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and quaiified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf ONE pair Fischer Skis, 205, with bindings. One pair Nordi- ca ski boots \(red, size 10). Phone 623-5603 or 623-3303. 46-tf Imi]mmi'- The Yelverton "Rockets- Sr. Men's bail team are sponsoring a dance in Pont- pool Hall on Sat., Nov. 30 with the Gary Breston orchestra. Admission- $4.00 per couple, Your support is appreciated. 48-1 Appearing this Saturday night, November 30 at the Osaca Barn, Fa y Adams and The Country H ifs Square dance caller. Lloyd "Ciem" Brown. Couples onîy. 48-lx November 29-30. Dance ta those fine 'Music makers, Steamboat, in the new Griffen Room, Elmhurst Hotel, New- castle.,8 WOODY IEW COMMPUN-ITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Dog obedience classes, aIl bmeeds. We train yau and yaur dog, $25 for 10 weeks. F ree demonstration and. pro reais- tration. Phono Ananda Ken- nels, Orono, 1-983-9385. 45-4 Osaca Barn Dance <couples anly) every Saturday night, Country and Western music, Phono 786-2633. 37-tf MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY -7:45 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Min'or Softball JUBILEE, PAVILlON OSHAWA 1 30-tf Special Agr. Study Tours ta Australia & New Zealand .and South Africa & Rhodesia JAN. & FE B. 1975 with CLARE BURT TRAVEL 16 Queen St. W.Brampton L6X lAl - Ph. i416) 451-4944 or Reg. of Durham Rep. Mrs. G. Smith at Oshawa 655-3372 Also Tours f0 lsrael - Florida Czecslovakia - Bermuda and Holland 47-2 The family of Wilfred and Gladys Wood invite their friends and relatives fa an open hause for the occasion of their Forty-Fifth Wedding Annivemsary at Newcastle United Church Hall, Dec. lst, 1974 - 2 p.m. ta 5 p.m. Besf Wishes onl y.4-2 Canadian Puppet Festiva Is wiI1I[present the history of puppets in skifs, etc., Bowmanvlle Town Hall Thurs., Dec. 5 at7Tp.m. Special interostto Children and Aduits over sovon years of age. ADMISSION FREE SPONSOREO BY THE NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 48-2, T H E ECHO0 13 Scugog Rd., Blackstock - 986-4820 1Christmas Gift Sale Sat. - Sun., Dec, 7 - 8, 10 am. - 6 p.m. UP TO 30 PER CENT OFF on ail items. Watch for sale ad next issue. Open weekend 10 a. m. - 6 p. m. 48-1 WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS STowers, U HF, VH F S Aerials, Rotors& Repairs SAparfments & Homes Pro-Wl red S Ask About Our Guaranfoo SP hone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV e Antennas &Towe ns ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Colored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired 1R EPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced to SAV Eyou Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN FURNACE rSeeA BOILER \ W H UMIDIFIER N.or HOT, WAT ER H EATE R No Payments.for Six Months CA LL HARVEY PARINER Your ESSO Service Oea 1er FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 4-tff 500 BALES of straw. Phone 728-5213. 48-2x THREE cord mixed wood. Phone 263-2786. 48-1 1000 BALES of hay, 1000 bales of straw. Phone 723-6258. 48-2x 3/ HP electric jet-water pump. Brand new. Asking $125. Phone 1-985-3518. 48-1 TWO piece bedroom suife, twa stacking chairs, fwo occasion- ai chairs. Phone 987-4296 affer- 6 P. M.-48-1 TWO year aid Gehi grinder- mixer with sheiler. Ca!! 1-715.94.553. 4a3- HAY and straw aiso baier, seed drill and combine. Phone 723-1752. 48-4x GAS dryer, hardIy used, excellent condition, safety start, regular, prem. press, fimed, air fluff and damp.dry cycle contrai. $215. Phone 623-4568. 4 4x8 POOL fable wifh fable tennis top. Two sets of balîs and accessories, $175. Cal 623-3059 affer six. 48-1 APPLE firepiace wood for sale, can be delivered. Phone 2632037 after six. 48-1 '302 M-OTOR and tra-nsmi-s sian. Low mileage. Asking $250. 623-2790. 48-1 COLD storage apples by the bushel, different varieties, no Sunday sales, 263-8473, Franki Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. 44tff nt[-e Estafe of WILLIAMA EBER LYMER, deceased. A'il persons having dlaims agains t the estate of WIL- LIAM EBER LYMER, of the Town of' Newcastle in the Regiona! Municipality of Dur- ham, deceased, who died on or, about the '21sf day of October, 1974, are hereby nofified fo send in f0 flie undersigned on or before îhe 15th day of December, 1974, full parficu- lars of their claims. lmmediately atter the said date, the assets of the said deceased wiIl be disfribufed having regard cnly tf0 daims of which they shahl then have notice. DATED at O' hawa Tis 6th day of November, 1974ý. Swa rtz & Swa rtz, Barrisfers & SoHicifors, 22 King Street West, OSHAWA, Ontario. Soicifors for the Execufors. 46-3 YOUiNG couple require fwo or three bedroom home or aparf- ment in Bowmnanville. Phone 623-4275. 48-1 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances,, T.V.'s and stereo's and also used furnifure and appliances. WiIl accepf trade-i. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33ff Boy direct from Manufac- ture -Ruffer Granite Cn , 1.i has a huge selection of fine, qualîty monuments, large and small to fit any need. Came by aur dispîay yard af 73 Ontario Street, Part Hope or felephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35 -tf CHINA cabinet. Phone 623- 2756. 48-1 NEEO A PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS1 REPAIRS TO ALI MAKES Harvey, Panrner Orono 983-5206 -Zenith 14620 41 -ff Consmerscameand gel them. Rab Roy's Orchards, Lot 7, Concession line 6, Darlington. 48-2 WESTERN P-oriy Sadaie ana bridîe, (show set), excellent condition, ssould make a nice Chrisfmnas giff. Phone 725-8320. 48-1 ROBERTA'S Bouquets, 64ý Centre Sf., 623-2024, Xmas and, dried flower arrangements, gourd swags in beiges, gold1 and colors. 46-3x; BEDROOM sute, seveni piece; diningroo.m, 9 piece, coffee tables, ail Burmai-ý Danîsh teakwoo,d New fur,,1 ture, very rea.,onable. Phone 1-247-4377. 44 tf THRIFT SHOP -- 22Kun West, af cear. We seilin consignment, furniture, aLpli ances, bikes, skatesr, us, ec For informafion cail 6373 or 263-20,212, 1f SAND AND GRAEL UPL Washed Sand -Gravel and Stone Limnestone Products Ail Sizes for Drivoways andt Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St.ý East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 - '..'JRAVVA 576-55 NOVEM BER EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As i,,'2 Price And Less QD Remanants and End's of Rolis 8 1 RICHMAOND S.W. (Next door to Ruddy Eleciric) Oponfrorn 9 to 8 p. Mon, b Frn Sot CLOSED ALI. DAY SUNDAI' 9 ~ .u EARN extra morney for Christ- mas, hoid jewellery. party in your own home., Phane 725-0451. 48-1 HOUSEKEEPER ta live-in ta look affer elderîy couple, in Oshawa. Aooiv 616 Simcae St. North Oshawa. Phono 725-7590. 48-1 HOME and keep offered ta Christian lady in returni for 1light dufues in modemn home of elderly gentleman. Write, ad- vertiser 524, c-a Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, 48-1 TWO keen beginners want regular banjo lessons. Repiy 987-5164. 48-1 Applications will be receiv- ed by the' undersigned until Thursday, December 5, 1974, for the foilîowing positions: Head Caretaker Clarke High School Applicant must have practi- cal knowledge of mechanicai and elec trical apparafus. Good working knowledge of carefaki-ng procedures. The abilify towork harmoniousiy with others. The ability fo organ ize,,awn wark and work of others. Caretaker Clarke Senior Public School Good 5knowledge of schoai caretakzing procedures and cieaning methods. Abiiity ta wark from verbal and writfen instructions and ta get aiong with peopple. Head Caretaken Kirby Centennial Public App)lcant must have practi- cal knàIcaedge of mechanical and electrical aonaraituq GoeI working knawiedge of caretaklng pracedures. The abili"t ta work harmoniausly with others. The ability f0 organiize own work and wark of others. Repyiy n wr iting -sfating fephone num ber ta: M . 'A. ac Lod, Bijsi ness Adm iistrator and Troasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, 834 D'Arcy Street, P.O. Box 470, COBOURG. K9A 4L2. 48-1 Organist - Choir Director F'or KNOX PRESBYTE RIAN Applications stating qualifi- cations and saîary expecfed. Should be maiiled ta. Mn. G. V. Harvey, 686 Westdale Court, Oshawa. CLEANING lady needed once weekly, Waveriy Road and 401 vicinity. Phone 623-2926 evenings. 148-1 REQUIRED, woman ta heIp dlean home about 2 hours, once a week. Clean,, reliabie Ir trnsportation. Courtice area. Please caîl 725-2987 atter 7 p.m. 48-1 URGENT! Baby sitter requir- ed. Saunders- Liberty area for one pre-schooler and two aider chiîdren at lunch and after schooi. Your home or mine. Phone affer 7 p.m. 623-4873. 48-2 IT'S BEST TO PUMP NOW THEN AT FREEZE-UP TIME. AFTER 5 YEARS COULD MEAN TROUBLE. COU RTICE SEPTIC SERVICE Telephone 725-0302 47-4 Remodelling - Additions CUSTOM HOMES Repairs of Ali Types, You name if and wo do it. Don Brooks & Son Contractor and Builder 723-6176 45-8x Refrigeration AND Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Mi lk Coolors Phono BERT SYER Days ............. .623-577ô 22 Nîghts ....... 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC * HOME HEATING * & FARM SERVICE * 24 Hour Service >CALL ANYTIME Terry Switzer Agent for Murphy Oul PHONE POR T HOPE 885-2153 44-4 Dressmnaking and altera- fions. Phono 623-7377. Alice Hapson. 48-4x Insulation Blowing Mefhod with Rackwool, workmanship guaranteed, f reo estimafes. Sea idaire Insulatian Ca., phono 742-0272. Representa- tive Harry L. Wado, phone 987-4675 affer six. 40 tf p yý n William iG. Bett Painting and Paper i Light Trucking and O PHON E 623-4728 JACK BUR('..S OlL BURNERS-FURN; (E 'CLEANED PLUMB'ING REPAIR.. PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P-0. BOX 43 - Bowniau 411îe 30 tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systemns New Work and Repaîrs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-ff NORTH AMERICA EXIERF CEMENT WORKuud 'FOUN DATION WATERPROOFING->. CONTRACTOR' Industrial - Comrrercial Residentia i Specialize in repairing leaking basements, replacing weeping under stone. OPERATED BY P. Zeýperi R.,R. 3, Sauina Roa Bowmanville, Ont Phone, 723 '0729 RANGES - WAr1SHE RS DRYE RS, REFRIGERATORS AU AIR CONDITIONER SPECIALIZING IN Frigidaireý, JIM COLLISS' 623-2891 482 PIROFESSIONAL PiANO TUNING &SERVICIN'G Cerf if ied Piano Technicidin. Prompt reliable servic Remember, "The tuneý alane, preserves the t-n Member, Piano Techo, Derek HI'- 502 Dunlop St. W.,Wnf VINCE M00Rý- CAR PENTRY Hause Renovatirig Paper Hanging - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanvill. 62.3-3568 DOMESTIC &COMMERq,'îA L REFRIGERATION JNT and APPLIANCES.ý SALES & SRiE Kool Elnterprîcesl PHQN E 623-322 24 Division St.,Bo al, DARLINGTON, MASIN RY Brick, Block, Stor'c, CHIMNEY & FIREPLtI.., CHIMNEYCENN Phone 623-217 GeddesEl tr Renovations -Alterat i,,ns 1Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes- New Homes- Free Estimanî Phone 623-2398- BiWIs GLASS and MI RRORS LTD, 7 Division St,, Bowmar iIleý Ontario. Phone 623-5 187 -Sheet and Float Gla-s mI yN G l'W Trirniming and grooming.Po dles and spaniels our specialr y but any type of dog expertli bathed and trimmed. Boio," ing with lots of love and funz Dogs $2. daily, cats $1. IThe Immigrant 'Kennel, Regîster ed Breeders of high qualîly English Springer and Coc.k-r Spaniels. Pick up and deI-ýï very. Also rabbifs for sa -. 786-2234. 21'; P U RE BR ED Austraia sheep dog puppies. Good so do gs, also good as children pet. WilI hold untilCrsma Phone 1-985-3518. 4 Dberman Pinscher popn pies, registered, black and tan, cropped, needled an ready togo. Phone .623-28u5. 464 S~IF R

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