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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 1

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Bowmanville Lions Club's Float WinsTrophy 5 ee .anto'soro de Bowmanville's big extravaganza, the annual Santa Claus Parade of 1974, was one of the best and drew possibly the Iargest crowds in history on Saturday, morning as bright sunshine and comparatively mild weather prevailed., No accurate estimate of the number of people who saw the parade has been released, but there must have been close to if not more than 50,000 here for the event. For the first time, the Bowmanville Lions Club's float 'Animal Crackers" won the President's trophy with the Public Utilities Volume 120 28 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, V~ in nmission's -Wizard of Oz', the Kinsmen b's 'Winnie the Pooh' and the Killingbeck niIy's 'Alice in Wonderland' float receiving orable mention. In the Junior category, Lockhart's Public 001l won the trophy for The Fairy Garden' 1honorable mention went to 3rd Bowmanville )wnies for 'Sing a Sông of Six-Pence', Ist vtonville Cubs for 'Jungle Story' and lst npton Guides for 'Snow White and the Seven rrfs'. The judges found t 'heir task, extremely ficuit, there were so many excellent floats. (Turn to Paqe Two) VEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1974 15e Per copy Number 48 This is the Animal Crackers float prepared b y Bowmanville Lions Club that won not oni y the large crowd's generai approval, but also caught the judges' eyes as well. It won the President's Trophy .... a first for Bowmanville Lions. 30 Percent Wage Incr-ease On Two Year Contg"ract àSought By Durham Regilonal Police Jiembers of the ýDurham vce-president and chairman acepte a ourtciv Regional Police Associatir1 on etthe bargaining cammittee as able ould1rceiv anud the Rueoa olc o- for the 290 membur police asam reta$17 isksion w~lmuet December association, met a week aga wbîch bue is makîîý 17 ta begin bargaining on a Tuesday with the commission There are four cla. recent proposai by the associ- ta excbangu pro posais, butno constables, and if theu atian wbich asks for a 30 bargaîning bas been donu tfier sopostablac percent wagu incruase for The p rusent contract forfirst ass co7st0ablia police. Consta ble Fred Johng, regional i policemen in this mae $17,420 arye. $ DON'T FORGEYT Td VOTE area expires December 31. Ift prsn. aayi Next. Mondav. Dec. 2nd is, the association proposai is ya.(Ttom ta Page Election Day ail over the place. 1Municipal elections for c'ouncils are underway ln Manvers, Hope, Port Hope, but not ini Bowmanville, form- er Darlington, Newcastle or Ciarke. Bu, 911ai areas nearby, there will be elections for t he Board of Education trustees. In former Darlington, the polis will be open for support- ers of Separate Schools but not for their other representatives on the.sehool board. 11 If there is any doubt, we suËggest you read'information contained in municipal adver- tisements lu this edition and act acclordingly, and vote. Dignita ri( ass con- e$14,420, 7 a year. mg now. asses of associa- cepted a le would ýar. The 13.400 a De T'o) OPP Seize 33 Head of PUPPETS COMING HERE Tomo w (Thursday) at 7 p.m. i tuBowmanville Town Hall,, the Canadian Puppet ,Festivals will present a free performance that will be of tremendous interest te young- sters of ail ages. There will bu skits and an untertaining recounting of the history of puppets. The unique event is sponsor- ed by the Town of Newcastle Public Librar-y Beard. Don't. miss it! Trumpeter Sparkles' At Symphony Concert by Jean Ahlvik - and rival of conductor Roy About 200 puaople huard the Cox. The orchestra played Oshawa Symph ony's Pops threu of Mr. Cowell's campas- Concert on Monday eeig itians and also bis arrange- Nav. 25 at the BUHS. adior ment of "Rejaice" tram ium, under auspices of the Handel's Messiah.-Mr. Cawull Wamun's Hospital Auxiliary. has written some internation- The concert fuatured John- ally knawn Popular sangs ny Coweil, a long-timu friund (Turn ta Page Two) Shuld Ad verti"Se Ail Town Councillor Ken Lyall made a motion at Newcastle Council that ail positions in' the town bu advertised before they were filled. The motion seconded by Councillor Kirk Entwisle was defeated when four other councillors voted against it. Councillor Doni Wearn said he could support the motion if it was just fuli-time positions, but that part-time positions didn't have to he adVertised. Je nsen Steel Holds Officiai Opening Positions Çouncillor Wearn said the works department knew of men who could do a competent j ob, such as putting the snow fences up in the winter. They do it every year, when the time comes, he added. Councillor Ken Lyail sug gested that the town shoufd operate like many companies and make up a list of people to do part time jobs, and have the list approved. Fouilr from, Here Are Elected fo Office at L.O.B.A. County Lodge The LO.B.A. County Lodge No. 5 Peterbqrough District recently held their meeting at Lakefielcl and four members of Bowmanville L.O.B.A. 1291 were elected ,to offices. Last year at this time Sis. Pat Grit fin and Sis. Hilda Henning were elected as Rec. Sect. and Chap. and were the first members of the Bow- mu ~~~They eeVW i a TWO COMMENCEMENTS Bot er GrifB Rec. Seet., Sis. Mary Bowmanville High School Brown, Dep. Re. Sect.; Bro. will hold animal Commence- uss BGrownii, 2ndAud. asBo ment Exercisus this Friday %Check if A ny Mis sing îýredGriandiClarkeAud.andBrol Sis. Lois toey of L.OB A.ngtadCak ib5h~ Ontario Provincial Police in thuir owniers, în(--clin-g one 1244 Tyronewa elected Chap. wlIfelo wtb theirs on' Lindsay regently seized thirty- animal wrhams 1,0 These officers will bu in- Saturday. Graduafes ef both three head of cattle tram a Eighit herefords, eight char- staîîed at the next meetngto scheols will bu returning te pastre arm n Mripoa oaisand evei crss-redreceive their' awards and pastue far in Mrîpos ola and even rossbre b held at Warksworth. dplms Township. charolais remain unidentifîed. ilms Anyone who bas l9st. cattle, qý These valuable cattie had fitting this description, uander been obtained by means of questia. able circumslances taise pretences and rustling should contact their nearest B'pý CE trom livestock sales barns and Ontario Provincial Police de-B TPI E number have been returned to deacmet t 70) 24671 PARADE - There will be a more complete report eisewhere, but we just had to again ~s Rde n S nt a's ara e cngratulate the. Santa Claus parade organizers and he participants who staged a tremendous show on Saturday. We don't ever remember a larger crowd lining the streets, especially very young children. T he ideai weather must have played a part. Now, it's on to bigger and better things next year. Four of this area's top, political figures were present for the Santa Claus parade on Saturday morning and rode in open convertibles, waving to their constituen's. They are, top phto Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., and Ailan Lawrence, M .P., with Durham egional Chairman Walter Beath and Town of Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard in the bottom picture. FALLING DOWN - A report received on Tues- day tells us that the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinies held here recently have flot met their quotas, despite the support of many local- donors. To see if more community groups will become, involved in this serious situation, a meeting is planned for next Wedniesday, Dec. 4th, at 8 p.m. in Trinity United Church to dis- cuss the problem and attempt to find some answers. Hon Warren, Director of the Blood Donor service for Ontario and local branch members of the-Red Cross, «'jîl be present to place facts and figures before those attending. Make a note now to be on hand to give this essential service a boost. WINNERS ALL - This area must have just about taken over the Royal Winter Fair last week in Toronto from ail reports of top winners of championships we've received. Sheep, oats, cattie, you name it and we've got winners right in this section of the country. LOTS 0F BULL - Nothin g quite comes up to the sign in the Hope Township Clerk's office that reads: "Cows may come and cows may go but the BULL in this place goes on forever." 0f course that wouldn't, apply to council meet- ings in this community. RERUN - If you missed the Santa Claus Parade on Saturday or wouid like to see it again, it will be shown on Cablecast 6 tonight at 8 p. m. By then, we hope those' in town, or most of them, will have received this week's edition and wiil have spotted this announcement. By the way, remember that chappie with the do g in the parade. He's been in every parade we 've had here for 13 years and has gone through two dogs. Hispicture is among those on the front of the second section. More photos will be pubiished in foliowing weeks. LUCKY LOTTERY - If the names received here are authentic, there are at ieast four people around here who -should have enqugh money to take care of their Christmas shopping because they were winners in the Olympie lottery. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Winacotp, 110 Rosehill Blvd., won $1,000. (Whoever -wrote that note doesn't seem quite certain of the cor- rect spelling of, that name and we can't find1 it or Rosehill Blvd. in the phone book.) Mr. ýýand Mrs. Robert Butler, 32 Ontario St., and Mrs. Merril McGee, Main St., Orono, also won $1,000 and Alan Lucyk, R.R. 2, Orono, won only $100, but that's hetter than nnthing; at least he made a good, profit and you can't go broke doing that. manville Lodge to be elected to the County Lodge. The county Lodge was instituted in 19158 and inicludes 26 lodges. Stu dy Cîing insufficiJent time" as the reason, planning director George Howdun said the preseptation of a study -of downtown B3owmanville will be delayed another month. The studly prepared by the department's summier stu- dents during their time here will be finalized b y Municipal Planning Consultants and presented at a special meeting dealing with the current major commercial problemns in the town. NEW CAR LICENCES Another yuar bas rolled a- round and it will se'on hie time te renew those licence stickurs for cars. Happily, there will be ne increase in feus, $23 for 4-cylînders, $32 for 6 cylin- ders, $40 fer an 8 cylînder vehicle and $5 for trailers. The stickers will be avail- able at licence issuing offices, starting Dec. 2nd and the duadline in February 28, 1975 for cars and March 31 fer plates. It used if0lbu a real thrill te bie onu of the first with new licence plates, but now, nebody notices if you've got a new or old sticker. A tour of the new warehouse plant on the Baseline was part of the festivities at the Jensen'Steel Ltd. officia1opening ýn Tuiesday, Four dignitaries viewing a vertical storage.bîn for steel plates are (from lef t to riglit) Rf. J. Nictiol ot tfe regional planning department ayor Garnet Riekard, Harry Gay of Gay Construepion. and sole owner oÏ~Jense Steel Ltd. Hlarald Jensen. HodsOfficiai Opeing Jensen Steel Limited offici- agiif thevwere to puti up l opened their» warehouse roy had told him you have the aymore pfan\t's. aymoney to build and we have Mayor Garniet Rickard comn- division in Bowmanville, yes- the land. He commended Rick mended Jnsn teel foi- terday, as members of the Ga of Ashley 333 Co. Ltd. kh firm and Town of Newcastleistegnrlctato wh making a wise choice In officýals'gathered at the niew building for a job well o te mvntthNeTonf 23.100 Square foot building at an'ha e oidb'dn Newcastle ai-d erecting aý well 222 Baseline Rd., E. for a tour adta ewudb called ofl (Turn to Page Two> of the plant and the ribbon cutting ceremany. The sole awnur et Jensen Steel, Harold Jensen express- ed his gratitude for making" dream came true 1. Hu todel gathering who stood on the front lawn of the plant shîvering with the cold, how hu had approached the Town Clurk, Joe McIlrey, with the concept et locating in Bow- manvîlle, ta which Mr. McIi- Eight Receive Citatïins For 35 Blood'Dona,-tionis At the recent Blood Donor S. Adlams, E. Witherspoon, Clinic held at the Lions Centre J.E. Murphy, Mrs. R. Piers- in Bowmanville by the Can- ma, C. Nash, E. Bennett, W. adian Red Cross Society, eigh t Buma and E. Perfect. people were presented with Dates to remember for 1975 citations for having given 35 Blood Donor Chinics are Feb. donations. These neoffle wer-e 5, May 7, Aug. 6 and Nov. 5. Mayor Garnet, Rickard Does the Honors At Jensen, Steel On Tuesday afternoon Mayor Garnet Rickard eut the ribbon to officially open, the Warehouse Division of Jensen Steel Ltd. in Bow manville., The ribbon was held by Len Clement, Sales Manager and Mary Atkinson, credit manager. ,,,, 1 . - 1 - - -- -- - 1 - - --- 1 - . - -- mNot-mgwu

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