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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 2

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2 The Can atiaWStatesm an,Bowmanville, Nov em ber 27,1974 Parade (Fromn Page One) Outstantiing bands, unbam- pered byfreezing winds, snow or rain were at their hest tbrougbout tbe spectacle as they marcbed anti payed Christmas music wbil tbe crowtis, several deep, lined the streets for tbe entire route. There were also bundreds of youngsters, dressed in clown costumes romping bere and there, sbaking bands witb the spectators anti giving the very young childien their special attention. Almost everyone- was wearinig a parade booster button ta adti color, and funds for the parade finances. Tbe b antis inclutied the Toronto Optimists Senior and Intermediate bands wbo were well up front because tbey bad ta leave as soon as possible for DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN (ITIES Bell Canada Building OSHIAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adanm, B.Sc. (Econ.) C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A Phone 728-7527- 839-7764 1. BOND, D. CHIROPRACTOR Wishes to Announce the Open ing of h is Off ice at 156 Church St. Bowmanvilie 623-2386 TOWN 0F NEWiCASTLE NOTICE 0F POLL An Election to Fi the FollowingOffices will be helti on MONDAY, DECEMIBER 2, 1974 Polis will be open [romIl a.m. to 8p.m. NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE' BOARD 0F EDUCATION Ward 2 Former Town of Bowmanville - 2 Trustees Ward.3 Former To wnship of Clarke anti Village of Newcastle - 2 Trustees <NOTE: members for Ward 1, Former Township of Darlington were elected by acclamation). One Member to be electeti by Separate School supporters in the ToWA of Newcastle and County of Northumiberland. PETIERBO~ROUGH, VICTORIA, NORTHUJMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE SEPARATE SCIIOOL, BOARD One Mtýmber was electeti by acclamation of Separate School Supporters in the Town of Newcastle. Voters will be advised by mail of their Polling Subdivision and when to vote. J. M. Mcîlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk, Returning Officer, 40 Temperance Street, Bowvmanville,, Ont." Phone 623-33,79. .Lockhart's, Schoo/ Float Wins Junior Trophy the Cobourg parade in the afternoon. There were the Drake Sea Cadets from Osha- wa, the Belleville Yartimen, Ajax, and BowmanvillePipe Bands and the colorful Shrine Band from Oshawa, followed by their minibike riders, the Brampton Senators, and the Bowmanville Higb School Bandi. Dignitar ies were also on banti, riding in, convertibles, including Allan Lawrence, M.P.. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham Regional Chairman Walter Beath and Town of Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard. Shortage of space precludes mentioning the many special flbats and other features of the parade, including the horses, aid cars and motorcycles. We'll try ta show most of them in pictures as the weeks go by before Christmas. There was only one unfortu- nate incident when a man in the crowd had ta be taken ta hospital by ambulance before the parade beg an. He appa- rent ly suffered an epileptic seizure. The parade committee heads included Chairman and Parade Marshall George Stephen, Float Chairman Kingsley VanNest, Costumes Marilyn Cale, Advertising and Promotion, John Pogue and Ross Fitcbett; Fillers, Mike Lootsman, Horses, Ken Nicks, Treasurer, Bud Allen;, Secre- tary, Donna Fairey and Make Up by the Rotary Annes. The parade was actually staged under auspices of the Bow- manville Chamber of Com- merce. This report would be incom- plete if we neglecteci ta mention chubby,_ jolly Santa Clans (Ed Leslie), who' as always since the parades began here, looked magnifi- cent in bis red costume and flowing beard, with bis charm- ing helpers looking after bis reincieer. Trumpeter (From Page One) ( Walk Hand in Rand v-ith Me") and also composed for well known artists like AI Hirt. Mr. Cowell, wba is the assaciate first trumpet at the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, showed immense vitality and skill in biis rendering of tbe trumpet solos in "Rejoice" and bis own "Sangre de Tara Bravo". In bath cases the orchestra bad some difficulty matcbing bis precision anti clear note definition. The orchestra was at their best playing the Dvorak Slavonic Dance No. 4. The slow graceful minnet, was given an elegant treatment wbicb suited it admirably. Other bîghligbts were the flute and violin solos in Cowell's composition for bis daughter, "A Qèuiet Girl'. A nice interpretation was given to the ballet music from Gounod's Faust. Mr. Co4ýs conducting was a Wîns World Oats Championship 1Mr. and Mrs. Wesley' J. Yellowlees,- Enniskillen, (left) won the World Championships FieldCrops competition for the best, oats at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. During the Field Crop Trophy Presentations, S. M. Loknton, dîrector oft urchasïng tor'the Quaker Oats Co. of Canada, (right) presented them with he Quaker Oats C o. of Canada Trophy for their accomplishment. treat ta watch. Ris involve- ment and deligbt were infect- Jensen Steel 30 Per Cent ions. He seemed ta be singing (F rom Paqe One) along, nodding and encourag- (From Page One) Also included in the associa- ing bis players as tbe pieces On May 15, 1962- Oshawa tion pro PosaI is a unine percent progressed. Ris introductions Ornamentai Railings name wage differential for ail ranks were informai anti interesting. was changed ta Jensen Weld- above the first class consta-, allowing the audience ta relax ing anti Steel Supply Limited. ble. Mr. Johns explaineti that and enjoy, the music. There On Juîy 1, 1966 the campany this would establisb a bargain- was notbing of tbe stiff moved ta a 5000 square foot ing procedure similar ta "lcuitural-event" atmosphere building at 66 Russett Ave. industrial unions, making the about the concert. Oshawa. Januairy 27, 1966 the first class-constable the key The Oshawa Symphony pre- name Jensen Welding- anti salary rate in 'the scale. He pares five concerts yearly.' Steel Supply Limited was added this would eliminate Eacb one they play once in changedt t Jensen Steel Limit- much of the time wasted at the Oshawa anti once on the roati. ed. At tîîis time 5000 square bargainn, table. (This Paps Concert is getting feet xere atidedti t the plant The association also re- two roa t engagements) For anti again in 1970 an atiditionai quests a dental plan, a cost of these il concerts, the sym- 5000 square feet were atideti. 'living clause based on one phony of amateur musicians On dune 1, 1974 the ware- percent increase in the con- practises at least once each bouse division movedti t 222 sumer index, the courtroom week. Baseline Rd.1E.îrto abrndclause ta bel interpretedtiot Mr. Cox explainedti t the audience that bie gave np on the trumpet aiter being con- sistently beaten in competi- tion by Mr. Coweil. He is now an oboist with the T.S.O. as well as performing bis con- ducting tinties witb the Osh- awa Sympbony. Followers say that the orchestra, bas im- proveti tremendously since Mr. Cox took over two years ago. Althongh thie number at- tentiing the concert was not large, their evitient interest anti enthusiasm shouiti en- courage those members af the community like Elliott Tre- meer who, are interesteti in organîzing a concert associa- tion in Bowmanville ta spon- sor musical entertainments of this type. NEW SCUGOG CLERK Doreen VanCamp, former Clerk-Treasurer of Cart- wright, -.bas been appainteti Clerk-Atiministrator -of Seu- gag Township, following the recent resignatiati af Neil Brodie. Former Towniship, Treasurer Victor M'alcolm will be Deputy-Clerk. Otiier appointments matie on Mon- tiay by council were Alex Robertson as Treasnî'er anti Tax Cllector anti Iorothy Robertson as Deputy-Tî'ea- surer. new building. The building bas 21000 square feet of plant space anti 21000 square feet af office space. Jensen Steel Ltd. moves 1000 tons of steel per month anti sales for this year are in excess of $5 million. Following the officiai open- ing at the plant the guests were entertaneti at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn. desigiateti plant. He then cnt the ribbon which was helti across the front door. Follow- ing the ribbon cutting cere- mony, guests were permitteti ta wander tbrongh the plant. Jensen Steel began January 1, 1961 as Oshawa Ornamental Railings fabricating principal- ly ornamental railings anti roomn dividers. They were locateti in a 2000 square foot building at 227 Pearson Ave, Oshawa-i give a constable four hours for every two in the courtraam, 20 cents a mile for travelling ta anti fromn work, a $550 increase for, constables as- signedt t the detective brancb, nave tne constable matie an There are 21 proposais on the associations aronTposeti two year contract, Mr. Johns stated. Many ot them are simple things not contained in the first contract, be added. acting detective atter a year in tbe brancb, a $550 increase after becoming an active detective and after two years in the brancb' the constable ta receive the rank and wages of a detective. On the question of annual vacation, the proposed con- tract asks for 40 days off with pay after 30 years of service. It also asks that the spouse and the chiltiren of an officer killed in the lune of duty receive the ofticer's montbly pay until the spouse remarries or the youngest cbild reaches 21 years of age. Bowling Team Sta ndings Sorebeads 37,7,49 pins, 23 points;, Screwballs 38,075, 19, Headpins 37,093, 18, Alleycats 37,093, 18, Aces 36,758, 17, Gutterbalîs 36,667, 13. Men's High Single A. Cle............ ..... 292 Men's High Triple G. Simpson............ 727' Womnen's High Single B. Gilkes ............. _, ý_ Womnen's High Triple B. Gilkes. .ý............. 673 EARLY MORNING FIRE An unidentifieti passerby knocked on the window of Mrs. Iris Foster's home, 299 King East, about 7 a.m. Tuesday morning to notify the occu- pants that the bouse was oen [ire. A3 blaze in an upstairs bedroom was emitting smoke throngb the roof. Firem.en were calleti and soon had il under contraI. Damage %vas estimateti at $500. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 49 Liberty St. N. PARENT INTERýVIEWS You are cordially invited to discuss the progress of your son or daughter with the feachers at the foIloWving fi mes. December 2, 1974 2-4 p.m. - ail parents 7-9 p.m. - Surname A-M December 4, 1974 7-9 p. m. - Surname N-Z FYatia f <I~( t SAVE NOW ON OUR COMPLETE SELECTION 0F GIFIS CHOCOLATES GIFT WRAP e* ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES ei King St. E., 623-2546 Bowmacnvfie, O>nt. Cord Ain The Staff, and Students of-- Clarke High School4 ially Invite You -to Attend -the - l2th " mnuai Commencement IN THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM4 ON, S aturday, November 30,,1974 AT 8P.m.4 EVERYONE WELCOME -4 The. 1974 Santa Claus Parade Committee would like to thank ail Business andIndividuals who gave of their time and moneyto make last Saturday's Santa Claus Parade such a complete'success. The,1974. Sa nia Cia us Parade Comm ittee In a FairyGarden was the theme chosen for this float buit and manned by students of Lockhart's 'Publie School. It won first prize in the junior float category. b-..da R R R ml--

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