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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 6

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6 The Canadian StatesmanBowmanvillenovember 27,1974 TRON E N EWS A fine turnout of United Church Women heard our Minister's wife Mrs. (Rev.) Leicester Bigby describe the island and rife of Jamaica. Illustrating with examples of handwork, manufacture and literature, Mrs. Bigby com- municated a depth of feeling for Jamaica wi h its unique flowers, food and atmosphere that one normally has for home. On its coloful national coat of arms, the motto states, "Out of Many, One People" explaining the representation of nearly every race in Jamaica's population. Al- though introduction was un- necessary, Mrs. Bigby was introduced by Lorna Davey and fittingly thanked by Mrs. Walter Park for a warm and e rmine t2ik orna Davey, Mrs. R. Bow- ers and Mrs. W. Park present- ed a Devotional on the theme of Remembrance. "If you cannot remember the wars, think of the Peace." Familiar readings such as "In Flan- der's Fields" Psalm No. 90, "Teach us to number our days" and its offspring, Hymn "Oh God our Help in Ages Past" were used. Mrs. Bowers gave a reading about the significance of the Poppy and the meaning of freedom, 'Freedom is often thought of as flight from responsibility", "Freedom does not give any one the right to abuse anoth- er's freedom", "Onward Christian Soldiers was sung and the benediction read by Lorna Davey. "They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the Sun and in the morning, we remember them. President Mrs. James Woodley took the chair and conducted the business. After the usual reports Mrs. Woodley,showed us some helpful hints and publications brought back rom the Presbyterial meet- ing. Mrs. A. Knowlton com- mented on a few of the highlights of Speaker Rex. Sidney Bates, Minister with the deaf for the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United j Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 Celebrated First Birthday Church of Canada. An appeal for such needs as old Bible pictures and posters, childrens snowsuits, ladies pantsuits and old e yeglasses can be met by ca-Jing Mrs. Paul Vaneyk for pick up and placement at the required destination. Items of local business and caterings were planned. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. Herb Powell. Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and family, Pontypool were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble visited the John Dennis' Picfon Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ken, Crowells, Jamie and Deanna; Salem Mrs. John Cook, Lori, Cathy and Leah, Hampton and Miss G. Smith were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook helping them to celebrate the Grey Cup Game. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble were Sunday visitors of the Keith Goble's Blackstock, and Mrs. Goble visited her father Mr. Fred Partner. Orono one I. return with her to Bethlehem. Most disturbed children are from broken homes where they have been neglected. Love has a healing and therapeutic effect on these youngsters. The home at Browndale, Ontario permits parents to place these children there at government expense. 80 per cent make a remark- able adjustment and 73 per cent need no further help. One child remarked "It is a place where 'ou find your parents even if you have lost them for years Legends, cultures and be- liefs have been based on "Love". There are many types of 'Love" spiritual love, family love, passionate love. Love suffereth long and is kind - God's Love excels and fogives all. The hymn '0 Love That Will Not Let Me Go" was sung as a fitting conclusion to Mrs. Mairs excellent mes_ sage., In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Wilfrid Vine, the treasurer, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip read the minutes of the previous meeting and the correspondence also reported on finances. A number of thank you" notes were re- ceived, also a letter from Mrs. Sheffield re her recent visit at the manse. The roll cal 'A Wise Saying of Your Parents" was well answered and should be an inspiration to us all as we turn back the pages of timne and have nostalgic memories of loved ones. The next meeting will be one week earlier December 10. Please bring your donations (cookies, fruit etc. or cash) for the Christmas Cheer boxes. It was with a feeling of sadness that the list was revised when we realized that three who were remembered last year are now deceased. Mrs. Norman Mairs and Mrs. Arnold Williams were appointed on the nominatin committee. The U.C.W. decid ed to provide lunch at the Sunday School Christmas Concert, Sunday evening, De- cember 15. Two more Cook Books were purchased. This terminates t he sale of this successful project. For the programme Mrs. Bowers read a poem "The World is Mine" and Mrs. L. Malcolm conducted a contest which was won ôy Mrs. Mairs. The Mizpah Benediction was repeated and Mrs. R. Haines assisted the hostess with lunch with Mrs. Law- rence Cooledge expressing the appreciation. Nestîcton Sunday Services- Preshyterian In the Presbyterian Church Mr. Brian Fraser chose the Coming of Christ (Matthew 4) as the topic for his, sermon. Christ came to a world in need of change. He offered gui dance and meaning for a lost people. To-day he comes to the world in need of different Church. He calîs the Chur-ch to effect those changes in such areas as environmental, pro- tection, justice, peace and freedom. During the Christ- mas season we remember the coming of One who was the moment in the conscience of man, whose life marked the turning point in the history and the possibilities for man- kind. In the United Church Rev- erend Victor Parsons chose "Helpers in Healing" as the theme for his message (John 4). The healing of the Noble- man's son by Jeseer gives us clues as to how we can be helpers in the healing process. The nobleman's intercession was one of love, one of faith and was reasonable. Our concern ought to be similar. Nor should we carry to any sick person, when we visit him or her our own anxieties. We can't comfort and cheer if we do The choir sang "Alleluia FORD COURIER TRUCKS 30150 See Page 3 David William James Smith celebrated his first birthday on November 2nd, 1974. Four-year old sister Karri Ann and parents, Brian and Jo-Anne live in Bowmanville. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Myles Smith, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. James Woodward, Collingwood. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Kilpatrick, Bowmanville, Mrs. H. Wa ddell, Perry Sound and Mrs. I. Woodward, Newcastle. You'll Enjoy Shopping at Ken's Men's Wear Start Your Christmas Shopping Now ! Headquarters for Suifs by ... e Johnny Carson e Shipley THE MEN IN YOUR LIFE DESERVE SOMETHING SPECIAL! 35 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE Next Door to T.D. Bank N EST L Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hart on the death of her mother, Mrs. Emily Waite, following a lengthy illness. Mrs. Charles Briggs, Toron- to, spent Tuesday to Friday withb er brother, Mr. Clar- ence Mountjoy and they also visited their sister-in-law Mrs. Vera Mountjoy. Congratulations to Mr. Bruce Lawson who did ex- ceedingly well at the Royal Winter Fair. He received the Junior Champion Award for his Hackney stallion and also received first prize in the breeding class. With so much competition this is exception- al. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodgins, Shawville, Quebec were Tues- day mid-day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jennifer, Corby- ville, spent last week-end with her parents the Sadlers. On Sunday evening a num- ber of Cartwright residents attended the Oshawa Sym- phony Musicale in Port Perry High School Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Susan and David, Oshawa visited for Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ivan Proutt. 1 Winners at the Women's Institute card party last week were Ladies lst-Mae Short-1 ridge; 2nd-Dorothy MacDair-i mid, 3rd-Ida Samells, Men's lst-Tennyson Samells, 2nd- Muriel Hosking, 3rd-Dick Bailey. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers attended the Auction Sale ofMr. and Mrs.1 Noble Dunn. Many antiques were purchased quickly at competitive prices - a coal oil lamp (plain) $25, hanging lamp $40, brass bed $200 (to name only a few). Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and family, Tyrone spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and remained for evening dinner. On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish visited with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Russel Giles at Oakwood. Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm attended the Dur- ham Region Christmas Party in the Polish Hall, Oshawa, on Saturday night. 0f Human Interest Mr. Herbert Vine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Vine attends Graceland College at Lamoni, Iowa. As Thursday was their Thanksgiving be decided to return home for the week-end. To his dismay he had difficul- ty with his car and had other problems. At Paw Paw, in a.m. to 8 p.m. on December 2 for only the "Separate School" voters in Tyrone communmty hall. Tyrone L.OB.A. 1244 hold their regular November meeting with 15 members and five visitors from Bowman- ville Pine Ridge 1291 who conducted the election and installation of officers which follows - W.M. Sis. Caroll Farrow, D.M. Sis. Brenda Lowery;J.D.M. Sis. Ethel Gibbs; R.S. Sis.SCharlotte Drinkle; F.S. Sis. Ann Phillip; Tréasurer Sis. Grace Smith; Ist Lecturer Sis. Arvilla Bar- rett; 2nd Lecturer Sis. Kate Lowery; D. of Cerm. Sis. Ruth Murphy; Chaplain Sis. Leah Hindren; Guardian Sis. Reta McRoberts; Pianist Sis. Kath- leen Davey; 2nd and 3rd Com. Sis. Laverne- Taylor and Peggy Millson; Sick Com. Sis. Ruth Murphy and Audifors Sis. R. McRoberts, R. Murphy and CarrolhFarrow. Meeting closed in the usual manner and a lovely lunch of cake and ice cream was served by the committee. ETON Michigan (a town about the size of Port Perry) he stopped at a private dwelling and asked if he might use their telephone as he wished to phone home. These folks were com plete strangers. Not only did they permit hm to use the telephone but they nsisted that he be a guest for over-night. In the mornmng they extended further hosp1 tality when they served him breakfast. As an added jesture of good.will they. offered to give him money that he might continue on his way. Fortun- ately that was not necessary but Herbert will long remem- ber these folks which be friended him. This was truly practising the good neighbor olicy and we, as CanadiansY ave much tolearn from that S United Church Women On Tuesday afternoon Mr. George Bowers was hostess for the November meeting of E ONOTEC ____ 95 q Nestleton United Church (6Colors) Women Following the theme hymn and the Lord's Prayer Mrs. sq. yd. Grahame Fish, president, thanked the hostess, extended the welcome and read a Remembrance Day Poem.T$4 ,9 5 Sq.yd. Mrs. Norman Mairs con- Ww ducted the Devotional with "Love" in the theme reading Matthew 5:43-48 and Corin- thians 13. A person may have everything but without SANTA SPECIAL Love" he has nothing. The Good Sam'aritan followed Christ's example in helping his fellow man. He did notWsq, yd, pass by on the other side. Now abideth Faith, Hope and have (RED & GOLD) but the greatest of these is "Love". With "Love" as the topic for the day Mrs. Mairs spoke of the splendid qualities of PROFESSIONAL APPLICATORS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST "Love We sing of Christ's Use Your "CHARGEX" forgiving "Love". Love is not finding fault - the more that is given away the richer a person is in joy, enthusiasm,H ar personality. "Love" hasmbeeneIa the inspiration qf poets and novelists. One of the greatest KING ST. WEST 623-2542 BOWMANVILLE "Loves" is the love of Ruth for her mother-in-law Naomi who she left lier own homeland to To Separate School Ratepayers of Northumberland - Newcastle Your Vote and Influence Are Solicted to Elect FRANCIS J. MacNAMAR A fo Be Your Representative On the Board of Education 30 Years as teacher and principal in Ontario Former President in the Ontario Separate School Teachers' Federation. Former Governor of the Ontario Teachers' Federation Former Governor of Catholic Lay Advisory Boards of Ontario Former Senior Royal Canadian Air Force Officer Former Industrial Relations and Personnel Manager Educational experience and research in Britain and Europe Retired with leisure, desire and ability to serve separate school interesfs afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and family were Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowers, Nestleton. The G. Brent family made a good showing witb their Sad- dle Brepd Horses at the Royal last week. Fine slowing at the Hall Board Euchre Friday night with 18 tables. Prizes going to Carl Wright, Blackstock; Meta Read, Ha ydon; Ross Alsop, Prince Albert; Lance Phare and F L Byam, Tyrone and Bruce Ormiston, Raglan. George Alldread winning the 50-50 draw. Mr. and Mrs. Don Real and boys, Greenbank were Satur- day supper and evening guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornîsh and family. Mrs. John Webb and Jason, Oshawa returned home after spendiig a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey while hqr husband attended a conference in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bartlett and boys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey. Miss Adele Nelson, Cann- ington spent the weekend with Miss Jay Loveridge and attended the 4-H Achievement day at Orono on Saturday renewing old school chums. Mr. and Mrs. W. Loveridge, Joy and Charles attended the christening of Emily Rose Avery, haby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Avery at Sonya curch. Belafed sympafby of the community is extendedf eMr. and Mrs. Tom Pleasance at the passing of bis father the late Beri Pleasance. Funeral was Friday afternoon. Little Cathy Vivian entered Sick Children's Hospital Tor- onto, on Sunday for further surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Knowl- ton visited ber father Mr. Karl Sidler, Millbrook Sunday affernoon. Mr.and Mrs. Allan'Young- man, Christine and Peter, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Youngman Oshawa, were Sat- urday visitors with their mother and Betty and visited their father Mr. A.E. Young- man who is presently a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wood, Port Perry were Sunday evening callers of Mrs. E. Wood and John. Mrs. L. Taylor, Duane and Danny were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Real and boys, Greenbank. Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and Mrs. L. Taylor were Wednes- day luncheon guests of Mrs. W. Park Sr. Bowmanville. Mr. George Trueman, Sack- ville, New Brunswick was a Tbursday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Craig and family, Janetville were Sunday supper guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. David Craig and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keit Devolin, Waterloo. Saturday proved a very busy day for many families. Some going to the Santa Claus parade and a goodly number of daughters and mothers attending achievement day for the 4-H club at Clarke Higb School starting at 9 a.m. All of our 19 girls completed the project with girls eing pre- sented with certificates. Wen- dy Cornisb and Diane Woodley receiving county onors. Grateful thanks is extended to our two leaders Mrs. G. Glaspell and Mrs. G. Cornish for their much belpi. The Glaspell boys spent Saturday with Jim Woodley Jr. and all attended the Santa Claus parade. Don't forget that the elec- tion polls will be open from 11 Festive Holiday Twosomes Come over and take a look at our wide selection of long skirts and tops that will add a touch of glamour to your Festive Season wardrope! We also have a wide range of Jewellery and Scarves to complement your wardrobe. A Special Shop for Special Women' Carter'r f utonb ábtrettitb. Bond Towers Shopping Mall 44 Bond St. W.

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