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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1974, p. 7

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Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lobb, Dapine and Deidre, have just returned from a two weeks motortrjpto St. Petersburg Faith teaches Man is flot self contain- ed., He withers and dies when nourished only by his own desires. For Further information: 623-7744 or 623-4830 Sunday, December lst, 1974 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 9:45 a.m. - Aduit Class, to meet in Sanctuary 10:00 a.m .- Classes for ai lages, ni ne years and Up. Meet in Church Hall, ta be relocated f rom there. 11:00 «1m. - Nursery Baby Care. Toddlers and Kindergarten. Entrance to church, west side door, off Division Street., 11: 15 a.m. - Primary Dept., ages 3 to 8. Children f0 sit with parents or guardian in worship service. Go to front of church at cal11of minister and be directed f0 Church Hall for classes. Parents with small children who desire to corne to the adult Class at 9:45 shahl have child care provided for them in Church Parlor. Il1A.M.-WORSHIP SERVICE' 2-4 p.m. - Jack and Jili Christmas Party for their Children in Sunday School Hall. 7:30 p.m. - Home Discussion Group meets a? Manse, 58 Division Street. Awarm welcome awaits you a t Trinity bunday, Dec. 8 - 11 a.m., Sacrament of Baptisrn 7 p.m., WorshFp Service, followed by Fellowship Group in ChurchHall >~SundaY, Dec. 15 8 prin. - Concetby Senior Choir FOUNDATIONTODAY--A FUT-URE TOMORROW Plans for proposed extension to present building are nowondisplay in Sunday School Hall. You are asked té check these plans NOW. A vote on the pro ject will be taken at the Annual Meeting. items oflInterest Phone 623-3303 The Living Bible - Reg. $10.95 - Special . .. $7.95 I~ The Children's Living Bible Reg. $5.95 - Special:.................$3.95 The New American Standard..$8.50 and up BIBLES Thomps on Chain Reference Bible (KJV) - . . ....................... $17.95 and up Family Bibles ... ..... $19.95 - $24.95 Childree's Lollipop Bibles ........ -..... $5.95 The New International New Testament . $5.95 "BESTSELLERS" TOTAL WOMAN - by Marabel Morgan (Cloth)................ $5,95- TRAMP FOR THE LORD - b y Corrne Ten Boom (Cloth)....... $5.95 SOMETHING MORE - b y Catherine M arshall (Cloth) .......... $7.95 THE HIDING PLACE - by Cornie Ten Boom (Paper).......... $1.50 FINGER LICKIN' GOOD - by Col. llarland Sanders (Cloth)..$5.95 DAKTAR -by Viggo Olsen, M.D.......... (Cloth) $5.95; (Paper) $3.50 THE GENTLE BREEZE 0F JESUS - by Mel and Nona Tari (Cloth) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.95 DR. BALAAN'S TALKING MULE -b a on (Cloth)....... $5.95 :. ~~ 8-.TRAC K TA PES ~ and CASSETTES HAWAIIANS FAVOURIrIES ........... ............ Mark & Diane THANKS FOR THE SUNSHINE .........Bill Gaither Trio ESPECIALLY FOR CHILDREN .........Bill Gaither Trio TO GOD BE THE GLORY ............ ...... «..... Doug Oldham RISE AND BE HEALED .................... ......... JomIIaJil PRAISE ALBUM.............................. Maranatha Group FRIENDS...........Ernie Rettino and-Debby Kerner FINAL, TOUCH .. Loe on LIVE AT CARNEGIEHA...........b Loeon COME TOGETHER ..................... Jimmy and Carol Owens RECORDS - $5.98 - $6.98 TAPES AND CASSETTES - $6.98 - $7.95 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Records and 8-Track Tapes T1he Gaither Trio - Christmas ... Back Home in Indiana Prepack 2 Records for $3.99 (1 Gaither plus 1 Gospel) or 2 8-Track Tapes for $5.99 Christmas with Doug Oktnam - Prepack 2 Records for $3.99 (1 Oldham plus 1 Gospel) or 2 8-Track Tapes for $5.99À STARTING DEC. 2nd 668-7112 B00K SHOP 104 UoNSUMERS DR. OFF HOPKINS ST. (Seripture Press Building) WHITBY Ample Parking Celebrates 1sf Birthday Beach and Disney Worid, Florida. The Oshawa Festival Sing- ers will present their annuai concert in Bowmanviile High School Auditoriumon Satur- day, December 7th, at 8 p.m. This is a choir of approxi- mateiy 30 teenage girls from Bowmanville, Oshawa, Cour- tice and Orono. The choir is conducted and directed by Elsie Drygala A.R.C.T., R.M. Tadr'mrmentvoice teacher, andformeiconcert soprano. Last year the choir performed at several concerts, and filled mnany engagements at various churches in this area. They have had outstanding festival successes, piacing first at the Toronto, Oshawa and Peter- borough music competitions, and going on to compete in the SU D Y E VI E National Festival. Sharon Perkins A.R.C.T., R.M.T., A. Mus. is the accompanist for this group. The concert wili consist of some fine solos, duets,. trios, and many novelty numbers, aiong with a few supie items. Mr. James Htoa well-known tenor soloist, from Oshawa wili appear as guest artîst. For additionai information see 1advertisement. 1 300 Club winners for No- »vember 23 are Don Cowle, Joe Bosco, Lorraine Culien, P.M. Burns and Cal Potter (adv.) Master Tommy James, spent the week-end with his grandparents Editor and Mrs. James and took in, the Santa Claus parade. Mrs. & Mrs. W.B. Nichols Kingston, spent the week-end 1with bis father L.B. Nichols on 1Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford, Port Perry, were Tuesday tea guests; Mrs. Harold St. John, Scarborough was Wednesday dinner guest; Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin, Bobcaygeon, were, Friday dinner guests; and Mr. Harold Abernethy, Jo-Anne, Robert, Lonnie and Melinda were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jimî Abernethy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- netby were Wednesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wrighit Patricia and Jeffery, Londo'n, Ontario were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruprit Byers and attended the Sturrock + Moore wedding in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Churcb, Bowmanviile. Mrs. Harold Hammond, Sharon, Deborah, and Brian were in Pickering on Monday of last week, to celebrate their uncle's birthday Mr. Frank Prouse. Concern was expressed a t the Ontario Hospital Associa- tion convention, held recently in Toronto, over the new 2 year programme of nursing training offered by the Com- munity Colleges. Some delegates felt that new graduates need additional or- ientation and hospital exper- ience. Accordingly, a resolu- tion was passed calling for increased, emphasîs on clini- cal training for nurses before they become qualified. Winners of the Hockey tickets for the N.H.L. games for Nov. 30 are Dr. H. B. Rundie, and Barney Vanstone, for Dec. 7.-Jim Cornish and Jim Farrell for Dec. il, Frank Angi and Dennis Smaie. For the Jr. A. games Dec. 1, Frank Angi, Dec. 7, Ted Miller, Dec., 10, Lavern Waiker (adv.). The 2nd Annual Oid T yme'-Christ- mas Art Mart will be held at the Station, Whitby this week- end. It will feature painting, pottery, jewellery, wall hang- ixgsý hand, made Christmas decorations, festive home baked cookies, with entertain- ment in the evenings. For information regarding dates, etc., contact the Station, Whitby. On Arena Scugog Councîl passed a motion Monday,ý Nov. 18 which commits them to constructing a singie-pad arena (i.e. with one regulation-size ice sur- face). The motion also autho- rized the arena committee to go ahead witb recommenda- tions as to fond raising, location and type of building. The committee was also requested to consider a report by Scugog mayor, Lawrence Malcolm, which suggested that a contract for construct- ing the arena should flot be in Scugog considered until $100,000 could be raised by public subscrip- tion. The mayor's, report also recommended that council allocate $50,000 to $75,000 each year. In this way, by the time the work is begun, there would be a fund of $200,000 or $300,000 available. The rest. of the money could be debentur- ed over a fîve year period. This report along with other methods of financing will be considered by the committee in making recommendations HydroWorker Perishes When Gus i Paul Vernon Hacker 48 of 54 iOrley St., Tornto, perished in the faMes, when an Ontario Hydro truck veered off the road, rolled over into a four foot ditcb and caught fire, last Wednesday. The hydro crew were build- ing a new line in the vacinity of the Clarkçe andý Dariington tonieabout a mile nortb of the Taunton Road, where the accident occurred. Other bydro workers rushed to the scene of the accident and managed to free the driver of the truck, Russell George-Sears, 43, of R. R. 2, Orillia, who was removed to to council. All decisions will be made by council. A committee report subrait- ted six weeks ago suggested that the fairgrounds wouldnfot be a suitable site for the new arena. The report went on, to suggest fairgrounds be sold and a new site purchased. Committee sp okesman, Stan Glass saisd that the committee wouid be satisfied with a 47 acre Piece of town-owned land adjacent to the landfiil site. Coun. Bob Kenny suggested the committee consider the landfill site west of the hydro building. He thought there might bc enough land there for the arena even if it would niecessitate moving the hydro fence. The committee will report back to council when al suggestions have been consid- ered and they have some specific proposais ready on fund-raising, type of structure and location.- The committee was authori- zed as an officiai committee of council last month when Coun.' Reg. Rose and Neil Hunter were appointed te, serve. The Caniadian StatesmanBowmanvilleNovember27,19747 St. Paul'P nie Cuc Minister - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist- Gerald K. Burgess * * ADVENT SUNDAY Sacrament of Holy Communion Týhere is no better way to prepare yourself for, Christmas than celebrating Holy Communion. Sun., Dec. 15 ........... White GiM Service Sun., Dec. 22, 7:30 .......... Carol Service Christmas Eve, 7 p. m.. . Candlelight Service Nursery for Pre-School Chlidren, every Sunday. NO.2th TO DEC. 7th î!Onk Ignites Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, and treated for a broken left ankie, and burns and cuts to the bands and face. Mr. Hacker was trapped in the passenger side of the cab, when a smail fire at the rear of the truck ignited the gas tank. The truck had to be uprighted before fireman using a rescue saw could free the body of the victim. Elght firefigbters from the Orono department of the Newcastle fire department were calied Io the scene of the accident. The accident took place about il a.m. BLACKSTOCK Another fine dance was held in the Rec. Centre on Saturday evening - this time sponsored by the Agricultural Society. A capacity crowd enjoyed the fin msicprvidd y George Beare and bis Merrymakers. Door prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Suggitt and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher. On Wednesday, November 20, 1974 approximately 40 people attenIe a joint execu- tive meeting with the Durham County Progressive Conserva- tive and the Cartwright P.C.'s at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. The Durham P.C.'s asked the Cartwright P.C.'s if tbey would donate articles to a Riding fund raising auction to be beld next year at Orono fair grounds. A fund raising dance is being planned. The place, price and time bas yet to be decided. .Mr. Bill Ferguson introduc- ed the new executive after nominations had-been approv- ed. The executive is as follows: Past President - Bill Ferguson, Presîdent- John Goss , First Vice- Brian Hamilton,, Second Vice- Eric Fletcher, Third Vice - Blake Gunter, Secretary - Mrs. Rick Tliompson, Treasurer - Mrs. Garry Gurnsey, Auditors - Jim Marlow, Mrs. John Ham- ilton. 1Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. spoke a few words of tbanks to p ast president Bill Ferguson f or bis, work in the party. A letter was read from Mr. Allan Lawrence, M.P. to Bill for his past work as President. Bill replied that he, bhad enjoyed his work and wished the new exec'itive the best. President John Goss ex- pressed the bonor of being appoint.ed and he also wished fuli co-operation from aIl. 1A bus is being arranged by Mr. and _Mrs. Merrili Van- Camp to attend the Allan Lawrence Thank you Party at Port Hope, Dec. 5. P-resident John Goss thank- ed the Durham P.C,'s for coming. Meeting was adjourn- ed and cookies and coffee were served.1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- Camp were hosts for a family gathering on Sunday celebrat- ing their son Arthur's birtb- day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Artbur VanCamp, Jayne and David of Scugog and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carnegie and Elizabeth of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Webb and Paul of Trenton stopped to, visit ber. brother Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asselstine and family on Sunday enroute to visit ber mother Mrs. Poole who is in Port Perry Hospital,. Mrs. Wilbert Archerý spent Sunday in Whitby visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer. We are pleased that Mrs. Marwood McKee is improving in Oshawa Hospital and it is hoped that by date of publica- tion that she will be home again. A large number of Black- stock residents attended the annual Royal Wînter Fair last week. Some of the local folk who won honours -were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin who had the Champion Standard bred mare at the show, a cow which was ra7ised as a caîf and heifer by Richard VanCamp placed Grand Champion, Harold Swain placed 3rd in the Oats class. Larmer Bros. had the Champion 6-row barley and third prize 2-row barley. In the 4-H classes, Craîg Larmer placed 2nd in 2-row barley and in the 6-rÔ'W bariey. Paul Larmer placed 3rdýand Doug Larmer placed àtb. Ernie Swain must be the very prqud_ "Man bebind the scenes " as-he cleaned nearly 20 entries at the Royal including the World Champion Oats of Wesley Yellowlees. Congratulations to'these win- ners who brought recognition to this area. If I missed any others please let me KING ST. WEST 623-5792 Shawn Michael Highfield celebrated his first birthday on October lith, 1974. lis parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Highfield, Oshawa, and grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lester Highfield, Bowmnanville, and Mrs. M. Basinger, Oshawa,, -Photo by Robert Aldsworth Plans ta 'Go Ahead Bowmanvi lle Baptist Church 14 Nelson St. R. Fellows - Pastor Family Sunday School 9.45 A.M. PR EAC H ING SERViCES 11:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. This Sunday at 7:00 P.M. Fireside Family Fel lowship with Special Music and Testimony. Corne and Bring The Whole Farnily. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH PR ESENTS, MESSIA <PART, I and PART I1) Celebrate the Christmas Season by joining us for George Frederick Handel's Sacred Oratorio. Sunday, December15 8: 00P. M., ELLIOTT TREMEERI-Conductor ROSEMARY MERKLEY - Soprano ALLANAH COLES-Conýtralto ROSS METCALF - Tenor ROSS COTTON - Bass THE BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BAND AN OFFERING WILL BE RECEIVED TO DEFRAY EXPENSES.. ALEX" McGREGOR Drugs5l

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