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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1974, Section 2, p. 1

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville December 4 197 onvili Clorke igh Hold B.H.S. Honor Graduates Welcomed Back on Friday Top B.H.S. Graduate Welcomed by Principal For Repairs to a BeKwater In a Port Hope Harbor The federal government has allotted $75,000 for work on the breakwater in Port Hope Bowmanville High School Principal Earl Wolff congratulates top Honor Graduate Pearce Wilcox on his achievements. Commencement Exercices were held at Bowmanville High School on Friday evening with the auditorium packed to the doors by graduates, other students, parents and spectat- ors. Pearce Wilcox was the outstanding student of the Year 5 graduates, winning many of the top awards. He was also the Valedictorian. A complete list of the award winners and the graduates follows: Secondary School Honour Graduation Diplomas - Val- erie N. Bothwell, Donald J. Bradley, Merry J. Bridges, Larry W. Brunt, James E. Buttonshaw, Jane E. Cattran, Jill M. Colville, Jennifer D. Craig, Arthur W. DeWith, Mark H. Elliott, Susan D. Finnie, Heather A. Ford, Betty M. Gerritts, Paula M. Hansel, Frank E. Jaspers- Fayer, Marilyn E. King, Adrian Knetsch, Fredrick Kooy, Ronald J. Lewis, Cath- erine E. MacKintosh, Grant A. Martin, Kenneth G. Mountjoy, David Oudshoorn, Gail E. Palmer, Catherine A. Porter, Robert C. Preston, Allan J. Short, Ronald R.M. Strike, Nancy L. Taylor, Deborah A. Tennant, Leslie P. Vyfhuis, Pearce G. Wilcox, David L.J. Wright, announced by Mr. D. Austin, presented by Mr. E. Wolff. Secondary School Gradua- tion Diplomas - Joanne M. Allen, Penny L. Almond, David T. Anderson, Karen L. Ba11, Heather D. Barrie, Sylvia 1. Bosgra, Deborah J. Bragg, Douglas F. Bragg, Helen G. Bridges, Robert N. Brooks, Pamela W.R. Brown, Stephen O. Bruce, Linda A. Bryson, Kathleen M. Budai, S. Kim Burgess, James E. But- tonshaw, Shane L. Byron, Terence H. Carlson, Wayne R. Coombes, Leila J. Cowle, Brenda M. Cox, Brian A. Curtis, Susan D. Davey, Krista Dent, Rosemary De- vries, Jo-Anne Dilling, Wil- liam H. Dilling, Hans H. Eeuwes, Linda J. Ferrill, Peter Friedrichs, Sharon M. Fry, Addy M. Gerrits, Mary A. Gilchrist, Stephen G. Good- murphy, Sylvia M. Grabow, Peter M. Hamilton, Sharon L. Hammond, Dennis A.J. Hard- castle, Susan A.E. Hayes, Margaret Hiemstra, Donna M. Hilditch, Virginia M. Hogervorst, Jacquelyn E. Hooper, Donna M. Hovey, Jance C. Hunt, Nancy L. Jackman, Kim R. Jaspers- Fayer, Cathey L Kilpatrick, Cynthia A. Kowal, William S. Lander, Patricia J. LeGres- ley, Lynn V. Linton, Derek K. Lobb, Cathy E. Locke, Janet E. Locke, Mary A. Lynch, H. Jo-Ann Macdonald, Joanne M. Mantle, Richard J. Marchant, Jayne A. Marshall, Suzanne M. Marshall, Marlene S. Martin, Gerald D. Masterson, Judith L.V. Michelson, Jean Moelker, Wendy J. Mountjoy, June Muir, Jessica I. Nimi- gon, Sharon K. Noble, Irma C. Oegema, Catherine M. Pas- sant, Judith M. Paterson, Catherine L. Patterson, Pansy E. Patton, Julie K. Pearson, Donald W. Polak, Jennifer M. Rehder, Irene C.E. Rietmul- ler, Gerald V.,Robinson, Joye L. 'Ross, W. Steven Rowe, Debra A. Roy, Joan E. SamelRs, Karen V. Sarginson, Linda A. Snowden, Frederick J. Staman, Janet M. Stephens, Dale B. Stoneburg, Steven A. Sylvester, Marianne E. Tax, Catherine H. Taylor, Roderick J. Thompson, Catharine H. Tighe, John W. Trimble, Ingrid L. Vanden Berg, Scott W. VanDriel, Fred M. Van- Hoof, Perry L. Vivian, Robert W. Walker, William J. Walls, Denise L. Watson, Brian J. Watt. Linda J. Whitehead, Christine C. Wight, P. Jane Wilson, Donna R. Wood, Leah M. Woodward, Linda M. Woodward, Patricia M. Wood- ward, Thomas C. Woolner, Susan J. Wren, Deborah A., Youngman, announced by Mrs. J. Gibb, presented by Mr. T. Hawkins. General Proficiency Award - This General Proficiency Award is made to the two students obtaining the highest standing in Year 4 examina- tions in June 1974. Each student must have written eight examinations and qual- ified for the Secondary School Graduation Diploma. Donor: The Kinsmen Club - Winners: First - Ingrid Vanden Berg, Second -Derek Lobb, present- edjby Mr. H. Webster. Harold Longsworth Memor- ial Scholarship - This scholar- ship is-awarded to pupils.of Year 4 for general profic- iency. These candidates must have written eight examina- tions and include Latin and French. Winners: First,- Ingrid Vanden Berg, Second - Kim Jaspers-Fayer, present- ed by Mr. R. Sheridan. BUSINESS AWARDS Senior Law Prize - Awarded by the Bowmanville Members of Durham Region Law Assoc- iation to the student obtaining the highest marks in Senior Law. Winner: Gerald. Brunt, presented by Mr. M. Kelly. Senior Secretarial Award - This award is made to the student with the highest com- bined standing in both Office Procedures and Shorterhand. Donor: The Toronto Dominion Bank, Winner: Kathy Budai, presented by Mr. J. Pogue. Marketing Award - This award is based on a combina-1 tion of academic achievement and practical proficiency. Donor: National Garden Sup- ply of Canada Limited. Win-i ner: Leah Woodward, pre-i sented by Mr. K. Henry. English Awards - Awarded to the students vith the highest standing in Year 4 Hnglish and registered in Year 5 at BowmanVille High Sehool. Donor: Ladies' Auxil- iary to The Rotary Canadian Legion. Winners: Helen Brid- ges and Jennifer Rehder (tied), presented by Mrs. N. Colmer. Home Economics Award - Awarded to the student in Year 4 with the highest standing in Home Economics. Donor: Anonymous. Winner: Patricia LeGresley, presented by Mrs. N. Wolfe. Latin Award - This award is presented to the student obtaining the highest standing in Year 4 Latin. Donor:The Ladies' League of St. Joseph;s Church. Winner: Jennifer Reh- der, presented by Mrs. I. Payne. Mathematics Award - Pre- sented to the student with highest standing in Year 4 Mathematics. Donor: Honey- well Controls Ltd. Winner: Kim Jaspers-Fayer, present- ed by Mr. D. Gilhooly. Music Award - Awarded to the student with highest stand- ing in Year 4 Music Donor: The Kiwanis Club. Winner: Heather Barrie, presented by Mr. D. Barber. Physical Education Awards - These prizes are presented to the students who have ob- tained highest standing . in Year 4 Physical Education. Donor: Anonymous. Winners: Girl,..........Mary Lynch Boy...........Derek Lobb Presented by Mr. W. Brunt. Science Awards Chemistry Award - This award is presented to the student with highest standing in Year 4 Chemistry. Donor: R. M. Hollingshead of Canada Ltd. Winner: Patricia LeGres- ley, presented by Mr. F. Cameron. Environmental Science Prizes - Awarded to the student obtaining highest standing in Year 4 Environ- mental Science. Donor: Dur- ham Farmers' County Co- operative. Winner: Derek Lobb, presented by Mr. K. Henderson. Technical Awards - The Technical Awards are for senior students in Technology combining theory and practi- cal work. Machine Technology - Do- nor: L & L Tool Ltd. Winner:Robert Brooks, pre- sented by Mr. D.Syer. Automotive Technology. Donor: Knapp's Towing. Win- ner: Leonard Moelker, pre- sented by Mr. H. Knapp. Electrical Technology. Donor: Geddes Electric. Win- ner: Glenn Rutherford, pre- sented by Mr. J. Geddes. Welding Technology. Do- nor: Jensen Steel Ltd. Winner Brian Curtis, presented by Mrs. M. Atknson. Wood Technology. Donor: Gerrits Construction. Winner: Gary Tendam, presented by Mr. F. Varga. Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education Prizes, Winnet Year 1 Rosemary Killeen, Winnei Year 2 - Joe Dalrymple Winner Year 3 - Rosemar3 Kennedy, Winner Year 4 Ingrid VandenBerg, presentec by Mr. A. Strike. Athletic Awards - Boys: Mark Elliott, Ken Ferris Steve Rowe, Steve Sylvester Pearce Wilcox, Nick Wind Girls: Jayne Bradley, Kathy Budai, Pam Colmer, Nancy Jackman, presented by Mr Brunt and Mrs. Montpetit. Screech Owl Awards Awarded to the Editor of the 1973-74 Screech Owl. Winner: Valerie Bothwell, presented by Mr. C. Clarke. Awarded foi the greatest contribution tc the success of the 1973-74 Screech Owl. Winner: Jessica Nimigon, presented by Mr. C. Clarke. Newton Visual Arts Award - Presented to the student obtaining highest marks in Year 5 Art. Winner: Merry Bridges, presented Mr. N. Newton. Hoskin Award - The Hoskin Awardisprented to the student with highest standing in Year 5 Eniglish. Winner: Merry Bridges, presented by Mr. M. J. Kelly. Squair Prize - The Squair Prize is awarded to the student with highest standing in Year 5 French. Winner: Marilyn King, presented by Mrs. A. Krakenberg. Geography Award - This Award is made to the student obtaining highest standing in Year 5 Geography. Donor: Mr. Douglas Gould. Winner: Pearce Wilcox, presented by Mr. B. Ball. Jolliffe Prize - This Prize is in memory of the late Lieute- nant Ronald Jolliffe and is awarded to the student with highest standing in Year 5 History. Winner: Leslie Vyfhuis, presented by Mr. G. Milovick. Lions Club Prize - Awarded to the student obtaining high- est marks in Year 5 Mathenia- tics. Winner: Frank Jaspers- Fayer, presented by Mr. Bruce Lush. Brookdale-Kingsway Award - This Prize is awarded to the student with highest standing in Year 5 Biology. Winner: Pearce Wilcox, presented by Mr. K. Henry. Senior Physics Award - Presented to the student with highest standing in Year 5 Physics. Donor: Mr. Merrill D. Brown. Winner: Pearce Wilcox, presented by Mr. G. Corden. Rotary Club Prize - Award- ed to the student obtaining highest standing in Year 5 subjects ncluding first class standingina least five of those subjects. Winner: Pearce Wil- cox, presented by Mr. A. Al-n. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Scholarship - This Scholarshipis awarded to the upil in ear 5 with the hîghest standing and includes Mathematics and Science. Winner: Pearce Wilcox, pre- sented by Mr. N. Webb. The Louis W. Dippell Me- morial Scholarship - This Scholarship is awarded in memory of the late L. W. Dippell who was Principal at Bowmanville High School fromt1929 to 1961. Awarded to the student with highest stand- ing in Year 5 Chemistry and either Biology or Physies. Winner: Pearce Wilcox, pre- sented by Mrs. L. W. Dippell. Royal Canadian Legion Shlrh - This Scholarshi is awaretto the student witg highest standing in Year 5. Winner: Pearce Wilcox, pre- sented by Mr. S. Dunn. Ontario Scholars, Merry J. Bridges, Mark H. Elliott, Frank E. Jaspers-Fayer, Marilyn E. King, Pearce G. Wilcox, presented by Mr. J. Gowing. Valedictory Address - Valedictorian - Pearce Wil- cox. Bursaries - Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Cana- da Ltd. Pearch Wilcox, Wo- men's Auxiliary, Memorial Hospital Catherine Porter. Harbor in their 1974-75 budget. The contract was awarded by the Minister of Public Works on November 5th. The ministry of the Environ- ment and Ministry of Public Works sent regional engineers to assess the situation of the breakwater and the harbor depth. On this information the government decided to do repairs to the breakwater. MP for this area, Allan Lawrence stated that he thought the dredging of the harbor was more urgent."It is time to mount a frontal attack, because the harbor has a tremendous value,"Mr. Law- rence stated. Town Couneil and the Harbor Commission have done a lot to get action, he continued, and wth more of their pressure and a public outcry of the people in the area, more might be done. The repairs to the break- water are expected to be completed by December 15, 1974 provided there are no delays. Newcastle Adopts Charges With only - Councillor Ken Lyall dissenting, Newcastle council has adopted a sched- ule of development charges recommended by the planning advisory committee. Councillor Lyall said that the charges are really lot levies, and will increase the cost of houses in the area. He added that these levies would be added to the region's levies also collected by the local municipality. When il was pointed out that the charges were already in effect in Bowmanville, he urged that they be removed from that town as well. The charges are $150 for a bachelor apartment, $300 for a one-bedroom apartment, $450 for a two bedroom apartment, $600 for a three or more bedroom apartment, $375 for a senior citizen dwelling unit and $600 for all other perman- ent dwelling units. They will apply to all development or redevelop- ment or land use that requires a plan of subdivision, sever- ance or zoning change. With Christmas on its way and retailprices at an all time high, this may be the year to explore alternative shopping op- portunities. Factory outiet stores should be high op your list. A factory outlet store is ex- actIy what the name implies. it is a store established by a factory to sell off products that, for one reason or another, have not been wholesaled. Clarke High s Honor Graduates Pose for Pîctures Principal Greets Clarke's Valedictorian Carol Barnett was the Valedictorian at Clarke High School's Commencement and is greeted here by Principal E. G. Witherspoon. Clar ke Commencement Clarke High School held its annual Commencement Exer- cises on Saturday evening with a varied program includ- ing selections by the choir and band, as well as the address of welcome by the Principal E.G. Witherspoon and the presentation o diplomas and awards. The complete list of awards follows: Secondary School Honour Graduation Diplomas, pre- sented by Principal E.G. Witherspoon - Betty Adegeest, Irene Allin, Carol Barnett' Denise Beaupre, Edward Boekee, Kenneth Boyd, Steven Boyd, Judy Brown, Janice Caldwell, Carol Chatterton, Veronica Ciesielski, Craig Cochrane, Craig Davison, Peggy Dewitt, Joan Duvall, Sheila Kennedy, Gilbert Lam- oureux, Larry Lunn, Garth Moore, Martin Mostert, Trac Myers, Robert Northrup, Ruth Paterson, Jennifer Payne, Margo Payne, Ani' i Pigeon, John Van Niejenhuis, Louise Van Niejenhuis, Geraldine Vandenbrink, David Wilson, Dirk Woudstra. Secondary School Gradua- tion Diplomas, presented by Mr. J. Sylvertervich - Debra Adams, Steven Allen, Lorne Allin, Margo Allin, Mary Allin,James Barchard, Ron- ald Beitle, Timothy Blaker, Rainier Bonsma, Ian Breen- nan, Catherine Bunting, Peter Campbell, Brenda Caswell, Ruth Chater, Lorie Darling, Kathyrn Dennis, Stephen Dry- den, Bonnie Dunlop, Nancy Duvall, Catharine Dwyer, Cindy Elliott, Cynthia Garrod, Joan Gerrow, John Graham, Arthur Groot, Donna Hale, Debbie Heard, Carol Hender- son, Douglas Henderson, Grant Hendry, Laurel Hilts, Debra Jenkins, Melanee Jes- sup, Paul Johnson, Dean Joncas, Sandra Kamminga, Grant Kent, Barbara Krause, Karen Lacombe, Linda Lang- staff, Cathy Lempen, Shelley Loucks, Richard Lovekin, Lorna Lowery, Lynn Lowery, Thomas Lowery, Daniel Mac- Donald, Susan Malkiewicz, Monica Manning, Thomas Martin, Margaret Moffat, Gail Morrison, Jennifer Munro, Jennifer Murdoch, Timm- Nichols, Barry Norton, Cathy Ogden, Rodney Payne, Alan Pears, Elaine Phoenix, Keith Powell, Susan Read, Cornelia Ruegger, Olek Sadiwnyk, Yvonne Schoenmaker, Dwright Searle, Christena Selby, Janet Simpson, Jac- queline Snelders, Susan Spry, Bradley Stade, Paul Staples, Susan Stark, Catherine te hens, Tracie Stutt, Gerald Veleke, Roy Verburgh, Irene Vogels, William Wagar, James Watson, Penelope Web- ster, Susan West, Dawn Witherspoon, Donald Wood, Ruth Yates, Kenneth Yeo- mans. Ontario Scholars - Janice Caldwell, Carol Barnett, Betty Adegeest, John Van Niejen- huis - presented by Mr. W.' Frank Thom, Director of Education and Secretary, The Northumberland and New- castle County Board of Edu- cation. AWARDS The Lancaster Award - Isobel Davidson - for highest stand- ing inYear 4 Science, present- e by Mr. S. Lancaster. The Storks Award - Anita Pigeon - for proficience in Year $ Latin, presented by Mrs. W. Storks. The Prof. John Squair Award - Cathy Dwyer - for highest standing i Year 4 French, presented by Mrs. R. Carlaan. The Armstrong Store Award - Tracie Stutt - for highest standing in Year 4 Home Economics, presented by Mrs. W. Armstrong. The Nevcastle Lions Club Awards - Tim Blaker - for highest standing in Year 4 Geography, Arthur Groot - for highest standing in Year 4 Mathematics, Maxwell Bur- rows - for highest standing in Year 3 History, presentedby Mr. D. Adams. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Branch of The Royal Canadian Legion A- wards - Arthur Groot - for highest standing in Year 4 English and, enrolment in Year 5, John Cornish - for highest'standing in Year 2 History, presented by Mrs. N. Colmer. The Lorne Johnson Award - Mary vander Heyden - for highe t standing in Year 3 Biology, presented by Mrs. L. Johnson. The St. Joseph's Parish Council of the Catholic Wo- men's League Award - Dawn Witherspoon, for highest standing in Year 5 Geography, presented by Mrs. M. Zoel- man. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Award - Debbie Adams - for highest standin in Commercial, pre- sented by Mr. Adlamilton, The Bowmanville Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Award - Verna Jordan - for highest standing in Year 2 English, presented by Mrs. I Whitney. The Vickery Eleètric Award - Steve Dryden - for profic- iency in Industrial Arts, presented by Mr. R. Wells. The Women's Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Bursary - Ruth Chater - awarted to the student taking an approved course leading to a Nursing career, The Bob Best Memorial Award - Ken Boyd - presented by Mr. R. Best, The Frank Hoar Award - Anita Pigeon, for highest standing in Year 5 French, presented by Mr. F. Hoar. The Orono Weekly Times Award - Sheila Kennedy, for highest standing in Year 5 English, presented by Mr. R. Forrester The S. B. Rutherford Award - Brian Miklos - for outstand- ing achievement in Year 5 Biology, Presented bv Mr. S. B. Rutherford. The R. B. Rickard Award - Martin Mostert - for highest standing in Year 5 History, presented by Mr. R. B. Rickard. The Curvply Wood Products Ltd. Award - Janice Caldwell - for proficiency in Year 5 Mathematics and Science and enrolment in a Canadian University, presented by Mr. S. Mather. The BowmarIville Rotary Club Award - Sheila Kennedy - for proficiency in Year 5, presented by Mr. A. Allin. Elmer's Garage Award - Joan Gerrow - for proficiency in Art, presented by Mr. P. Whalen. The Bowmanville Branch of The Royal Canadian Legion Scholarship - Jancie Caldwell - for highest standing in Year 5, presented by Mrs. I. Whitney. The Stutt's Pharmacy Award - Carol Chatterton - for academic achievement and taking an approved course leading to a Hospital career, presented by Miss S. Stutt. The Smart's Esso Award - John Van Niejenhuis - for academic achievement and to encourage further education, presented by Mrs. N. Smart. The Rolph Hardware Award - Martin Mostert - for profi- ciency in Year 5, presented by Mr. O. W. Rolph. The Thos. Montague Scho- larship - Ruth Paterson Robert Northrup - presented by Mr. W. Frank Thom, Director of Education and Secretary of the Northumber- land and Newcastle County Board of Education. The Orono Heather Rebekah Lodge Award - Carol Barnett - for proficiency in Year 5 and to encourage further educa- tion, presented by Mrs. D. Swan. The Toms and Sons Award of Merit - Betty Adegeest - for academic achievement and to encourage further education, presented by Mr. M. Paterson. The Mathematical Associa- tion of America Award - John Van Niejenhuis - for highest standing in Clarke High School Senior Mathematics, presented by Mr. S Reisch. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY AWARDS 1973-74 Midget Girl Champion - Janet Lovekin, Midget Girl Runner-Up - Michelle Fennell and Tina Van Niejenhuis, Junior Girl Champion - Mary Ann De Witt, Junior Girl Runner-Up - June Kimball, Senior Girl Champion - Yvon- ne Schoenmaker, Senior Girl Runner-Up - Connie Ruegger, Lilly Woo and Peggy De Witt, presented by Mrs. C. Lowry. Midget Boy Champion - Gray- don Moore, Midget Boy Run- ner-Up - Tim Jenkins, Junior Boy Champion - Brad Hillis, Junior Boy Runner-Up - John Cornish, Senior Boy Champion - Ken Boyd, Senior Boy Runner-Up - Garth Moore, presented hy .Mr. L. Lowrv The Trophycraft Award - Irene Vogels - for sportsman- ship among girls, presented by Mrs. C. Lowry. The Lyons and Keenan Award - Garth Moore - for sportsmanship among boys, presented by Mr. L Lowry. The Warren Johnston Me-. morial Trophy - Bill Wagar - to the football player judged by his coaches and team mates to be the most dedicated team member, presented by Mr. L. Lowry. The Student Council Pin - Tracy Mvers and Larrv Lun - to the past Presidents ot tie Student Council, presented by Tom Martin. Co-Pr£sident _of tne Students' Council. The Valedictorian Address - Carol Barnett. Deficit Trent Unîversity s accum- ulated deficit has been re- duced to less than $4,000, J. E Leishman. v-ice - president (finance), has announced. Mr. Leishman cited what b termed a "remark- achievement" by all se'_ of the university in ý' year ended AprP • B.H .S. Commencement

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