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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1974, p. 1

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HoId Op en House at Strathaven Nursing Home Incumbent Alan Strike D eeted ~EIect Thomnpso n adrout Former Public School Prin- receiving 12 and Emmett cipal, Andrew M. Thompson Creighton 7. In Ward II, headed the poilIs here in his Crieighton received 22 votes first bld for election as a and MacNamara 15. In Ward trustee for Ward II on the III, MacNamara received six Y;Northumberland and New- votes and Creighton four. ln castle Board of Education. ,He the overaîl voting, Creighton received 638 votes, while in was elected with 904 votes second place, a former mem- while MacNamara received ber of Bowmanville council, 583. ,Maurice Prout, collected 558 In Ward.III, Newcastle and votes. Incumbent Alan Strike Clarke, William Carman led " was third with 480 and another the poliswith 708 votes with a former councillor Keith close race for second. Law- >ý Shackelton received 232 votes. rence Greenwood received 480 Only 1163 electors out of a total with George Cameron in third of 7299 cast ballots for a 15.93 spot with 478. The first two are percentage. elected unless a recount is held. 1002 votes were cast out ln Ward 1, the former of a total of 6021 for a. Darlington Township, only 19 pretg f1.7 Fred Beaucage, owner of Strathaven Nursing Home, receives a golden-key from Alex Carruthers M.P.P. Durham County, at the officiai opening of Strathaven on Nov. 29th. The onlookers are: (lef t to right) G. Gerrits,. contractor; Mayor Garnet Rickard; C., Melvor, architect; and Rev. T. H. Snmith, minister of Newcastle United Church. About 300 guests enjoyed refreshments and dancing at the opening festivities, with Stewart MeTavisti as Master o f Ceremonies. On Saturday afternoon the Open House' continued wi th several hundred additional visitors being welcomed. The building exterior is sflown in tre lower photo. ments were served and guests. with the architect 'for techni- Elecetion Results Councîllor Lloyd Wlliams defeated former Deputy Reeve Foster ýRusseil for the position of Reeve of Hamilton ToWnship in Monday's elec- tion. 'Allan Dines defeated incumbent Reeve Gordon Carruthers for the position of Deputy Reeve. Three councillors elected are Albert :Emond with 1192 Volume 120 24 Pages ýAY, DECEMBER 4, 1974 15e Per Copy Number 49 q onElectrocuted In F reok Accident, Cyril Aluin, 43, of R.R. 1, Bowmanville, was killed Monday in one of the most unusual accidents ever to occur in this a rea. It happened in Cobourg where Mr. AIlin had stopped to buy the 1975 vehicle licence sticker at the Motor Vehicle Office on Charles Street. As he stepped out of his car to scrape ice off the windshield, a'large branch covered with ice blew off a tree on the north side of the street, falling on top of a 3200 volt power- line that came clown and struck Mr. Allin, electrocuting himn instantly. He is survived by his wife.and two children.Funeral service will be held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Aluin had been employed by General Motors. 'Bus HesonBeafts Wlaîdyka An arts ana crafts room, a danced until 2:00 a.m. to the 'cal acivice. tBotn tacetBeau- votes, uirn s JtoU11wiLni -mu~>m hairdressîng salon and ai musicof Ross Jackman. cages have spent time in Spain votes and 'Bruce Eagleson private chapel are onya e When 1 visîted on Monda and the Spanish design and wt 0 oe.Fo r'P o rtý H op e Io y o7ý' Jo » ' of the features of thenagi- the reception rooms were sti i Mediterranean decor reflecet latercfrRevth Homne on King Street in well wishers. In the back, the beginning of Dputy Reeve 1237 to 913. victory over incumbent i ouclor akinto office, votes, Pat Laso 11,20 vo(tes. Bowanile.Owners, Mr. and Mrs. Fred a sunken garden are evident. Defeatedi contenders for chaei Wladyka iathi rc fr nenw acon Port Hope Johni Gimibit 932 votes, Tom 300 invited guests gathered to years working on this buiid- the terraced garden. A seconid with 888\votes, Cecil Jibb 710 elecinwshlé'opae eodinteWoaot32vts celebrate the open"ing Of the ing. Together, they desi gndfortraebstrhs oeIa ae 3 oe, Whiie the voters imay have polling. Th1e vote was as Port Ho pe for the second $1'2 mrilili on omlex. Refresh- the facility only consul tiag (Turn t Page1 Two) Gary Warner 237 votes, Doug been dissatisfied with the follows Mal Berry 2131, Mrs. time voted against fluoridat- Sopher 180 votes and Jim mayor they were not dissatis-.Ioan Fredrickson 2106 votes, ing the town water supply, The (Turn 10 Page Two) fied' with council as they Bob Trueman 2096, Rene vote was 1506 in favor and 1831 Racine 1913, Cole Locke 1866, against. The fluoridating of L ïE dsa y M a S> 170Of V i nn, atand William Wyatt 1787, (ahl town water was first voted Lin say Ma $ 70 W nne"a the foregoing were elected) against la 1961. LegîAOnq% &%l Noem e 505_rwUEKIS~ PEE Re-elect'Mrs. Reisieznr WE KEARLY - The Puppet Festival at the TIown Pl The November Draw for Total Sales for the, month Novembers Draw. Hall was not held iast Thursday night as we 10-«d f Ed c to Branch 178 Royal Canadian were $375500 an increase of Mrs. Eva Smith, Newcastle, iiatdnthscunlstwe.Brd o E CaETION Legion Welfare ýFund 'was $52100 over the October Sales a winner of $25.00 la the niaeintscou ltwekAp rnlyw PtHpendoetw- made at the Ladies Auxiliary and $153.00 greater than last, (Tura bo Page Two> were a week App. ntediti arnt la e shpow ert peend bpe townlCO RRECT Bino o Wenesay venngtomrro De. Sh) nd he imehasman and a woman on the A statement attribnted to Big nWdedy Ynn oorw(Thursday, D t)ad h iehsNorthumberland-Newcastle Councillor Don Allun in last November 27th, 1974 in the been changed to 8 p.m. So, our apoligies to those Board of Education for the week's Canadian Statesman Légion Hall. Cuun I M- u IIoIIIL who went to see it last week and were disappointedý next two years. was flot made by Councillor As is customary in the' Incumbent trustee, Harriett Affin, but by Councillor Don month of November the pro-m but from what we hear of the show, it will be worth Rilrple h otvtsWan ceeds of the Draw af ter p m Aes n ~ ~Pmaking the return trip tomorrow. reeiier1,984einthPrOt votes, ean -- - - 1,prîzes r t in n r *N iprc in oe In the storv entitled 'Claim and expenses, gues tw nraîîci 178 Pop py Fund to assist in the November Poppy Campaign. A cheque for $1212.00 was presented by the Chairman to the Leeion at the General Membership Meeting on Thursday, November 28th, 1974. KINSMEN DRAW The -Kinsmen Club's Com- munity Service draw was made on Tuesday, December 3rd, with Shane Armitage, Malcolm Kidd and Ted Hut- ton, winning $25 each. 1Newcastie Council passed a motion to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to make application for a, Neighborhood Improve- ment' Program for work on parks, sidewalks and lighting la the communities of Burke- ton, Leskard, Newtonville and Kendal. Councillor Kirk Entwisle told- the committee of, the whole that it meant provincial subsidies of 50 percent for sidewalks'and street lightiag and subsidies of 70 percent on acquiring park lanci. The application will be îmade for these particular communities because they fit the criteria of the the pro- gram, it being subsidy foi, community facilities in the hope it will encourage people to improve their homes. The application has to be made by December 1, so a speciai meeting of council was called during the committee meeting of the whole, for the purpose of passing the motion. Court Bowmanvilîe No. 964's bowling team number three had the distinction of winning the Foresters championship for Canada recently, when they rolied 6622 pins in six garnes. They did their bowling at Liberty Bowl here and the scores were sent in and compared with others from eight of Canada's 10 provinces. The above photo shows three of the team mnembers, from the lef t, Sharon Robinson, Mult Dakin holding the Earl Parsons trophy, and Howie Pollard. Joan Gibson and Morley Etcher were the other two members of the team.. SOME SERVICE - Our Bowmanville Post Office was not to blame for some very poor service last week, we're passing the buck to Toronto and they'1l probably say it was the fire in Terminal A that was responsible. Here's what happened. Ross Davidson, Manvers Township Clerk, mailed in a change in the municipal election advertisement thbat was to appear iu last week's Statesman. He mailed it in plenty of time on Friday, November 22nd out of Bethany and it arrived here almost a week later on November 28th,'too late for our edition. Any volunteers to run a Pony Express service, it might be faster. FIRST SNOWFALL - That first big snowstorm that arrived last Thursday night didn't bit us with ail the force they had eisewhere, but lef t enough to make us reaiize that winter is with us for sure. At the moment, for ail you deserters basking, in the baimy breezes down south, we have been through a freezing ramn on top of about seven inches of the white stuff and the roads a 'round town are siippery near the curbs, the wires and trees covered with ice and during the rain, a considerabie amount of water penetrated buildings that weren't too Wel caulked. So, apply more suntan lotion and enjoy yourseives. POOR TURNOUT - Élection Day was Monday but most electors ignored the event completely and refused to'slip and slde to the polling booths. Former Darlington Township Separate School supporters probably set, a new low when only 5.68 per cent of them came out to vote for their representative on the --Northumberland' and Newcastle Board of Education. We visited one poil iu town where the bored. scrutineers had been sitting ail day trying to keep them- selves entertained. They'd run out of dirty jokes and we couldn't think of one to brigliten their existence. If things don't go well in education for the next couple of years, the blame will have to rest with those non voters, they asked for it. BIT AWKWARD- The pay phone booth on Temperance St. was biown or knocked over eariy this week and was iaying on its side, making it quite awkward for customers who wanted to use it, How it happened is a mystery, at ieast to us, but one of Mother Beli's repair crews was on the job soon putting it back upright. It~s working again but looks a bit bruised. and 599 in Hope for a total of 2,543. This put Mrs. Reisler 464 votes ahead of George Hum- phreys, who was also elected with 1,552 votes froma Port Hope and 527 votes from Hope (Turn toPage TWv6)- NAME SCHOOL 'THE PINES' The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education has approved the name for the Clarke Senior Elementary School site as "The Fines' Senior Public School.' New Sopping Centre Corner of King and Simpson- Won't Harm Downtown Core," it was Councillor Don Wèarn Who spoke in favor of seeing development in Bowmanville, and added there was no available office space, no place other than the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn tu have dinner witb, your wife, and reported he had gone to the biggest hardware store in Bowmanville and had to wait 35 minutes to be served. Sorry, my mistake! Two Row Barley Champion John DeVries, 16,, of R.R. 4, Bowmanville, has won first prize 'in the two row barley 4-H competition atthe Royal Winter Fair as well as the reserve championship in the world comnpetition. John reported that he was returnîng a feed analysis sampier to the agriculture office in Bowmanville when Bob McNaughton, one of the 4-11 leaders informed him of his victory. In the world 4-H competition for two row barley, John placed second only to Alex, J. Blackwell of Scotiand. John lives on a 145 acre farm with his parents, William and Dinie DeVries, sister Evelyn, 13, and younger brother David, 11. The DeVries farm is primariiy dairy. 11e is a grade 10 student at Durham Christian High in Bowmanviile and has been, an active, member of the 4-H for the past four years in both the dairy and farm management clubs, In the future, John hopes to study modemn farmîng techniques at either Kemptville or Guelph. Safety Sam'Participa tes in Santa'1s Parade One of the floats that attracted considerabie attention in the recent Santa Claus Parad e was 'S-aiety- San' entered by Durham ltegional Police. Guests-Tour$ 1 '¼2Million F ac i1i ty a t S tratha ve n'ys Of f iciïa1 Op e n iHouse by Jean Ahlvik

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