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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1974, p. 5

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Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 Mrs. A. Delve and Mrs. H. at Mrs. Bllett's. A. Mellow, Oshawa, Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell Brooks, Mrs. G. Bowman and have lef t for a six week's Mrs. K. A. Billett were dinner vacation in Florida. Their guests of Mrs. A. È. Billett on daughter Margaret will be Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. flying down for the Christmas F. J. Bilett, Scarborougb, vacation. Mrs. Geo. W. James were Saturday evening callers who bas been a patient in st. PauI's Uni ted, ChurcIb Mnister - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorfl, B.A., B.D. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess * ~ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8,1974 MORNINGWORSHIP 11:00 a.m. ,"The Sword of the Lord", Sun.. Dec. 15 ........White Gift Service Sun., Dec. 22, 7:30 ........... Carol Service Christmas Eve, 7 p.m. Candlelight Service Nursery for Pre-School Children every Sunday. Sunday, December 8th, 1974 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 9:45 a.m. - Aduit Class, to meet in the Upper Room of Church office building - Classes for al ages, nine years and Up. Meet in Church HalIl, ta be relocated f rom there. 11:00a.m. - Nursery Baby Care. Toddlers and Kindergarten. Entrance to church, west side door, off Division Street. 1: 15 a.m, - Primary Dept., ages 3 to 8. Children ta sit With parents or guardian in worship service. Goto front of church ai cai11of minister and be directed ta Church Hall for classes. Parents with small children who desire ta corne ta the aduit Class at 9:45 shaîl have child care provided for them in Church Parlar. ilA.M.-WORSHIP SERVICE SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM AND BIBLE SUNDAY 7: 00 p. m. - Worship Service 8: 00 p. m. - Fireside Fellowship Group will meet in Church Hall A warm welcorneawaits you at Trinity Excerpts f rom Handel's Messiah wiIll 4e presented by the Senior Choir at 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 15 A FOUNDATION TODAY - A FUTU RE TOMORROW One of aur greatest challenges is helping one another ta understand and achieve relationships, especially between ail qroups within aur diurch -- FROW!-- Bv providing a new building for us and aur children.... tomorrows tuTre. in Tfle coming weeKs more information pertaininig ta the proposed addition will be given in this space. USED CAR' and TRUCK BARGAI NS f romi The Friend-ly People Page, 3 Oshawa Generai Hospital, bas been transferred to Memnorial, Hospital. Mr. Ron Strike, Queen's University, Kingston, attended Commencement Exercises at B.H.S. on Friday. Mrs. Herman Huisman and Mrs. Frank Brunt visited witb Mrs. Catherine Sim and other friends at Groveland and St. Petersburg for two weeks and ail returned home together. Mr. Pearce Wiicox,' Queen's University, spent tbe weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald WiIcox, Lamb's Lane. Trhe lu-service volunteers were the guests of tbe Hospital Recreation committee to a Christmas party iast'Friday. On arrivai each guest was presented with a beautiful Cristmas corsage by Mr. Romard. Eacb table bad loveiy arrangements. Many and varied were the delicious goodies. On behaîf of the Recreation Committee, Mrs. Marsden prsne a most generous chequeto beip defray tbe costs of Christmaq decorations. This was grate- fuily received . Mr. W. lunes, Director of, Spçciai Services welcomed the gùests. It was a day to remember and much appreciated by the volunteers. The Provincial Seretariat for Resources Deveiopment, the Honourable Alan Gross- man, recently announced that the Ontario Government will estabiish an extensive net- work of recreational trails througbout the Province. The trails wili be availabie to people wbo enjoy such outdoor sports as snowmobii- ing, cross-country skiing, borseback riding and biking. Beginning this winter, assist- ance wiii be offered to organized snowmobile clubs, municipalities and conserva- tion authorities for the up- grading and groom ing of s, existing snowmobile trails. Officiais from any of these organizations in the Lindsay District (Counties of Durham, Northumberland, south part Victoria and Peterborough) interested in the specific details of tbe snowmobiie trail assistance program, please plan to attend an "information meeting" at tbe Ontario Government Building, 322 Kent Street West, Lindsay on Tbursday December 5tb, be- ginning 8:00 p.m. Mary and Carlos Smith of Marydale Park, recently re- turned from attending tbe annual fali convention of tbe Ontario Private Campgrounds Association, heid at Bingemnan Park, Kitchener, Ontario. Campground owners from the entire Province, as weli as a number of represetîtatives from varlous government ministeries were lm atten- dance. Tbe Ontario Cross County Skiing News issued by Foxcs, (Federation of Ontario Cross Country Skiers), for this montb is the second issue and launches the 1974-75 season memnhership campaign tbroou gbiout Ontario. For informa- tion contact the Association at P.O. Box 2160 Station C, Downsview, Ontario M3N 2S9. Whitby Badminton Club wiii host theCentral Ontario B. closed tournament on this Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 7tb and 8th. Held at Henr'y Street High School, Whitby, the Men's and Women's Sin- gles, start Friday at 7 p.m. No admittance charge. The men's and women's doubles and mixed doubles start Saturday at 9 a.m. some of tbese players will go on to Thunder Bay for the Ontario Winter Games. Emerson Ellis bas' been REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street Phone 623-4824 Rev. Anthony DeJager SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday Local Children Christened On Nov. lOth, 1974, Jason and'Kimberley De Bruyn were baptized at a, private Christening at Trinity United Church by the Rev. Wesley Oake. They are the children of Leo and Lunda De Bruyn, 65 Simnpson Avenue, Bowmanville. Godparents for Jason were Kay Brown and' Herb Knapp of- Bowrnanville. Godparents for Kîmberley were Sandra O'Leary and Douglas Bailey (Kim's uncle). Open house was held after thé ceremony with cold plate and refreshments. In attendance were the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey and daughter Colleen of Mississauga, Mr. Art O'Leary and children Corre, Robent, Traci and Alison from ÏNorth York, Mr. Ken Brown with son Ryan, Mrs. RubyKnapp, and Fred and Gladys Nock, ail from Bowrnanville anld brother Shawn. Surp'rise Party, Honors Local Couple on 25th Wedding Ai Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer were bonored at a surprise dinner and dance at Nightingale Centennial Temp- le, on Nov. l6th. Kenneth Palmer, son of Mrs. Nellhe Palmer, Oshawa, and Miss Marjorie Aluin, daughter of the late Mrs. Cora Allin were united lu marriage Nov. l2th, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer bave two children, a son Gregory and daughter Gail and both were present for tbe occasion, On the arrivai of the bride and groom, tbey were present- ed with an, exquisi te corsaRe of eleý,cted president of Local 397, of the Un ,ited Rubber Workers at Bowmanville office. Vice- president is George Kennedy, Darla Allen is secretary and the treasurer is Fern Covert. Trustees are Frieda Knapp, Don Bagneli and Gary Tigbe. The bargaining committee: Ellis, Kennedy, Fern Covert, Gloria Adcock and Del Rud- man. Mr. Larry Brunt, Uni- versity of Guelph, attended Commencement Exercises at B.H.S. on the weekend. Mr. Elmer Scott, Garden Hill, paid, the Editor a cail on Tuesday. Lois Anderson, Eva Fowler, Carol Walker, and Mesje Barr, Port Hope. Marg. Sal- ley, Ana Kubay and Lyn Rogalsky, Cobourg, joined together and Mxade a Ginger- bread village for the, Olde Tyme Christmas general store of the features of the Port Hope Olde Tyme Cristmas celebrations. The church will be a raffle prize, wbile the bouses of the village will be on sale at the General Store. At a special meeting of the Peter- borough, Victoria, Northum- berland and Newcastle Ro- man Catholic Separate School board on November 28, Peter Roacb was appointed superin- tendent. His appointment will take effect on January 1, 1975. Mr. Roacb succeeds Fraser Hogle whose resignation is effective December 31 this ycar. Mrs. Helen Rice, New York, visited ber mother, Mrs . Dale, for a few days last week. Scbeduled events for, the coming weekend of Port Hope's Olde Tyme Cristmas include an Antique Show and Sale from 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. Wick trimming training. St Mark's and St. Anthonys fun nigbt. On Friday Ye Olde Market tea and dinner, Antique Show, the miss Olde Tyme Dance. On Saturday the Santa Claus Parade at 2 p.m., a turkey shoot and carniage parade. On Sunday, Tom Long's Histori- cal Slide show,, Pancake House, Clay, Modelling con- test, Christmas Concert, churcb services and a Sinny Match. Theres something for everyone., The Robert McLaugblÏn December Calendar includes. Dec. 1-8 Exhibitions: Editions 1, Juxtapositions, Michael Torosian, 5 Printmakers, 2 Life Drawing Class 9.30 a.m., 2 FilmProgram 8.00 p.m., 3 Creative Stitchery 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., 3 Life Drawing Class 7:00 p.m., 4 Noon hour films 12:00 noon, 4 Photo-, graphy Night 8:00 p.m., 5 Canadian Heritage Lecture 8:00 p.m. 7 Cildren's Art 10:30 a.m.«, 9 Life Drawing Class 9:30 a.m., 9 Film Program 8:00 p.m., 10 Crea- tive Stitchery 10:00 a.m.* and 1:30 p.m., 10 Life Drawing Class 7:00 p.m., 1-January 12: York Wilson Retrospective (1927-1973), il Special Open- ing Preview 'York Wilson Retrospective (1927-1973) 8:00 p.m., 16 Life Drawing Class 9:30 a.m., 17 Life Drawing Class 7:00 p.m. ,nniversary yelwsweetbeart roses and a tyelIlow sweetheart rose hou- tenniere. The tables decorated with yellow and white chrysanthe- mums and white candies for the dinner which was served to 85 relatives and friends. Kennetb Hooper acted very capably as Master of Cere- monies. He asked Rev. Harold Turner to say grace. Af ter the deliclous dinner Mr. Hooper purposed a toast to the bride and groom of 25 years. He then, called on Gregory who pre- sented bis mother and father with a set of walnut end tables and cocktail table of behaîf of those present. Gail presented. ber parents with a lovýely lace tablecloth from bherseif and Gregory. A set of silver spoons from the bride's miaid of honor of, 25 years ago, Mrs. Kenneth Hooper. Mrs. John McMillan, niece of the bride- was pre- sented with a gift for ber loyal support. Mh guest book was signed by tbose present and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Relatives and friends were 1present fromn Belleville, Wbit- by, Hampton, Oshawa, Orono, Newcastle, Baltimore, and Bowmanville. ENNISKILLEN Old Father Time bas dlaim- ed untimely, one of our beboved and most bighly respected persons, the late Mr. John H. Siemon. May our kindest tboughts and deepest sympathy help to ease the ipain of sorrow for John's wife 1Jessie, bis mother, son Rob- ert, daughter Katby, son-mn- law Ken and other relatives. On Sunday a.m. beautiful 1winter's morning lured only a »moderate attendance at Church due to bereavement and sickness. The weekly bulletin bad a most comfort- ing message to the Slemoh family from the pen of, our minister, and a brief sulent prayer by the congregation was observed lu tbe late John Slemon's memory. Our minister's messages were the children's sermon- ette on special expressions of exclamations e.g. "Holy Cow" etc. also a short story of twu kitteris, with one selfish one wbich hie related to of people's problems and urged ail to follow Jesus' example to "Love One Anther" nowý as we begin the Advent season. The sermon with its theme John the Baptist's message "The Lamb of God" He explained John -the Baptists' answer to the question "Who are you also te meaning to Lamb of God from Jesus' custom of sacrificing. Rev. Bigby encouraged his people to heed the caîl to walk in God's way with God's help. The Sr. choir had a duet lead by Mesdames Ruth McGill and Shirley Pollard in the anthem, "Hymn to Christ Cild". Susan Werry had the Jr. iCongregation in the S.S. room. The S.S session had its opening worship by two staff miembers Shirley Pollard and Joyce Vir tue also Kim Pollard and pianist Ulab Chambers. Joyce's class presented an acrostic with its central idea usine "anchors". Events past were the 4-H Homemakers Fal unit Achievement Day for Durbam North on Sat. Nov. 3tb in the local school auditorium with Home Economist Miss Mary Tompkins Bowmanville as M.C. and Mrs. Margaret Woof, Toronto as constructive critic by ber comments on the exhibits and skits. Clubs were from Betbany 1, Blackstock 1, 2, 3, 4, Enniskillen 1, 2, 3, Solia 1, and Yelverton 1. Clubs had entertaining skits and for interesting exhibits. Presentations were made by secretaries of clubs of certif- icates of achievement and silver 4-H spoons also some Leaders certificates. The large audience was motbers, Srandmothers, sisters, rothers, and some enthu- siastic friends. Some guests attended the talk, display and slides on Zambia by ex-missionary Mr. Maurice Bradley lu Enfield Cburcb. Our U.C.W. meeting is on Wed. p.m. at Mrs. Keith McGil's home. Report Later. open House for tbe newly expanded Strathaven Nursing Home lu Bowmanville last weekend gave many an op- portunity to see a wonderful institution in our locaiity. Some of our people were among the guests. 1Our U.C.W. catered another dinner in the Lion's Centre to the workers wbo take care of our region. Coming up events are (a) White Gif t Service, Sunday Dec. 15th, (b) The Christmas Cantata by our two choirs Dec. 2tb. More details next week of these two specials. Our hospital patients Mrs. E.A. Werry, Mr. S. Petbick, Mrs. Lorne Lamb, are im- provîng rapidiy. Keep up the great return to best of heaith. Mr, and Mrs. O.C. Ashton were Sunday guests of Karen and Chas Ashton, Oshawa, aiso enjoyed the presentation party at Shaw's Schooi for Sally Langmaid and Tommny Barrie. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Tor- onto, Mrs. SE. White, Bow- manville R.R. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon and Mrs. M. Stainton were among those who attended a bridai sbower for Miss Ellen Milîson at the home of Miss Marlon Brown, Oshawa. Mr. andMrs. Orr Jeffery, Port- Perry, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Pethick's. Mr. S. Kersey, Hampton, Mr. Ciare Asbton, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests at Mr, and Mrs. Harold Asbton's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin 's Bowmanville. Mrs. Glen Larmer, Biack- stock, were Saturday cailers at Mr. and Mrs. E.R.-Tayior's. Mr. and Mrs. Keitb McGiil, Brian and Cindy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman, Robyn and Lisa were dinner guests on SundaK witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGil, occasion of Mrs. Kinsman's and Brian's birthday. Con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. C.tainton the shower given by Mrs. Jack Hazeiton and Mrs. E.A. Virtue for Miss Aberta Davis at Toronto, bride to be beld at the home of Mrs. Virtue, Osbawa. Miss Mary Chestnut, Buf- fnb, N.Y. was a weekend guest witb Miss, Sandra Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cook, Witby, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery, Enfieid, were Sunday evening dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethîck, Scarborough were Monday visitors with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. SE. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Werry, Sharon and James, attended the funeral of their uncle the late Lloyd Stainton, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and James, were recent dinner, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Little Britain also at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cochrane and, famnily, Valencia. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 4, 1974 5 Church (Temperance and Qucen Sts.) "--He did fot think to snatcb at equality wîth God, but made Himself nothing assuming the nature of a slave. Bearing the human lîkeness, revealed ln human shape, He humbled Himself, and ln obedience accepted even death... Advent 11 - Decemnber 8 8: 00 - HOlY Communion 11: 00 - Mattins White Gifts of f ood and toys for the Downtown Churchwarkers Association wiII be accepted at all s ervices from bath children and adults. Give of your abundance as Christ gave Himself. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH PRESENTS MESSIAN (PART I and PART Il) Celebrate the Christmas Season by joining us for George Frederick Handeî's Sacred Oratorio. Sunday, December, 15 8: 00 p. m. ELLIOTT TREMEER-Conductor ROSEMARY MERKLEY - Soprano ROSS METCALF - Tenor ..ANAH COLES -Contralto ,S COTTON -Bass THE BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BAND AN OFFERING WILL BE RECEIVED TO DEFRAY EXPENSES. MAX FACTO] BOURJOIS-0 Colo Gif t BRUT] FABE Gift Seli ColognE Powder 5 KING ST. ALEX MCGIKtK r ug ST - 623-5792 Choose f rom a, Wide Selection tK Of Parkhurst Shetland 100 per cent Britishf Imported WooI Sweaters Ken 's Men 's, Wear 35 Temperance St. Next Door to T-D Bank suggesti-ons,

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