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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1974, p. 7

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RedE agies Defeat f Bow ýto Cobourg and SCORING LEADERS EAGLES TEAM SCORING Name Rory Gibbs Dave Tabb Boyd Knox Glenn Rice Doug Wood Ted Puk Keith Powell Jeff Legere Don Smith AlEmard John Wood Steve Davey TÔmMartin Bruce Osborne Gary Cox Doug Tamblyn Games Played 15 13 10 15 10 15 15 15 6 14 14 12 15 14 15 12 Goals 12 16 9 7 7 8 7 3 4 1 2 2 3 2 0 2 Assists 22 14 13 il 10 7 5 9 7 8 5 5 3 3 3 0 Total Points 34 30 22 18 17 15 12 12 il 9 7 7 6 5 3 2 26g Chromacolor. l'The quai ity goes in before the name goes on" 71am ingos Frankfotrd on Friday, Nov. 29th, the Red Eagle Jr. C's travelled to Frankford where tbey drop- ped that encounter. Bob Quel- lette playing bis first game for the Eagles held off. 48 'shots on goal and turnied in a very fine performance, despite a 9-5 score. Scoring for the Eagles in the first was Bruce Osborne from Gary Cox and Boyd Knox . In the second, Bowman- ville opened the scoring with a goal by AI Em-ard from Keith Powell and in the third John Wood tallied twice from Ted Puk and the second goal from AI Emard and Don Smith. A goal from AI Emard ended the scoring for the Bowmanville team. IGive the Men 1 Like the Gifts They Like.. -*. and what do men like? Why a gift from a Man's Store ... Chartran's of course! The store with the Christmas spirit and the gifts to match, WE HAVE A HUGEc SELECTION 0F GIFT IDEAS TO CHOOSE FROM. htan' Men's & Boys' Wear "Gifts for the Men in Your Life" For Your Shopping Convenience Open 'Tii 9: 00 p. m. Beginning Dec. 5 Saturday 9- 6 17 KING ST. E. 623-5567 F-Befqçeyou.Miyseuke or Jenny ai Falcon T -We service what we ssii - ourselves. ] -We accept trade-ins. One Additional Year of FREE Service for AUl Senior Ctizens FALCONT.V 426 Simco, St. S. Oshawa 723-0011 Sunday evening, Decemnber lst, saw the Red Eagles come up with a 5-3 win, in Port Perry. Randy Thiele started the. game in net and Bob Ouellette played the third period for the Eagles. Port Perry -opened the scoring in the first period but Bowmanville game back with a goal froma Dave Tabb followed just minutes later by a. goal by Glenn Rice from Rory Gibbs and AI Emard. Rory Gibbs came back at the 17:30 mark with a goal from Glenn Rice and at 18:30 Boyd Knox from Rory Gibbs ended the first period scoring. In the second, Port Perry kept the Eagles scoreless-and scored once themselves to make the score 4-2 for the Eagles. Neil McLaughlin for the Flamingos roared in to make the score 4-3 but John Wood playing another terrific game for the Eagles tallied from Keith Powell and Jeff Legere to end the scoring for the games. This was a hard fought well played game with hoth teams playing hard, Bowmanville goalfkeepers saved 34 shots and Port Perry 29. The Red Eagles played in Cobourg Monday night as they continued their road trip, and held it to a tie until with only 38 seconds to go, the Cougars scored the go ahead goal. Eagles pulled their goalie and Cobourg scored into the emapty net making it 4-2. No other details were available at press time. Night Hawks High Single M. Tribie .............. 301 High Triple 7 M. Trimble......... :.... 727 Team Standings J. Row e -37, B. Smith 33, B. Wilbur 30, M . Trimble 25, J. Burton 16, A.Burgess 15. Top 10 Averages MTrimhle 204, M. Bates 198, A. Lorusso 191, J., Burton 186, B. Smith 184, 1. Wright 184, K, Raiston 179, B. Wilbur 178, J. Dixon 176, P. Whalen 176. C.O.F. Lealque November 29, 1974 Team Standings H. Pollard 57 Pts., 37,509 Pins, J. G'ould 56 - 38,400, G. Smith 56 - 37,656, G. Prout 55 37,376, A. Van Goor 54 - 37,488, B. Smith 51 - 37,816, J. Spears 51 - 37,318, J. Luffman 491/2, - 36,100, P. Ward 46 - 35,821, J. Robinson 401/2 - 35,754, R. Vandenberg 31 - 36,912, G. Heath 9 - 34,424. High Singles V. Tendamn 269, H.,,Pollard 313. High Triples P. Ward 672, H. Pollard 738. if you're not stsidwi 'th your present Color T.V. TRY'A FROM Preston the M overs, Lose to Cobourg -3-2 Tie Ajax Squad 3-3 Dump Trenton 6-3 (in Friday, Nov., 29, the,. Preston the Moyens Major Atoms travelled to Cobourg for a league game and were handed a 3-2 defeat. Cobourg built up a 3-0 third period lead hefore Bowman- ville managed to score. Mike Stocker was the marksman, the assist coming from John KIOMDmaker. With onlv 2:02 remaining in the game, Darcy Cummings cored to narnow the margin to 3-2. The Toros pulled goaltenden Ken Wood- ard b ut couldn't get the equalizer. On Saturday, Ajax came to town and tied the floundering Major Atoms 3-3.-Bowman- ville had built up a 3-1 first period lead on goals scored by Bill Sainsbury, unassisted. Barry Cullen scored, the assist going to Captain Bill Hogarth -and Darcy Cum- mings scored a nîce goal, the assists going to his linemates Ricky Erwin and John Klomp- maker. Steve Skene was in goal for Bowmanville. On Sunday, the Preston the Movers Toros jounneyed to Trenton for an exhibition ccntest. Bowmanville started to show signs of emerging f romn a prolonged slump by skating to a 6-3 victory. Trenton jumped into an early 1-0 lead at -the 1: 29 mark of- the first perîod. Sixteen seconds later, Joe Nihill scored the equalizer assisted by R1od Plain. NihilI scored again, the assists going to Plain and defenceman Mike Stocker. Brian Ruddy scored the third Toro marker, unas- sisted. Bill Hogarth scored the onlyj goal of the' Middle period assisted by Plain and Bill Sainsbury. In the third, Mike Stocker scored a goal the assists going to Nihiil and JIohn $lornpmaker. Trenton fired a goal, only to have Darcy Cumnmings score a beautîful oal, assisted by Klompma-, ker.Trenton score d the final goal of the game making the score read 6-3. Ken Woodard and Steve Skene played in net for the Toros. Next weekend, Bow- manville hosts Cobourg on Saturday and travels to Mark- ham on Sunday. Hampton Garden Peewees Beat Ajax aind ile Lindsay on Sat., Nov. 3th, Ajax On Sun., Dec. ist, Trenton visited Bowmanville and were Minor Pee Wees were the sent home 1 to 0 losers. visitors for an exhibition game Mark Abbott scored halfway and skated to a 2-2 tie with the through the first period assist- Bowmanville team. cd by Jan Janack. The Halfway through the second Gardens crew made this stand period Jan -Janack scored on up for a one to nothing victory. a beauiful setup by Doug Ajax pulled their goaltender Dilling to make it 1 to 0 for for the last minute of the third Bowmanville about two min- period, and although coming utes later Trenton tied the close could not get the score, second period ending 1 eaualizer. to 1 tie. Tobin Riowe for two periods Early in the third period and Grant Bradley for one Doug Dilling put the Home period supplied excellent goal- team ahead 2 to 1 with Jan tending and everytime an Janack and Mark Abbott opoig forward broke drawing assists. Trenton scor- touhthe defence, there ed with about five minutes left was a forwa,-rd b-a*kcheciLiag to make the final score read 2 to take im, out of the play, to 2, This was certaînly the Gard.. This was also a well played en's crew's best team effort to fast moving game with very date. few penalties. Knopp' s Towing Bantamrs Coast foi12-3 Knapps Towing Bantams incneased their undefeated record to sixteen games as they defeated Ajax 12-2 in Ajax on Thursday and drop- ped Bay Ridges 7-1 in Bow- manvilie on Saturday. Brad Godfrey led the as- sauit in the Ajax encounter by scoring four goals and earning two assists. Don Farrow picked up two goals -aiong with one assist, with single mark- ers going to Tom Eymnan, Tim Buttonshaw, Perry John- ston,Scott Stevens and Ed Visser. Dean Rutherford had two assists with singles going to AI Brunt, Gerard Morrison, Rick Bain and Scott Stevens. 'Ajax got a pal r of goals from Fiemel and Adam's in the eariy' minutes lof the third period. > Brian Fraser and Britt Murphy shared the .goaltend- ing duties for Bowmianviile. in the game with Bay Liberty Belles Team Standings. Rbrs24291, 261/2; Gibson 248,2; aDnl 24036, 231/à; Bragg 23,999, 231/2; Partner 23,750, 2112; Aldread 24082, 20; Chant 23514, 161/2; Coombes 23448, 15; Burton 22539, 13; Robinson. 23205, 111/2, Bons 22078, 9. High Single Bessie Forsey ........... 266 High Double Bessie Forsey ........... 494 Top Averages B. Partner 208, M. Pearce 207, B. Stephens 205, M. Aldread 205, C. Roberts 204, M. MacDonald 204, N. Van Ab- bema 201, P. Forsey 197, W. Coombes, J. Spear 194. Men's Major Top 10 Averageý§ Ermie Perfect 255, Roger Davies 252, Gord Wilcox 247, ~' Jack Bond 245, Bob Burley 243, barry Piper 243, Maurice Richards 235, Wayne Combes ~' 234, AI Osborne 233, Dr. H.B. ~, Rundie 231. Team Standings Pepsi Cola, 44413 pins, 29 pts., Jury and boveil 44435, 22½/; Ken's Men's Wear 44859, 21; Percy's Fina 44112, 21; Dyk- sta's Food 43812, 201/?, I.G.A. 44187, 20; Frank's Variety 43440, 20; Rice Bowl 45095, 19;' Osborne and Shank 43967, 19; Beaver-bumber, 42767, 14; bander Hdwe. 42425, 14; Cowan Pontiac Buick 42150, j, 14. High Single ~Enie Perfect ........... 393 lligh Triple iî Ernie Perfect ........... 841 and 7-1 Wins Ridges the visitors opened the sconing at the three minute mark of the first period iJave Smith the. manksman. Fnom that point on the locals came alive and scored seven unan- swered goals for the win. Brad Godfrey notched the first one set Up by Gary Dusseldorp, with AI Brunt popping one in fnom Perry, Johnston, to end the first period. Bowmanville scored three goals in the second period, Tim Buttonshaw from God- frey, Ed Visser and Brad Godfrey pickedup a pain, both set up ly Gary Dusseldorp. in the third period Genard Monrison blasted one in from 20 feet out, set up by Scott Stevens and AI Brunt. Perry Johnston completed the scor- ing taking a pass from Brent Badour. The for the Major Bantam's wiii be this Sat.« at 7:00 p.m. in the local' ice palace. Tykes Wooliey 5, Nagel 0; Kna pp5. Stacey 0; buxton 5, Smitih0; King 3, Dilling 2. Team Standings Nash 40, buxton 37, Stacey 36, Dilling 34, Kniapp 29, Woolley 26, Smith 23, Terry 11, Nagel 7. High Single C. Nash 156, E. Rozema 144. High Double E. Rozema 264, C. Nash 256, Judy King 250. Bantam Boys Hammond 3, Rozema 2; Sut- cliffe 5, Aide 0; Sheehan 5,Wii- son 0. Team Standings Sutcliffe 43, Hammond 33, Aide 28, Rozema 26, Sheehan 26, Wilson 9. High Single S, Richards 168, D. Smith 164, R. Sutcliffe 162, P. Coombes 161. SHigh Double R. Suteliffe 308, P. Coombes 300, J. Sheehan 281. ,Bantam Girls Brunt 5, Hooper 0; Lunn 5, In- gram 0; Fairey 5, Van Goor 0. Team Standing Ipgram 46, Fainey 33, H-ooper 25, Brunt 22, Van Goor 20, bunn 19. High Single E., Williams 227, W. Brunt 1187, P. Almond 173 - 180, C. Hooper 171, High Double E. Wiliams 371, P. Almond 353, W. Brunt 337, C. Hooper 324. Junior By Wooliey 7, Dadson or Hopcroft 5, Visser 2; Bons 7j Murphy 0. Teani Standings Woolley 51, Bons 48, Ilopcroft 46, Visser 43, Murphy 23, Dadson 20. High Single Visser 225, R. Sneed 224, D. Hopcrof t 220, B. Terry 215, R. Hayward 206, Paul Wiggansý 203. High Triple Paul Wiggans,.......... 568 Junior Girls Luxton 7, Richards 0; Terry 5, Chow 2; Lavigne 5, Michelson 2. Team Standings Lavigne 61', Richards 40, Luxton 37, Chow 35, Fairey 32, Michelson 28. High Single b. Ingram 276-238, W. Van Goor 258-201, A. Chow 206, C. Lane 203. High Triple L. Ingram 653, W. Van Goor 652. Senior Mixed League Brooks 5, Roberts 2; Thomp- sonS5, Eves 2; Lane 7, Pearson 0; Combes 5, Davey 2. Team Standings Brooks 60, Thompson 51, Combes 47, Pearson 40, Davey 40, Roberts 34, banc 38, Eves 23. High Games B. Taylor 309-253 (753), G. Combes 292 (699), M. Roberts 256 (679), Judy Holroyd 264 (650), J. Brooks 255, H. Gray 255, C. Cowle 250, S. Davey 263, J. Whyte 256. Mixed Major League Bowling Top Ten Averages Albert Samamn 239, Peggy Haynes 238, Ernie Perfect 236, John Luffman 231, Doris Jol 231, Larry Piper 229, John Ford 225, Don Bagneil 224, Bernice Buday 221, Maurice Annaert 220. Team Standings Joli, 221/2 Pts. 37,695 Pins, Haynes 22 - 37,862, Bagnell 21 - 37,198, Crossey 20 - 36,920, Buday 20 - 36,425, Sheehan 19 - 36,545, Draper 171/2 - 35,416, Dunn 16 - 36,851, Patfield 151/2 - 36,107, Fairey 15 - 35,780, Coole 14 - 35,555, Sutcliffe 131/2. 36,222. High Singles Ladies - Pat Bagnell and Dorris Joli with 304. Men 's - John Ford with 355. High Triples Ladies - Pat Bagneil 802. Men'ls - Ernie Perfect 898. The Canachan Statesman, Bowmanville, December 4, 1974 7 * 623-3303 300 CLUB WINNE1{S - Nov. Z3, 1974 - 25-Don Cowle, 176-Joe Bosco, 157- Lorraine Cullen, 14- P. M. Burns, 180-Cal Potter. Nov. 30, 1974 - 117- Paul Sasnowski, 108-Dick Bain, 161-Lee Beers, 199-L. Greenyer, 227-L. MeRobbie. RULES HURTING - It appears to be taking somne time to convince some young hockey players that there are new rules governing fighting and the time spent in the penalty box. Already, at least one teami we've heard .>of has found itself handicavped because of player suspensions and even the coach being suspended because the teamhas gone over the penalty, time limit -set by the OMHA. In some instances, both players and coaches are reportedly making a joke of the, situation, but other players are getting fed up with it. Why should they go out and play dlean hockey, trying to win games, when every time the team plays, somebody is sittingout because of a suspension. And why should parents drive ail over the country, supporting the teamn when there's little hope of success, and one of the' coachesjsn't able to tunction because he's been suspended. The rules are there, trying to dlean up the game and prevent injuries. It's about time players and'coaches learned to live with them or eventually hockey could be as dead as lacrosse in this area. Almost every week, we receive reports of games with the comment that such and such a team lost the game because good players were sitting in the penalty box. We think t he coaches should get together and lay down the law. I DON & CLARE'S 1iý Cables.. The Gift That Keeps on 'Giving I1 Oshawci-Bowmonville 579-2232 Whitby 668-9331, NON Bru ce Fi*tz gibbon En terprises 1 Queen St. Bowmanville N :Complete Engine Rebuilding * rylinder HadBIuerprinting * uune-Ups and Installations N 'IExchange Engines- and HeadSN * (Rebuit and Used)N __~We Specialize N ~f~17In: High *Performance Engines Ail Our Work Is Guaranteed NI,'We'll Give Your Car Life' N You Didn't know It Iol' Telephone 623-7359 t 4 t. i FALCONTV SPECIAL SALE ON ALL '74 MODELS THE ARCTURUS .E4742W, 100% Solid State This Modern styled lowboy console refleets the finest detailing throughout from tiered overhanging top to gracefully tapered legs. Cabinet features simulated tambour doors with contemporary, styled pulls, 'decorative end panels, and a dramatically contoiured base frame.. Genuine oil finished Walnut veneers on top. Decorative, front, ends and legs of durable, richly-grained simulated wood material. Cabinet SPECIAL LOW PRICE- ý1- - 1

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