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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1974, p. 8

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8The -Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, December 4, 1974 he OPRi TeNewcastle Detachmenf 61 ,the Ontario Provincial Police itivestigated the following -lMotor Vehicle Collisions and occurrences during the period N$overober 25th,' 1974 to Dec- énber lst, 1974. STwenty-eight M1otor Vehicle .Collisions were investigated in wihich four persons were injured. As a result of these 'collisions eight persons have been charged with, offences under the Highway Traffic Act ~and one person bas been 'çbarged with a driving offence under the Criminal Code. ýThe Newcastle Officers also livestigated 93 occurrences of ~a general nature. Some of these are as fllows; There Were seven investigations into offences of "Theft", two EPORT, investigations into offences of "Wilful Damaze". one invest- igation into a "Break and Enter" offence and one invest- igation into an "Assault" complaint.' Other activities included investigations into reports of found property, and missing persons. Five persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Act, four persons -have been charged with offences under the Crim- mnal'Code and four persons have been charged with driv- ing offences under the Crim- mnal Code. The following is a brief report concerning various oc- currences that have taken place in the Janetville area. Over the past two months BARRYMORE HARD TWIST CARPET Solid Colour Hardtwist - Pile 80 Per Cent Acrilan* Acrylic Reinforced With 20 Per Cent Nylon C.M.H.C. - Heavy Household Traffic Rated PROFE SSIONAL APPLICATORS ON REQUEST USE VOUR "CHARGEX"I Mcregor-î rwr ýKimg St- W 623-2542 Two Guides Presentedwith Ail Round Cords On Monday, November 18, 1974 the 2nd Bowmanville Brownie and Guide Company held their Annual Pot Luck Supper. Lynn Laskaris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Laskaris at right and Sandra McArthur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. McArthur were p)resented with their Ail Round Cords. in a very pretty candlelight ceremony. Mrs. Gloria Nichols, District Commissioner (centre) offered hier congratulations, passed the cords to Captain Vivien Meachin, who gave the cords to each mother in turn to place upon hier daughter's shoulder. The Guides were both presented with Ail Round Cord pins and a cake from the Guide Company. there have been seven corn- plaints of Break Enter and Theft offences and two corn- plaints of Wilful Damnage. Due to intensive investigations 7 carried out by Provincial Constable D. MARTIN and Provincial Constable J. LE- GATE of the Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, eleven ju- venies -have been chaigeu i with a total of eighteen counts of Break and Enter and nine counts of Wilful Damnage. Also, more than $100.00 worth of stolen property bas been recovered. DRIVING TIP: DRIVERS: Avoid danger- ous skid situations ... Always adjust your speed to road, weather and traffic condit- ions. And remember, the best ~ way to slow or stop on a slippery surface is to pump the brakes. - - a a a. . . < Tour of the South, Pacifie, 19751 DEPARTURES: January 15, 22, 29, February 5 VISIT: Vancouver, Sydney Au$tralia, Cof fs Harbour, Lismore, Toowoomba, Auckland New Zealand, Rotorua, Wellington, Nandi Fiji, Honolulu.' SEE:ý Jack Ladd's Banana Plantation Cunnamulla Hereford Stud at Lowanna Bruiner Park Flora Reserve Norco Dairy Factory Cattie Sales Northern Co-Operative Meat Co. Gatton Agricultural College And More! Remember when it's winterin Canada it's Summer Down Under! This tour includes 67 meals, hotel accommodation, sightseeing, transfers, taxes, baggage handling, tour guide, airfare. Brochure is now av ailable in our office!! B5owmanville ,Travel Centre 47 King St. W. 623-3182 .623-5933 Baskets of pink and white cbrysanthemums formed an attractive setting in Holy Cross Roman Catbolîc Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, October 19, 1974, for the marriage of Sherri Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seab Claus, Oshawa, and Robin William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Virtue, of Bowmanville. Father Mario De Giusti officiated at the double ring ceremon,the churcb organ- ist, presided ai the organ, and the soloist was Mrs. Debbie Jones. .Given in marriage by bier father, the bride chose a formal gown of white silk nylon, fashioned with a halter neckline, and worn with a matching hood, edged with white fur. She carried a Victorian posy of red roses, pink and white carnations and stephanotis. Miss Elda Kirtley, Courtice, was the maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Katby Shaw, sister of the bride, Mrs. Anna Fawdry, Don Milîs, and Mrs. Janet French, London. Wearing identical formal gowns of deep pink silk nylon with hoods, tbey carried posies of mixed flowers.' Mr. Gerry Dodds, Oshawa, was best man, and the ushers, Messrs. Bruce French, Lon- don, Randy Cole, Oshawa, and Tom Fawdry, Don Milîs, wearing dark brown pants, witb velvet collars and ruffled shirts, piped with browii. At the reception, held at the, National Ukranian Federa- tion Building, in Oshawa, the bride's mother received the guests in a formal gown of turquoise and lilac floral chiffon, with a white orchid corsage. The groom's mother assisted in a formai. gown of pink silk, with a mauve orchid corsa ge. Following the reception the bride wore a midnight blue silk jersey suit, and a corsage of white carnations, for the Virtue - Claus Wedding boneymoon trip to Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Virtue are now residin in Oshawa, at 309 Adelaide S.., Apt. 7. Prior to the wedding the Mrs. Wilhert Archer enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Will Dugpn of Minden for Tuesday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer of Bowmanville were Saturday dinner guests while Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer of Whitby were Sunday after- noon callers of Mrs. Archer. -On Saturday the 4-H Home- making Achievement Day was beld for the recent unit "A World of Food in Canada" at Eýnniskillen Public School. During the day County Honors for the successful completion of six projects were presented to Anette Keuning and Lori Malcolm and Provincial Hon- ors for 12 projects to Wendy Lee. A few înterested mothers and Women's Institute mem- bers came out for the after- noonS program. Mrs. Dora McLaugblinl were presented with their 5-yearearsi certificates . The next club, "A Toucb of Stîtcbery" will begin early ini the New Vear: A number of local residents attended the funeral parlor in Bowmanville to pay respects for the late John Slemon, well known Enniskillen store- keeper. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tbirk- ettle of -Ayleham, Sa$katcbe- wan spent from Tuesday to Saturday as guests of Rev. and Mrs. Victor Parsons anid family. Rer. many friends are de- ligbted to know that Mrs. Olive McKee is home again returning from hier stay 111 Oshawa Hospital last Wednes- day. We ahl hope that you will continue to gain in strength, bride ýwas bosted at several showers given by Mrs . B. and Mrs. P. Bowler, Oshawa. Mrs. Kirtley and Elda, Courtice, Mrs. B. Milne and Mrs. J. Barclay, Bowmnanville. Mrs. McKee. Mr. Wilbert.Werry bas been a patient in, Port Perry Hospital last week but hopes to he able to be home again early in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs attended the Bow- maqville Hîgh School Com- mencement Exercises when their granddaughter Joan Samelîs received ber Second- ary School Graduation Dip- loma. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van. Camp of Listowell were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp and Aileen. Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth' Samnelis rccently attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe at Kedron. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell entertained ber brothers and sisters and nieces and nep- bews for a deliclous buffett supper and the evening. At- tending from bere were Mrs. W.W. Van Camp and Madame Justice M. Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp and Aleen, Mrs. Stanlord Van Camp and Doreen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemo ard Jeffrey. Mr, Jack Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter. Winners at the Senior Citi- zens Card Party were Ladies' First - Pauli-ne Aidrea, 2nd - Anne Manns, 3rd - Grace Bradley, Men's Higb - George Heasiip, 2nd - Ed. Harris, 3rd - Irwin Marshall, Lucky Draw - Reid Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly of Bobcaygeon were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. UCW Meeting The November meeting of the General U.C.W., held on the 26th, was opened at 1:30 p.m. with a poem about "Hope", rend by the Presi- dent, Peggy Larmer. After the singing of Hymn 364, "God be in my head" Marian Larmer introduced the pantomîne, "Tips and Tithes". Aileen Byers took the part of the narrator. Flora Samelîs the waiter and usher, and Audrey Wright and Jean Adams the couple going first to a restaurant and then to Church while Gladys'Thomp- son played appropriate music. Our lr too obvious inequali- ties_ i ings were clIearly brought to light. Marian rend passages from Genesis, Deu- teronomy, and Acts which pointed out the directions given us in the Bible regarding this. A prayer written by' Rev. W. Howard was read, the offering received, and Hymn 374, "We give Thee but thine own" ,sung. Dora Martyn showed a series of sldes entitled "Your Church in Mission" These excellent pictures showed how our contrihutors to Christ's work are spent in the Bay of Quinte conference area. Aid is given to various small indi- vidual congregations. to the Chinese communities which are so often isolated, to the School and Camp for the deàf. to the local Indian groups, to large outreaching city chur- ches such as St. Matthew's in Kýingston, to the Chaplains in the hospitals, and to the Theological College, Queen's_ University. SLunch was enjoyed during the business period which followed. Eileen Mcbaughlin had a display of cards and gifts for sale - many orders were taken, to bring the meeting to a close. Legilon Bowling Team Standings Whitney 2412 points, 34,354 pins; Gray 23'z2, 35,862; Sut- cliffe 18, 34,106; Sheehan 12, 33,577. High Single Ann Plazek ............ 298 High Triple Joan Sutkcliffe ........... 736 Top 10 Averages Joan Sutcliffe 224, Ann Plazek 205, Nyhi Sheehan 204, Bernice Partner 197. Irene Whitney 196, Mary Gray 193 -and Mary Bates 186, Grace Downey 183,' Jean Burton 182, Dorothy Oke 174. CHOCOLATES ,GIF'T WRAP . ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES 1 -I 67 King St.. E. 623-2546 Bowmanvull,. Ont. - m m m mm mmmmm- -mum m mu m ma flud,0lwiglo ig gf lacy týidea.... tochs In *oos Iof . I . . . .. . .I If b i Sý I...... We Offr giI * o H oly hcon fect.. I 3I * lingerie.StWith * wtohes. In * color76-7f52 WA NTED I Inter ested citizens or groups in Bowmanville. te contribute ideas and content to local TV programming. CABLECAST,6 s Your Channel Let's Hea r from You. Cal: Dan Duerden, 579-2235 Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited, Oshawa ÏABU AND AMBUSH Perfume Mist Special Trhe Northumberland und Newcastle Board of Education BOWMA NVI LLE HIGH'SCHOOL EV:1ENING CLASSES The fol lowing additional1 evening classes wiI be started in January if sufficient persons enroil: ADVANCED BASIC KNITS ADVANCED CROCHET BEGINNERS TYPING PART 2 INTERMEDIATE 5EWING Ail classes offered are on Tuesday evenings and wîil run for 10 weeks commencing Jan. 7, 1975 and each will cost $7.50 payable on the first nightof class. .NOTE - Persons already attending night sehool and enrollçd in lIntroductory Basic Knits, Typing, Sewing or Crochet should regfister through their evening class teacher. Ail other persons may register hy phoning BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL (623-4416) until December 18, 1974. i

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