2 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvilie, December 11, 1974 Section Two I.etter tu, December 7, 1974 Dear Editor: So tbe public is being taken for anotber rip off. 1 fail to see the logic in regional government putting the already over-burdened tax payer to the furtber expense of a Day Care Centre for IINK/N6 PEOPIfCLA/M OtIR IMAT/N6 Q ILS THE &6eS;BE ONVE OFTH)EM .rHE REST BOB'S TOWING 24-fOUR SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS PHONE 723-6624 RÉ. R. 3 - Bowmanville the Editor pre-schooi children of working mothers. How nice for the parents (especiaily homes where both are working) to have their babysitting paid by the public but who is going to betpaying ail those bundreds of thou- sands of dollars when there are so many unempioyed and s0 many 'future la y offs? Maybe in a short whle tbe majarity of tbese mothers wiii be unempioyed, sa in tbe meantime let them assume the responsibiiity of paying for their own sitting. And'the police, again and SO soon, are getting ino the act by demnanding more money. They are weii paid now and it is time our representatives in tbe regionai government toid them just that. This fairiy peaceful littie region is not a Detroit, New York or Chicago. Thus far, this regionai government (not wanted and not needed) bas been nothing but confusion, inefficiency and expense sa we are long overdue on seeing something constructive being done sucb as iowering taxes instead of raising them. The tax payer's pocket book is nat a bottomless trougb. SA Tax Payer The Doggy Place Boarding In Brand New Kennels Large Indoor-Outdoor Runs Heated Cattery Poodie Clipping' Book Now f or Christmas R.R.'l Orono 786-2234 SO YOUB sAF WAS BURG;LEDY YOUR STORE CAUG;HT FIRE AND YOUR AUTÔMATIC SPBINKLER DRENCHEDYOU INVENTORYS Sae nk u c on e erything ou va 1ue. SAIECO. OSBORNE t& SHANK INSURANCI AGFNCY LTD, SAFECOI PHONE 623-2527 108 Libertv St. N., Box 277, Bowinanville, Ont. LIC 3L1 Villa gers Dance in "Amahi and the Night Visitors" Choreography and tambourines are ai! part, of a second pla y being performed by the students of M. J. Hobbs Senior Public School. The play is entitled "ýAmahi and t he Night Visitors" and will be performed at Bowmanville High School December 12 and 13. Raie Requires a Liking for Whîpped ýCream of members of the Institute. Mrs. S. Butter y read, "Christ- mas is a Famiiy Day", for bier group and Mrs. Blair read "Quanderies I Quail In", it being quite humorous too. Carols were sung between numbers. Mrs. Stap1eton and Mrs. Mailey conducted a game where everyone blew out candies. Tbis was followed by an excbange of gifts with Mrs. Wiseman and Mrs. Malley in charge. To close a pleasant after- nioon we ejoyed a deliciaus turkey dinner prepared and served by, Mrs. Morrison's graup, Mrs. Twist thanked tbe group for serving us s0 nicely. Christmas music and carols were enjoyed by us during supper through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs.,Morrison M. J. Hobbs Senior Elementary School presents two plays in the Bowmanville High School Auditorium December 12 and 13. One entitled "The Plain Princess" lends itself to a littie slap-stick as the assistant Cook played by Greg Downes gets a pie in the face. The Cook is played by Randy MacDonald. 1i Bowmanvîile W.I.' Bowmanville Women's Io-, stitute met for their Chrstmas meeting on Dec. 5tb in Trinîty Sunday Scbool room witb 27 preseot. Mrs., Downey wel- comed everyone and asked us ta sing The Ode and repeat tbe Colect. Mrs. Flintoff read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the treasurer's report. Roll cail was answered with a Christmas thought or verse. Collection was taken. Mrs. Blair was aur delegate ta the Convention in Toronto and gave a very interesting report. She said they, had wanderfui piaoists, solos, duets and sang leaders and being near Christmas, carols and hymos were much eojoy- ed. She made special mention of Mr. John Angus an Irish Scotch soloist wba entertained at the dinner.' The new president is Mrs. Hughes of Port Hope and il was vated-ta stay at the Rayai York for next year's conven- tion. Many gaod speakers inciuded Miss Helen McKer- cher, Mrs. Maltby. Mrs. Noblitt and Dr. Ethiel Chap- man was prlesented witb a 50 year medal and in bier address said, we shauld, be getting prepared ta be youog, getting aid. Lieutenant Governor Mrs. McGibbon said she didn't knaw Institute wark well enough ta tell the convention anything about their work, but she would tell a little about hers, she said she is a housewife and homemaker, witb the average home duties ta- do, even bier awn shopping. Mrs. Blair said she wasn't goiog ta go inoamare details about Mrs. McGibbon's talk because she is tapek in Bowmanviileon April 28tb at the Canadian lub and hoped we wauld p ianta attend. A few ideas braught out at the convention were, make use.of the nutrition work shops organized by thie gvernment for us. Make people aware of Institute work and study aur by-laws. There is a new rase soon ta be on the market; 'Adelaide Hoodless", a flani bunda. An interchange of Institutes is taking place wbicb shouid prove very belpful in Institute work. Mrs. Blair thanked, the members for sending, ber as aur delegate 'and saîd she thor- oughlyý enjoyed it. Mr. T . Buttery presented Mrs. Wiseman witb a gift in recognition of ber being pro- moted ta a board member. Mrs. Billett gave tbe motta, "Christmas Tbrougb the Years". She began bysaying, of course we wouldn't have Christmas at ail if Christ had nat been born in the littie tawn of Bethlehem maoy years aga.' Sbe resents thé a ds saying, Let's put Christ back inta Christmas. Christ and Christ- mas bave aiways and wîll always belong together. It is tbe people who make an entirely wrong use of Christ- mas, wba are in error. Wbenever we feel cancerned about the future of humanity, it is well ta remember that God ioved the worid 2,000 years ag a and be loves it yet. Some Christmas legends were interesting. one being Santa Claus, wbom we ah koow ta be a myth. Legend of tbe Holly, in cannection with Christmas it bas came ta represent the crown of tborns warn by Jesus, the red bernies repre- seoting the blaod. A Christmas custam that bas pagan asso- ciations, kissing under the mistletoe and the word mistie- tae means "Give me a kiss". Mrs. Billett closed with the legend about tinsel. -Mrs. Downey tbanked Mrs. -Billett and ail atbers who took part in the programme. The meeting closed by singing "Gad Save the Queen", and we tben bad aur Christmas programme, each graup being respansible for one numnber. Mrs. Morrison eave a humar-' aus reading, 'Miss Prim's Christmas Shopping", Mrs, Stapletan 's group had a lîttie dialogue, "A Change ai Ueart", and Mrs. Wiseman, a member of Mrs.,Stapleton's graup camposed verses in- ciuding the talents and duties Mrs. Downey said, we as a group would like to extend to Mrs. Johns, our best wishes on ber wedding anniversary to- morrow and ail sang happy anniversary. Letters to the Editor Dear Sir: The 'annuai Sunday School Christmas program at the Rossiand Road Free Metho- dist Church, Whitby, wiii be heid Sunday Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. A most interestjng Christmas program and play lrelude to Christmas is 'being prepared by the Sunday Sehool staff and cbiidren. A hearty invitation is extended to the entire famiiy to attend. Christmas Sunday, -Dec. 22 at~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ilaÈ savr pca H ae i prcainfrti it Christmas Bnu $5O off Ail 1975 Televisions Upon Presentation of This Advt, We Have the, Lowest Prices by Keeping Overheod Down. We Service What We Seil ln a province the size of ours, it can take two days just to drive from one end ta another. lt's that big, its that spread out. And looking affer the environment for such a vast area is one of the most complex fasks that the Ont ario Governmenf has. For years, we've been working from Toronto, working at long dis-PorCkbr tances from many of you. That's ail changed now. The Min- isfry of the Environmenf has corne to you. Environmental maffers are now being looked affer in six Regional Offices fhrough- out the province. There are also 23 district offices to help keep a dloser eye on environ- mental services -air, land and wAater. Each region has a Director, someone whose only job is to care for the environménfal needs of that specific "piece" of Ontario. The Regional Office for Central Ont ario, which encompasses Ontario Minister, The Hon. William G. Newman Deputy Minister, Everett Biggs HoId Retirement Dinner For Hospital Employee Fifty-six employees and former employees of Mem- orial Hospital attended a retirement dinner beld in bonor of Frank Stubbert on Cbristmas service. The even- îng service at 7 p.m. is to be a candleligbt'service conducted by the Young People. A warm welcome awaits you, at ail services at the Wbitby Free Metbodist Churcb. Witb tbanks Tbursday, November 28, 1974 at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel. Special guests at tbis gathering were Mr. Stubbert's family: Mrs. Boyd Woolley and Mrs. Charles Nas (daughters) and Boyd Woolley (son-in-law). A deliclous dinner was foliowed by a presentation of a bank debenture, by Denis Pickard, Manager of House- keeping and Laundry and Mrs. Florence Vanstone, a fellow employee of Mr. Stub- bert. Mr. Stubbert expressed Regional office, 150 Ferrand Drive Don Milis, Ontario Tel. (416') 424-3000 Met ropolif an Toronto, the Regional Municipalities of Halton, Peel, York, Durham, MVluskoka, and the Counfies of Simcoe, Northumberland, Peter- borough, Victoria and Haliburton, s in Don Mils. The Direct or in charge is Mr. P, GD. Cockburn. District offices are already est ablished in Barrie, Gravenhurst, Pet erborough, Oakville and Toronto. Paul Cockburn is a prof essional engineer who has had many Vears experience working in environmental management. He's familiariz- ing himself with the envi- ronmental needs of the Central Region- as part of Ontario's new policy to place environ- ~ mental cont roI clse fo the i source. District offices; Barrie, Grovenhurst, Peterborough,, Oakville, Toronto Envumonment Onariîo goes local. Distinctive Floral Themes for ANY Occasion F LOWEIRS by J ACK MA N Phone 623-3365 162ý KingSt. East 6 new reqbcional offices to serve individudi communities beiler. Th'e New Ontarjo Ministry of the Environment